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Old 08-14-2010, 05:30 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hmmmm.... If you can't understand the meaning of random beeps, I guess you are wise not to try to explain the concept of inconsistency to others, as you say.

Of course you are exagerating. In fact I am wondering if you are telling outright lies. If the conventional VLF and PI detectors are simply a "sophisticated box" and "fancy craps", then we can presume you would not recommend them, much less use them. However, you do use them. You are only saying these things to try to convince others they shouldn't use them. Suppose people found out you really do think they are useful, and use them yourself? Would they stop believing your stories? Already I have heard you tell stories that can't possibly be true in this forum, and now you are telling people conventional metal detectors are obsolete.

Who are they obsolete for? Certainly not you. You use one to find treasure when you want people to think your Mineoro machines found the treasure. Was WM6 right? Are there peple in Brazil trying to scam the rest of the world into believing their LRLs work?
Or did you throw out your conventional detectors years ago, seeing as how they are obsolete?

Mineoro is also manufacturing "obsolete" conventional metal detectors?
So they are not obsolete for Mineoro or for you. You only want others to believe they are obsolete.

Now why would that be?
Could this be the next adventure into hung-science?
The only reason that comes to mind is the conventional metal detectors recover over 1000 times more treasure than LRLs have recovered, whether by accident or design. I can look at the published finds every week and there is no comparison. Gold, silver jewelry, caches, coins, relics... the treasure hunting forums are full of these finds from conventional detectors. I see hundreds of treasure finds every week, but only once in a very long while do we hear about a treasure found from someone using an LRL. And we also have a large majority of LRL purchaseres who complain they don't work.

I suppose there could be some logic to try to convince people the conventional detectors are obsolete in order to promote a concept they are sure doesn't work. But maybe it is hard for them to believe you when you secretly use these conventional metal detectors on hunts where you claim the LRLs located the treasure. Of course it is a free forum, so you are free to post about how metal detectors are obsolete, Just as others are free to believe you use obsolete metal detectors to find buried metal.

You don't need to be sorry for your thoughts.
We know you are among those who need the psychological backup to take a VLF metal detector.
Do you suppose some people think it is the only detector that really finds treasure for you?

Best wishes,





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Old 08-14-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by hung

You seem to suffer from the same autism that blokes as SWR does when keeping insisting in wrong and obscure points even after the answer was provided.

At the time of the post in which that picture belongs, I had already comented on the reason I had the excalibut aboard. This minelab is an underwater machine.
My PDC could and cannot 'swim'. The FG either.

In clear words, as you seem to have some difficulty in interpreting things...
I could not and still cannot take Mineoro LRLs underwater as they are not waterproof.
Even for big targets, you still need an underwater detector to pinpoint as the gold might be hidden under layers of sand or sediments.
I already thought about using a special high pressure acrylic enclosure made to house digital cameras for underwater work, but I feel this will interfere in the detector's reliability.
I am thinking in a way to end this limitation tough.

Hope this is crystal clear now. Please, save this answer in your PC for future reference. Thanks.
It is becoming clearer. It appears you were not able to read my original post correctly. I never said anything about intermittant anything. What I said is these conventional metal detectors "are successful at locating a buried iron box without making random beeps". This is a fact. Apparently you confused this to mean I was saying LRLs work intermittently, or need to make more beeps than they do. If you re-read my post, that is not what I said.
But we can forget about your difficulty in understanding English, as it is not your native language.

Your real point was that you wanted to make comments to say the conventional metal detectors I mentioned are obsolete technology.
And you proceeded to illustrate this by depicting them as 100 year old technology with "fancy looking and parlor shop effects", "sophisticated box" and "fancy craps".
You also said LRLs do not require conventional metal detectors:
Originally Posted by hung
LRLs do not require these at all.
...this is just a psicological back up for those who do not know or feel like doing with the LRL itself.
The fact is conventional metal detectors are not obsolete.
Obsolete equipment is equipment that that is replaced by a newer methods that causes people to abandon the obsolete equipment. For example, horse-drawn carts became obsolete when automobiles and trucks began to replace them as a transportation vehicle of choice. Yet for metal detecting, we see there are more conventional detectors being used each year. Their usage is steadily growing!
How is this possible for obsolete equipment?
If they are obsolete, then why are LRL enthusiasts using them?
How is it these "obsolete detectors" are used by LRL users and other treasure hunters as well?

