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Old 12-29-2006, 09:51 AM
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Default Radionics

Reading the examiner's explanation on Rangertell's site and looking at the pictures of the circuitry, I come to the conclusion that it's a radionic device.
User interacts with circuit and becomes probably the main component.
Radionics were famous in the 30's and I researched it a lot in the past by the works of Abrahams, Drown and others when I was involved in a scientific project. It's a mix of electronics and body/mind energy with earth's electromagnetic field. Very, very interesting.

Although many here may not agree with me and think radionics is bogus, I suggest them to do a serious reading on the subject because there are sucess reports on it. We don't need to take party on whatever side but absorb information and filter what one thinks it's relevant.
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Old 12-29-2006, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Reading the examiner's explanation on Rangertell's site and looking at the pictures of the circuitry, I come to the conclusion that it's a radionic device.

User interacts with circuit and becomes probably the main component.
Radionics were famous in the 30's and I researched it a lot in the past by the works of Abrahams, Drown and others when I was involved in a scientific project. It's a mix of electronics and body/mind energy with earth's electromagnetic field. Very, very interesting. Although many here may not agree with me and think radionics is bogus, I suggest them to do a serious reading on the subject because there are sucess reports on it. We don't need to take party on whatever side but absorb information and filter what one thinks it's relevant.
So you think the Rangertell operates on the same principle as Faith Healing? Sure, why not. Filter is hard at work.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 12-29-2006, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Reading the examiner's explanation on Rangertell's site and looking at the pictures of the circuitry, I come to the conclusion that it's a radionic device.
User interacts with circuit and becomes probably the main component.
Radionics were famous in the 30's and I researched it a lot in the past by the works of Abrahams, Drown and others when I was involved in a scientific project. It's a mix of electronics and body/mind energy with earth's electromagnetic field. Very, very interesting.

Although many here may not agree with me and think radionics is bogus, I suggest them to do a serious reading on the subject because there are sucess reports on it. We don't need to take party on whatever side but absorb information and filter what one thinks it's relevant.
Here's the original bogus report I made on the Ranger Tell Examiner (direct from their website) but now with an added synopsis saying that the report refers to a prototype model. Funny how they're backing away from the report now they know I'm a skeptic.

Q. Is there a scientific report by someone re the Rangertell Examiner?
A. Here is one written by an independent not connected with Rangertell that was sent to us.

The operating principle of LRLs is not immediately obvious if viewed from the perspective of accepted physics. First hand examination of these devices will reveal an apparently simplistic construction that obscures the complex subtlety of their design.

Two types are described here. The first is similar to the Rangertell Examiner, and the other is an advanced electronic device that operates on the same underlying principle as the Mineoro detectors.

For example, the Rangertell Examiner may appear at first sight to contain just a handful of components that seem loosely connected in some arbitrary fashion. This conclusion is far from the truth, as will be explained fully in the following analysis.

One of the most confusing aspects of the Examiner design is the enameled wire that protrudes through the case and terminates just below the calculator housing without any apparent connection. This type of connection can be explained by reference to the work carried out by Zaev, Avramenko and Lisin on displacement current. According to the authors – "The measurement of the polarisation current in matter can clean up the long-standing dispute about the nature of dielectric permeability of metals, and also make possible the transmission of energy along an isolated conductor without a galvanically closed current circuit. Nicholai Tesla demonstrated this on 1st February 1892 in London but the description of the method applied by him for such a transmission line has not been preserved."

A simple circuit (known as Avramenko’s fork) can be used to demonstrate this method of energy transmission.

Note that there is no connection between the load and a common terminal, such as ground. The load is quite simply isolated from ground, but it still receives power.

This type of circuit is not subject to Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, and the output current measured in the load is not appreciatively affected by inserting a capacitor of 0.1uF in the line. This is the underlying principle of power derivation within the Examiner LRL, and the reason why the device needs no battery supply other than that provided by the calculator. Power to the circuit (a modified form of Avramenko’s fork) is provided directly by the calculator allowing precise tuning by the operator.

