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Old 08-22-2013, 02:56 PM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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Default Inside Bionic 01

OKM Bionic 01:
this device have flc100 magnetometer sensors, which is mounted inside the device other than the 3 antenna's up front. Two flc sensors are mounted horizontally opposit each other and logs the compass orientation of the device. The other one is mounted vertically and logs the elevation of the device. During calibration on a target like jewelries the device monitors and logs elevation and orientation to which it is pointed at and the device tells the user that its positive. Remove the target and point the device on the same elevation and orientation the device would also say its positive...

Three antenna:
two short antennas have jumper wires only which is connected to the taller or center antenna of the device which the flc 100 magnetometer sensor is mounted. The jumper wires completes the circuit to power up the flc sensor...
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Old 08-22-2013, 09:56 PM
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Sorry to disappoint you but this is not Bionic 01.
Sensors in the real one are not set and arranged like that.
Looks like very much as the Arab-chinese copy I have seen.

Sometimes when people don't understand what they are cloning, they just do it randomly.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-23-2013, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Sorry to disappoint you but this is not Bionic 01.
Sensors in the real one are not set and arranged like that.
Looks like very much as the Arab-chinese copy I have seen.

Sometimes when people don't understand what they are cloning, they just do it randomly.
Well, show us inside of original one, to prove that this is not one more of yours tale stories only.
Global capital is ruining your life?
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Old 08-23-2013, 11:33 AM
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oroboy - Please tell us if this unit was purchased directly from OKM, or is it a cloned unit as Hung suggests?
It certainly seems to have the requisite amount of hot glue to make it an authentic LRL.
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Old 08-23-2013, 03:28 PM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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This unit was directly purchased from okm Germany..
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Old 08-23-2013, 04:02 PM
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oroboy - Thanks.

Hung - Bang goes your theory!
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Old 08-23-2013, 05:04 PM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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Your welcome Qiaozhi
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Old 08-24-2013, 12:36 AM
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Thanks for this very interesting contribution here, oroboy.

Seems that our "magnetometer-experts" from OKM found another cheap but lucrative experimentation-platform by holding magnetometers into the air and summ up somehow all the different direction-values until the impression occures, this device would react on something far away while in reality it only reacts on the slightly changing field variations which must occure until this device is not driven mounted on a vehicle slowly without vibrations on some asphalt highway where no metal is near.

And I'm surprised, hung is still here.

Hi hung, nice to read something from you again - I hope you have finally learned to play with open cards if you wanna be seriously respected here.

We don't have personal something against you, but we don't like your "explaining methods". And its OK if you wanna defend your impressions or your personal experiences that the LRL-devices you have used "worked" for you, but of course only if its on an acceptable level.

And this will be not the case if you have no clue on what realistic working electronical principle this LRL-detection "seems to work".

And as long as this stuff doesn't work reliable it doesn't work at all, because the possibility to find some metal-stuff by pure coincidence and by chance is very high in the field of metal-detection.

Per instance I thought as a teenager I would have super-natural powers because sometimes I guessed the correct cards 8 times within 25 trys (you need 5x 5 zener cards, see below). I was very interested in Parapsychology in this time - the scientific area of the mysterious - not the superstitious.

Its almost parallel to the LRL-topic, there are persons who believe in dowsing or swinging the pendulum (which is pretty the same crap), others think some swivel- or rotating rods would show by "treasure-forces" into the right dircection which only have to be amplified and others tell you your bed is over an evil water-vein or Hartmann-radiation-crossing. Of course this all is influenced by the moon, the stars and especially the mighty planets! It's the same hogus bogus like medieval conjuring of demons or ghosts who shall reveal the locations of treasures by mighty bans or magic spells with the help of angels and stuff.

Back to the Zener cards, the middle value is to guess correctly 5 cards if you have 25 tries out of 25 mixed such cards with 5 different pictures on it. At this tests you can close your eyes and try that the picture of one of those symbols from your taken card will come to your mind somehow but usually it is just your own imagination, preferation or wish-thinking and after a large sesssion with many such experiments - then if you compute all results together (inbetween you may find sessions with 2 and 8 correct results), in total you just get 5 correct, the exactly mathematical random probability - and you are far away from being a clairvoyant or fortune-teller!

