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Old 01-20-2012, 09:08 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default I said start a new thread

I didnt say i was running away i just thought that GEO may wish to talk futher about his LRL and as i have ideas for something a bit different to his then i thought of starting a new thread so that the two similar, but different LRLs are seperated. I was going to start the thread with the last discussion with J Player. I dont know? I think i will ask GEO what he thinks should happen.
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Old 01-20-2012, 12:49 PM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default I'll wait for geo's answer

While I wait for geo to answer about the new thread idea I will keep going. To start the formula is not wrong. This is the correct formula for Universal gravitation. If I was god and wanted to describe how and why the Sun, Planets and the moons behaved. But little g is a different set of formulas used to describe local gravitational effects on a planets surface. Big G is used to describe gravitational effects between suns, planets, and moons. A bit like Amps and micro or nano amps. The basics are + and – or Le and LA or . and – or yin and yang. There are heaps of possible ways to describe but I will stick with + and – This is the best for Newtonian physics, which has basically stated that the sun is +ve and the earth is –ve. Then you have to look at the earth as a globe, The centre is very –ve and the elements that make up the earth should be in layers if the earth was perfect! It would look like; the heaviest elements on the inside spreading out to the lightest on the outside. Just like a MULTIPLATE CAPACITOR!
I am tired and this description could take a lot of pages, so hopefully it will give your mind something to think about for the moment.
I just thought of a way to check how much force is involved in the movement of the coil spring divining rod. What if I made a spring rod and put it in an isolated vice (so you know it is not my muscle movement) then measured the amount of force it made on a set of scales. What do you think? I’ve seen a similar way used to test safety harnesses that are used for human fall restraint when working high above the ground. I think that it may indicate an amount, but this is not like a universal amount, this is local gravitation and different results will be found from stream to stream. You can see these images via satellites. Have you seen one? They are not high definition.
Also a man came to fix the air conditioner, he had knowledge about a lot of things and told me he tried divining and there is a connection between how green the wood is and how pure the water below is. Another man told me they used to put an old (good metal) coin in their mouth and the taste would indicate how good the water was. I will put this information in a file to do with discrimination for a later date. But for now I think just start with basics.
To answer Q3 The forked branch breaks away at the connection between the bark and the stem which is the weakest link where the sap is, and the bark appears twisted due to forces of your tight hand grip trying to stop the movement (so to answer your question - inside your hand). But I think this is for a highly mineralized below ground stream. The charge that is present is due to 1. The water flow. 2. The water is not pure. 3. The triboelectric effect of the water as it flows through the soil. (movement)- This allows it to build up static charge.
The air conditioner man also told me of another man who is local and was talking about tapping into the power of underground streams to generate electricity. I will try and find him.
Regards to all
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Old 01-20-2012, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
While I wait for geo to answer about the new thread idea I will keep going. To start the formula is not wrong. This is the correct formula for Universal gravitation. If I was god and wanted to describe how and why the Sun, Planets and the moons behaved. But little g is a different set of formulas used to describe local gravitational effects on a planets surface. Big G is used to describe gravitational effects between suns, planets, and moons. A bit like Amps and micro or nano amps. The basics are + and – or Le and LA or . and – or yin and yang. There are heaps of possible ways to describe but I will stick with + and – This is the best for Newtonian physics, which has basically stated that the sun is +ve and the earth is –ve. Then you have to look at the earth as a globe, The centre is very –ve and the elements that make up the earth should be in layers if the earth was perfect! It would look like; the heaviest elements on the inside spreading out to the lightest on the outside. Just like a MULTIPLATE CAPACITOR!
I am tired and this description could take a lot of pages, so hopefully it will give your mind something to think about for the moment.
I just thought of a way to check how much force is involved in the movement of the coil spring divining rod. What if I made a spring rod and put it in an isolated vice (so you know it is not my muscle movement) then measured the amount of force it made on a set of scales. What do you think? I’ve seen a similar way used to test safety harnesses that are used for human fall restraint when working high above the ground. I think that it may indicate an amount, but this is not like a universal amount, this is local gravitation and different results will be found from stream to stream. You can see these images via satellites. Have you seen one? They are not high definition.
Also a man came to fix the air conditioner, he had knowledge about a lot of things and told me he tried divining and there is a connection between how green the wood is and how pure the water below is. Another man told me they used to put an old (good metal) coin in their mouth and the taste would indicate how good the water was. I will put this information in a file to do with discrimination for a later date. But for now I think just start with basics.
To answer Q3 The forked branch breaks away at the connection between the bark and the stem which is the weakest link where the sap is, and the bark appears twisted due to forces of your tight hand grip trying to stop the movement (so to answer your question - inside your hand). But I think this is for a highly mineralized below ground stream. The charge that is present is due to 1. The water flow. 2. The water is not pure. 3. The triboelectric effect of the water as it flows through the soil. (movement)- This allows it to build up static charge.
The air conditioner man also told me of another man who is local and was talking about tapping into the power of underground streams to generate electricity. I will try and find him.
Regards to all
Hi Dedevil person,
It appears Geo finished showing showing his dowsing project and answered all questions long ago. If he has more to say, I think he will be quick to post it.

