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Old 12-24-2011, 07:25 AM
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I dont know about the OBMD-1 LRL but for my red Alonso LRL I can tell you that it has 2 circuits for detection, one of them is the passive receiver as you know it from Alonso PD, and the other is an optical light level detector, I dont know what exactly this must detect, from my experience you adjust this at a certain threshold, and then if the light changes it beeps---also it beeps at darkness not light. It can only detect freshly dug and filled in holes--(the light variation of the ground terrain), but I have never found anything with it.
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Old 12-24-2011, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Astrodetect View Post
I dont know about the OBMD-1 LRL but for my red Alonso LRL I can tell you that it has 2 circuits for detection, one of them is the passive receiver as you know it from Alonso PD, and the other is an optical light level detector, I dont know what exactly this must detect, from my experience you adjust this at a certain threshold, and then if the light changes it beeps---also it beeps at darkness not light. It can only detect freshly dug and filled in holes--(the light variation of the ground terrain), but I have never found anything with it.
Hi Astrodetect,
This sounds like an interesting circuit.
It seems interesting not for finding treasure, but for a puzzle to study.
Why don't you start a new thread and post photos of the inside and outside, and put a schematic?

Best wishes,
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Old 12-24-2011, 10:40 AM
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When this forum was an add-on to the original geoskepthic site it was infested with 'skepthics' with their attacks to the LRLers and most of all, a campaign to end the RS forum.

When the split happened, a few 'skepthics' moved along.

Huummm... fishy ain't it?

Now one is even helping a guy creating schematics.
And the other makes justice to his avatar when a creature is standing back and all of a sudden it comes up front as if were to swallow its prey...

The inocent LRLer might ask... why these guys who have always attacked LRLs are now here discussing LRL BS as they have always stated?

Huummm... fishy ain't it?

And now one skepthic here 'feels confortable' to keep requesting that some users of LRLs open their devices to post pictures just for the sake of ... 'studying'?

Well, LRLers... these guys now think we are even more stupid then they tought in the first time...
The chinese finally have a great cloning competitor here in this forum.

I know Astrodetect and also know that he's got ethics.
I don't think he would agree with the 'inocent' J______P's request.

The true 'ethical' skepthic would buy a LRL device and make all the mambo jambo they like since it's their money. Not other's money.
But hey, 'ethics' is not a very common word in skepthics' vocabulary.

Hey J______P, if one day I happen to have comercial intentions like you, I would be happy to send you a Tubedec A9000 for you to 'study'.
But this would cost you US$ 45,000. And it would feature a super high resistance new resin in the circuit components.

Christmas time. I wish the LRLers a wonderful night of piece and joy. It's Christ, his teachings and love we celebrate.
I wish Santa gives the 'skepthics' new 'armchairs' for treasure hunting next year.

Will rest today. Tomorrow back to the field for locating probable sunken gold close to a beach.
See ya.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 12-24-2011, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

.. why these guys who have always attacked LRLs are now here discussing LRL

Sceptics never attacked LRL. To develop usable Long Range Locator is goal of our all. Usable LRL, not scam LRL or (self)deceptive LRL!

We only attacked LRL-fraud-companies and LRL-scammers like you. LRL-fraudsters and LRL-scammers will be attacked and disclosed in future too.

A bit different thing, bout seems out of your LRL-scam-propaganda understanding.

Wish you Merry Christmas and happy fair-full New Year 2012.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 12-24-2011, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Astrodetect,
This sounds like an interesting circuit.
It seems interesting not for finding treasure, but for a puzzle to study.
Why don't you start a new thread and post photos of the inside and outside, and put a schematic?

Best wishes,
Hi J_P.
Now you want photos of the inside and outside of red PD????
But, why you don't want photos from the inside and outside of Cryfton????
You don't believe at photos!!!

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Old 12-24-2011, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
When this forum was an add-on to the original geoskepthic site it was infested with 'skepthics' with their attacks to the LRLers and most of all, a campaign to end the RS forum.

When the split happened, a few 'skepthics' moved along.

Huummm... fishy ain't it?

Now one is even helping a guy creating schematics.
And the other makes justice to his avatar when a creature is standing back and all of a sudden it comes up front as if were to swallow its prey...

The inocent LRLer might ask... why these guys who have always attacked LRLs are now here discussing LRL BS as they have always stated?

Huummm... fishy ain't it?