The same far away as dowsers are away from supernatural powers.

Isn't it a paradox that LRL-believers use real working technology like internet and they need real food?

Can't they read the 1000 miles away written words with their Ouija boards, "magic" boards with letters and numbers incl. yes & no on it written?!

If something in life must really work they rely on good technology, on trustworthy cars, on healthy food, but for their beloved illusions they sink down into the deepest dirt.

At least we don't need LRL-crap here that is just made to scam and fool people who don't know it better, who are thinking that all electronical devices on the market are real working because usual this indeed is the case! Some of course are "designed to fail" after the warranty time is over, another very evil and cunning way to rip people off.

So what should we think now about this magnetometer stuff inside the Bionic 01?
Is there a way to modify ready to use flux-gate magnetometer-units so they can detect weak long-wave magnetical fields or better: magnetical-pulses? I guess not, they are so sensitive because they are "static".

So is it just a high sensitive electronic handheld-compass that tries to show a way into magnetical field anomalies?! Seems so.

The hitec version of holding an usual compass in your hands. Not funny!!!

Depending on the sensitivity and the polarization of the field already a ground-to-detector-difference of a few centimeters or inches would be enough to give a reaction, even while not moving at all.

Why the hell I'm wasting so much time with this at all?
Is it that fascinating?

No, only if there's a realistic chance that it could really work - like some here stubborn believe, but they fail all the time if it comes to technical details, real tests or proofs.

We know that weak magnetical field changes can point to cavities, water underground or huge buried metal objects - especially iron (including changes of ground mineralization), we know that very weak long wave anomalies-detectors also react on such stuff - but all this is far away from real long range localization.

Let's imagine that a huge metal object creates a shadow (or distortion) of the magnetical or long- to short-wave energy-flow-direction - 100 meters away from the object.

The contrast level would be reduced by the sqare to the distance - after 100 meters the object must be 10 meters large so at least a little bit of detectable EM-field distortion could remain. But only if you are walking exactly on the same line with the energy-flow (as we know already most of the time from north to south or vice versa, for long-wave the direction of the transmitter decides).

There is much more a chance that you will find by pure random coincidence something while directly walking over it. And the signals of those all electronic LRLs are such vague, that you can interpret all the time something into those beeps. Afterwards the beeping led you to the find, but that's just a wrong conclusion.

It's high time that we put an end to all those overpriced LRLs like the Bionic or the Mineoro if they refuse to provide the real needed info and technical concepts behind.

At the moment it seems that the Bionic 01 (and most likely all the other Bionics from OKM, too) is just a camouflaged hand-held-magnetometer with cheap signal-output (without computer grafix) which tricks the user by measured magnetical values that only represents the usual EM-field changes and suggest something like an "energy-path" the user should follow until a peak-signal-location is reached. Does this "energy-anomaly-hotspot" now contains something valuable is the big question, if such an energy-path (the destination-course to rising or falling field-anomaly-activity) is detectable at all.

If it is proven that those inbuilt detection-units are magnetometers and if there is no way to use them otherwise than gradiometers it is pretty clear and obvious that those Bionic's can not detect anything else than magnetical field differences!

It may detect a huge buried tank that is 10 meters away if you walk directly on the magnetical-field-lines (from north to south or vice versa) but for shure no small "long time ago" buried gold objects or treasures from 300m away!

Perhaps we have here a serious case of megalomania!

After the OKM guys discovered that you can output nice pictures on the display with "computerconnected" fluxgates, they started to hold this stuff into the wind so the fragrant of distant treasures also should reach their little magnetical sensors.

Sounds very funny, but its no more fun if serious treasure-hunters invest ("burn") thousands of bucks because of the false promises and pretty internet-advertising.

This is another serious reason why the tolerance-level here in this electronical forum is very low towards persons who claim they have "real working all electronic LRLs" but in reality they have not the slightest proofs or convincing arguments to offer, all what they have is to offer are some "friends" who claim their detectors work for them, but along there are at least 50% who just got negative results and lost many hundreds or even thousands bucks for those "special-detectors".