So we can finish to see what your answers are to my questions.
To keep it simple, you can scroll up to read the entire question and background info.
Let's see if you can answer only the questions that I am curious to know the answers to:

Question 1.
How much gravitational force do you think is typically imparted on a 23 gm dowsing rod when you walk over a relatively large underground stream? (Meaning extra force that you feel beyond the normal weight of the brass rod)?
Just a rough figure for the amount of pounds or gms, or Kg force would be good to know by your reconning.

Question 2.
To calculate the gravitational force of attraction between a buried coin and a brass dowsing rod, what formula do you use to find the force?
I know only that you do not use this formula: F = (G x m1 x m2)/r
So what formula do you use?

Question 2. part B:
When you use your formula to make this calculation, what amount of force do you calculate is the force of gravitational attraction between a 23 gm buried coin located 1.6 meters distance from a 23 gm brass rod?

Question 3. -- You answered this one above. Thank you.
Where on the forked branch does the bark break away in your example?
"so to answer your question - inside your hand"

Best wishes,
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Old 01-21-2012, 03:17 PM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default In your own hand

Hi Dedevil person,
It appears Geo finished showing showing his dowsing project and answered all questions long ago. If he has more to say, I think he will be quick to post it.
That is your perception and you should not talk on this forum “as geo” with this perception.

So we can finish to see what your answers are to my questions.
( NO! this is your perception, GEO can finish when he wants to) I do not feel like commenting. I have already commented enough. We now have the world wide web as a data base. If you do not understand something I say RESEARCH IT FOR YOURSELF! I WOULD NEVER BEND OVER TO PICK UP A CALCULATOR TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS, when I have already in simple conversation told you WRONG FORMULA! You remind me of admin”Q” who says, now and again, just to get AIR TIME, when his comments are useless and sarcastic.

In stead of asking and or telling me I cant catch fish. SHOW ME YOUR BEST CATCH OF FISH. I HAVE MY OWN BOAT AND AM NOT YOUR DECK HAND.
To keep it simple, you can scroll up to read the entire question and background info.
Let's see if you can answer only the questions that I am curious to know the answers to:

Question 1.
How much gravitational force do you think is typically imparted on a 23 gm dowsing rod when you walk over a relatively large underground stream? (Meaning extra force that you feel beyond the normal weight of the brass rod)?
Just a rough figure for the amount of pounds or gms, or Kg force would be good to know by your reconning.

Question 2.
To calculate the gravitational force of attraction between a buried coin and a brass dowsing rod, what formula do you use to find the force?
I know only that you do not use this formula: F = (G x m1 x m2)/r
So what formula do you use?

Question 2. part B:
When you use your formula to make this calculation, what amount of force do you calculate is the force of gravitational attraction between a 23 gm buried coin located 1.6 meters distance from a 23 gm brass rod?

Question 3. -- You answered this one above. Thank you.
Where on the forked branch does the bark break away in your example?
"so to answer your question - You must be old and grey.
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Old 01-21-2012, 03:27 PM
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Don't try to make the easy things... difficult.
Noone knows how the dowsing method works. But it is sure that it works.
And don't tell me again about Randi because he don't accept everyone to make his tests.
He wants to be sure .

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Old 01-21-2012, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Hi Dedevil person,
It appears Geo finished showing showing his dowsing project and answered all questions long ago. If he has more to say, I think he will be quick to post it.
That is your perception and you should not talk on this forum “as geo” with this perception.

