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Old 12-21-2009, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect View Post

I would like to hear FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The FACT is that Esteban with his electronically intentional decorated dowsing rods is never found or granules precious metals (other than those buried by himself) in his life and it never will. This is well known FACT, except for the blind LRL believers.

For smart guys is that FACT enough, but for the greedy, there is a penalty in the form of mineoro nad such expensive worthless boxes.
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Old 12-21-2009, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Seden View Post
"but then i wonder what we can do if the soil only contain gold particles and NO nuggets/coins/bars"

That's a very valid question and in that case you end up with an empty hole in the ground. That equally applies to Geochemical Prospecting which happened to me several years ago. I had soil samples from several areas and this one spot had so much micron gold the test tube bubbled over and I thought EUREKA!! Upon drywashing the soil and running the cons I came up empty handed and realized I was in an area that could only be leached to get the gold out but boy howdy it is a very pregnant spot!

Of course this is one of the ways to get 100% positive results, empty hole being in fact potentially filled by particles.

Originally Posted by Fred View Post
If you don´t progress, you regress...Nothing personal Esteban, just about facts.]
Who said I'm in regression? You? Facts? I have 1,000!
Progress would mean you discover what (effect) you are detecting and how.Until then you will be just guessing. Like someone discovering fire but unable to make it.
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Old 12-21-2009, 11:48 AM
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Progress: I don't need helium or other mechanical disposition, this is also progress.

Glory: Here I can't obtain, nobody can't obtain here, even in the most important forum of MD on the world. Just I wish to explain that many things made of other in the past, today is "discovered", this is, re-discovered with implementation of modern equipment. Do you see the great quantity of old information I've been posted about devices that exist in the past under other denomination and constructed with old and simple materials?

I want obtain more with minus, this is the reason why I use simple apparatus like radio, etc. In other words: as I can't complicate the thinks for to be more creditable, appears as bogus. Respectable people demmand many complicated formulas wich make more creditable the theme, sometimes a form of lying elegantly.

Maybe I'm wrong. But... prove it!
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Old 12-21-2009, 12:06 PM
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Ok lets get things straight here. Esteban has posted a very large quantity of data that he obtained with his research all these years. We are very grateful for this wealth of information from you Esteban.Thanks you very much.
Now about the radio, we all know that the FM radio has a demodulator for FM and this is the best circuit to demodulate the frequency differences in a modulated signal, either RF or IR or US. Now, on the other hand he is insisting that the frequency shifts when you are in the vicinity of a long time buried metal. So why dont you focus on this and build some circuits and test them to see for yourself???
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Old 12-21-2009, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
I am a skeptic about what Esteban posted. But I am not skeptical the question you asked.

My argument is with the words Esteban posted, not what you are asking to prove.
What Esteban posted was a page showing a metal sample in an acoustic isolated container that had a microphone attached to listen for vibrating sounds it makes when a pulsed IR light beam shines on it.

We all read what Esteban posted:

"... is the phase shift.

Exactly as I made with a FM radio since more than 20 years ago! So, IR can be used for electronic LRL."

The fact is it is not exactly the same. It is not even similar. Esteban comes here with the intent to collect his glory as a great experimenter and innovator, which he is. But he distributes misinformation in order to collect his glory. This is the Geotech forum, the most highly respected technical metal locating forum in the world. And it is wrong to use false information to prove you are a glorious innovator. The result is there are readers all over the world believing Esteban's buried gold targets are vibrating under the ground causing RF phase shift, when he has performed no testing to verify there is any vibration happening in his buried target metals. He is publishing his declaration of "Exactly as I made with a FM radio since more than 20 years ago" based on pure speculation.

The fact is Esteban does not know whether his buried targets are vibrating or not. He has not made a single test in all his years to measure any acoustic vibrations as shown in the paper he posted. All he knows is his FM radio sound changes when he shines his detector at a place where he says there is a buried treasure. The proof is easy to make, but he has not done it.

And now you are asking skeptics to explain with scientific facts why an IR modulated beam CANNOT shift its frequency and phase when its in the presence of an electromagnetic field of a buried metal. Nobody here said that can't be done. What I said is the acoustic waves we see in the paper Esteban posted are not the same as what Esteban did with an FM radio since more than 20 years ago. There is a big difference between listening to acoustic sounds of a vibrating chunk of metal, and listening to a variation in a sound from an FM radio that has it's RF altered.