The fact is conventional metal detectors are successful at recovering more treasures than LRLs are successful at recovering. There is no comparison when looking at the difference in the recovery between the two methods.
At this time I offer a challenge to you or anyone else who believes their LRL can recover more treasures. I am prepared to hold a contest at the local Southern California beaches to see how any LRL compares to a conventional metal detector for finding metal items that are lost in the sand. The ratio of beach recoveries I have seen reported online makes me think a conventional metal detector can recover more than 5000 times as much valuable items from a beach as an LRL. But I am only guessing based on what I read.

Here is my challenge:
We go to any beach in Southern California and begin hunting for treasure.
The test will last exactly four hours, where the metal detector user and the LRL user hunt the beach for treasures that can range from coins to jewelry, or any other buried item.
At the end of four hours, the hunters return to the parking lot and show what they found.
Whoever finds the most items will be declared the winner of most items found in four hours.
Whoever finds items whose total value is the highest will be declared the winner of most valuable recoveries in four hours.

Of course, the details will be worked out so the contestants will be permitted to pick from several beaches to find one that is suitable to both contestants.

This is a contest style challenge that I really don't know how the outcome will be because I never tried it before. But I am guessing the "obsolete conventional metal detector" will outperform the LRL in most items found, and in most valuable recoveries every time.

I expect to hear a lot of arguments of how this is not a fair test for reasons A, B, C, D.... Z.
And I know it is not likely you will travel to California just to show that your Mineoro detector can find more treasure at a beach than "obsolete metal detectors".
But I don't care.
My only reason for offering this challenge is to prove to the whole world that conventional metal detectors are not obsolete as you say they are.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-14-2010, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
I am here standing for the truth and defending the truth to be known.
I have the same point regarding the Rangertell and OKM Bionic 01 for instance, as I know they work because I already have proof they work.
When trying to defend the erratic behavior of the Mineoro LRLs, and their inability to detect anything except the buyer's wallet, you might have more credibility if you stopped insisting that the Rangertell dowsing contraption is a real working device.
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
When trying to defend the erratic behavior of the Mineoro LRLs, and their inability to detect anything except the buyer's wallet, you might have more credibility if you stopped insisting that the Rangertell dowsing contraption is a real working device.


The MINEORO can work as LRL only for big amount of gold,for small objects detection is allways inconclusive,that´s my conclusion after search in many places with my DC 2008 and after eard many stories of people who use mineoro devices...
Anyway if one day i find some treasure with MINEORO teknology,i will tell here.

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Old 08-15-2010, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
When trying to defend the erratic behavior of the Mineoro LRLs, and their inability to detect anything except the buyer's wallet, you might have more credibility if you stopped insisting that the Rangertell dowsing contraption is a real working device.

When i was in MINEORO factory and try LRL in DAMASIO´s field test,i get clear and matematic signals 3 m distance in the marks,and he told come from small gold object. OF COURSE NOT,this good and directional signals hapens when MINEORO is detecting electrical power lines or coils , its only for MARKETING and for impession of a possible client ...
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Old 08-15-2010, 02:00 AM
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Well, I guess I proved it.
Not a single pm arrived from LRL enthusiasts who want to show their LRL finding more treasure than a conventional metal detector at the beach.
Conventional metal detectors are not obsolete. They are used by LRL enthusiasts and other treasure hunters in increasing numbers all over the world.
We have been listening to more hung-science drooling from the mouth.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-15-2010, 02:21 AM
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@ hung
Hi again and interresting answer.

You or we all should finally bring some light in the whole Mineoro and LRL confusion.

OK, it's very fair describing the special "iron effect" that treausure-hunter near the equator had and I did read about it already, too.

But we also have Morgan here which is a trustworthy person and if he tells us the Mineoro only finds large quantities of gold it points us again to the topic I already spoke about:

The Mineoro needs to be more reliable concerning "functioning as it should".