This "inside Bionic 01" is a super step into the right direction, it follows the "disassembling tactics" of Carl who also looked into many of those "wannabe wonder-detectors" and just found notworking crap inside! "Outside hui, inside Pooh!"

Thanks oroboy
for your investigative work and try to get us even more detailed info out of this monetary-grave for treasure-hunters!
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Old 08-24-2013, 02:38 AM
Seden Seden is offline
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Default Inside Bionic 01


I agree with you, we are all tired of gimmics that don't really have the technology behind them. Not too mention the obscene prices some poor treasure hunter will have to part with his hard earned cash on a chance.

My personal opinion is that we've pretty much exhausted conventional electromagnet methods and need to try some of the newer physics for possible answers. What I mean specifically is something in the Quantum Physics field. Been researching what has been proven so far in this technology that's in it's infancy to be sure (calling the late Professor Feynman!).
The Russians have been on the cutting edge here (as they were in Geochemical Prospecting not so long ago).

I know I'm not the fastest (and patient) circuit builder like alot of you are unless I find something that has a high probability of not wasting my time. Having said that I did build an ion detector which was a lark then added a gold vapor deposited on a quartz crystal inline which an LRL builder suggested and zip. In researching Axion/spin field technology I think I might have stumbled onto something and so am starting to work on building the circuit. Here's hoping,

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Old 08-24-2013, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Looks like very much as the Arab-chinese copy I have seen.
It's always someone else's fault.
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Old 08-26-2013, 03:12 AM
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@ Seden

Hi Randy, this is a good point but you need to find real working discoveries in the field of "para-physics" or cross sciences. The work of Russian engineers indeed could be intersting, but there also is alot of very doubtful information available.

You can read books like:
Warfare with PSI (PSI Agents) (Parapsychological forces)
Montauk Project
Philadelphia Project
Visitors from the Future
Subtle Energy (John Davidson)

or stuff about anti-gravitation, scalar-waves, particle physics or quantum physics. I was fascinated by all this stuff already as I was a teenager, I read so much about strange and unexplainable phenomena, mystic, the occult, mediums, spook, asian wonder-monks, strange or unknown energy-forces up to unbelievable psychic powers.

Per instance clocks very often start to stand still, if someone dies in the same room or nearby, sometimes even many miles or kilometers away, at exactly the same time (sometimes before, as some kind of warning). I read books about levitation, pyramid power and about the secret lifes of plants which seem to be able to feel if a person nearby intends to destroy the plant (Tompkins & Bird, Secret Life Of Plants). Those attached some very sensitive instrument to a plant (EEG or ECG) and could see that it react directly when they just thought to destroy the plant.

So perhaps we should attach such stuff to plants or trees and ask them for the treasure locations!

But there is alot superstitious and unproven crap in the wide field of psychic powers or "soul forces". We all know Uri Geller and his spoon-bending shows. Was it for real or was it just a huge circus? At least he refused to let test his abilities under scientific conditions, but on the other hand his shows were for many many years on the TV, worldwide.

Seen from the laws of physics the more distant is the find and the weaker is the contrast factor (caused by depth, high mineralized soil or just very weak available surrounding EM-fields), the harder the detection from a distance will be.

btw. I have 2 interesting ideas that could work but of course alot of engineering and improvement work must be done:

1. higher voltage
2. larger EM-field spectrum

1. is simple to explain:
Wire works like a resistor, it consumes energy and transfers it into temperature (by the electric current the metal electrons are forced to move and this movement creates "heat")

Metal dectectors with high voltage, at battery- and coil-level, have better depth. This is a proven fact. The main reason why most metal-detectors are using only up to 12v at the electronic parts side is the fear of "high voltage technology". If we are able to create a detector that works with 100v inside the box and with 50.000v at the coil-level we can create much higher directional magnetical pulses who are able to reach much larger distances. Per instance with directional parallel ferrite coil antennas or with cylindrical-air-loops.
It is also a question of the used frequency and modulation, because the eddy-currents of the detected metal have a similar skin-effect as it is with high-voltage where the electrons flow just over the surface if the frequency is high enough.