One thing Esteban didn't explain is the sound variation he heard from the FM radio was never verified to be caused by a phase shift. The truth is that Esteban does not know what causes the change in the sound. Maybe it was caused by a phase shift, or maybe it was caused by a second frequency interfering, or maybe some kind of modulation on the carrier. But Esteban has no clue what electronic fluctuation causes the audio change. Can Esteban supply some way to demonstrate that there was a indeed phase shift in the signal received on his FM radio? ... Or is this more speculation that he is assuming must be true because he concluded the buried metal started vibrating?

Has it ever occurred to you that this kind of sloppy chain of logic, where it is ok to speculate to arrive at conclusions could be the basis for where science ends and pseudoscience starts?

How many ignorant people do you suppose will believe they have just read solid proof that an IR LED shining on the dirt will cause buried metal to vibrate? How many wasted arguments must we endure in a forum where the best minds in metal locating are supposed to be at least conversant in the basics of logic enough to show some proof that supports their conclusions?

You said you want FACTS. Yet you have been listening to speculation from Esteban as if it were facts. I have no argument against your question about why a modulated IR beam cannot experience a phase shift. My argument is Esteban is publishing misinformation to collect his glory. His FM receiver is not exactly or even remotely the same as the acoustic apparatus he posted. My argument is it is highly unlikely that an IR LED will cause a buried metal item 10 feet away to begin vibrating to cause a phase shift in an FM broadcast receiver. My second argument is I have yet to see any evidence that there is a phase shift. How does Esteban know the phase has shifted?

My challenge to Esteban is to show real proof that the phase shifts in his FM receiver when he shines his IR LED in the direction of buried treasure. Real proof comes in the form of graphs that are charted by electronic equipment that measure phase shifts. I doubt there is any phase shift. But I may be wrong, so show me.

Also show me some proof buried metal is vibrating when you shine your IR LED on the dirt above it. This is simple to do. Put your sample metal in a glass jar with a microphone attached to listen inside and bury it with 8 cm of dirt on top of it. Then record the sounds that come when you shine the IR led at the dirt.

I am anxious to see these two things. I don't believe the buried metal begins vibrating, nor do I believe your FM receiver is seeing a phase shift. If the sound is changing on your FM receiver, I think it is a change of wave-shape which is commonly referred to as "voice" or "envelope" in audio terms. This is not caused by RF phase shift. Prove me wrong!

Best wishes,
I will go further:
For to be sure that buried metal vibrates (atomic or molecular, yes vibrates, all scientists know this), AND CAN BE DETECTED AT DISTANCE, I construct a deviced based on Xtal. I supossed that Xtal. will be affected by the "signature" of each metal. I have some buried gold in house. I discover wich Xtal. is the correct for gold (of course, the Xtal. can be in harmonic) because the non-correct Xtals. did not detect well. This demmand changes and changes. When I obtain the correct Xtal. I found a gold chain in my patio that confirm me the relations of the molecular (or atomic) vibration and Xtal. Of course, I speculate about this possibility and obtain results. Also I detect other gold items, include a coin. A big bronze item (part of old riffle) buried 130 years (battlefield) only give a short beep due the size. Bronze buttons with part with gold also was detected.

I don't pretend measure temperature with IR, for example, only detect metals with it. This was making hundred times. Of course, I'll film some day all it. Maybe my speculations about molecular or atomic vibration is not correct, but results was obtained.
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Old 12-21-2009, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect View Post
Ok lets get things straight here. Esteban has posted a very large quantity of data that he obtained with his research all these years. We are very grateful for this wealth of information from you Esteban.Thanks you very much.
Now about the radio, we all know that the FM radio has a demodulator for FM and this is the best circuit to demodulate the frequency differences in a modulated signal, either RF or IR or US. Now, on the other hand he is insisting that the frequency shifts when you are in the vicinity of a long time buried metal. So why dont you focus on this and build some circuits and test them to see for yourself???
Thanks for your comprehensive words. You can generated the IR with a IC 555 at 50% duty cicle. Not experimented yet with variable duty cycle, 30 to 90% for example. Now, consumption of 2 IR leds is high. When battery of IR leds go in degradation (power loss), you'll readjust the sensibility control (radio volume). So, is better here powerfull batteries with regulated power.