So we can finish to see what your answers are to my questions.
( NO! this is your perception, GEO can finish when he wants to) I do not feel like commenting. I have already commented enough. We now have the world wide web as a data base. If you do not understand something I say RESEARCH IT FOR YOURSELF! I WOULD NEVER BEND OVER TO PICK UP A CALCULATOR TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS, when I have already in simple conversation told you WRONG FORMULA! You remind me of admin”Q” who says, now and again, just to get AIR TIME, when his comments are useless and sarcastic.

In stead of asking and or telling me I cant catch fish. SHOW ME YOUR BEST CATCH OF FISH. I HAVE MY OWN BOAT AND AM NOT YOUR DECK HAND.
To keep it simple, you can scroll up to read the entire question and background info.
Let's see if you can answer only the questions that I am curious to know the answers to:

Question 1.
How much gravitational force do you think is typically imparted on a 23 gm dowsing rod when you walk over a relatively large underground stream? (Meaning extra force that you feel beyond the normal weight of the brass rod)?
Just a rough figure for the amount of pounds or gms, or Kg force would be good to know by your reconning.

Question 2.
To calculate the gravitational force of attraction between a buried coin and a brass dowsing rod, what formula do you use to find the force?
I know only that you do not use this formula: F = (G x m1 x m2)/r
So what formula do you use?

Question 2. part B:
When you use your formula to make this calculation, what amount of force do you calculate is the force of gravitational attraction between a 23 gm buried coin located 1.6 meters distance from a 23 gm brass rod?

Question 3. -- You answered this one above. Thank you.
Where on the forked branch does the bark break away in your example?
"so to answer your question - You must be old and grey.
Hi Dedevil person.
You are wrong.
My perception is that you don't know basic physics that is taught in high schools, and you are propagating false information here in your ignorance -- namely this BS:

"Ha! You have the wrong formula! Yes Big G is used to describe universal gravitation, but I am not talking about planetary motion, more so, INNER planetary motion which uses little g or “g” as it is known as. Back to school for you".
.... which you followed up with this BS:
"The basics are + and – or Le and LA or . and – or yin and yang. There are heaps of possible ways to describe but I will stick with + and – This is the best for Newtonian physics, which has basically stated that the sun is +ve and the earth is –ve. Then you have to look at the earth as a globe, The centre is very –ve and the elements that make up the earth should be in layers if the earth was perfect! It would look like; the heaviest elements on the inside spreading out to the lightest on the outside. Just like a MULTIPLATE CAPACITOR"!

What you didn't figure on was people would be interested to see how much force you think the coin pulls against your dowsing rod.
You didn't figure anyone would want to see how much force you would calculate using your "little g" formulas to figure the "LE and LA" and the "yin an yang" of gravity on a dowsing rod
I am certain you cannot calculate the gravitational force of attraction between a 23 gm coin located 1.6 meters away from a 23 gm brass rod, because you do not know the what the simple formula is.
Instead of making a simple calculation, you attempted to substitute the force that the earth would exert on the rod instead of the force that a coin would exert on the rod.
... a fatal error that is guaranteed to produce a force trillions of times stronger than the actual amount of gravitational force between a rod and a coin.

I am guessing you were ready to make the calculation, but you went to look up the exact formula to make sure you had it right.... which is the time you discovered you had it all wrong from the beginning.
I am guessing this is when you discovered that "little g" is used to calculate the gravitational force of attraction between the earth and an object near the surface of the earth -- not the gravitational force of attraction between two small objects.
I am guessing this is the time when you discovered that "little g" has nothing to do with "LE and LA" and "yin an yang", because nearly every scientific source will tell you "little g" is a constant to calculate the gravitational force of attraction that the earth exerts on objects near its surface.

Of course, these same sources also told you that the correct formula to calculate the amount of gravitational force between the coin and the dowsing rod is: F = (G x m1 x m2)/r
When you realized you were wrong from the very beginning, you had only two options:
You could toss out the "LE and LA" and "yin an yang" "little g" method, and start using the correct formula instead.
Or you could keep the "LE and LA" and "yin an yang" "little g" method to incorporate into a collection of multiplate capacitive pseudoscience that maybe Dr. hung would recognize as correct.

It appears to be as I suspected...
What to do when it becomes apparent you don't know basic physics and are fullo BS?
Maybe it is time to run away?
Yup, that could work...

Only, in this case you tried to change the subject to fishing on your way out...