2. also is simple, but more complicated and I don't know if it works:

We know that you can use long waves but also a frequency up to 300 MHz for "ground radar". The world is full of all those waves. So the idea is that some "multi-band-EM-field" detector, some sort of full-frequency-range-receiver, combines and adds all those waves so there is a very strong and therefore contrastful energy-field available as reference-value. Now, if the detector comes near to a buried metal object, the summed up energy field of the frequency from Long-Wave to 100MHz etc. shows clearly strong changes of field-strenght or polarization or even special curves which are typical for special kind of metals or finds. It's stupid to use one little weak frequency like 77.5 kHz in Europe as the source for the whole EM-field-change-analyses if you can have much higher field-strenght for much more sensitive EM-field-evaluation.

Per instance the combined EM-field force of the summed up and added short-wave-senders would be 20x times stronger than the 77.5kHz time pulse and the short waves from 2-15MHz will penetrate the ground quite good, too. Many countries have very strong FM-programs from ca. 85 to 110 Mhz. The frequency-modulation could be a problem and the relative short wavelenght in relation to the field-strenght, too, but I can imagine that also with the whole energy of all the transmitters from this band an useful level of groundpenetrating energy-strenght could be available.

Finally a real working long range detection method if the ground is not stony and too tight or hard:

Take a very long and thin steel rod and poke it into the ground!!!

If the rod is 10meters and you poke into desert sand you may indeed detect buried stuff that is 10m away!

Actually this technique is no joke, it was used in the 19th century for real to locate buried stuff! Just the rods or iron-poles or lances just were 2meter or 6 ft long. But today with some hitec materials like very lightweight and extreme tough carbon-fiber poles some real deep buried things can be reached, per instance in deserts, swamps or snowfields. Similar poles are also in use to find buried person under avalanches. Perhaps if a very thin but powerful ferrite-rod coil is attached to the tip, connected by a long wire inside the staff, even metal in the vicinity of the pole would be detectable.

A very good long range detection-method also is....

A large coil attached to a car, SUV or mounted on a little roller!

That way within a few minutes you can detect the stuff that is miles away and everything inbetween - if you're on the right track....

Personally I think the real fascinating and realistic "long range detection" will be those with 2 huge coils! I'm using already some very deep coils, but those are just 1m "small", but at some locations like in Egypt or in arabic deserts with sunken cities in the sand a really large coil, consisting of 2 coils of 2m diameter, in "oo" combination, could provide absolute amazing depth results!

Imagine how you drive with some dune-buggy around the desert, with a huge 3.5m large coil rolling behind you. Absolutly faultless!

Its the best you do this at a rich arabic country like Saudi Arabia etc. where the sheikhs can help you with excavators or a company of dig-workers.

But so far the only thing that sheikhs have to do with LRL is by not working LRL-devices from OKM or Mineoro or other "magic-box-producers". Perhaps most of the LRL-crap goes there, because they have so much money for new "toys", so they don't care if it costs 1000s of bucks, those are millionaires or even billionaires, anyway. And Germany or Brazil is too far away to send some "money-back-bringers" there, after they found out that this stuff doesn't work.

The best LRL-detection still is by eye-sight - and the best prevention against not working LRLs, too - if you can read this forum.... !
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Old 08-26-2013, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
You can read books like:
Warfare with PSI (PSI Agents) (Parapsychological forces)
Montauk Project
Philadelphia Project
Visitors from the Future
Subtle Energy (John Davidson)
You should also read "Paranormality - Why we believe the impossible" by Professor Richard Wiseman.
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Old 08-26-2013, 06:42 PM
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Good one Qiaozhi! I saddens me that people equate cutting edge science for: paraphysics-
"The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science."

These Universities and mainline scientists are not idiots. I don't think they'd stake their jobs+ reputation on Pseudoscience.

Thanks for posting that book. I had to don my tinfoil hat just to understand the table of contents though

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Old 08-27-2013, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by oroboy View Post

This unit was directly purchased from okm Germany..
So this explains the appearance and sensor configuration. It's an older version. Probably this was the version that the arab-chinese people had to copy.