Of course, some day I can put all this here or in a book, but the glory is for persons wich can convert it in formulas. Alonso told me: "the glory will be for others".
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Old 12-21-2009, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect View Post

Esteban has posted a very large quantity of data that he obtained with his research all these years.
This is like: if we all, instead of walking into the the shops, walking to landfill waste and bear it all to home again. In many cases, interesting historical data, but no more than that.

Creating the magic of science from mostly unsuccessful historical attempts can be fun time-wasting, but still only a waste of time, until it is redeemed to naive, as it does Mineoro.
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Old 12-21-2009, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Of course, some day I can put all this here or in a book, but the glory is for persons wich can convert it in formulas.
This is what i told you, you must progress: understand and explain what is is cause.
If you cant then the glory will be for others, but maybe there will be no glory at all because there is nothing to explain.

I like you old schematics but they explain nothing.

Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Alonso told me: "the glory will be for others".
BTW ,what do you need glory for ? And if you tell nothing , do you think you will have glory?
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Old 12-21-2009, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban
I will go further:
For to be sure that buried metal vibrates (atomic or molecular, yes vibrates, all scientists know this), AND CAN BE DETECTED AT DISTANCE, I construct a deviced based on Xtal. I supossed that Xtal. will be affected by the "signature" of each metal. I have some buried gold in house. I discover wich Xtal. is the correct for gold (of course, the Xtal. can be in harmonic) because the non-correct Xtals. did not detect well. This demmand changes and changes. When I obtain the correct Xtal. I found a gold chain in my patio that confirm me the relations of the molecular (or atomic) vibration and Xtal. Of course, I speculate about this possibility and obtain results. Also I detect other gold items, include a coin. A big bronze item (part of old riffle) buried 130 years (battlefield) only give a short beep due the size. Bronze buttons with part with gold also was detected.

I don't pretend measure temperature with IR, for example, only detect metals with it. This was making hundred times. Of course, I'll film some day all it. Maybe my speculations about molecular or atomic vibration is not correct, but results was obtained.
I have not made any comments challenging whether you have detected metals or used IR LEDs.

My challenge to you is to show real proof that the phase shifts in your FM receiver when you shine your IR LED in the direction of buried treasure. Real proof comes in the form of graphs that are charted by electronic equipment that measure phase shifts. I doubt there is any phase shift. But I may be wrong, so show me.

Everyone knows molecules of all physical material vibrate, but the article you posted shows they generate a characteristic vibration that can be detected as an acoustic sound that you can hear in a microphone when you shine chopped IR light on the target material. This is what you are said is exactly as what you did 20 years ago with IR and measured as phase shift with an FM receiver.
So show us some proof buried metal begins vibrating to make a sound when you shine your IR LED on the dirt above it. This is simple to do. Put your sample metal in a glass jar with a microphone attached to listen inside and bury it with 8 cm of dirt on top of it. Then record the sounds that come when you shine the IR led at the dirt. No crystal will prove this, It is an acoustic sound that you can hear and record with a microphone placed with the sample metal. I already know the IR LED will not cause it to make a detectable sound unless you remove the dirt from the top of the metal to let the IR shine on it. So show us how we can hear the microphone sound that comes when the IR light is shined on the dirt as you claimed. And show us a chart of the phase shift you measured in the FM signal.

You have asserted both of these things in your posts above, to leave the impression that the IR LED you used over 10 years ago is causing an increase in the acoustic vibration of buried metals which cause a phase shift that you hear on your FM receiver. I think you are publishing false information. It is simple as that. I believe you don't know what the changes in the received RF signal on your FM radio at the time when you shine an IR LED over a buried target metal. Nor do I think buried metal begins to vibrate due to an IR LED shining on dirt above it as described in your post. I am anxious to see these two things. If the sound is changing on your FM receiver, I think you heard a change of wave-shape which is commonly referred to as "voice" or "envelope" in audio terms. This is not caused by RF phase shift. And not caused by acoustic vibrations of a buried metal target. Prove me wrong!

I say you are posting misinformation to make people to believe shining an IR LED on the dirt will cause buried metals begin to vibrate and make an acoustic sound. I believe it is simply not true. It doesn't work for buried metals and an IR LED. The metals must have the IR light shining on them in order to detect the acoustic vibrations as shown in your diagram.

Now you are saying you will build a crystal device that will identify different metals. This also does not prove your IR LEDs are causing the buried metals to begin making acoustic sounds. I believe it is another attempt to avoid doing the simple test to see if a microphone hears the acoustic sounds or not when you shine your LEDs, or to show the phase shift image of the signal you receive on your FM receiver.

