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Old 12-27-2010, 05:13 PM
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12.580USD? The most expensive part being the PCB, it had to be large, so we can understand such "smart" designs like this one, used to connect the pot - By wire-!
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Old 12-27-2010, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Geo,
The Mineoro page shows the new FG-90 "launching".
They say the detection system is: Biotronic Classifier System - BCS

When we look at the pictures, we see the same ion chamber as older models.
Only differences we can see are different control dials on front and different name plate.

Does this mean Biotronic classifier system (BCS) is different from the ion chamber we see above in the schematic? Maybe...
The FG-90 costs $12,580 USD. So we know there must be something really good inside.
And we know it is not dowsing... because it says so on the page. And we still read that it works with ionic principles as they explain in their theory pages.

It looks like the Mineoro marketing has not changed. Maybe the "Biotronic Classifier System" is only new words to make the FG-90 sound like it is new and improved.

Best wishes,
Hi J_P.
I don't believe to Mineoro.
12500$ is a very expensive amount for us.... but it is OK for Mineoro

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Old 12-27-2010, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post

12.580USD? The most expensive part being the PCB, it had to be large, so we can understand such "smart" designs like this one, used to connect the pot - By wire-!

Modern technology!!!!
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Old 12-27-2010, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo
Modern technology!!!!
Hi Geo,
Sure it is modern technology....

The FG-90 is shown on the Mineoro page as "launching" with special launching price of $12,580.
But we see also on that same FG-90 page "Gold detector 2009".
Maybe it is already 2 years old at the time of launching.

Maybe launching has completed, and no more special price of $12,580...
Maybe you must pay full amount of regular price now? **

**(More proof that Mineoro recovers treasure best at the location of the factory -- recovered from the buyer).

Best wishes,
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Old 12-27-2010, 07:40 PM
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Hi Geo,

We see there are errors in your schematic. After you correct the errors, the schematic will not be a correct schematic for any Mineoro LRL, but it will be a schematic which combines circuits of several Mineoro LRLs. I suppose that is close enough in order to understand how they are intended to function. So let us imagine the mistakes have been corrected and see what this LRL does.

We can see the Alonso pistol detector at the heart of the circuitry. This is basically a VLF passive receiver.
We also see some odd methods to amplify and mix signals with the "ion chamber" and the result is sent to a beeper to beep when treasure is detected.
But there is a problem in understanding these circuits.
We see what looks like a passive reflector that could be used in some very high frequencies, not in a VLF or DC circuit except as a ground plane, which it is not.
So the question is -- what is this ion chamber and how does it help to locate treasure?
We have no developed sciences that describe the ion chamber or its function except HungScience.
But wait... HungScience is full of BS.
So what should we think of the ion chamber? Why is it there?

We could go to the source of where HungScience is developed. As we know, most HungScience actually comes from literature that others publish.
It is mostly copied except the embellishments he interjects. So off to the source.... an old Mineoro page tells what the intended purpose of the ion chamber is.

Originally published on an old Mineoro page
...Although in an infinitely small phenomenom, micro, nano , pico, femto or atto phenomenom, the electrostatic phenomenom occurs as well. It is a electrostatics with the characteristic of the substance created by it. It is the same with a person´s DNA. The negative "ion", in our case, gold "ion" brings its DNA, that is the energy which will tranport it. The "ion" itself generates that transporting energy. This explains the substance classifier. When the negative "ion" finds its twin of opposite polarity, they love each other so intensively, that when they get together they provoke a short-circuit autodestroying themselves. As in the Romeo and Juliet movie, both of them die, but the proof of their death is a flask of poison near them; in the same way, our "passionate ions" also leave a proof of their death in "emiting a crash", which generates an electrical signal so fast as nano, pico, femto or atto seconds , detectable in sensitive electronic circuits and projected for this aim. The classifier just filters the negative 'ions", twin pairs of positivie "ions" produced by the classifier. To this phenomenom, Alonso (60) and Damásio (70) gave the name of "Substance Classifier" or just "Classifier". This denomination was necessary to differentiate from the expression "discrimination",commonly used in other systems of detection by electromagnetic waves. About the "classifier" it is good to inform that it is possible to manufacture classifiers for other metal and non-metal substances. It is possible to classify blood in its kinds; plants and its kinds; drugs and its kinds, etc. at long distance. That is why we announced in the media that we are talking about " A MODERN INVENTION".