And thats why I can fully understand J_Player if he get's angry if there are statements like "usual MDs are obsolete".

Even if his contest at the beach is a purely waste of time and "negative-motivation" because the Mineoro for shure has not the "fine-resolution" in finding valuable stuff on a trash contaminated beach.

The Mineoro may be really effective in some woods or flat grassland where usually no metal is at all - if there is a distant large treasure "on its own" and the geophysicalical, thermal and meteorological conditions are ok for the Mineoro.

btw. my opinion:
If the "electro-physicalical" innerds of the Mineoro are scientifically well known (= electronical parts) I doubt there is any "big mystery phenomena" what causes to make that electronic react as it was defined before!

And if you have information in what other countries around the world you have got positive feedback that the Mineoro works please tell it so we may found the reason why it somewhere works and somewhere not.

I guess it also has alot to do with the altitude and the electrostatic field per meter conditions inclusive the strenght of the magnetic field of the earth-poles that can vary extremly.

Perhaps also the "detection circuit" is too simple. If it only recognises some threshold value it may not enough for worldwide conditons - especially if different events can trigger this level.

@ all

Even if the new center & deep location electronic will pinpoint that buried coin I talked about SOMEONE HERE PLEASE tell me neverthless what kind of USUAL MD will find a golden coin of 1 inch / 2.5cm in 1.5 feet / 50cm depth !!!

So far I did found the Blisstool LTC 48 from Bulgaria:


that costs only around 500 Euro (meanwhile they have the new LTC64 that is even better) - this MD will find a 18.5mm coin at one foot / 35cm for a very good price.

So If you are knowledged in MDs at least you should know what other MD will find the coin i mentioned above at 50cm! If not you here, who else???

And I'm shure someone needs an additional usual MD for the pinpointing work, and also Morgan told this. btw. not all Mineoro's or Bionic 01s have this center&deep.

Good luck and hopefully the rain will stop soon in brazil!
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Old 08-15-2010, 02:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder
You or we all should finally bring some light in the whole Mineoro and LRL confusion.

OK, it's very fair describing the special "iron effect" that treausure-hunter near the equator had and I did read about it already, too.

But we also have Morgan here which is a trustworthy person and if he tells us the Mineoro only finds large quantities of gold it points us again to the topic I already spoke about:
Sure Morgan tells the truth about the LRLs he tests. If you read above, you will find Morgan said he was shown a fake demonstration at the Mineoro factory. They showed him three mathematically clear signals at marks to 3 m distance. He was told the beeps came from a small gold object, when he knows the Mineoro LRLs only make these kind of detection sounds from detecting electrical power lines or coils. Morgan tells us this scam is only used for marketing purposes to impress a possible client.
Originally Posted by Morgan
OF COURSE NOT,this good and directional signals hapens when MINEORO is detecting electrical power lines or coils , its only for MARKETING and for impession of a possible client ...
And you think the reason Mineoro does not work as advertised when using it away from the factory is because they are only calibrated for factory conditions?
Sure they are calibrated for factory conditions... Factory conditions where a hidden coil or power line causes beeps!
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Old 08-15-2010, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
When i was in MINEORO factory and try LRL in DAMASIO´s field test,i get clear and matematic signals 3 m distance in the marks,and he told come from small gold object. OF COURSE NOT,this good and directional signals hapens when MINEORO is detecting electrical power lines or coils , its only for MARKETING and for impession of a possible client ...
It's trully amazing how human beings can become capable of fabricating the most allucinated stories just for the sake of backing up their own wildest purposes.
What is in the quote above is so absurd that does not deserve a single line of coment about it.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-15-2010, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
]You or we all should finally bring some light in the whole Mineoro and LRL confusion.
There is no confusion.

