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This test will be for me the final prove about Mineoro LRL devices. I promise to tell only the true about Mineoro performace on this gold field. I hope to find something who change my opinion about LRL... Best regards |
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Also, you are awfully mistaken on this. It's not a matter if I'm wrong or not. There are dozens of Mineoro users who are sucessful and you know that. I personally know several of them and I can provide you email and telephone contact if you ever desire to talk to them. If you haven't suceed so far, is it the detector's fault? For many times I found nothing with Minelab alone during hours of search. Is it the detector's fault? As it seems you know Alonso, you probably also are aware he found a tiny gold nugget in a mine at the time he was still testing the FG80, at a depth no other regular MD his team had could detect. I found many gold veins in my last trip to central region of Brazil, even at night time. In fact, finding gold veins in this region is done almost a regular daily basis as the atmosphere is highly ionized and the weather is optimum. You probably don't know anything about it as you don't live here. So with all respect, your report will be absolutely useless to me due to the reasons and the users I mentioned above. Maybe useful for people here who do not know the detector. And for these people, if you don't suceed, your negative feedback could probably mean the detector failed alone, but in reality som many variables could have been present, including there was no gold where the detector was used, don't you agree? This is funny. A friend of mine when wishing to buy a particular garret model, went to a MD forum and when he saw only one negative feedback of a user who still had not had sucess with it yet, he got insecure. People are like that. PS. I have absolutely no conection to Mineoro. Be this comercial or financially. I wish I had tough. It would be a really welcome extra money. ![]() Iit's up to you believe it or not.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
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I Agree with you simply I spoke for the opposite case where we speak and speak for the same subject certain years now. Finally maybe it is clearly subject of personal perception Regards ![]()
Geo |
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Ehm, Fred, you were'nt here in the past. At the time a i used "RObert" nick. I posted so many posts on that subject. First few posts were calm and polite. Later when i faced rude offends and disrespect from "some" people i started also to give back to them same way. Even more. I "loudmouhted" arround and posted offends,funny pictures and various things...just to bug "then" more and puch them either to stop with nonsences and crap advertisements, either to strart saying more truth here... And, you know how that ended? I was banned for good. No more RObert here. After a while i was pushed (by administrator) to accept to act polite here and stop with nonsences. He gave me last chance to come here again (under this nick) and stay as member. So i accepted. One thing i cant resent to Carl is the fact that he also fought much against same evil here. Of course on his,more polite and democratic way. So you now have me (rude,unpolite,undemocratic,dictator) on one side and you can take Carl (polite,pretty democratic,to silent)...We both fought on our own ways against same evil and gained.......nothing! Evil is still here. Even more powerfull than it was. You have Max and Quiaozhi. They have more "scientific" approach when dealing with evil. Yet without succes... So i gave up. My efforts gave me nothing more than certain antagonism from some mebers here with Carl in front of all of them...I lost at the end. Best way to deal with THE EVIL is to discregard it and PAY NO ATTENTION on it AT ALL. Regards!
Silence is wisdom... |
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I can understand you becoming disillusioned in the battle against evil, but you are not alone. We must continue in our quest to rid the world of this pseudoscientific nonsense. In fact, there are more skeptics here than proponents, so why should it be hard to disagree with these cr*p advertisements. Most of them are an insult to even an idiot's intelligence. How we are expected to simply accept these outlandish claims about detecting gold from miles away, just beggars belief! Whenever some nonsense is posted here, we should all respond, otherwise the wallet mining will continue unabated. |
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The fact is we need some stupid ideas that don't work in order to provide a background to contrast brilliant ideas that do work. This is how we determine what is good and what is bad. By having some half-baked crackpots and their diatribe, we can easily compare the relative value of the technologies that excel. This applies not only to crackpot theories, but to the field testing as well. The physical results are the final proof of the pudding. The only real danger of what you are calling "evil" is that many readers are not technical people and they may believe the rantings of people who try to make it appear they are surrounded by respected physicists and engineers. These readers cannot be blamed if they are deceived by the technical-sounding facade. If they actually believe these pseudoscientists are giving them workable solutions, many may spend large amounts of money they cannot afford to buy expensive apparatus that will not find treasure for them. How many people have you seen post that their expensive LRL does not work, and they wish they never bought it, and can't get their money back? These are the people who are really hurt by the misinformation propagated by a few individuals who make false claims about these expensive contraptions.* I suspect that for every member who posts a message in this forum, there are maybe 10 non-members reading these posts just to try to learn what works and what does not. These are the people who most need to hear the opinions of the educated electronics and physics scholars who know better than to believe fake testing that never happened, and fake theories that violate the basic laws of physics and electronics. And this is the reason it is important not to ignore claims that are obviously false, made by people who refuse to back up their claims in a way that can be verified. Best wishes, J_P *Not all LRL proponents make false claims about their apparatus. Most have given very honest field reports. There are only a very few who knowingly exaggerate or lie about their LRL experiences, with emphasis on promoting a particular brand of LRL. |
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As in every conflict, if you use the same (or worse) behaviour than you oponent´s, you become "criticable" too, and loose respect from everybody. If we have enought tecnhical knowledge not to buy crap,whe can decide to keep quiet and not tell others, but when i see stupid individual wanting to steal money, i do my best to give my opinion about the devices they sell.I respect any indiviudual,i am no one to decide what other should do or not, but i will continue to say the truth about tecnhical facts or phrases or people when i can. And yes i have read posts from a banned RObert , i wondered why you were so different ![]() Best regards, Fred. |
Yes. All 3 of you have good points here. Very true and right.