Although the original circuit contained two diodes, the version in the Examiner makes use of resonance techniques and longitudinal wave coupling to boost the energy to a level necessary for long range detection. The human component is also an essential part of the design. Just as a tuning fork (or in this case Avramenko’s fork) has natural frequencies for sound, the planet Earth has natural frequencies, called Schumann resonances, and the human brain has natural frequencies for electromagnetic radiation. It is known that that the Earth’s Schumann resonances are "in tune" with the human brain’s alpha and theta states. But since the Schumann resonance is very low, at about 7.5Hz, the frequencies programmed via the calculator must be down-converted and fine-tuned for effective long-range location to take place. In addition, the Schumann resonance can fluctuate by + or – 0.5Hz depending on the properties of the Earth’s electromagnetic cavity.

The natural frequencies of the human brain are:
    • Beta waves (14 to 30Hz)
    • Alpha waves (8 to 13Hz)
    • Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz)
    • Delta waves (1 to 3Hz)
This explains the inclusion of adjustable elements in the fork / down-converter circuit.

Although the underlying operating principle is complex and difficult to explain, the demonstrable success of these devices has been shown on a number of occasions. Unfortunately LRLs rarely work out-of-the-box, and may need to become acclimatised to their owner over a period of time. Perseverance is the key to successful hunting with an LRL.
  1. It is important that the end of the wire should protrude through the case, and terminate just below the calculator chip. In most calculators this chip is located near to the center of the unit."
  1. This refers to the prototype Examiner version 1.0 which was an early attempt (only 10 made). The Examiner T-G 7 01 06 is light years ahead of this. The reason for the price is that we have tested exclusive frequencies to Rangertell and spent years testing it in every conceivable environment. It is still at least a tenth of the average price for this type of unit , that has none of the features we provide. The adept geek may build a look-alike but it will not perform anywhere near the real Examiner. Alignment for instance is more important than first appears and you don't get the POS system to determine depth, distance , shape and weight or the R&D frequencies. You can build a reasonable beeping metal detector too for $50. But it won't perform anywhere near the commercially accepted product because there is no R&D. With more than 500 Rangertell units sold which means about 1000 users and no complaints except from a stereotyped skeptic or two, 100 percent acceptance is the answer to that one.
    2. You are not of course connecting your head to the stratosphere. You are allowing magnetic resonance to fulfill the requirements of the detection frequency in relation to the target. If you enter 7 into a tuned Examiner and walk you will determine the grid pattern that is evident round the Earth every 7 feet .
The full fairy story can be found here -> http://www.rangertell.com/frequently...uestions-a.htm
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Old 12-29-2006, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Here's the original bogus report I made on the Ranger Tell Examiner (direct from their website) but now with an added synopsis saying that the report refers to a prototype model. Funny how they're backing away from the report now they know I'm a skeptic.

Q. Is there a scientific report by someone re the Rangertell Examiner?
A. Here is one written by an independent not connected with Rangertell that was sent to us.

The operating principle of LRLs is not immediately obvious if viewed from the perspective of accepted physics. First hand examination of these devices will reveal an apparently simplistic construction that obscures the complex subtlety of their design.

Two types are described here. The first is similar to the Rangertell Examiner, and the other is an advanced electronic device that operates on the same underlying principle as the Mineoro detectors.

For example, the Rangertell Examiner may appear at first sight to contain just a handful of components that seem loosely connected in some arbitrary fashion. This conclusion is far from the truth, as will be explained fully in the following analysis.

One of the most confusing aspects of the Examiner design is the enameled wire that protrudes through the case and terminates just below the calculator housing without any apparent connection. This type of connection can be explained by reference to the work carried out by Zaev, Avramenko and Lisin on displacement current. According to the authors – "The measurement of the polarisation current in matter can clean up the long-standing dispute about the nature of dielectric permeability of metals, and also make possible the transmission of energy along an isolated conductor without a galvanically closed current circuit. Nicholai Tesla demonstrated this on 1st February 1892 in London but the description of the method applied by him for such a transmission line has not been preserved."

A simple circuit (known as Avramenko’s fork) can be used to demonstrate this method of energy transmission.