And now one skepthic here 'feels confortable' to keep requesting that some users of LRLs open their devices to post pictures just for the sake of ... 'studying'?

Well, LRLers... these guys now think we are even more stupid then they tought in the first time...
The chinese finally have a great cloning competitor here in this forum.

I know Astrodetect and also know that he's got ethics.
I don't think he would agree with the 'inocent' J______P's request.

The true 'ethical' skepthic would buy a LRL device and make all the mambo jambo they like since it's their money. Not other's money.
But hey, 'ethics' is not a very common word in skepthics' vocabulary.

Hey J______P, if one day I happen to have comercial intentions like you, I would be happy to send you a Tubedec A9000 for you to 'study'.
But this would cost you US$ 45,000. And it would feature a super high resistance new resin in the circuit components....
It seems quite presumptuous that you would think I have commercial intentions.
Are you trying to convince us you are retarded?
I'm not stupid enough to become involved with the commercial LRL business.
Everyone knows it is a stupid idea to be in the commercial LRL business.
It is not even profitable unless you are willing to defraud people for millions of dollars worth of fake bomb locators, and then go to jail when you get caught like Jim McCormick did.
And what if you don't want to go to jail?
Who in their right mind would want to sneak around the world staging fake LRL demonstrations so they can avoid their customers who want their money back?
Only a retard would think that's a good idea.

I have been an LRL enthusiast since my first posts here in 2006.
The only difference between me and other LRL enthusiasts is I do not like fake science or fake LRLs that don't perform like they are advertised to perform.
This forum is full of posts by treasure hunters who were ripped off by Mineoro, OKM, and all sorts of dowsing-rod type locators like H3-Tec.
They cannot get their money back when they find out the locator does not work the way they were told it would work.
This is what is wrong with the ethics of commercial LRLs.
They should be ashamed for walking away from their customers who cannot get the equipment to work.
And it convinces me very certainly that I will never be associated with the commercial LRL business.

Whats funny is you are trying to convince us it is unethical to look inside one of these non-working LRLs.
Well guess what?
Whoever paid for it was CHEATED... It does not work. It is not even an LRL... the report I read says it located no treasure.... not from long distance or from short distance.
The laws are clear. Everyone who manufactures circuitry knows their circuits are free to be reverse engineered for studying as long as they are not used for commercial purposes.
Their customer paid for that right the minute they handed money to the seller of the LRL.
But in this case, we are talking about a non-working LRL.
Someone paid the full price for a working LRL... then he found that it does not work.
But Dr. hung says he should also be prevented from using his rights to open it and show what is inside?

But how did your $45.000 "Tubedec" LRL leak into the topic of "ethics"?
If I wanted a crappy LRL that does not work except on a few lucky days, I would buy it directly from Mineoro, not from you.
Actually I could buy a used one from someone who can't get it to work for under $1200.
But I don't have any use for an LRL that does not work.
Your "Tubedec" enclosure and labeling isn't worth any more than about $150 to me for museum piece collector's value.
By the way, are you paying Mineoro royalties since you assembled your "Tubedec"?

Mineoro should never have published false information in their literature to say they have patented technology in their locators.
Most LRL experimenters already know they own no patents, and a good part of their circuits were taken from the work of American engineers who they did not pay any royalties to.
It makes me laugh when I see people trying to make a profit on design work they took from someone else, who also took from someone else before them, while they claim they are protected by patents.
It seems funny to me how people claim the and that these are their own designs.
And they have the nerve to talk about ethics to try to prevent people from using the rights they paid for before they discovered the locator doesn't work.

I hope you have some lucky days with your "Tubedec".

Best wishes,
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Old 12-24-2011, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi J_P.
Ohhh i forgot, there is and rubin .
From what i read at Greek forum, nobody bought the Cryfton. Maybe Andreas is not a friend of me but Gsani is friend so i don't say him lier. I say that the DFX found the missile of ball and not the "Andy flind magnetic field detector".
All the people can make 100 videos like this, "full sensitivity, random beeps and a area detect with a md). If these random beeps are ok then what we can say about Morgan PD where the beeps are continuous and no false??? LRLs must work as the Morgans PD.
I don't like to spend more time with this .......
When i put the schematic, you will understand (if you want to understand).


merry Christmas for you and your family,and good luck with your LRL´s .
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Old 12-24-2011, 03:37 PM
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I thought that this video could show clearly that they were consistent beeps at least in that direction where I found the bullet but I also thought that if somebody watch the video carefully then he can understand that I was also getting some other line in the oposite direction.
So when I watched this video myself for the first time I thought this is good because it shows I was getting many repeating beeps in that particular line and while I was trying to figure out the exact place of the possible target.
But now I feel sorry I didn't ask a proffesional photographer to come over and shoot a video for us. I see some people can't see.
What more can I say about this? May be I see things that others don't.
Am I special gifted? Hahahahaaaa....