The Mineoro needs to be more reliable concerning "functioning as it should".
It is reliable. Of course, the more the better. What is not realiable is the emanation behavior. Problem is that the layman always tends to compare the device's behavior with that of a metal detector.
The mineoros (FG80,90, etc) were built to detect long time buried gold emanations. They detect the presence and variations of this specific field emanation from extreme long distances, range depending if conditions of wheather and local variables are favourable.
I have target sites here in my area that depending on wheather, time of year and time of day, I can pick them from 1.5 miles to lower than half of that and even do not pick it at all with the standard calibration, requiring more gain in the knob. It all depends as I said, on the 'humour' of it and weather conditions.

Again, the phenomenon is the one who has variable behavior, not the detector. Users must know how they behave, the best time to go out and of course, provided there's gold where they search. One biggest mistake these peopel make is overcalibrating the device causing false beepings if they get silence after searching for some time and get no target. Knowing the best calibration in different situations is the key to make a fine work in the field.
Are they perfect devices? Of course not. There is no perfect device in the world.
Can they be enhanced? Sure. I already have told Alonso that I think they need a processor to manage operations inside. It would do wonders. But nevertheless, the device is fully operational in its present condition and perfectly takes you where the gold is located as gaucho1961's video perfectly shows.
I do have complaints about Mineoro prices, support, etc.. But one great thing about them is that Alonso and team are always lauching upgrades for the devices. They do not launch a model in the market as other manufacturers and only years later make the first upgrade. At Mineoro, FGs have already dozens of upgrades.
Gaucho's model for instance is an early revision, mine is later than his.

Bottom line is, there's a lot of Mineoro users here in Brazil in mining areas. I have already told in the past that I asked some of them to come to forums to discuss their experiences. Besides the fact of many lacking full understanding of english language, they simply don't feel like it as they are too busy in the field always. I understand that. People who are serious treasure hunters or miners, in general will not waste their time arguing in forums when they have work to do with their tools.
I am not a full time professional miner or thunther, but I tell you, after some documents and a list of several jesuit treasure locations Gaucho showed me yesterday, boy, it is tempting... Guess I will be busier than I have ever expected in the next years.

Good luck and hopefully the rain will stop soon in brazil!
Assure yourself it will. Next week is the one week.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-15-2010, 03:00 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
This video is a step into the right direction - but we need alot more of these.

Is this a metal plate directly under the handle for shielding?

Is there a knob for adjusting the beeping volume?

btw. this random beeping really is irritating.
A raise in the tone-frequency would be better or a visual instrument like a VU-Meter.

What means this "walk from north to south"?

That the magnetic particles "flying" from south to north and get weakened or distracted by the long time ago buried object, creating some wind-shadow similar effect that you can detect? In other words some kind of "hole or distortion in the magnetic field"?

Perhaps this also distorts the electrostatic field, but I doubt that there are flying any ions through the air.

by the way there exists some (new?) Mineoro demonstration video:


and this "deep & center" or whats the exact name thing is really interresting.

More videos please, not only from treasure places, but also from authentic test sessions.

Hello funfinder,

so you have asked some new video about Mineoro device. Here it is . it is an really contreversial device and it is just a small test I've done today for you.

For me and others it doesn't proof anything but it is just to show you something . When you are on the ground it is absolutly different. It is like when you go testing an MD at dealer shop. They always testing theire new Md in the air saying that the device is able to find something at 30 cm by exemple or more but when you are on the ground it is absolutly different.

I've post an other video of an LRL I've got and as you can see THIS one is really targeting the gold ring and the small nugget.

Other thing I'm member of this forum since 2 years now and after 2 years you know who is who and I'm confident about Morgan and what he has said concerning the Mineoro test in the factory.

Hope it can help.

Happy prospecting and good luck in your TH


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Old 08-15-2010, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
Hello funfinder,

so you have asked some new video about Mineoro device. Here it is . it is an really contreversial device and it is just a small test I've done today for you.

For me and others it doesn't proof anything but it is just to show you something .
On the contrary ... it clearly demonstrates that the device is incapable of detecting the gold ring, even from a few centimeters.

Originally Posted by gibon View Post
I've post an other video of an LRL I've got and as you can see THIS one is really targeting the gold ring and the small nugget.
The other LRL you showed is just a simple dowsing rod, and the supposed "detection" is a trick of the mind. Maybe you believe it works, maybe not, but you should try a double-blind test before you waste any time with it.