Note that there is no connection between the load and a common terminal, such as ground. The load is quite simply isolated from ground, but it still receives power.

This type of circuit is not subject to Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, and the output current measured in the load is not appreciatively affected by inserting a capacitor of 0.1uF in the line. This is the underlying principle of power derivation within the Examiner LRL, and the reason why the device needs no battery supply other than that provided by the calculator. Power to the circuit (a modified form of Avramenko’s fork) is provided directly by the calculator allowing precise tuning by the operator.

Although the original circuit contained two diodes, the version in the Examiner makes use of resonance techniques and longitudinal wave coupling to boost the energy to a level necessary for long range detection. The human component is also an essential part of the design. Just as a tuning fork (or in this case Avramenko’s fork) has natural frequencies for sound, the planet Earth has natural frequencies, called Schumann resonances, and the human brain has natural frequencies for electromagnetic radiation. It is known that that the Earth’s Schumann resonances are "in tune" with the human brain’s alpha and theta states. But since the Schumann resonance is very low, at about 7.5Hz, the frequencies programmed via the calculator must be down-converted and fine-tuned for effective long-range location to take place. In addition, the Schumann resonance can fluctuate by + or – 0.5Hz depending on the properties of the Earth’s electromagnetic cavity.

The natural frequencies of the human brain are:
    • Beta waves (14 to 30Hz)
    • Alpha waves (8 to 13Hz)
    • Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz)
    • Delta waves (1 to 3Hz)
This explains the inclusion of adjustable elements in the fork / down-converter circuit.

Although the underlying operating principle is complex and difficult to explain, the demonstrable success of these devices has been shown on a number of occasions. Unfortunately LRLs rarely work out-of-the-box, and may need to become acclimatised to their owner over a period of time. Perseverance is the key to successful hunting with an LRL.
  1. It is important that the end of the wire should protrude through the case, and terminate just below the calculator chip. In most calculators this chip is located near to the center of the unit."
  1. This refers to the prototype Examiner version 1.0 which was an early attempt (only 10 made). The Examiner T-G 7 01 06 is light years ahead of this. The reason for the price is that we have tested exclusive frequencies to Rangertell and spent years testing it in every conceivable environment. It is still at least a tenth of the average price for this type of unit , that has none of the features we provide. The adept geek may build a look-alike but it will not perform anywhere near the real Examiner. Alignment for instance is more important than first appears and you don't get the POS system to determine depth, distance , shape and weight or the R&D frequencies. You can build a reasonable beeping metal detector too for $50. But it won't perform anywhere near the commercially accepted product because there is no R&D. With more than 500 Rangertell units sold which means about 1000 users and no complaints except from a stereotyped skeptic or two, 100 percent acceptance is the answer to that one.
    2. You are not of course connecting your head to the stratosphere. You are allowing magnetic resonance to fulfill the requirements of the detection frequency in relation to the target. If you enter 7 into a tuned Examiner and walk you will determine the grid pattern that is evident round the Earth every 7 feet .
The full fairy story can be found here -> http://www.rangertell.com/frequently...uestions-a.htm
I also loved the following passage found in one of the answers in the Rangertell FAQs:

... But in a longer-range metal detector, the electromagnetic coil must actually radiate an electromagnetic wave and then look for the reflection of this electromagnetic wave from a more distant piece of metal. That's because the magnetic field of the coil doesn't extend outward forever--it dies away a few diameters of the coil away from the coil itself. For the metal detector to look for metal farther away, it needs help carrying the magnetic field through space. By combining an electric field with the magnetic field, the long-range metal detector creates an electromagnetic wave--a radio wave--that travels independently through space. Electromagnetic waves reflect from many things, particularly objects that conduct electricity. So the long-range metal detector launches an electromagnetic wave and then looks for the reflection of that wave. "

So, that is the secret! Rather than launching just a magnetic wave, or just an electric wave, the LRL launches an electromagnetic wave.

Nevermind the fact that there are no such things as purely magnetic or purely electric waves.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 12-30-2006, 10:53 AM
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Qiaozhi : Congratulations on your explanation. I think you wrote very plausible things. I don't see the point of after writing such a text you turn and say it's bogus, etc.
You either has a double personality or as I told earlier, unconsciously we may sometimes state the truth.

