the circuit I use is a coil, preamplifier and Andy Flind's circuit 1 with its conversions.
anyone who doesn't want to answer publicly should send me a private message. Thanks.
Happy new year with health to everyone.
Geo |
Geo |
If we use p.m for answers then who is the rοle of the forum and why Carl to pay for it ???
Geo |
The best wishes and by me!!!
Geo |
thank you very much for the replies Mr. Geo. The reason I say private message is because I see in the forum posts most of you ask for an email to give some information. I have no problem being answered publicly or writing my questions and experiences from my tests publicly. many wishes for everyone.
Andy flind 1
with my Andy flind in the woods I pass a signal from 25 meters away. the signal starts with three leds lighting up and as I get closer to the source of the signal all 10 leds light up. the point is 4*4 meters where all the LEDs light up. but the signal lasts for 5 seconds and then it goes away and after some seconds it gets it again and again the same thing. what am i getting???? In a test drive I went to, it doesn't catch anything. only in the forest.
I've dug a lot and pulled out a lot of scraps of copper and aluminum and iron but it still rings. the same fragments are everywhere in the area of 400 acres, but I pass the signal only there, nowhere else.
Geo |
if we assume it's selfoscillation, when I'm 25 meters away, the 3 LEDs light up like an alarm for 5 seconds, maybe 3 seconds, and then it disappears for a few seconds and comes back on again. when I get closer to 15 meters, 5 or 6 LEDs light up again in the same way. and when I reach the point 0 meters which is a distance of 4*4 meters all 10 LEDs light up but again in the same way. I am very confused.
it's NOT selfoscillation EXCACTLY this signal i see it with the phototransistors before a year (i do not remember what is the name of circuit) . 1. every 2 second without interupt .... sine wave (vov .. vov .. vov) 2. Barometric pressure was very low 3. low black clouds before big storm 4. impressed me and I sat and watched it for an hour while drinking my coffee. 5. I looked up the history of the place and it really is strong and goes back 130 years. 6. It was in a residential area and there was no electrical consumption 7. I detected it from 40-50 meters and centered it on a 1x1m area 8. I never met him again. WHAT WAS THAT I SAW?
Being poor is not a problem because it can be solved. Being poor in mind is a problem because it can not be solved in any way. Α. ΩΝΑΣΗΣ |
Dear All can you introduce a good beep generator for Andy so that it can produce a beep if the first led is only turned on? |
hi HaFar 2010. can you use andy flind's tone generator with headphone jack 6.35 in my tests when i approach the clock first i hear the beat on the headphones and it has to get a little closer to the clock for the light to come on. while with Alonso's sound generator it beeps when I bring the clock closer to the coil compared to Andy flind's generator.
Hello pahom. In my Andy flind version I use the circuit with the 4016 and instead of a speaker I use headphones. In the same circuit I also have Alonso's sound generator with a switch and it takes the signal from pin 6 of the 3130 through a 100 nf capacitor. the R16 I use 180 kΩ.
the one who has been successful should mention some advice so that I can try it and I can report in my turn if it works in my tests and in the wild and see what differences it has with my own version. It will definitely be useful.