Also I don't experience the symptom you describe when the detector indicates the presence of gold when you remove the sample/target. With my device, once you remove the target, there is no detection anymore. You must calibrate the device correctly regarding N-S directions, otherwise you will get complete false indications.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-27-2013, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

You must calibrate the device correctly regarding N-S directions, otherwise you will get complete false indications.
After all those complete false indication, I doubt that you are correctly calibrated regarding N-S directions.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-27-2013, 11:10 AM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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Hi Hung,

Show us the inside of your version of Bionic 01. All calibrations according to its manual and Frank Casser are being followed accordingly.........
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Old 08-28-2013, 05:19 AM
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Originally Posted by oroboy View Post
Hi Hung,

Show us the inside of your version of Bionic 01.
Ain't gonna happen. Gotta have someone else to blame, and if his looks just like yours, then there is no one else to blame.
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Old 08-28-2013, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by oroboy View Post
Hi Hung,

Show us the inside of your version of Bionic 01. All calibrations according to its manual and Frank Casser are being followed accordingly.........
I own a Bionic X4 but... since it looks you are having trouble using your device and since this involves exclusively owners of Bionic series, I will try to reach you through private messaging soon as I am busy right now.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-28-2013, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
I own a Bionic X4 but... since it looks you are having trouble using your device and since this involves exclusively owners of Bionic series, I will try to reach you through private messaging soon as I am busy right now.
Translation: "Must go through the PM system, otherwise the floor polisher boys might learn something about our top secret LRL technology".

Go on Hung, throw us a bone.
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:53 PM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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Hello Hung,

No worries, I will purchase the latest Bionic X4 and I will open it up for you. Maybe OKM installed the 3 axial flc sensor instead of using 4 flc 100 sensors. thus also eliminating the 3 forward antennas, which one of the four flc 100 sensor and jumper wires are enclosed. Making the aesthetics compact and modern......
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Old 08-28-2013, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by oroboy View Post
Hello Hung,

No worries, I will purchase the latest Bionic X4 and I will open it up for you. Maybe OKM installed the 3 axial flc sensor instead of using 4 flc 100 sensors. thus also eliminating the 3 forward antennas, which one of the four flc 100 sensor and jumper wires are enclosed. Making the aesthetics compact and modern......
That's an expensive way to find out the truth. We're all looking forward to what you discover (everyone, except Hung, that is).
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Old 08-30-2013, 03:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
You should also read "Paranormality - Why we believe the impossible" by Professor Richard Wiseman.
Book Description

'People are emotionally drawn to the supernatural. They actively want weird, spooky things to be true . . . Wiseman shows us a higher joy as he deftly skewers the paranormal charlatans, blows away the psychic fog and lets in the clear light of reason.' Richard Dawkins Professor Richard Wiseman is clear about one thing: paranormal phenomena don't exist. But in the same way that the science of space travel transforms our everyday lives, so research into telepathy, fortune-telling and out-of-body experiences produces remarkable insights into our brains, behaviour and beliefs. Paranormality embarks on a wild ghost chase into this new science of the supernatural and is packed with activities that allow you to experience the impossible. So throw away your crystals, ditch your lucky charms and cancel your subscription to Reincarnation Weekly. It is time to discover the real secrets of the paranormal. Learn how to control your dreams -- and leave your body behind Convince complete strangers that you know all about them Unleash the power of your unconscious mind

Interesting but I have read already alot pro and contra PSI books, the same with religious stuff or other "hard to find the truth"-topics.

To get effective changes in this world not just the single opinion of clever persons counts but also their impact on the society.

We know that the folks all over the world are naive, religious, superstitious, manipulatable by political leaders and driven by their own wish thinking, pseudo-optimism and ignorance!

The french enlightenment started already over 250 years ago and by the way even serious working scientists have been accused as misbelievers or heretics.

Science is a complex field but for me it is not the question of "cutting edge science" or para-physics but the way to harden the theories, substanciate them, prove and repeat them by failproven experiments without error-sources or unknown factors and finally utilize the discoveries.

If a person has already a living and enough food etc. he can use his whole free time in research, but most of the people have to work serious for their existence and science is luxury for them, especially science that has not the slightest advance for their personal life. Astronomy as example - costs astronomic high sums of money but the stupid tax-payers who have the fun to support the great intentions and plans of the scientists have no personal gain from this science, or just very little (nice entertainment of moon-landing etc.)