Originally Posted by gibon View Post
Other thing I'm member of this forum since 2 years now and after 2 years you know who is who and I'm confident about Morgan and what he has said concerning the Mineoro test in the factory.
I agree.
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
Hello funfinder,

so you have asked some new video about Mineoro device. Here it is . it is an really contreversial device and it is just a small test I've done today for you.

For me and others it doesn't proof anything but it is just to show you something . When you are on the ground it is absolutly different. It is like when you go testing an MD at dealer shop. They always testing theire new Md in the air saying that the device is able to find something at 30 cm by exemple or more but when you are on the ground it is absolutly different.

I've post an other video of an LRL I've got and as you can see THIS one is really targeting the gold ring and the small nugget.

Other thing I'm member of this forum since 2 years now and after 2 years you know who is who and I'm confident about Morgan and what he has said concerning the Mineoro test in the factory.

Hope it can help.

Happy prospecting and good luck in your TH


Nice rod.
Use it in the field to locate extreme distant targets and the mineoro for confirmation and pinpointing.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Nice rod.
Use it in the field to locate extreme distant targets and the mineoro for confirmation and pinpointing.
Very funny!
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:47 PM
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hi gibon were you from?did you found any caint of metal with mineoro dc2008?and what distance?what is this plastic tape in a front of mineoro?
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Old 08-15-2010, 05:03 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by takhslambos View Post
hi gibon were you from?did you found any caint of metal with mineoro dc2008?and what distance?what is this plastic tape in a front of mineoro?
Hello takhslambos,

I 've been able to locate water pipe in coper at long range with Mineoro. those pipe are used by farmer in the contryside. The plastic have been fixed because the sound is too loud with the device and there is no knob to adjust.

Hello quiozi always the same answear as usual "ideometor". I've made an other video with too ring one in gold and one in silver. STRANGE Ideomotor is making difference between them ???????

Happy prospecting

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Old 08-15-2010, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Very funny!
This is funnier:

The other LRL you showed is just a simple dowsing rod, and the supposed "detection" is a trick of the mind.

But the all time winner is 'Ozzy on MTV', specially when you're wearing your 1852's witch hunter uniform.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-15-2010, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
I've made an other video with too ring one in gold and one in silver. STRANGE Ideomotor is making difference between them ???????

Gibon, it's no ideomotor effect. Don't expect any serious answer from skeptics in the geoskepthic forum... Just enjoy the party they provide.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-15-2010, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
Hello takhslambos,

I 've been able to locate water pipe in coper at long range with Mineoro. those pipe are used by farmer in the contryside. The plastic have been fixed because the sound is too loud with the device and there is no knob to adjust.

Hello quiozi always the same answear as usual "ideometor". I've made an other video with too ring one in gold and one in silver. STRANGE Ideomotor is making difference between them ??????? .from what distance you locate the cooper pipe?the signal was clear?you are from brazil?

Happy prospecting

.....from what distance you locate the cooper pipe?the signal was clear?you are from brazil?
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Old 08-15-2010, 06:03 PM
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gibons you are near to greece?
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Old 08-15-2010, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
It's trully amazing how human beings can become capable of fabricating the most allucinated stories just for the sake of backing up their own wildest purposes.
What is in the quote above is so absurd that does not deserve a single line of coment about it.

Not so fast... this is only what i think and what i saw there,and each time i make friction with my hand on the plastic mark over the target,the mineoro detect more distance,and my friend Mr. Damasio not like my atitude ,of course,and i stop.
This is only to make more interesting the field tests,but for the beach tests i never was invited,they said ionic fields to low...
As to me MINEORO is not a fraud but is not very accurate for small objects coin size,
Hung,sorry for my sincerity

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Old 08-15-2010, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Not so fast... this is only what i think and what i saw there,and each time i make friction with my hand on the plastic mark over the target,the mineoro detect more distance,and my friend Mr. Damasio not like my atitude ,of course,and i stop.
This is only to make more interesting the field tests,but for the beach tests i never was invited,they said ionic fields to low...
As to me MINEORO is not a fraud but is not very accurate for small objects coin size,
Hung,sorry for my sincerity

I do really praise your sincerity. What I do not praise is your inference there was some kind of trick or dishonesty from Mineoro's or Damasio's part. This is just unacceptable. Damasio may have been the tough man you and I know, but NEVER dishonest.