The fact is you posted misinformation, and you are now using every technique you can think of to avoid backing up what you said about FM phase shift and acoustic vibrations beginning when you shine IR led in the dirt above metals. Should we begin to speculate as you do, and conclude you already know there is no acoustic sound that can be heard with a microphone from buried metals? Should we conclude you won't perform the simple tests because you know it will prove you wrong about the diagram you posted as being the same as what you did?

I will just take your RF phase shift and acoustic assertions to be speculation that is false, and you are unwilling to prove to be the same as shown in your diagram.

Best wishes,
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Old 12-21-2009, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
I have not made any comments challenging whether you have detected metals or used IR LEDs.

My challenge to you is to show real proof that the phase shifts in your FM receiver when you shine your IR LED in the direction of buried treasure. Real proof comes in the form of graphs that are charted by electronic equipment that measure phase shifts. I doubt there is any phase shift. But I may be wrong, so show me.

Everyone knows molecules of all physical material vibrate, but the article you posted shows they generate a characteristic vibration that can be detected as an acoustic sound that you can hear in a microphone when you shine chopped IR light on the target material. This is what you are said is exactly as what you did 20 years ago with IR and measured as phase shift with an FM receiver.
So show us some proof buried metal begins vibrating to make a sound when you shine your IR LED on the dirt above it. This is simple to do. Put your sample metal in a glass jar with a microphone attached to listen inside and bury it with 8 cm of dirt on top of it. Then record the sounds that come when you shine the IR led at the dirt. No crystal will prove this, It is an acoustic sound that you can hear and record with a microphone placed with the sample metal. I already know the IR LED will not cause it to make a detectable sound unless you remove the dirt from the top of the metal to let the IR shine on it. So show us how we can hear the microphone sound that comes when the IR light is shined on the dirt as you claimed. And show us a chart of the phase shift you measured in the FM signal.

You have asserted both of these things in your posts above, to leave the impression that the IR LED you used over 10 years ago is causing an increase in the acoustic vibration of buried metals which cause a phase shift that you hear on your FM receiver. I think you are publishing false information. It is simple as that. I believe you don't know what the changes in the received RF signal on your FM radio at the time when you shine an IR LED over a buried target metal. Nor do I think buried metal begins to vibrate due to an IR LED shining on it as described in the article you posted. I am anxious to see these two things. If the sound is changing on your FM receiver, I think you heard a change of wave-shape which is commonly referred to as "voice" or "envelope" in audio terms. This is not caused by RF phase shift. Prove me wrong!

I say you are posting misinformation to make people to believe shining an IR LED on the dirt will cause buried metals begin to vibrate and make an acoustic sound. I believe it is simply not true. It doesn't work for buried metals and an IR LED. The metals must have the IR light shining on them in order to detect the acoustic vibrations as shown in your diagram.

Now you are saying you will build a crystal device that will identify different metals. This also does not prove your IR LEDs are causing the buried metals to begin making acoustic sounds. I believe it is another attempt to avoid doing the simple test to see if the acoustic sounds are there are not when you shine your LEDs, or show a phase shift graph of the signal you receive on your FM receiver.

The fact is you posted misinformation, and you are now using every technique you can think of to avoid backing up what you said about FM phase shift and acoustic vibrations beginning when you shine IR led in the dirt above metals.

I will just take your RF phase shift and acoustic assertions to be speculation that is false, and you are unwilling to prove as shown in your diagram.

Best wishes,
I've read his "wild" claims and have come to the same conclusions as you voiced above.

Past experiences indicate there will be no proof coming; just a continuance of the wild assertions and misinformation.

Apparently, some get an ego boost from posting misinformation and sparse incomplete details to a pseudo locating system or device they want others to believe works for them, and them alone.

I guess.... whatever trips your trigger.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
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Old 12-21-2009, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus
I've read his "wild" claims and have come to the same conclusions as you voiced above.

Past experiences indicate there will be no proof coming; just a continuance of the wild assertions and misinformation.

Apparently, some get an ego boost from posting misinformation and sparse incomplete details to a pseudo locating system or device they want others to believe works for them, and them alone.

I guess.... whatever trips your trigger.
Esteban avoids showing the simple proof in his diagram by putting a microphone to a sample buried in dirt.
Then he says he will substitute the simple microphone proof for a crystal test that requires a hard-to-find crystal instead.