Best wishes,
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Old 01-21-2012, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Don't try to make the easy things... difficult.
Noone knows how the dowsing method works. But it is sure that it works.
And don't tell me again about Randi because he don't accept everyone to make his tests.
He wants to be sure .

Hi Geo,
Nobody has talked about randi here.
But you have a good point about making easy things difficult.
We all know there is a very simple way to figure out how much gravity force is attracting between any two objects, but Dedevil person is trying to change it into a very complicated thing that is hard to understand.
We hear complications like... "LE and LA" and "yin an yang" ... Dedevil person says "The centre is very –ve and the elements that make up the earth should be in layers if the earth was perfect! It would look like; the heaviest elements on the inside spreading out to the lightest on the outside. Just like a MULTIPLATE CAPACITOR!"

Instead of using simple arithmetic he wants us to pretend that we are dealing with complicated things like a multiplate capacitor and "LE and LA".
But don't worry, I don't think anyone will seriously believe that figuring out gravity is like "ying and yang", or a multiplate capacitor.
We know how to figure gravity force the simple way instead of the complicated way.

Best wishes,
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Old 01-22-2012, 10:59 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Think again

I think you should have written;
I have only been taught the basic physics that is taught in high schools and have yet to progress myself from this. It would be a silly thought that science can go beyond high school and I as a man can evolve to think for himself rather than be stuck learning for the rest of his life.
I’m working on Question 1 By building and testing the end of the rods pull/push weight. From this I will get a rough measurement. Although this is a local measurement it is still a good rough measurement.
Q2 There’s a series of formulas. But at the moment I’m not working on a formula to find a coin. I am working on putting all these formulas into one.
Q2B It changes. Coin designers have over the years adjusted the metals in coins in an attempt to stop theft. If you want to learn more about this look into design of coin slots on vending machines. There is a series of tests the coin must go through before being accepted or rejected.
I don’t know about Randi too much. And don’t really want to know. There was a guy called **** Smith who ran a similar test. The trick was that the water that people had to divine was pure water which doesn’t carry charge, so the test was just a big advertising stunt.
(quote) But don't worry, I don't think anyone will seriously believe that figuring out gravity is like "ying and yang", or a multiplate capacitor. (END QUOTE)
Ha! I’m talking about local gravity ‘g”. So, Think again my friend.
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Old 01-22-2012, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
I think you should have written;
I have only been taught the basic physics that is taught in high schools and have yet to progress myself from this. It would be a silly thought that science can go beyond high school and I as a man can evolve to think for himself rather than be stuck learning for the rest of his life.
I’m working on Question 1 By building and testing the end of the rods pull/push weight. From this I will get a rough measurement. Although this is a local measurement it is still a good rough measurement.
Q2 There’s a series of formulas. But at the moment I’m not working on a formula to find a coin. I am working on putting all these formulas into one.
Q2B It changes. Coin designers have over the years adjusted the metals in coins in an attempt to stop theft. If you want to learn more about this look into design of coin slots on vending machines. There is a series of tests the coin must go through before being accepted or rejected.
I don’t know about Randi too much. And don’t really want to know. There was a guy called **** Smith who ran a similar test. The trick was that the water that people had to divine was pure water which doesn’t carry charge, so the test was just a big advertising stunt.
(quote) But don't worry, I don't think anyone will seriously believe that figuring out gravity is like "ying and yang", or a multiplate capacitor. (END QUOTE)
Ha! I’m talking about local gravity ‘g”. So, Think again my friend.
Hi Dedevil person,
This is excellent news.

There's no need to be concerned about coin designers changing the weight, or vending machine coin slots.
We already defined the weight to be 23 gm for the gold coin and 23 gm for the brass rod, and the distance they are separated has also been specified to be 1.6 meters.
So there is only one correct amount of gravitational force of attraction between the coin and rod.

I will anxiously await to see what formula you use, and what amount of gravitational force of attraction you calculate is exerted between a 23 gm gold coin and a 23 gm brass rod located 1.6 meters distance from each other.

It will also be good to see how much extra gravitational force you measure from a large underground stream pulling on your dowsing rod.
I don't think anyone ever did that before.

Best wishes,
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Old 01-22-2012, 03:34 PM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Your loosen it

Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Dedevil person,
This is excellent news.