Of course there will be always the case of the coincedence of something else possibly been there apart from that bullet and in a depth not detectable by the DFX. But on the same hand this can always be a case for every place and every detector.
Do you believe for example that MDs can get 24cts gold? Sorry I don't think so. Even my Lorenz X3 couldn't detect it. It happened to know a couple of cases that people passed over a gold artifact which was near the surface whith their MD but they had no signal at all. Some other time one of them detected a small bronze vaze at 40cm depth. Can this person tell that it wasn't also a gold cup bellow that bronze vase or at 50cms or can he tell that it was? Either way it is nothing he can prove.
So sometimes we like it or not we do our best as we stay whith what we are able to know, as simple as that.
No, don't get me wrong about this video, it is easy for everybody to see that I was getting something at this direction and the same applies for the time I went to the other side of the walking path trying to walk around the target in order to find the exact spot trying to go as close as I could.
A few extra beeps here and there didn't realy mean much to me as I could always reduce sensitivity slightly until I was left whith fewer beeps but checking always as priority if they were in the same direction.
My opinion is as I said before.
You check a place whith different settings on the machine and this can give you extra info to judge the presence of a possible target. The left button which is marked as alarm is a tool made for the user in order to 'fine adjust' the detector in each place.
I cannot understand Geo when it says that adjusting sensitivity while detecting is wrong. He is done it himself many times and I think even Esteban advised him to do so in one of the videos and while he was testing his pistol in Portugal whith Morgan.
Of course somebody should do it while is changing positions out in the searching field. But I also agree that they are times when it is no need doing it. This is a different thing to say.
Apart from all these I also know what happened while in a place where many pieces of iron was spread around but I wasn't getting any consistent beeps in any direction.
What I did in places like that was reducing slightly the sensitivity each time I made a slowly 360' turn and then try again the same way and until I had no beeps at all.
I will say it once more that during all my outings whith Crypton I was always looking for the beeps showing up at the same direction.
When it comes to LRLs and as a treasure hunter I always try to see what extra info I can get from the detector in use and add it as an advantage in my search.
To what extend this advantage goes it is not only that has to do whith the detecting ability of the LRL but also has to do whith the user and the experience he gained using the machine.

If yourselves looking for the perfect machine that it can make your coffee as well then you can keep looking.

Merry Christmas
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Old 12-24-2011, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
I thought that this video could show clearly that they were consistent beeps at least in that direction where I found the bullet but I also thought that if somebody watch the video carefully then he can understand that I was also getting some other line in the oposite direction.
So when I watched this video myself for the first time I thought this is good because it shows I was getting many repeating beeps in that particular line and while I was trying to figure out the exact place of the possible target.
But now I feel sorry I didn't ask a proffesional photographer to come over and shoot a video for us. I see some people can't see.
What more can I say about this? May be I see things that others don't.
Am I special gifted? Hahahahaaaa....