And the military was especially interested in parapsychologic research, because that way it would got advantages in wars, in the area of intelligence and "silently" killing persons by the power of mind.

The USA was afraid of the secret PSI research of Russia which also was reflected in movies like:

The Fury ( 1978 ) Brian de Palma
Firestarter ( 1981 ) Stephen King

For LRL-detection also parapsychologic research could be interesting, to get a clear result if people have ESP powers or proven not! Pendulum or dowsing only can work on the basis of E.S.P. because the hands or arms can't look into the ground !!!!
So if the parapsychologists find out that PSI with all its phenomena is just an illusion or a delusion of superstitous people it is clear that dowsing etc. can't work!

We shouldn't make it too complicated here with para-sciences or theoretical-cutting-edge-sciences which doesn't bring us any personal benefit!

We can try to find some info about "new real working technology" and how it applies to our needs in the field of LRL detection. Perhaps new radar-technology, new high-sensitive meters for all kind of ions, radiation, EM-fields or new discoveries about the time-space field and what interacts with it.

But so far we have to deal with conventional e-technology and it is absolutly enough to find out if those already existing devices from OKM and Mineoro are working or not.

And the presence plus reaction of hung here seems to me like a bad joke or like a religious fanatic in a group of atheists who demand a proof that god exists. Just the difference is, that it is no big deal to find out if those wannabe LRLs are working - hung just refuses any help in this task and insists on his believes instead of start to talk on a real, scientific or just logical basis with us!

Life requires pragmatic solutions and results!!!
Money doesn't grow on trees and the gods don't throw bread from the heavens!
The freedom of religious believe is just ok until nobody gots disadvantages from such practics or delusions - often very bad effects occure because of naive believes and superstition up to human sacrifices or very cruel religious wars.

We don't need stupid "believe" in the field of electronic LRL !!!
Those are technical devices and technology has the reason to work useful!

Persons like hung who refuses all kind of understandable technical argumentation must be seen as missionaries or even as evil rabble-rouser who have the only goal to contamine the worlds view of things or to work as promoter for those companies which wanna make the big money with their not working scam-crap! This is not acceptable for real working and reliable products needing treasure-hunters or electronic-experts who wanna improve this kind of "special-technology" up to a real working level!

And the Bionic or Mineoro LRL stuff is not real working, we know this proven since many years - otherwise this forum would be full of happy, successful and proud OKM or Mineoro owners!

hung and co. try to protect absolutly notworking products which steal many treasure-hunters 1000s of bucks out of their pockets!

He may tell fantastic tales about treasure-finds on the Mineoro homepage but not here.

Either hung you cooperate with us to find a way to make this Mineoro circuit stuff real workable and useful or if this isn't possible anyway stop your hide and seek game and finally admit that this stuff is worthless anyway in the field of LRL as it seems pretty clear now with those Bionic thingy - magnetometers are not good enough for LRL and we all know this. You can find ship-wrecks pretty good and deep with diving magnetometers but that has nothing to do with the fairy-tales OKM and Mineoro wanna tells us about their handholdable LRL-systems!

We really need some serious scientific-methodical pressure here in this forum, otherwise our technical totally silent remaining and no good arguments having LRL believers will spread their nice looking and hope making stories here without end....
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:08 PM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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Just got a new toy to tinker, time to get my hands dirty again, any suggestions where to start opening this device????
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by oroboy View Post
Hello Hung,

No worries, I will purchase the latest Bionic X4 and I will open it up for you.
This is great news, thanks.
I have never had the intention to open mine but since you offered to buy one to do it, I will finally check if what I imagine in terms of components and configuration inside is confirmed or not. All forum will appreciate that. Can't wait.

Would you also consider buying an OKM Explorer 5000 to do the same thing?
I'd love to see its inner parts.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:43 PM
oroboy oroboy is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 14

Hi Hung,

I already Bought okm exp 5000 last year, sold it half its price, all I ever find was just hot rocks.. dug so many holes found nothing with it...
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