Is it because the simple microphone method he posted proves him wrong about sounds heard on a microphone from buried metals?

Does a graph showing the phase shift measured in his FM receiver prove there is no phase shift, but an audio wave form change instead?

Is this the reason Esteban wants to switch to a new crystal gadget to measure electronic signals instead of acoustic -- because the information he posted was just plain wrong?

Are we being fed misinformation from Esteban?

Best wishes,
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Old 12-21-2009, 08:59 PM
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Thanks Esteban, I hope you will write a book soon with all your experiments.
So i want to ask the skeptics again,what causes an off-resonance metal detector to signal when it is in the vicinity and range of a buried metal but not near the ground?
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Old 12-21-2009, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect View Post
Thanks Esteban, I hope you will write a book soon with all your experiments.
So i want to ask the skeptics again,what causes an off-resonance metal detector to signal when it is in the vicinity and range of a buried metal but not near the ground?
Magic of course
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Old 12-21-2009, 09:49 PM
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...what causes an off-resonance metal detector to signal when it is in the vicinity and range of a buried metal but not near the ground?

Not what you think.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 12-21-2009, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect View Post

So i want to ask the skeptics again,what causes an off-resonance metal detector to signal when it is in the vicinity and range of a buried metal but not near the ground?
This will be deeply explained in Estebans ground-breaking new book. Please be patient!
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
This is what i told you, you must progress: understand and explain what is is cause.
If you cant then the glory will be for others, but maybe there will be no glory at all because there is nothing to explain.

I like you old schematics but they explain nothing.

BTW ,what do you need glory for ? And if you tell nothing , do you think you will have glory?
Old schematics? Maybe old things can show you some relations.

Extremely wrong! Not need glory! Maybe others...
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
I have not made any comments challenging whether you have detected metals or used IR LEDs.

My challenge to you is to show real proof that the phase shifts in your FM receiver when you shine your IR LED in the direction of buried treasure. Real proof comes in the form of graphs that are charted by electronic equipment that measure phase shifts. I doubt there is any phase shift. But I may be wrong, so show me.

Everyone knows molecules of all physical material vibrate, but the article you posted shows they generate a characteristic vibration that can be detected as an acoustic sound that you can hear in a microphone when you shine chopped IR light on the target material. This is what you are said is exactly as what you did 20 years ago with IR and measured as phase shift with an FM receiver.
So show us some proof buried metal begins vibrating to make a sound when you shine your IR LED on the dirt above it. This is simple to do. Put your sample metal in a glass jar with a microphone attached to listen inside and bury it with 8 cm of dirt on top of it. Then record the sounds that come when you shine the IR led at the dirt. No crystal will prove this, It is an acoustic sound that you can hear and record with a microphone placed with the sample metal. I already know the IR LED will not cause it to make a detectable sound unless you remove the dirt from the top of the metal to let the IR shine on it. So show us how we can hear the microphone sound that comes when the IR light is shined on the dirt as you claimed. And show us a chart of the phase shift you measured in the FM signal.

You have asserted both of these things in your posts above, to leave the impression that the IR LED you used over 10 years ago is causing an increase in the acoustic vibration of buried metals which cause a phase shift that you hear on your FM receiver. I think you are publishing false information. It is simple as that. I believe you don't know what the changes in the received RF signal on your FM radio at the time when you shine an IR LED over a buried target metal. Nor do I think buried metal begins to vibrate due to an IR LED shining on dirt above it as described in your post. I am anxious to see these two things. If the sound is changing on your FM receiver, I think you heard a change of wave-shape which is commonly referred to as "voice" or "envelope" in audio terms. This is not caused by RF phase shift. And not caused by acoustic vibrations of a buried metal target. Prove me wrong!

I say you are posting misinformation to make people to believe shining an IR LED on the dirt will cause buried metals begin to vibrate and make an acoustic sound. I believe it is simply not true. It doesn't work for buried metals and an IR LED. The metals must have the IR light shining on them in order to detect the acoustic vibrations as shown in your diagram.

Now you are saying you will build a crystal device that will identify different metals. This also does not prove your IR LEDs are causing the buried metals to begin making acoustic sounds. I believe it is another attempt to avoid doing the simple test to see if a microphone hears the acoustic sounds or not when you shine your LEDs, or to show the phase shift image of the signal you receive on your FM receiver.