Rudy: Nowaydays I no longer trust estabilished science anymore. I was involved in a project 12 years ago which simply destroyed many acepted science 'standards'. I think the way to go now with such affirmations as rangertell's is:
Prove that this is NOT possible.
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Old 12-30-2006, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Qiaozhi : Congratulations on your explanation. I think you wrote very plausible things. I don't see the point of after writing such a text you turn and say it's bogus, etc.
You either has a double personality or as I told earlier, unconsciously we may sometimes state the truth.
Believe it if you want but it's still bogus.
This reminds me of a similar case, where a group of people went out late at night and created some interesting crop circles. The next day these circles were "discovered", and lots of people got excited. The "experts" were then called in to validate the find by sensing the energy fields and by dowsing. The crop circles were declared to be genuine. When the "experts" were subsequently confronted by the creators of the crop circles they completely refused to believe the facts, even though they were shown a video of the circles being created by rolling plastic barrels filled with sand. One woman even claimed to have seen a UFO land in the field the previous night. Self-delusion is such an interesting subject.

Originally Posted by hung
Prove that this is NOT possible.
That's not the way it works. The onus is on the claimant.
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Old 12-30-2006, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
When the "experts" were subsequently confronted by the creators of the crop circles they completely refused to believe the facts, even though they were shown a video of the circles being created by rolling plastic barrels filled with sand. One woman even claimed to have seen a UFO land in the field the previous night. Self-delusion is such an interesting subject.

That's not the way it works. The onus is on the claimant.
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Old 12-30-2006, 01:22 PM
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Thumbs down Cuckoo for Coco Puffs or Woo-woo's got game !!

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Reading the examiner's explanation on Rangertell's site and looking at the pictures of the circuitry, I come to the conclusion that it's a radionic device.
Ummm,er......wowsers !!
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Old 12-30-2006, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
This is also a fake.
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Old 12-30-2006, 04:23 PM
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Even if the picture was real, all it proves is that little extraterrestial green men are real. Or are you trying to say that the Rangertell is using technology developed by an advanced, space travel capable, civilization?

I was involved in a project 12 years ago which simply destroyed many acepted science 'standards'.

And what would that project be?

HH Rudy,
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Old 12-30-2006, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
Even if the picture was real, all it proves is that little extraterrestial green men are real. Or are you trying to say that the Rangertell is using technology developed by an advanced, space travel capable, civilization?
Of course not. But I gathered enough info and I'm one of the thousands who believe most of high end techonology was developed fom non-terrestrial origin. Eg. See roswell, etc.
And please, I don't want to start a debate on this here.

And what would that project be?
Sorry cannot talk about it. But it involved magnetohydrodynamics, modified maxwell's equations and the quantum leap.

Food for thought: There's a device which proves dowsing is a fact. Build your own Ripoff's Rotor and check how the psi waves rotate it.
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Old 12-30-2006, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Of course not. But I gathered enough info and I'm one of the thousands who believe most of high end techonology was developed fom non-terrestrial origin. Eg. See roswell, etc.
And please, I don't want to start a debate on this here.

Sorry cannot talk about it. But it involved magnetohydrodynamics, modified maxwell's equations and the quantum leap.

Food for thought: There's a device which proves dowsing is a fact. Build your own Ripoff's Rotor and check how the psi waves rotate it.
No need to start a debate.
You've just blown any credibility you may have had (if any).
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Old 12-31-2006, 03:30 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Of course not. But I gathered enough info and I'm one of the thousands who believe most of high end techonology was developed fom non-terrestrial origin. Eg. See roswell, etc.
And please, I don't want to start a debate on this here.

Sorry cannot talk about it. But it involved magnetohydrodynamics, modified maxwell's equations and the quantum leap.

Food for thought: There's a device which proves dowsing is a fact. Build your own Ripoff's Rotor and check how the psi waves rotate it.
Ahh, the Ripoff Rotor. It was a hoax perpetrated by Martin Gardner in his book "The Colossal Book of Mathematics: Classic Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems." Gardner wrote a passage in the "Miscellaneous" chapter of the book, about the "Six Sensational Discoveries" of the year 1974.