First of all, I was their customer just like you were. And also I have been there just like you've been. So everything you tell here about your experiences there, are about the same as mine.

Second, there is no trick at all. This is bull**** and I hope you remove this stupid accusation.

The plastic marks, actually pvc marks are carefully placed in the exact locations gold objects are hidden for testing purposes.
You know very well if your visit there was as fruitful as mine that Mineoro's test target location in the past used to be a rodeo like party place where everyweekend people used to dance and party. Ladies used to wear all kind of jewels and they ended up loosing them.
Each PVC mark represents a target already identified by the detectors.
When you rub one mark with your hand you are transfering electrostatic charges and this obviously affects detection. Damasio was always reluctant to dig those targets because if he did this all the time, Mineoro's test target would end in short time. So he only dug targets in very few occasions such as when your spanish frend was there.
The gold target as you may know was about 5 feet deep.

When I was there in Nov 2005, the field emanations were terrible. I only could get a beep with the PDC if I placed it over one target from only 3 inches vertically. I could however get more distance if I placed myself so to position some PVCs in a strait line. This way, they summed the fields and turned the emanations stronger.
At that time they were launching the GDP538 and it had more sensitivity than the PDC as I saw P. Torquato getting beeps from about a meter instead of the PDC's 3 inches. Very bad ionic emanations. There had been raining for 10 days in a row and I could not postpone my trip as I had already purchase the tickets and had appoitments back home.
I stayed there for 4 days.

I did go to the beach with Damasio and Paulinho, but also did not dig any target. The weather was cloudy and the only relevant beeps worth of inspecting was a target 7 feet deep according to the center & deep and also measured with Damasio's rod. Impossible to do it then.

I remember getting a little frustrated when my visit was over, as I expected more. I got back from my trip not completely trusting the detector yet. This complete confidence however came about 1 year later when I traveled to the central region of Brazil and the PDC excelled in all possible scenarios. I detected and recovered gold in a daily basis. It was in this trip that I already told that famous case in which I could detect a surface small copper tube from about 60 m distance. After that trip, all my doubts about the PDC210 and Mineoro were over. From that point I started to develop new techiniques and gained a lot of experience with the detector and the phenomena.

You don't have to be sorry for nothing. I agree with you that their marketing was a little exagerated many times during the Damasio era and I also know how hard it is to detect small coin sized objects sometimes due to insuficient emanations but it still can be done. It all depends on your experience with it.

But please, do not even for a moment try to infere that they cheated on you or even that the Mineoro targets are planted tricks, this is just absurd and sick.
I am not deffending Mineoro here. I am defending truth and avoiding it to become corroded due to ignorance of real facts.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-15-2010, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
(....) I've made an other video with two ring one in gold and one in silver. STRANGE Ideomotor is making difference between them ???????
Happy prospecting
Hi Gibon,
This is not strange at all, in fact this is the very basis of ideomotor effect : you know where is each ring , and your mind make the necessary selection or movements to achieve the expected results.
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Old 08-15-2010, 08:33 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Hi Gibon,
This is not strange at all, in fact this is the very basis of ideomotor effect : you know where is each ring , and your mind make the necessary selection or movements to achieve the expected results.
Hello fred,

you know i'm not David copperfield i'm not going to hide the two ring like bonto game. This is not subject here on the forum.

You can go to circus to see such kind of show.

You will always opposite some non sens argument.

I'm just here to help and give assistance to member's who have question and really want to KNOW.

Yes fred the earth is a round sphere and no plate like poeple was thinking in 1600 century.

Happy prospecting
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
Yes fred the earth is a round sphere and no plate like poeple was thinking in 1600 century.
And dowsing has been proved conclusively to be the result of the ideomotor effect, and a trick of the mind. If you continue to believe in dowsing, you are only fooling yourself.
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