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Old 04-28-2007, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
I can't trust anything this guy says. It's a setup.
Carl Moreland, is the reason I WON'T be attending the meeting in August. Dell
A press release dated 4/18/07 Dell Winders had said:

"I rented the meeting room for Saturday, august 18th. It will be Free to the public, to show continuous videos of Treasure and Treasure Salvors in action. If there is sufficient interest in the Free movie room, I will rent it for a second day Sunday, August 19th."

Which face to believe?
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Old 04-28-2007, 12:04 PM
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Default hung can you teach me how to run a FG79

I can get one on a loan.
But the guy told me he can get t to work.
I know it i not the FG80 but can it work for me.
If you can show me how to run this thing and make it work(I must find gold)
I will get the FG80 post all my finds on this site.
It will be a turn around for me.(talking good and not bad about the FG60)
IF Carl can't get his to work
I will post and do only the thing you have me to do with the FG79 on this site.
So what is the first thing you want me to do with the FG79.
I will have it sent to me ASAP.
I will not open the FG79.
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Old 04-28-2007, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Jim View Post
A press release dated 4/18/07 Dell Winders had said:

"I rented the meeting room for Saturday, august 18th. It will be Free to the public, to show continuous videos of Treasure and Treasure Salvors in action. If there is sufficient interest in the Free movie room, I will rent it for a second day Sunday, August 19th."
*Sigh*, it's true. The "Treasure Expo" is scheduled for August 18-19 in Cocoa Beach. Don Webb has been performing Herculian feats to get this thing organized. Dell was one of the very first people to sign up.

I also agreed to attend, and will have a booth and give a seminar on detector technology. When Dell found out that I am going, he immediately canceled. I've privately written Dell twice to assure him that I will NOT use the Expo to try to discredit him in any way:

I will promise not to bring any Dell/Omnitron devices with me...
I will promise not to say anything about you or your products in my seminar...
I will promise not say anything about you or your products otherwise, except in response to direct questions, and even then I will be restrained and civil...
I will promise to be polite and civil towards you in all other respects.

In return, you follow through on your original commitment to Don. Also, you may say whatever you like about me at the Expo, I don't really care.
Of course, Dell won't respond to private messages, he only responds on the forums. OK by me. For years, Dell has prodded me on the forums to come down to Florida. Now that I'm coming, he runs away. This reminds me of Jim Thomas, who sued me and then ran and hid when I showed up for our court date. What are these guys afraid of? Do LRLs really NOT work, and these guys KNOW it?

Don Webb, the organizer, is a dowsing proponent and is eager to meet me, so why Dell thinks this is a "setup" is beyond me. And just what is there to "setup"? If I have been totally wrong all these years, and LRLs really DO work, then I would expect Dell to be eager for this opportunity to show everyone how wrong I am. It's his perfect chance, in front of dozens of other treasure hunters, to completely and totally embarrass me.

I'm attending. Dell is retreating. Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions.

- Carl
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Old 04-28-2007, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
*Sigh*, it's true. The "Treasure Expo" is scheduled for August 18-19 in Cocoa Beach. Don Webb has been performing Herculian feats to get this thing organized. Dell was one of the very first people to sign up.

I also agreed to attend, and will have a booth and give a seminar on detector technology. When Dell found out that I am going, he immediately canceled. I've privately written Dell twice to assure him that I will NOT use the Expo to try to discredit him in any way:

Of course, Dell won't respond to private messages, he only responds on the forums. OK by me. For years, Dell has prodded me on the forums to come down to Florida. Now that I'm coming, he runs away. This reminds me of Jim Thomas, who sued me and then ran and hid when I showed up for our court date. What are these guys afraid of? Do LRLs really NOT work, and these guys KNOW it?

Don Webb, the organizer, is a dowsing proponent and is eager to meet me, so why Dell thinks this is a "setup" is beyond me. And just what is there to "setup"? If I have been totally wrong all these years, and LRLs really DO work, then I would expect Dell to be eager for this opportunity to show everyone how wrong I am. It's his perfect chance, in front of dozens of other treasure hunters, to completely and totally embarrass me.

I'm attending. Dell is retreating. Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions.

- Carl
I have to tell you, Carl...this whole Treasure Expo leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Even after all the great suggestions offered to the promoter, Don Webb, they are obviously more concerned with fantasy treasure hunting than promoting a well-organized event.