The fact is you posted misinformation, and you are now using every technique you can think of to avoid backing up what you said about FM phase shift and acoustic vibrations beginning when you shine IR led in the dirt above metals. Should we begin to speculate as you do, and conclude you already know there is no acoustic sound that can be heard with a microphone from buried metals? Should we conclude you won't perform the simple tests because you know it will prove you wrong about the diagram you posted as being the same as what you did?

I will just take your RF phase shift and acoustic assertions to be speculation that is false, and you are unwilling to prove to be the same as shown in your diagram.

Best wishes,
False information? What for? I think is a kind of phase shift, and think is a distortion of audio in the system. I post the image as a reference, is not the same, but the both refers audio. At the end, all is audio here. Over 10 years? 20 years!!!

Xtal. is other experiment, maybe 5 years ago. Some vibration must be exist in matter, and seems more remarcable when metal is buried for long time. The Xtal. is based in oscillator. The signal by the buried metal affects the Xtal.-oscillator system and voilÃ*! This is very simple! So, the phenomenon is very complex, and this make possible 1,000 kinds of techniques and sensors. Incredivel!: What is less known is what gives more possibilities. You supported me one day and another day you says I'm lying. Will see... will see...
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Old 12-22-2009, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
I've read his "wild" claims and have come to the same conclusions as you voiced above.

Past experiences indicate there will be no proof coming; just a continuance of the wild assertions and misinformation.

Apparently, some get an ego boost from posting misinformation and sparse incomplete details to a pseudo locating system or device they want others to believe works for them, and them alone.

I guess.... whatever trips your trigger.

Lo poco que yo puedo mostrarle es demasiado!
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect
Ok lets get things straight here. Esteban has posted a very large quantity of data that he obtained with his research all these years. We are very grateful for this wealth of information from you Esteban.Thanks you very much.
Now about the radio, we all know that the FM radio has a demodulator for FM and this is the best circuit to demodulate the frequency differences in a modulated signal, either RF or IR or US. Now, on the other hand he is insisting that the frequency shifts when you are in the vicinity of a long time buried metal. So why dont you focus on this and build some circuits and test them to see for yourself???
You are asking why we don't build an FM demodulator to see if we can find a phase shift from an IR LED, and use this demodulator to prove whether Esteban received a phase shift in the signal he received in his FM broadcast receiver. An FM demodulator is a good circuit to use for demodulating a variation in frequency in a signal. In an FM broadcast receiver the demodulator is demodulating RF signals in the 100 MHZ region. Not IR light signals. Furthermore, an FM demodulator demodulates fluctuations in frequency, not phase shifts. If we were to build a circuit that demodulates IR light as you suggest, then we would not be testing to see whether Esteban's FM broadcast receiver RF is picking up a phase shift in the 100 MHZ RF region, as he claims. We would be testing to see if the frequency of changes in the circuitry of a 400 HZ square wave that interrupts power to an IR LED.

This sounds like another attempt to avoid the real proof of demonstrating whether Esteban has published misinformation or not. It is not necessary to build a demodulator circuit to test Esteban's claims. He made only two claims that he refuses to make a simple test to prove:

1. He detected the phase shift
2. The acoustic microphone detecting the metal vibrating under a chopped IR light source he posted is exactly the same as what he did more than 20 years ago with his FM radio

Why should any skeptic build a special 400 hz demodulator circuit when it does not test whether these claims are true? Isn't the real test to simply shine a 400 Hz pulsed IR led over the place on the ground where there is buried metal and check the signal received at an FM broadcast receiver to see if there is a phase shift in either the RF or AF section? Isn't that the real test to see if there is a phase shift as Esteban claims he heard from his pocket radio receiver?

And to check if shining an IR LED causes an acoustic vibration that can be heard with a microphone, wouldn't we put a piece of metal in a clear container that has a microphone in it, then cover it with dirt so it is buried while we shine the IR LED above the buried target to see if we hear a sound from the microphone through an audio amp?

The reason why most skeptics here do not make these tests is because no skeptic has ever been able to build a circuit that Esteban claims works, due to the fact he keeps his circuits secret. He will not tell the component values and detail needed to make an exact copy of his IR detector so another independent tester can build it and test it to see if it works as he claims or not.