One of them was made by Augusto Macaroni of the Catholic University of Milan; it was a missing page from Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks that showed he had invented the flush toilet.

Another was the invention, by Robert Ripoff of Prague, of the Ripoff Rotor, a machine that runs solely on psi (psychic) energy. When Ripoff was supposedly visited by Henrietta Birdbrain, an American expert on Kirlian photography, he showed her how to make the rotor, which she then demonstrated to audiences in America.

Since Gardner had used such outlandish names, he had no idea that anyone would not recognize that the "discoveries" were an elaborate April Fools' Day joke. Yet he received more than a thousand letters from readers who took them seriously!

Now, are you able to discuss the nature of the modifications you made to Maxwell's equation? I would be very interested in knowing about that, or are you really talking about combining Maxwell's work together with the work of Navier & Stokes, which is really at the core of modelling magnetohydrodynamic systems?

Quantum leap huh? As in teleporting photons, or as in unifying quantum mechanics with relativity?

HH Rudy,
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Old 12-31-2006, 09:58 AM
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Default Aaahh, the internet...

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
Ahh, the Ripoff Rotor. It was a hoax perpetrated by Martin Gardner in his book "The Colossal Book of Mathematics: Classic Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems." Gardner wrote a passage in the "Miscellaneous" chapter of the book, about the "Six Sensational Discoveries" of the year 1974.

One of them was made by Augusto Macaroni of the Catholic University of Milan; it was a missing page from Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks that showed he had invented the flush toilet.

Another was the invention, by Robert Ripoff of Prague, of the Ripoff Rotor, a machine that runs solely on psi (psychic) energy. When Ripoff was supposedly visited by Henrietta Birdbrain, an American expert on Kirlian photography, he showed her how to make the rotor, which she then demonstrated to audiences in America.

Since Gardner had used such outlandish names, he had no idea that anyone would not recognize that the "discoveries" were an elaborate April Fools' Day joke. Yet he received more than a thousand letters from readers who took them seriously!

Now, are you able to discuss the nature of the modifications you made to Maxwell's equation? I would be very interested in knowing about that, or are you really talking about combining Maxwell's work together with the work of Navier & Stokes, which is really at the core of modelling magnetohydrodynamic systems?

Quantum leap huh? As in teleporting photons, or as in unifying quantum mechanics with relativity?
As I thought.
You had no clue about it and took everything above from a link in the internet.
Is this how you research things?
Then I must be one hell of a researcher because, for almost 20 years I look for corroborating scientific claims by trying to recreate the experiments.

I built the Ripoff Rotor. It works for me no problems as it will work for ANYBODY.
Do yourself a favor building one and only then make a coment on it.
As you seem to only relate to the internet to discover things you don't know, you will probably be unable to find instructions in english on how to build it.
So if you want I can send it to you. It's a really simple device and easy to build but must be meticulously assembled in order to have a perfect balance.

Happy new year.
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Old 12-31-2006, 12:19 PM
michael michael is offline
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It seems you are discussing about one kind of rotor that moves(rotates) by a little mind concentration.(If I'm right, must tell you this is as a simple demonstrated tool, I've seen it and was really working) and there was no hocus-pocus. one big telepathy and hypnotism proficient here first test people mind power by it and then proceed to next steps. of course it had no electrical part, was only composed of some mechanical pieces. it was exactly showing man mind power.
A big question mark is for me; why some axioms being denied in this forum whereas accepted in many places and with many people?!!!
like radio waves spreading in soil that some time ago was denying here seriously.:confused: :confused:
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Old 12-31-2006, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
...you will probably be unable to find instructions in english on how to build it.
So if you want I can send it to you. It's a really simple device and easy to build but must be meticulously assembled in order to have a perfect balance.

Happy new year.
In the spirit of "looking on the internet", here's a link on how to build the Ripoff Motor, which incidently didn't actually rip anyone off as it was made of one sheet of paper.