There's no need to be concerned about coin designers changing the weight, or vending machine coin slots.
We already defined the weight to be 23 gm for the gold coin and 23 gm for the brass rod, and the distance they are separated has also been specified to be 1.6 meters.
So there is only one correct amount of gravitational force of attraction between the coin and rod.

I will anxiously await to see what formula you use, and what amount of gravitational force of attraction you calculate is exerted between a 23 gm gold coin and a 23 gm brass rod located 1.6 meters distance from each other.

It will also be good to see how much extra gravitational force you measure from a large underground stream pulling on your dowsing rod.
I don't think anyone ever did that before.

Best wishes,
Forget the 23gm weight thing. Ground Electrostatic formulas involve vectors and other things.
and yes it's been done before, for satelite technology. But my idea is different.
I'm thinking of a camera type device that instead of looking down from a statalite you can stand on the ground and see the gravitational effects. From my research The distance covered is long ( i have tested to 6 klm through thick gungle) and the discrimination is excellent. But how it all works is very difficult and i am stiil compiling information and testing theories. You can read about it more and make your own ideas at
Forget high school theories, Electrostatics is the study of STATIONARY CHARGE.
The formulas for ground electrostatics are totally different to Universal Gravitation although a understanding of this is a stepping stone.
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Old 01-22-2012, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post

The formulas for ground electrostatics are totally different to Universal Gravitation although a understanding of this is a stepping stone.
Yes, and dr. hungblufdevil is a centre of Universal Gravitation best known as shizoparascamic gravitations.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 01-22-2012, 03:55 PM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Also

Coin opertaed machines have extermely good coin mechs to stop bank robbery. So i would be concernd.
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Old 01-22-2012, 03:57 PM
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Default ???

Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
Yes, and dr. hungblufdevil is a centre of Universal Gravitation best known as shizoparascamic gravitations.
What are you on?
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Old 01-22-2012, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
What are you on?
Remote detector of LRL scam and pseudo-scientific bluff.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Coin opertaed machines have extermely good coin mechs to stop bank robbery. So i would be concernd.

Forget the 23gm weight thing.
Ground Electrostatic formulas involve vectors and other things.
and yes it's been done before, for satelite technology. But my idea is different.
I'm thinking of a camera type device that instead of looking down from a statalite you can stand on the ground and see the gravitational effects. From my research The distance covered is long ( i have tested to 6 klm through thick gungle) and the discrimination is excellent. But how it all works is very difficult and i am stiil compiling information and testing theories. You can read about it more and make your own ideas at
Forget high school theories, Electrostatics is the study of STATIONARY CHARGE.
The formulas for ground electrostatics are totally different to Universal Gravitation although a understanding of this is a stepping stone.

Forget the 23 gm weight gold coin?
But this is what we have been waiting for you to show us ever since you said we have the wrong formula.
You were going to show us how my concept of calculating the gravitational force of attraction between a gold coin and a brass rod was wrong...
Remember? ---

F = (G x m1 x m2)/r Ha! You have the wrong formula! Yes Big G is used to describe universal gravitation, but I am not talking about planetary motion, more so, INNER planetary motion which uses little g or “g” as it is known as. Back to school for you.

"...If you think that there is nothing of my theory try going to the beach at low tide. Then lie down at the low water level mark and wait 24 hrs. I think after 12hrs as the tide comes in and the waves are drowning you, you will realise my theory is correct.
My theory which really isn't my theory just known science is MASS ATTRACTS MASS and the amount of attraction is proportional to the MASS".

"...While I wait for geo to answer about the new thread idea I will keep going. To start the formula is not wrong. This is the correct formula for Universal gravitation. If I was god and wanted to describe how and why the Sun, Planets and the moons behaved. But little g is a different set of formulas used to describe local gravitational effects on a planets surface. Big G is used to describe gravitational effects between suns, planets, and moons. A bit like Amps and micro or nano amps. The basics are + and – or Le and LA or . and – or yin and yang. There are heaps of possible ways to describe but I will stick with + and – This is the best for Newtonian physics, which has basically stated that the sun is +ve and the earth is –ve. Then you have to look at the earth as a globe, The centre is very –ve and the elements that make up the earth should be in layers if the earth was perfect! It would look like; the heaviest elements on the inside spreading out to the lightest on the outside. Just like a MULTIPLATE CAPACITOR!
I am tired and this description could take a lot of pages, so hopefully it will give your mind something to think about for the moment".