In the only exception I can think of where Esteban gave a complete circuit, the people who built it found that it does not work. Esteban continues to insist the schematic he posted to build the "Zahori" long range detector works after people who built it say is does not work. Even non-skeptics say it does not work, because a secret missing circuit section must be added before it can be made to work. Even after the repeated failure reports from those who built the Zahori, Esteban told us we were wrong, and it works without modifications. Based on our experience with Esteban's Zahori claims, I believe he would tell us any failed attempts to duplicate his observations of a phase shift, or to hear buried metal vibrating when sweeping an IR LED over the dirt are wrong because it works just fine for him, just like he claims the Zahori detector works fine for him. -- Even when we built it and found it does not.

But, you know all this very well.

You come here asking people to build circuits that do not prove whether we are getting more misinformation from Esteban...
for what purpose?

Aren't you already convinced there is a phase shift based on Esteban's claim that he refuses to prove?
Aren't you already convinced an IR swept over the ground where metal is buried will cause it to vibrate to make a sound you can hear with a microphone at the metal?

Why do you want skeptics to attempt to build a circuit that does not prove these claims are true?
Is it your intent use the false test to help spread misinformation?

Best wishes,
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Esteban avoids showing the simple proof in his diagram by putting a microphone to a sample buried in dirt.
Then he says he will substitute the simple microphone proof for a crystal test that requires a hard-to-find crystal instead.


Is it because the simple microphone method he posted proves him wrong about sounds heard on a microphone from buried metals?

Does a graph showing the phase shift measured in his FM receiver prove there is no phase shift, but an audio wave form change instead?

Is this the reason Esteban wants to switch to a new crystal gadget to measure electronic signals instead of acoustic -- because the information he posted was just plain wrong?

Are we being fed misinformation from Esteban?

Best wishes,
Time ago I refer in some part about Xtal. experiment. Puede que sea mejor escribirles en español, no estoy mezclando las cosas. Solo que la materia debe vibrar (sÃ*, vibra!) y hay métodos como infrarrojo y otros que pueden ser usados. La ventaja del infrarrojo es que es un transmisor y va lejos. Al mismo tiempo, el "fenómeno" "cabalga" o "viaja" en el rayo de luz y el cambio en el receptor ocurre. Todo es tan simple. Pero sólo tengo mis palabras para explicarles. Si hubiera tenido un doctorado no habrÃ*a llegado a esto porque el escepticismo me impedirÃ*a. Skepticism does not permit me. Do you see? Lo ve? Yo también soy escéptico, pero no respecto a lo que hago.
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Magic of course
Also the round of the Earth was magic for long time, but not for a few...
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
...what causes an off-resonance metal detector to signal when it is in the vicinity and range of a buried metal but not near the ground?

Not what you think.
More what you think, but supported by radio receiver, 2 detectors in one!
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
You are asking why we don't build an FM demodulator to see if we can find a phase shift from an IR LED, and use this demodulator to prove whether Esteban received a phase shift in the signal he received in his FM broadcast receiver. An FM demodulator is a good circuit to use for demodulating a variation in frequency in a signal. In an FM broadcast receiver the demodulator is demodulating RF signals in the 100 MHZ region. Not IR light signals. Furthermore, an FM demodulator demodulates fluctuations in frequency, not phase shifts. If we were to build a circuit that demodulates IR light as you suggest, then we would not be testing to see whether Esteban's FM broadcast receiver RF is picking up a phase shift in the 100 MHZ RF region, as he claims. We would be testing to see if the frequency of changes in the circuitry of a 400 HZ square wave that interrupts power to an IR LED.

This sounds like another attempt to avoid the real proof of demonstrating whether Esteban has published misinformation or not. It is not necessary to build a demodulator circuit to test Esteban's claims. He made only two claims that he refuses to make a simple test to prove:

1. He detected the phase shift
2. The acoustic microphone detecting the metal vibrating under a chopped IR light source he posted is exactly the same as what he did more than 20 years ago with his FM radio

Why should any skeptic build a special 400 hz demodulator circuit when it does not test whether these claims are true? Isn't the real test to simply shine a 400 Hz pulsed IR led over the place on the ground where there is buried metal and check the signal received at an FM broadcast receiver to see if there is a phase shift in either the RF or AF section? Isn't that the real test to see if there is a phase shift as Esteban claims he heard from his pocket radio receiver?

And to check if shining an IR LED causes an acoustic vibration that can be heard with a microphone, wouldn't we put a piece of metal in a clear container that has a microphone in it, then cover it with dirt so it is buried while we shine the IR LED above the buried target to see if we hear a sound from the microphone through an audio amp?