Gardiner's book is also available from Amazon, if anyone is interested, but please be aware that this device was only created as a bit of fun and was never intended to be taken seriously.
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Old 12-31-2006, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
In the spirit of "looking on the internet", here's a link on how to build the Ripoff Motor, which incidently didn't actually rip anyone off as it was made of one sheet of paper.

Gardiner's book is also available from Amazon, if anyone is interested, but please be aware that this device was only created as a bit of fun and was never intended to be taken seriously.
OK - forget the link shown above. Here's a much better description in English -> http://bizarrelabs.com/psychicm.htm
This device is also called a "psychic motor", and it moves by the warmth of your hand. No hocus-pocus here then.
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Old 12-31-2006, 05:24 PM
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Still there eh?

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
and it moves by the warmth of your hand. No hocus-pocus here then.
Yeah, right...
So it's the heat of your left hand which is making it turn clockwise and the heat of your right hand moves it anticlockwise... Wow so the secret is in the heat! And it changes direction! No wonder this poor soul (Gardner) calls him a debunker.

It's amazing when people like 'debunkers' wants to remain blind to avoid 'the' other explanation.

Taking a ride on Dell's motto here:

'The door to knowledge is never open to a closed mind'.

PS. Make sure when you build one toy like that, to keep your hand in the freeze for sometime, so when it moves the cold will be the culprit. In fact it's incredible how toys like that many times tell the truth.
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Old 12-31-2006, 05:47 PM
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That's not the way it works. The onus is on the claimant.
Qiaozhi. I see you have lost touch with reality.

"What has been done, can be done" Dell
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Old 01-01-2007, 02:09 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
As I thought.
You had no clue about it and took everything above from a link in the internet.
Is this how you research things?
Then I must be one hell of a researcher because, for almost 20 years I look for corroborating scientific claims by trying to recreate the experiments.
Happy new year.
Nothing wrong with using the internet for research. I started using it back when I worked at Bell Laboratories and it was then called the ARPANET. Only a few Universities and research centers had access to it back then.

You just have to excercise some judgment as to what material you accept, based on the source and I think the American Scientist web site is a pretty reliable source of information, and the person that reviewed the book I referred to, Dennis Flanagan, was an editor of Scientific American.

I noticed you demured about the modifications to Maxwell's equations.

Have a Happy New Year.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 01-01-2007, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
You just have to excercise some judgment as to what material you accept, based on the source and I think the American Scientist web site is a pretty reliable source of information, and the person that reviewed the book I referred to, Dennis Flanagan, was an editor of Scientific American.
Well said.

Originally Posted by Rudy
I noticed you demured about the modifications to Maxwell's equations.
Why are we not surprised?

Originally Posted by Dell Winders
Qiaozhi. I see you have lost touch with reality.

"What has been done, can be done" Dell
Same old rethoric...
Psychic motors, little green men, Roswell, dowsing - maybe this is the new reality??? Next you'll be telling me that black is white. Time to stop dreaming and see the real world.
Happy New Year (Xin nian kuai le!) or perhaps that's a conspiracy as well.

Originally Posted by hung
Yeah, right...
So it's the heat of your left hand which is making it turn clockwise and the heat of your right hand moves it anticlockwise... Wow so the secret is in the heat! And it changes direction! No wonder this poor soul (Gardner) calls him a debunker.

It's amazing when people like 'debunkers' wants to remain blind to avoid 'the' other explanation.

Taking a ride on Dell's motto here:

'The door to knowledge is never open to a closed mind'.

PS. Make sure when you build one toy like that, to keep your hand in the freeze for sometime, so when it moves the cold will be the culprit. In fact it's incredible how toys like that many times tell the truth.
You are such a lost soul. :confused:
The Ripoff Motor (just look closely at the name) - also known as a psychic motor - was a "joke" placed in the appendix of a book written by a self-confessed skeptic, who was also a member of CSICOP; and you believed it!!
That's the real joke!
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Old 01-01-2007, 10:57 AM
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Hi Dell, nice to see you joining here... Your expertise in dowsing is always appreciated.

Oh, how I love debates...