The Ionic Chamber

The ionic/electrostatic chamber consists of the external "antenna" in the form of a black tube, plus an elliptical sensor inserted in the plate of the boardcircuit. This sensor in elliptical shape represents an ionic/electrostatic field reflector, similar to the reflectors used in the antique tv aerials, which had deflectors and reflectors to better concentrate the signal received from VHF. The idea of that ionic/electrostatic reflector was originated in those reflectors. This sensor reflects and concentrates like a lens part of the energy that escapes and it is not detected by the "antenna" inside the black tube. This ionic/electrostatic energy is reutilized by the "antenna" increasing the detection capacity of the detector and turning the detection more directional As the detection through electrostatics has the property of polarizing the substrate, an electrical time constant was placed for this depolarization, keeping the sensor neutral to reflect the "ionic/electrostatic" fields. It is good to clarify that electrostatics reflects, concentrates, disperses, and is carried by metals, conductive wires, etc. The same as dynamic electricity. When the Directional Detector is moved into a horizontal or vertical position an static electricity is produced, electrostatics, according to Loeb, necessary in the ionic chamber for the use of positive "ions" which would meet the negative "ions" producing the phenomenom of Long Range Directional Detection with Substance Classifier, as it was explained before. The existent electronic circuits are just amplifiers of the "nano" signal supplied at the moment of the detection. The bigger sensor that surrounds the perimeter of the boardcircuit, is a sensor which reinforces the creation of the electrostatic field when moving the detector to locate any target.
So we see in the Mineoro explanation, the gold DNA is actually "the energy that will transport it".
The gold ion itself generates that transporting energy. From this explanation, we can see how Damasio claimed the gold ions entered the ion chamber.

But wait... gold ions cannot enter the ion chamber. The ion chamber is sealed closed so nothing airborne will enter or leave.
Scientists have measured the concentration of gold ions in the air, and found they do not vary significantly.
It is well known that if there is any concentration of ions, they will quickly disperse and blow away in the wind.
Ions in the ground will not look for a way to become airborne, then to enter the Mineoro ion chamber past the protective cover and through the seal.
Is this why Mineoro removed this propaganda from their old pages and replaced it with new propaganda? Do they finally admit there are their explanation is wrong?

How will the negative gold ion find its twin inside the ion chamber when the chamber is sealed?
How will the "passionate ions leave a proof of their death" in emiting a crash which generates an electrical signal at Q1?

Maybe they won't.
Maybe there are no gold ions in the air moving toward the ion chamber.
Maybe the passive receiver is doing its job without any help from an ion chamber...!

Can the passive receiver be working like a C-scope works?
Would it work better if the ion chamber and signal mixing circuits were removed?

Nobody knows...
It costs $12,580 USD to find out!

Best wishes,
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Old 12-27-2010, 08:18 PM
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Maybe the gold ions get inside the ion chamber via a process of quantum teleportation?
Yeah, that's the ticket. The gold ions see the chamber as a neat place to make a nest and
start a family, ensuring the survival of their DNA, so they teleport themselves there via an
interdimensional quantum hop.

Unfortunately, current science does not apprehend interdimensional quantum hopping.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 12-27-2010, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Leto,
There is no danger for you.
This laser box will be used in South America, far away from the places where you will go treasure hunting.
You will never see the laser or any of the treasure this laser does not find.
You will only hear fantastic stories told in the forum.
So no problem for you.

Best wishes,
are you sure..? I'm more concerned because of the mighty multi processor.
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Old 12-27-2010, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Rudy View Post

Unfortunately, current science does not apprehend interdimensional quantum hopping.
It is not about hopping but hung-ing.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 12-27-2010, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Leto
are you sure..? I'm more concerned because of the mighty multi processor.
As far as we know the multiprocessor is only using a very small amount of its processing power.
It is sending out a 10 Hz square wave and some random beeps to the beeper.
So no problem at present.

But be very careful...
The untapped power of the AT89C2051 should never be underestimated.
If someone should discover the frequency of the universe, there could be universal implications.
Or the frequency of hell could cause all hell to break loose...

Now I am getting nervous...

Best wishes, J_P
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Old 12-27-2010, 11:25 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
As far as we know the multiprocessor is only using a very small amount of its processing power.
It is sending out a 10 Hz square wave and some random beeps to the beeper.
So no problem at present.

But be very careful...
The untapped power of the AT89C2051 should never be underestimated.
If someone should discover the frequency of the universe, there could be universal implications.
Or the frequency of hell could cause all hell to break loose...

Now I am getting nervous...

Best wishes, J_P

My God J_P!!!