Of course there will be always the case of the coincedence of something else possibly been there apart from that bullet and in a depth not detectable by the DFX. But on the same hand this can always be a case for every place and every detector.
Do you believe for example that MDs can get 24cts gold? Sorry I don't think so. Even my Lorenz X3 couldn't detect it. It happened to know a couple of cases that people passed over a gold artifact which was near the surface whith their MD but they had no signal at all. Some other time one of them detected a small bronze vaze at 40cm depth. Can this person tell that it wasn't also a gold cup bellow that bronze vase or at 50cms or can he tell that it was? Either way it is nothing he can prove.
So sometimes we like it or not we do our best as we stay whith what we are able to know, as simple as that.
No, don't get me wrong about this video, it is easy for everybody to see that I was getting something at this direction and the same applies for the time I went to the other side of the walking path trying to walk around the target in order to find the exact spot trying to go as close as I could.
A few extra beeps here and there didn't realy mean much to me as I could always reduce sensitivity slightly until I was left with fewer beeps but checking always as priority if they were in the same direction.
My opinion is as I said before.
You check a place whith different settings on the machine and this can give you extra info to judge the presence of a possible target. The left button which is marked as alarm is a tool made for the user in order to 'fine adjust' the detector in each place.
I cannot understand Geo when it says that adjusting sensitivity while detecting is wrong. He is done it himself many times and I think even Esteban advised him to do so in one of the videos and while he was testing his pistol in Portugal with Morgan.
Of course somebody should do it while is changing positions out in the searching field. But I also agree that they are times when it is no need doing it. This is a different thing to say.
Apart from all these I also know what happened while in a place where many pieces of iron was spread around but I wasn't getting any consistent beeps in any direction.
What I did in places like that was reducing slightly the sensitivity each time I made a slowly 360' turn and then try again the same way and until I had no beeps at all.
I will say it once more that during all my outings whith Crypton I was always looking for the beeps showing up at the same direction.
When it comes to LRLs and as a treasure hunter I always try to see what extra info I can get from the detector in use and add it as an advantage in my search.
To what extend this advantage goes it is not only that has to do with the detecting ability of the LRL but also has to do with the user and the experience he gained using the machine.

If yourselves looking for the perfect machine that it can make your coffee as well then you can keep looking.

Merry Christmas
Hi g-sani,
I thought your video was very good to show a demonstration of how the OBMD-1 is working. Your video was better than any other video I have seen to demonstrate an LRL working.
The only other LRL demonstration I have seen which looks as good as yours is the Morgan video at his test field with Geo, and the demonstration video hung made showing the Mineoro making beeps near a target.
Your video was different because you also showed the initial adjustments from the time when you turned it on, and you showed the recovery of the buried metal that you did not know the location of before you began in the same the video.

Anybody who watches your video can see very well that you are making adjustments at the beginning when you turn it on.
Then after you finish making the adjustments, you find some consistent beeping at one location where the bullet was recovered from every angle.
We can also see it does not beep when you sweep it very close to the iron parts of the metal detector.
We see in your video it is beeping when it is pointing to buried bullet.

Geo is the only person who says your video is false because the OBMD-1 is a magnet field detector, so it detects only the magnetic anomalies.
I don't know why he says this after he sees it does not detect the iron from your metal detector.
Maybe he says this because he wants people to believe he can guess the parts that are soldered inside the OBMD-1.
Geo says he will draw the circuit components which prove that what we are seeing in your video is a false, and the locator detects only magnetic anomalies.
But I think that anyone who watches your video will see it does not beep at the iron parts of your detector, and beeps almost 50 times when you are pointing to the buried bullet.

If you make more videos, then maybe it is a good idea to dig the hole after you put your foot to mark the spot.
Maybe you can dig the hole only from locating with the locator, then put the metal detector at the side to use only for checking the dirt you dig from the hole to see when you dig out the buried metal.
I think Geo cannot do this with his locator.
I think he must use a metal detector to make the final location like we saw in your video.
This is what Geo posted several times in the forum.
But now he says that if you do the same as he does, it is because you do not know how to use LRLs, and your metal detector is making the detection.
If your metal detector located the buried bullet, then I wonder why I see the locator making nearly 50 beeps to tell you the spot to mark with your foot where the bullet is recovered?
I also saw you checked a much larger area with the metal detector than the 1-meter circle where the locator showed.
I see the metal detector did not locate any other metal in the larger area that you checked.
The metal detector found only the same bullet that the locator beeped at.
So there was no other metal target in the area that was making false beeps.

Another thing I would like to see in a video is to check for magnetic detector.
It would be good to adjust the controls, then make a demonstration with some iron and a magnet, some brass, gold, silver, and other things to see if it will beep when you point the locator at them.
If the controls are adjusted so it is not making any random beeps, then we can see again if it will beep at at a magnet or iron or other metals that are not buried.
This will tell us for certain if it can detect magnetic field anomalies or not.
I think we already saw from your video it did not detect magnetic field anomalies, but your friend Geo is telling stories that your video is showing false beeps when he saw you adjust the controls and the threshold level.

I have one question... is there any ferrous metal in the bullet that you recovered? Will the bullet pull toward a magnet?
I still like your videos, and I hope to see more posts from other people who use the OBMD-1 to report their observations. Happy Christmas to you.