Actually we are all tired of your descriptions of drowning at the beach, ying and yang, and multiplate capacitors.
Why not just type out the formula and the amount of force of gravitational attraction that you calculate is exerted between the coin and the rod.
No stories are needed, just a formula and the answer is as simple as this:

Formula is:
F = (G x m1 x m2)/r

G = 6.6726 x 10-11N-m2/kg2
Universal gravitational constantm1 = 23 gm mass of gold coin
m2 = 23 gm mass of brass rod
r = 1.6 meters distance between coin and rod

F = gravitational force of attraction between the coin and the rod

Answer is:
F= 1.5997332422387 x 10-12 grams force, or (1.6 trillionths of a gm).

No theories posted, only a formula and units of measurement to produce the answer.
Will we see the how you can show this is the wrong formula as you said?
Or should we presume you don't really know how to calculate the gravitational force between two objects?

Note: The coin machine argument has nothing to do with calculating gravitational attraction force between a buried coin and a dowsing rod.
A buried gold coin is very unlikely to have ever been in a coin operated vending machine.
If a treasure hunter finds a buried gold coin, it is usually a very old coin that was most likely buried long before vending machines where invented.
And coin designers don't generally adjust the weight of gold coins so they will be accepted in a vending machine.
And since we are calculating the gravitational force of a coin that is buried in the ground, we do not need to have concerns of it being in a coin machine to calculate gravitational force.

Also, changing the subject to electrostatics has nothing to do with calculating the gravitational force of attraction between two objects.
There is no electric charge formula needed to calculate a gravitational force of attraction between two objects, as you seem to imply in your stories above.

Since we know you would not use stalling techniques to conceal that you don't really know how to calculate the force of gravity, I will be watching for you to post the formula that you use, and the answer, as I have done.

Best wishes,
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Old 01-24-2012, 05:51 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Ok j player try this

Here is a link to a simple static motor. If YOU build it, then YOU can try applying your formula to find the amount of force that is required to move the motor.

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Old 01-24-2012, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
How do you confuse J Player?
Put him in a round room and ask him to wee in the corner.
Ha Ha Ha
J Players thoughts: This is not funny.
Ha Yes it is
Well, It appears Dedevil person was not successful at figuring out how much force of gravitational attraction is exerted between a 23 gm gold coin and a 23 gm brass rod located 1.6 meters distance from it.
Instead, he is looking for static electricity forces to find some answers.
But no static electricity formulas can calculate the gravitational force between a coin and a dowsing rod.
Since the rest of us know that the gravitational force is about 1.6 trillionths of a gram, maybe we should see what we would come up with if we used Dedevil's formula using "little g" ...

Gravitational dowsing force formula according to Dedevil:
We know that "Little g" is a fixed amount which describes the acceleration due to the gravity of the earth for objects near the surface of the earth.
And most of us know the formula is: F = g x m

F = force from earth's gravitational acceleration
g = 9.80665 m/s2
m = the mass of the object that you want to know how much gravitational force the earth is exerting.

This formula tells us how much gravitational force the earth exerts on any object near the surface.
So the force in grams can be calculated by multiplying the earth's constant times the mass of a rod, or a coin.
But wait... we already know how much force of gravitational attraction the earth exerts on a 23 gm brass rod or a 23 gm coin... 23 gm !!
Why would we bother to calculate this force if we already know?

When we we look at this formula, we see it cannot be used to calculate the gravitational force between a coin and a rod.
It is only good for calculating how much force the earth exerts on objects near the surface.

But why does Dedevil person say this is the formula to use, and we must go back to school if we use the formula that produces the correct answer?
He cannot show how to use his formula to calculate how much gravitational force the coin is exerting on his brass dowsing rod, yet he wants us to think this formula is like Le and LA, ying and yang, and a multilplate capacitor.

This formula has nothing to do with capacitors or any other ying-yang stuff.
It is a simple way to calculate how heavy things are.
And it does not calculate how much extra gravity force a buried coin will pull on a dowsing rod.

Is it beginning to appear that the Dedevil person does not know how to calculate things that relate to earth science?