The reason why most skeptics here do not make these tests is because no skeptic has ever been able to build a circuit that Esteban claims works, due to the fact he keeps his circuits secret. He will not tell the component values and detail needed to make an exact copy of his IR detector so another independent tester can build it and test it to see if it works as he claims or not. In the only case I can think of where Esteban gave a complete circuit, everyone who built it found that it does not work.

Esteban continues to insist the schematic he posted to build the "Zahori" long range detector works after everyone who built it says is does not work. Even non-skeptics say it does not work, because some missing circuit sections must be added before it can be made to work. So Esteban has established himself as a person who distributes misinformation about how LRLs work as well as expecting people to believe him without allowing others to duplicate his test apparatus to see for themselves whether it works or not. And based on our experience of the one exception when we did build the LRL design he posted, I believe he would tell us all of our failed attempts to duplicate his observations of a phase shift or hear buried metal vibrating from sweeping an IR LED over it are wrong because it works just fine for him, just like he claims the Zahori detector works just fine for him. Even when we built it and found it does not.

But, you know all this very well. You come here asking people to build circuits that do not prove whether we are getting more misinformation from Esteban... for what purpose? Aren't you already convinced there is a phase shift based on Esteban's claim that he refuses to prove? Aren't you already convinced an IR swept over the ground where metal is buried will cause it to vibrate to make a sound you can hear with a microphone at the metal?

Why do you want skeptics to attempt to build a circuit that does not prove these claims are true? Is it your intent use the false test to help spread misinformation?

Best wishes,
Wasting much "ink". Regarding Zahori, the people build not under my sugerences, many people uses the keys, potentiometers, etc., and this causes confusions. The problem is that many argue unnecessarily and do not work. I don't use microphone, but I can use in other system, no for infrared. Many people build, for example, the Delta Pulse, the Tesoro, etc., and doesn't work for them! If work, work very bad! I can't make miracles, or yes? Misinformation: I never said that the IR make vibrate the buried item (but can be possible). I said that the buried items vibrates in specific signatures (maybe very constant or not, remember that alloys can be different than pure metal).
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban
Wasting much "ink". Regarding Zahori, the people build not under my sugerences, many people uses the keys, potentiometers, etc., and this causes confusions. The problem is that many argue unnecessarily and do not work. I don't use microphone, but I can use in other system, no for infrared. Many people build, for example, the Delta Pulse, the Tesoro, etc., and doesn't work for them! If work, work very bad! I can't make miracles, or yes? Misinformation: I never said that the IR make vibrate the buried item (but can be possible). I said that the buried items vibrates in specific signatures (maybe very constant or not, remember that alloys can be different than pure metal).
Hi Esteban,
What you claimed in this thread has nothing to do with the Zahori, other than there are secret circuits involved.

The claims you make here are:
1.You detected the phase shift
2. The acoustic microphone detecting metal vibrating under a chopped IR light source is exactly the same as what you did more than 20 years ago with an FM radio

You are making false claims. They are simple to prove.
All you need is a microphone and an audio amp. But you refuse to show proof.
You expect us to accept substitute tests that do not prove whether your claims are true.

You were wrong, and you posted misinformation. Simple as that.

Best wishes,
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Old 12-22-2009, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Esteban,
What you claimed in this thread has nothing to do with the Zahori, other than there are secret circuits involved.

The claims you make here are:
1.You detected the phase shift
2. The acoustic microphone detecting metal vibrating under a chopped IR light source is exactly the same as what you did more than 20 years ago with an FM radio

You are making false claims. They are simple to prove.
All you need is a microphone and an audio amp. But you refuse to show proof.
You expect us to accept substitute tests that do not prove whether your claims are true.

You were wrong, and you posted misinformation. Simple as that.

Best wishes,
Because you name Zahori...:

"In the only exception I can think of where Esteban gave a complete circuit, the people who built it found that it does not work. Esteban continues to insist the schematic he posted to build the "Zahori" long range detector works after people who built it say is does not work. Even non-skeptics say it does not work, because a secret missing circuit section must be added before it can be made to work. Even after the repeated failure reports from those who built the Zahori, Esteban told us we were wrong, and it works without modifications."

The both are spectroscopy, one by microphone and in my system via changes in the audio of the receiver. But the both is via the incisive IR light. My misinformation is a very valuable info. EXTREMELY! I asure you!
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