Best wishes,
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Old 12-25-2011, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi g-sani,
I thought your video was very good to show a demonstration of how the OBMD-1 is working. Your video was better than any other video I have seen to demonstrate an LRL working.
The only other LRL demonstration I have seen which looks as good as yours is the Morgan video at his test field with Geo, and the demonstration video hung made showing the Mineoro making beeps near a target.
Your video was different because you also showed the initial adjustments from the time when you turned it on, and you showed the recovery of the buried metal that you did not know the location of before you began in the same the video.

Anybody who watches your video can see very well that you are making adjustments at the beginning when you turn it on.
Then after you finish making the adjustments, you find some consistent beeping at one location where the bullet was recovered from every angle.
We can also see it does not beep when you sweep it very close to the iron parts of the metal detector.
We see in your video it is beeping when it is pointing to buried bullet.

Geo is the only person who says your video is false because the OBMD-1 is a magnet field detector, so it detects only the magnetic anomalies.
I don't know why he says this after he sees it does not detect the iron from your metal detector.
Maybe he says this because he wants people to believe he can guess the parts that are soldered inside the OBMD-1.
Geo says he will draw the circuit components which prove that what we are seeing in your video is a false, and the locator detects only magnetic anomalies.
But I think that anyone who watches your video will see it does not beep at the iron parts of your detector, and beeps almost 50 times when you are pointing to the buried bullet.

If you make more videos, then maybe it is a good idea to dig the hole after you put your foot to mark the spot.
Maybe you can dig the hole only from locating with the locator, then put the metal detector at the side to use only for checking the dirt you dig from the hole to see when you dig out the buried metal.
I think Geo cannot do this with his locator.
I think he must use a metal detector to make the final location like we saw in your video.
This is what Geo posted several times in the forum.
But now he says that if you do the same as he does, it is because you do not know how to use LRLs, and your metal detector is making the detection.
If your metal detector located the buried bullet, then I wonder why I see the locator making nearly 50 beeps to tell you the spot to mark with your foot where the bullet is recovered?
I also saw you checked a much larger area with the metal detector than the 1-meter circle where the locator showed.
I see the metal detector did not locate any other metal in the larger area that you checked.
The metal detector found only the same bullet that the locator beeped at.
So there was no other metal target in the area that was making false beeps.

Another thing I would like to see in a video is to check for magnetic detector.
It would be good to adjust the controls, then make a demonstration with some iron and a magnet, some brass, gold, silver, and other things to see if it will beep when you point the locator at them.
If the controls are adjusted so it is not making any random beeps, then we can see again if it will beep at at a magnet or iron or other metals that are not buried.
This will tell us for certain if it can detect magnetic field anomalies or not.
I think we already saw from your video it did not detect magnetic field anomalies, but your friend Geo is telling stories that your video is showing false beeps when he saw you adjust the controls and the threshold level.

I have one question... is there any ferrous metal in the bullet that you recovered? Will the bullet pull toward a magnet?
I still like your videos, and I hope to see more posts from other people who use the OBMD-1 to report their observations. Happy Christmas to you.

Best wishes,
Hallo J_P, Merry Christmas
I don't think that it was some ferous metal in any proportion in that bullet.Of course it was made from some alloy of metals but mostly from lead.The only thing I could say is that although it was all made from a lead alloy it looked like there was an outer shell which was a bit different in composition from the inner part of the bullet.Probably this contains some copper in it as well which has a better resistance than lead in corosion.You see I am guessing this because that was having a darker colour compared to the inner material.Of course it all depends to the soil and the weather conditions of the place and the time that has been burried.
The time this test took place it was late August and it was dry warm days.last raining day was at least three weeks ago. You can see it in the video how difficult it was to dig.There was dust coming up every time I was hitting the soil whith that tool.
I should have taken that bullet whith me but I didn't do it because it had no value at all so I threw it somewhere there where I found it. I could then send it over to you for examination but I never thought of the extend that this discussion could have.
I said it is a bullet from the time Turks were here since it was wider heavier and it also had a rounded type head which characterises the bullets from that age.
I think that Andreas is trying now to improve Crypton for better results in more wet climates.If I remember corectly he also said this himself sometime ago somewhere in this forum. I know for sure that he is trying his best to make his customers happy selling an LRL wortrh its money compared to others and I believe he will succeed.
I don't really know how many people experienced Crypton or how many people bought it until now but time will show for sure if the results are positive and as they were expected.

