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Old 08-29-2007, 10:14 AM
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Hi iconos-md,

We have no misunderstanding. We did not ask for you to repeat the science you told. We did not ask to know the method how your Iconos locator works.

Carl asked you to provide the published science articles that support the science of ions and static fields forming on buried gold, and to provide reports of published archaeologists who use the Iconos locator finding treasure.

1. You did not provide any published science articles for us to read. Where are these published science articles you are referring to? This is what Carl asked for. He wants you to tell him how he can read the scientific report you said was published that explains the ionic and static fields. He does not want to read your explanation of this science, he wants to read the reports the scientist published.

2. You did not provide any verified reports of treasure found by published archaeologists using the Iconos locator. Carl asked you to provide this report so he can read it the same as you did, not read your talk about it.

You only repeated your idea of the science. You did not tell us how we can read the published reports by scientists that verify this same science.

You are wrong. I do know where long-time buried gold is. I know for absolute fact several gold ore deposits, many hundreds of thousands of years buried. I can get permission from the owners of the land to make a survey with the Iconos to locate the known gold deposits, and they will recover enough of the gold to see if your detector finds it.

I also know many cemeteries where there is definite long time buried gold more than 100 years in contact with the soil. I know the exact location of some of these long-time gold jewelry items within 1 meter accuracy. This is very easy to test if a long range detector can find this gold.

I will be happy to make tests to prove the Iconos will detect these sources of long-time buried gold. You can send me a PM for shipping instructions if you want me to test the Iconos for you. But maybe easier if you test from your location. If you don't want to demonstrate the Iconos, I don't mind. I will be happy to only read the reports you will show for the published archaeologists using the Iconos to find treasure.

We are all waiting to see the reports you said were published by scientists that support the formation of ions and static fields on long time buried gold, and reports published by archaeologists who found treasure with the Iconos locator.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-29-2007, 10:19 AM
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Old 08-29-2007, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by iconos-md View Post
Answer to Carl and others request about
Scientific facts
Between any two points on the surface of the earth, there generally exists a difference in electrical potential, commonly measured in volts (or, millivolts). There are two natural 'grounds' (natural sources that can absorb or supply more charge than humans can generate). One is the ionosphere, where ionized gasses conduct electricity, and the other is the earth (hence, the origin of the term "ground"), where ions in soil moisture and ground water conduct electricity. There exists a tremendous potential difference between these grounds, a difference maintained by the atmosphere (an insulator). Because the air is not a perfect insulator, a slight electrical current slowly flows through the air, resulting in a near-surface gradient of several hundred volts/meter. There are three basic geophysical phenomena associated with Long range Metal detection.
Firstly, Spontaneous Potential. This phenomenon is a natural north-south flow of electrical current, driven by the dynamics of the ionosphere, and generates what we call TELLURIC electrical currents. Since the earth is a good (but not a perfect) conductor, Ohm's Law implies a pattern of potential differences due to this current between buried objects and the surrounding soil.
Secondly, Electrochemical potential can be generated by the ground battery phenomenon of metals in contact with a uniform soil, or, from metals in contact with ground water. This effect results in anomalies above the ground - interesting variations of electrostatic and ionic fields in an otherwise dull, uninteresting earth atmosphere. It is such variations, or anomalies, that we seek which form around buried GOLD and other noble metals after many years. The resulting chemical reaction makes the Gold act much like a large battery. By detecting these anomalies we can find buried metals from large distances.
A third mechanism responsible for natural voltage differences around buried metals is the streaming potential. Flowing water strips electrons from the metal and a potential difference occurs with the surrounding area. In areas of significant topographic relief, there is often an SP pattern highly correlated with elevation (water generally flows downhill, even underground). Water flowing toward a cone of depression can also cause an SP anomaly. SP has been used to map geothermal fluid circulation in The Geysers field north of San Francisco, California. ( Also SP has been used to map fractures carrying water under dams).
So using the above scientific facts we confirm, that long time buried metals and especially noble metals like Gold, form an electrostatic and ionic field anomaly around them, in the immediate vicinity of the object, and above the ground also which extends many meters away from the object (Electrochemical potential). The intensity and radius of this emanating electrostatic ionic field increases with time. The buried object must be buried at least 15 years, in order to form an electrostatic ionic field, and it reaches maximum intensity after 40 years. So in practice the buried metal forms the ground battery and ions migrate from it’s surface to the surrounding minerals in the soil (read above Electrochemical potential )In this case the electrolyte is the soil itself. The more the soil is moist, so much faster the phenomenon appears. This same phenomenon has been proved with conventional metal detectors also, in a small scale. Freshly buried objects are detected, only when the disk is directly over the target. However when the object has been buried for many years, then the detector signals it’s presence from a larger distance and it can detect it deeper than the freshly buried object.