Very important thing i forget to say is that i really,really have nothing personally against Hung,Dell,Esteban and few others. I swear on this. But i do have a lot against most of their claims here, a lot! Just as you noticed, i do beleive that 90% of members here are fullly capable to distinguish between true and false. Yet persistent,resident posting same old nonsences, really can brake man nervs, from time to time. Do they take us for idiots, for real??? After all this is only a forum,based on a good will. Not most important thing in my life. I took it very seriously from the beginning - my mistake. Regards!
Silence is wisdom... |
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I don't think we should encourage pseudoscientific gobbledygook, but let's look at it for what it is. It is a fascinating form of entertainment that opens our eyes to how some people cling to superstitions, much as early tribal members believed in the science of witch doctors. Today's version is riddled with pseudoscience rather than potions and tales of evil spirits (with the exception of Sharky's concern for jins who move treasures in the ground). The people who try to pass off pseudoscience as an explanation to convince others to buy expensive junk electronics have been invariably exposed as frauds. If Carl were to ban pseudoscience posts from the forum, then these perpetrators would seek other forums to fool their victims rather than coming here where there are ample educated technicians to debunk their deception. But the biggest reason to allow these idiots to post their diatribe is for the amusement factor sought out by the majority of the readers here. Best wishes, J_P |
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OK - I see what you're getting at now. Of course, we don't actually want to ban people posting their outlandish theories here, but they do need to be prepared to back up their claims. As I've said before - extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. |
I have had no experiance with mineoro so i do not know if they work or not.I have tested three other commercial locators and they did not work for me.I truely beleive the equipment that esteban built and uses works,he has given a lot of clues in his posts and i know how to build the first part and i am building it now,the last stage of the electronic circuit i do not know how to build,i know what it is supposed to do but i do not have enough knoledge to build the circuit,maybe some day he will tell how to build the last part.
Morgan hello thanks for the contribution they bring to the forum
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Hello my friend,i´m sorry to disapoint you with mineoro lrl tests near gold mine. All devices dc2006,2008,fg80,pdc210 give randomic signals in all the tests and never in the same place,only randomic siglals,all cheked with metal detector sd2200d pulse induction. The pistoldetektor beep two times in the same place and we found gold nugget but only 2m distance 10cm deep. I would like to present people in this forum with shematic of this device,maybe someone here help me to give more power to this circuit... Kind regards |
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i have the complete shematic of Esteban device. I want to share this with all forum members. this device works but at short distance... Kind regards |
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i have a look inside russian device and most of electronic components are painted,and its impossible to have acess to the antenna interior without damage it.With this device its possible to find not less than coin sized objets,so its useless for little nugget hunting. By the way,this pistoldetektor works ok,we find gold nugget 2m distance 10 cm deep. only with Esteban permition i will put schematic here... Kind regards |
Hello Morgan,i would really like to see that schematic,if Esteban does not want you to post it maybee you could send it to my e-mail,i will not post the schematic if esteban does not want it posted.I live about thirty miles from two well documented treasures,one i narrowed down to a one square mile area.If i could find either one of the treasures my dream woud come true.
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