Best Whishes and Happy new Year
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Old 03-18-2012, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Hallo J_P, Merry Christmas
I don't think that it was some ferous metal in any proportion in that bullet.Of course it was made from some alloy of metals but mostly from lead.The only thing I could say is that although it was all made from a lead alloy it looked like there was an outer shell which was a bit different in composition from the inner part of the bullet.Probably this contains some copper in it as well which has a better resistance than lead in corosion.You see I am guessing this because that was having a darker colour compared to the inner material.Of course it all depends to the soil and the weather conditions of the place and the time that has been burried.
The time this test took place it was late August and it was dry warm days.last raining day was at least three weeks ago. You can see it in the video how difficult it was to dig.There was dust coming up every time I was hitting the soil whith that tool.
I should have taken that bullet whith me but I didn't do it because it had no value at all so I threw it somewhere there where I found it. I could then send it over to you for examination but I never thought of the extend that this discussion could have.
I said it is a bullet from the time Turks were here since it was wider heavier and it also had a rounded type head which characterises the bullets from that age.
I think that Andreas is trying now to improve Crypton for better results in more wet climates.If I remember corectly he also said this himself sometime ago somewhere in this forum. I know for sure that he is trying his best to make his customers happy selling an LRL wortrh its money compared to others and I believe he will succeed.
I don't really know how many people experienced Crypton or how many people bought it until now but time will show for sure if the results are positive and as they were expected.

Best Whishes and Happy new Year

How is going the field test with the Crypton ? some more finds?

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Old 03-18-2012, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post

How is going the field test with the Crypton ? some more finds?

Not yet my friend, I am busy fishing trout at the moment but as soon as the soil become dry I will be out in the field as well.
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Old 06-05-2012, 02:48 AM
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Hi to all
New movie for OBMD-1 published , if interest for you , please see this link:
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Old 06-02-2013, 03:48 PM
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To clear to many doubs, i made some test with OBMD2 (Crypton).
For this i just try to locate a know buried copper pipe that is unde my house floor.
For this i record a video and first i trace the pipe with my metal detector. Then i did the same but this time with Crypton detector.
Plese watch the video and then we can made comments.




Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi J_P.
Why you have your eyes closed???
You wrote """The photo of an empty circuit board proves the OBMD-1 is a magnetic field detector which cannot detect coins or gold things,""... The photo of pcb that Andreas posted show and the components, so ti is not an empty circuit. I have the pcb, i have the component layer, i have the schematic so what other i need?????
If i will give you the schematic, AGAIN you will tell that you are not sure if it is this and again that it is a rumor .
Also why you don't believe what Andreas posted and said??? He posted the pcb of Crypton and he said that THIS is the pcb, what other would you like????? I wrote if you like to give you the link of the Greek forum where a member writes that this lrl don't work but you did not answered about this.
If you do not know something, do not write to create sensationalism

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Old 06-02-2013, 10:08 PM
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g-sani g-sani is offline
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Originally Posted by nelson View Post
To clear to many doubs, i made some test with OBMD2 (Crypton).
For this i just try to locate a know buried copper pipe that is unde my house floor.
For this i record a video and first i trace the pipe with my metal detector. Then i did the same but this time with Crypton detector.
Plese watch the video and then we can made comments.



Well, nice video Nelson but I have to ask if this copper pipe has some live wires in it.
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Old 06-03-2013, 02:56 AM
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No my friend it doesnt have any live wires

Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Well, nice video Nelson but I have to ask if this copper pipe has some live wires in it.
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Old 06-04-2013, 12:20 AM
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detectoman detectoman is offline
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isnt problem by any detector to take signal from pipes due them are very groundized, this due to the earth differential concentrate in those, i see the krypton need are near on these pipe for can detect, other thing above room exist electrical lines of the lights this cause easy phenomen, why major you show us these try on outdoor bi gas pipes

no es ningun problema para cualquier detector tomar señal de las tuberias debido a que ellas estan aterrizadas, y mas al concentrar en el cobre ese diferencial de recepcion, yo veo que el kripton necesita estar muy cercas del tubo, se supone que es un larga distancia y deberia overloarse con la tremeda señal que recibiria en toda su sensibilidad eso no hace ninguna gracia a un lrl
haga la prueba sobre los grandes gasoductos de afueras de la ciudad, debera tambien detectarlos
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