From what I can see, I think Dedevil is making up stuff and trying to pass it off as science to fool people into thinking he is successful at dowsing.
Maybe the Dedevil person will be successful at propagating pseudoscience.
It appears Dr. hung thinks he is.
Perhaps we should allow Dr. hung to congratulate Dedevil person for showing us how much he knows:

Originally Posted by Dr. hung
Nice and simple introdutory explanation in a true scientific way.
There is also one major factor involved such as photon streams. But this requires a true understanding of really what magnetism is about. Much different than many 'xientists' think they know still with 19th century concepts.

You're the first person I see in this forum with a genuine and effective inherited quest for understanding the simplicity and logical way certain phenomena manifest.
Nice job.

Best wishes,
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Old 01-24-2012, 11:26 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Warmer warmer

Close J Player but not close enough.

I dont see the static motor flying off into outerspace so F=mg is also the wrong formula.
Do you know any other force formulas.?
Choose wisely because 3 strikes and your out.

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Old 01-24-2012, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Close J Player but not close enough.

I dont see the static motor flying off into outerspace so F=mg is also the wrong formula.
Do you know any other force formulas.?
Choose wisely because 3 strikes and your out.

Hi Dedevil person,
It seems you lost it a while ago.
There is no static motor involved in making a calculation for the force of gravity.

Best wishes,
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Old 01-24-2012, 11:27 PM
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Default Message to DeDevil

I see that Carl beat me to it and removed your personally offensive messages. For your information (in case you are not already aware) we are operating a 3-strike rule in the LRL Forums. You have 2 strikes left.
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Old 01-25-2012, 12:32 PM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Scene 3 Part 1

Scene 3 “Part 1” annnnndddd ACTION! ; Carl, suffering from the depression of finally realizing that travelling to another planet is an impossible delusion from the 60’s, realizes that his Darth Carl image is no longer, um! “cool” so calls up his imaginary friend “Q” who suddenly appears on the scene, with the 3 strikes and you’re out rule. But unknown to Q, Carl has already breached the rule of Q’s administration in the extremely rude and sarcastic remarks towards members by using the weak “Q” part of Carl’s split personatity mind and therefore leaving behind the “Real Carl” who’s getting back to reality with the “Real Carl” Ahhhhh HaHa HAAAA.
Carl thinks; Oh! No! My cover is blown! Hooowww Hooowww I will, I will! beat those LRL fools one day! (As soon as I get this dam mask off! Ahhh, it claustrophobic in here!) How dare they make foolish thoughts of my writings? I am the KING! The “Darth CARL” of detection, the “RULER!!” Anyone who does not agree with me shall be banished from my kingdom with my imaginary Q. - Sounds like the editing and rewriting of the bible for mass production type history repeating, hey Carl?. SORRY BUT, NO SALE! YOUR JUST ANOTHER SPLIT PERSONALITY DICTATOR WHO DOES NOT SEEM TO WARRENT MY TIME ANY MORE.
The Devil
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Old 01-25-2012, 12:52 PM
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Annnnndddddd ACTION!

Rule: Criticism should be relevant and constructive.- Q’s criticism was not only destructive to Esteban’s ideas, but also extremely sarcastic, which also makes me believe in a new rule, being the ability for free thought with unbiased opinions from the administration.
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Old 01-25-2012, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Annnnndddddd ACTION!

Rule: Criticism should be relevant and constructive.- Q’s criticism was not only destructive to Esteban’s ideas, but also extremely sarcastic, which also makes me believe in a new rule, being the ability for free thought with unbiased opinions from the administration.
Here one constructive construction for dr. hung/Dedevil split personality:

First one LRL Transmitter for dr hung and second one LRL receiver for Dedevil. Enjoy!
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Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 01-25-2012, 01:50 PM
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Default ?

If you implying that I am Hung under another name, think again, then think again, and again. And those schizophrenic thoughts will keep bouncing around in your bipolar brain until you either take your pills or stop drinking, or install an exhaust fan to stop you breathing the glue vapors or just ask admin, as he knows that I am not Hung. For I and Hung are ONE and just another pair of my split personalities on this forum under the name of DARTH CARL oR J Player pending what I clothes I wish to wear. J Player prefers the red dress with black bra although Q like the tighter fitting short skirts. But i can be FREE and who ever i want.
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Old 01-25-2012, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post

If you implying that I am Hung under another name, ..............

Be calm, there are split personalities that do not know of each others.

By denying the facts you getting more and more like Hung, which is not good.

So be Dedevil, devil part of Hung personalities, and don't go on fight by yourself.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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