You are right. If enough of these machines were to be tuned to the cosmic frequency,
it would cause a resonance on a universal scale. Galaxies would tear themselves apart
and the universe, as we know it, would cease to exist.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 12-28-2010, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Morgan,
We see a passive receiver is only part of the DC 2008. This receiver is not the same as the PD receiver.
It operates on different frequency and has a much different ferrite connected along with a large loop, and it has other things connected, such as ion chamber and IR LED circuit, etc.

This is not the same as the PD, and we have heard it does not perform the same either.
I wonder why Mineoro added the extra parts and circuits in the DC 2008 when we can easily see the PD works better without these extra parts and circuits?

Best wishes,
In my DC 2008,the circuit similar to PD PCB 5,is under black resin,so it is what they want to hide.As Esteban told,the PD was the Alonso´s prototipe for some Mineoro model.
The other circuits inside DC 2008,as Geo told to you,its to make this device more complex,for them to claim the extra money, 5000 E.
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Old 12-28-2010, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
(...) Galaxies would tear themselves apart
and the universe, as we know it, would cease to exist.
This already happened to Hung.
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Old 12-28-2010, 02:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Morgan
In my DC 2008,the circuit similar to PD PCB 5,is under black resin,so it is what they want to hide.As Esteban told,the PD was the Alonso´s prototipe for some Mineoro model.
The other circuits inside DC 2008,as Geo told to you,its to make this device more complex,for them to claim the extra money, 5000 E.
When you see black resin covering the circuit boards, then you know you have real quality.
This black epoxy means it is worth thousands of euros.
There are ions being detected under the resin. Where else will you find this?

Maybe in NASA satellites....
No... NASA satellites don't hide their circuits in black epoxy...

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Old 12-28-2010, 04:34 AM
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Here is the schematic with edit at the bias of Q1.
I believe that don't work at VLF. If Alexismex measured right the inductance of pot-core who is connecting to big loop (380uH) then the tuned frequency is about 250Khz.
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Old 12-28-2010, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
In my DC 2008,the circuit similar to PD PCB 5,is under black resin,so it is what they want to hide.As Esteban told,the PD was the Alonso´s prototipe for some Mineoro model.
The other circuits inside DC 2008,as Geo told to you,its to make this device more complex,for them to claim the extra money, 5000 E.

Hi Morgan.
Can you give us a photo from inside your DC2008??

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Old 12-28-2010, 11:31 PM
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Default DC 2008

Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi Morgan.
Can you give us a photo from inside your DC2008??

I open one time,but not take photos,then i seal it again,and you know this seal is more dificult to take out becouse i use some glue...
But everything is identical of this one from Esteban,except the Passive Receiver PCB is inside black Resin.
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Old 12-29-2010, 04:29 PM
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Default mineoro

Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Ι believe that Mineoro is not good to locate a coin but it is able to locate a big treasure at 10... 30 meters distance

at last we agree.
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Old 12-29-2010, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I open one time,but not take photos,then i seal it again,and you know this seal is more dificult to take out becouse i use some glue...
But everything is identical of this one from Esteban,except the Passive Receiver PCB is inside black Resin.
Thank you.
I mean does it seem that it is the schematic of PCB5??? Can you see that there are 6 transistors, 2 diodes etc???

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Old 12-30-2010, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Thank you.
I mean does it seem that it is the schematic of PCB5??? Can you see that there are 6 transistors, 2 diodes etc???

Well,i not take out the black resine,but acording the DC 2008 from Esteban,this seems like a passive receiver...
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Old 12-30-2010, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Well,i not take out the black resine,but acording the DC 2008 from Esteban,this seems like a passive receiver...
Hi Morgan.
I agree but i believe that the pcb5 is more sensitive than the magnetic receiver who has the DC2008

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Old 05-28-2011, 10:00 PM
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Default Q

why everything not salient
you can circuit download in the site nice salient
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Old 05-29-2011, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by ban

why everything not salient
you can circuit download in the site nice salient
Here is a better copy of the same circuit. But nobody cares what the components are because it does not work except to detect sparks and electric fences.

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Old 05-29-2011, 04:56 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Here is a better copy of the same circuit. But nobody cares what the components are because it does not work except to detect sparks and electric fences.

Best wishes,
Hi J_P.
With o first eye ... the buzzer is connected to +12V and not to +5V.
You can edit it.

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Old 05-29-2011, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by ban View Post

why everything not salient
you can circuit download in the site nice salient

Because was the first time that i worked with the Eagle program!!!
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Old 05-30-2011, 07:34 PM
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excuse me, your this circuit made if you made you can send photo for me . i want see this photo circuit ?
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