The Ripoff Rotor is another way of demonstrating how magnetic fields in our bodies work and emanate. Actually is pretty simpler holding a pendulum in either hand and the same results as in the rotor will appear.

Never expect to find serious research in the internet. It's either halfway down to truth or it's covered up. Do you really think you will find the plans to a time machine, cold fusion, teletransport, etc. in the internet for instance? But I don't deny it's helpful to some extent.

Serious research is done completely away from public. At least those which 'might' have military interests. We all know what happens to anyone when and if he decides to release such info in the internet...
In the long run misinformation is always a good tactic.

Rudy I said I will not talk about that project. In my research team, we had nuclear physicists, mathematicians, electronic engineers, etc. All I can say is that the quantum leap is not actually a 'leap...'. Please don't try to go over this topic again as I won't make any coment on this anymore. Hope you don't insist.

Well going back to the original subject. I don't really agree with Ripoff who states those are all PSI waves. Not really. I think the pendulum for instance shows that an electromagnetic pattern AKIN from the user's will is also present.
Let's see how what I state above develops here as I will go over a really interesting case next.
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Old 01-01-2007, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Oh, how I love debates...
Me too.

The Ripoff Rotor is another way of demonstrating how magnetic fields in our bodies work and emanate.
Have yet to see a piece of paper that can be picked up by a magnet. Static electricity, yes. Magnet, No.

Never expect to find serious research in the internet.
Leading edge and or classified research, no. But plenty of prior art material is available on the internet, or in academia.

Do you really think you will find the plans to a time machine, cold fusion, teletransport, etc. in the internet for instance?
Nice attempt at changing the topic of discussion, but we weren't discussing any of those. We where discussing the Ripoff motor, or is it ripped off?

Rudy I said I will not talk about that project. In my research team, we had nuclear physicists, mathematicians, electronic engineers, etc. All I can say is that the quantum leap is not actually a 'leap...'. Please don't try to go over this topic again as I won't make any coment on this anymore. Hope you don't insist.
Ok, I won't. But I will say that a quantum leap is an infinitesimally small leap at that.

Let's see how what I state above develops here as I will go over a really interesting case next.
Waiting with baited breadth at the next adventure in pseudo science.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

Do or do not. There is no try.
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Old 01-01-2007, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by michael View Post
If I'm right, must tell you this is as a simple demonstrated tool, I've seen it and was really working and there was no hocus-pocus.
Michael, I am sure you saw the motor spinning as you say. But that doesn't mean it was due to misterious psi waves.

Assume for the moment that it was indeed psi waves and not body heat that was causing the motion. One would have to infer that these psi waves are energetic enough to overcome the frictional losses in the motor and the inertia of the paper's mass.

Then, one would expect that these waves would still propagate between the hands and the paper motor across a slightly larger distance, say six inches. So, after the motor is turning (ie. the frictional losses and inertia have been overcome), the hands are moved away to a six inch distance and the motor should continue to turn. Does it? I think not.

A big question mark is for me; why some axioms being denied in this forum whereas accepted in many places and with many people?!!!
like radio waves spreading in soil that some time ago was denying here seriously.:confused: :confused:
Radio waves of extremely low frequency do indeed propagate through the earth. The government used such ELF radio waves to communicate simple instructions to the submerged nuclear submarine fleet for years.

But these are very very low frequency waves, in the 3Hz to ~25Hz range. The antenas needed to transmit and receive these frequencies are of mind boggling size. The transmitter antenas where located by the US government in the central US and they were miles in length. The boomers trailed a very thin antena wire behind them when on patrol to receive the signals.

Quite simply, the LRL antena is just not at all suitable to send or receive such long wavelength signals, nor is there a mechanism known that would cause metals, such as gold, to radiate such signals in a distinguishable manner.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 01-01-2007, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Oh, how I love debates...
That won't scare us away.

Originally Posted by hung
I think the pendulum for instance shows that an electromagnetic pattern AKIN from the user's will is also present.
You think wrongly. The pendulum example is also a well known demonstration of the ideomotor effect, like dowsing and the ouija board.
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