It may make exciting chat room gossip, but in the RealWorld it isn't going to fetch thousands of visitors or high-end vendors. I think the original concept of a get-together was more plausible than this get-rich-quick-scheme, or promoting some of the East Coast salvage operations in search of investors.
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Old 04-28-2007, 05:21 PM
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Default Sincere wishes

I'm sorry to see the Dell-Carl meeting might not work out well. I am sincerelly hoping and wishing they meet as both have qualities which will benefit each other.
I thought Dell would be the ideal partner to go in the field in US because I'm aware he might know locations where gold exists and will save time for Carl.
Anyway I thought I would post a guide to Carl use his FG in the field but anyone who wish so can also benefit.
Hope Carl and Dell meet and both get a lot of respect from one another.
Tips to use the FG on the field.

1 – There will be times during the day which present the best conditions for ionic/electrostatic detection. Those are bet. 9 and 11:30 in the morning and from 13:30 till 17:30 in the afternoon. This might vary tough. Although this might not affect big targets, it can regarding small objects. Prior to the Malaysian tsunami in 2004 in the north hemisphere the best months peaked in june-july. I don’t know if this has changed.
For a good research, one or two weeks on site is generally required. But if a particular spot is already known to contain the target, then only a fewhours or even less will suffice.

2 – When detecting in the field, sporadic and non consistent beeps might happen. This can be due to several reasons such as weak ionic field, over tuning, spread objects, among others. The workaround to all of this involves a lot of variables which is directly proportional to the experience of the researcher and time of usage he has with the device. Since the advices for this are vast, I will not cover them now. But a good advice at this time is this: Spend the maximum time knowing the detector’s reactions in the field. The more you take it to research the more experience you’ll get in solving issues and revising strategies of detection. Also you will gain a dramatic increase of resources which will be at your disposal. Have in mind that the detector works and you only need to know the best conditions and approaches in order to succeed in pinpointing the target. Mastering the knob’s calibration is a must and you will only achieve this with time. So be patient. It’s a great tool but as with any other tool, you have to learn how to use it.
When I refer to calibration, I suggest not exaggerating. You want fine tuning, not over tuning. This however is a thin line which the user has to perceive. I remember once researching on a beach section with apparently no gold objects there, but I exaggerated so much in my PDC’s calibration that I ended up getting a pull tab. If indeed there’s gold in a particular location, you will get it from a considerable distance and with a consistent beep even if it’s a small object, although I don’t discard the possibility of weak beeps for small gold objects depending on weather conditions. Usually beaches fall in this category due to humidity. When non consistent or weak beeps happen, it will be hard to determine depth with the C&D accessory. Better in mountain regions or similar. Recalibrate the FG’s knob to search for a target and also every time you find a signal and experience a loss of it eventually.

3 – Although the manual states differently, don’t let batteries reach values close to 16 in the LCD or otherwise you might experience loss of signal and beeps will cease. Be sure to always use fresh batteries and always take a spare kit in the field.

4 - Learn to get the best of your detector. As already stated, trust it and don’t get discouraged when you fail in determining exact location and not getting consistent beeps. This situation changes from day to day and even hour to hour. So be patient but strongly determined in finding what the detector indicated. Important: The detector will only beep in the field if there's indeed gold there, provided the device is well calibrated and the user has sufficient experience to judge according to the detector reactions
In sum, taking from a musician’s side, it’s not because a couple of people own a Fender Stratocaster guitar, they will play exactly the same level of skill. Also don’t expect to play just like Steve Ray Vaughn for instance, just because you own one and copied his tone. Might take time.

From the book :”The FG80 Power User Guide’, by Hung.
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Old 04-28-2007, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Jim View Post
I have to tell you, Carl...this whole Treasure Expo leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Even after all the great suggestions offered to the promoter, Don Webb, they are obviously more concerned with fantasy treasure hunting than promoting a well-organized event.

It may make exciting chat room gossip, but in the RealWorld it isn't going to fetch thousands of visitors or high-end vendors. I think the original concept of a get-together was more plausible than this get-rich-quick-scheme, or promoting some of the East Coast salvage operations in search of investors.
So far Don has done a phenomenal job. I hope the Expo is a success, and that it becomes an annual event. I will personally help Don toward that goal.

I don't think Don is trying to promote any particular operation or scheme. Have no idea why he suddenly got off that silly "psychic" tangent, but it was Dell who started that nonsense. I will have a mag and a large-coil PI available for anyone who wants to prove it all wrong, but I personally don't care to waste my time on pure fantasies.

It's far easier to sit on the sidelines and complain, than to jump in and help. I am currently working on getting some equipment vendors to attend. Also looking for more people/groups to display finds. Are you interested? Would love to meet you.

- Carl
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
It's far easier to sit on the sidelines and complain, than to jump in and help. I am currently working on getting some equipment vendors to attend. Also looking for more people/groups to display finds. Are you interested? Would love to meet you.

- Carl
I tried tossing my hat into the ring (so to speak) as a vendor. I have set-up at numerous Bottle Shows across the US and in Canada over the past twenty-plus years. I have been associated with various Historical organizations in the great state of Florida, as well as Archeologist Societies.

Don Webb turned me down from participating in this event because of my disagreements with him pertaining to dowsing, controversial gold coins and silver nails. Nevertheless, that is OK. I still may attend as the paying public.

If the function were associated with some sort of accredited club or organization, it would have more validity to it. Door proceeds, raffle proceeds and other income(s) are going where?
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Old 04-28-2007, 08:13 PM
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Very well, how about if I invite you, as a vendor? I would love to see your bottle finds. Used to dig bottles myself, many moons ago. I will clear it with Don, and you won't have to deal with him.

Don has very likely sunk several hundred $ of his own money so far. He has done 99.9% of the work. If he ends up making money on this, power to him. I would like to see this turn into a sanctioned annual event, possibly by TreasureNet. But for the first year, we'll just have to go with what we have.

- Carl
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:09 PM
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Default To Dell


I became aware of a supposed information you dowsed gold inside copper boxes buried in the beach where the EXPO will take place.
If the boxes are all iron and there's no leakage, probably the FG80 will not detect them.
But if the boxes are all copper, the FG will detect them for sure, although not from a very far distance I believe and from a considerable distance if only part copper.

So if you do intend to go to the show as a paying guest, maybe you could help Carl to use his Mineoro detector?
Anyway I will understand whatever reasons you give to not do it.

Best regards.
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:07 AM
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Cool .....

"..they meet as both have qualities which will benefit each other."

Every living being on this planet have its own qualities....even you Hing!

But lies must be separated from truth! Once for good!

I wish all of you much health this summer!

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Old 04-30-2007, 11:55 AM
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Hung why don't you go and see carl at the show.
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Old 04-30-2007, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Clondike Clad View Post
Hung why don't you go and see carl at the show.
Impossible. I'm in Brazil.
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Old 04-30-2007, 06:45 PM
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Maybe Carl, will pay your fare and expenses if he want's learn how and when to use the Mineoro?
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Old 04-30-2007, 11:02 PM
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Thumbs down .....

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Old 05-15-2007, 03:14 PM
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Default updates on the FG80

Carl any more on the FG80 testing
I would like to know if you detected anything at this time.
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Old 05-15-2007, 06:32 PM
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Haven't had much time to work with it lately...
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Old 07-01-2007, 02:51 AM
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Default Any updates on testing FG80

Let us know if you got the thing to work
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Old 07-16-2007, 09:29 PM
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Default FG80

Anyone looked inside the FG80 pickup/transmit tube or ?
Is the pickup system in a vacuum?
Do the system have a high voltage on it?
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Old 07-17-2007, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Clondike Clad View Post
Anyone looked inside the FG80 pickup/transmit tube or ?
Is the pickup system in a vacuum?
Do the system have a high voltage on it?
Hi Clondike Clad,
I really don't know what's inside that stuff but guess there is some spark-gap-like arrangement, with plated by gold electrodes.
And I think vacuum has nothing to do with this device...if you mean how device is manifactured...

As always, just my thoughts.

Best regards,
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Old 09-06-2007, 07:20 AM
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Default Any more info on the FG80

Ok do anyone have more testing of the FG80 or the insides of the sensor,
I would like to know how the sensor is made.
Is the FG80 a AM,FM, PLUSE OR DIGITAL pickup unit or transmitter?
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