Thank you
The iconos Team
Why is this electric field formed only by gold or other noble metals? Seems to me that other, more electrically active and more plentiful metals (e.g. Zinc) would create even stronger ionic fields. If these non-noble metals also give rise to these fields, how does one go about discriminating between them, since in either case, these fields are quasi-static or DC in nature.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 08-29-2007, 10:48 PM
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Hi Rudy,

The answer to your question of how the Iconos discriminates gold is given on their web page: http://www.iconos-md.eu/
Originally Posted by Iconos web page
Our detectors are the first in the world to be able to detect buried metals without using ground electrodes but can detect the spontaneous potential and electrochemical potential phenomena due to our revolutionary Gold sensor. They also discriminate the phenomena associated only with long time buried Gold from large distances. Thus you can scan large open areas in a small period of time and be sure to find the treasure.!!!!!
The method of discriminating is the Iconos revolutionary gold sensor. This is their trade secret, so we cannot expect them to reveal their secret method.

Your inference that traces of metal ions from zinc would be stronger than traces of gold ions seems reasonable to me. I have read reports where lakes were poisoned by dissolved zinc compounds leaching from the soil, but never a report of gold ions concentrated to the amount where it could poison a lake. I believe any faint trace of gold ions would be millions of times less than dissolved zinc.

With respect to trade secrets, Carl did not ask to know Iconos method to locate treasure, but he did ask to see some reports from published scientists who describe this ionic and electrostatic fields that Iconos says exist around long time buried gold. We are still waiting to see the scientists reports so we can read them. We are also waiting to read the reports Carl asked for to read about published archaeologists who used the Iconos to locate treasures.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-30-2007, 01:05 AM
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Yes, I would like to see actual published papers that support the claimed methods. This is a task easily done for induction metal detectors, magnetometry, sonar, radar, induced polarization, resistivity, quadrupole resonance, infrared, etc. But it seems impossible for LRL.

I would also like to know if someone in the USA has bought an Iconos locator. I will gladly arrange a visit, do some testing on both fresh and long-time buried gold, and report my findings, whatever they may be.

- Carl
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Old 08-30-2007, 04:47 AM
Seden Seden is offline
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Angry $7,238.60USD and no proof?!


I think you take the men on this forum for fools,but we have heard time and time again these same claims with no scientific proofs. Especially when you say the method is "secret".
For me to blindly shell out $7,238.60USD is beyond crazy.
Please don't joke with us making claims without independant test data.
I also very much like Carl's idea of meeting a person in the USA who owns a unit so he can see it for himself. Ok, I live in the Los Angeles area,is there a person I can contact?

How about Southern California, I'd be more than happy to drive to San Diego or Santa Barbara to see a demonstration,no problem.

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Old 08-30-2007, 05:27 AM
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Hi iconos-md,

Please forgive doubting skeptics. We know your long range locator really works. We are only waiting for you to provide the information from published scientists who agree that there are ionic and static fields produced around long time buried gold, and to read reports published by archaeologists who found treasure with the Iconos.

I for one will be happy to take video movies of your Iconos finding buried treasure. I will also drive to San Diego or Santa Barbara or anywhere in between or 1000 kilometers distance from either of those Southern California locations. I can make accurate videos that show the true results of the Iconos finding treasure because I am not predisposed to believe the Iconos is incapable of finding anything. You can count on me to help you prove the Iconos is a true treasure finding machine when there is a test performed so I can capture on video.

$7,238.60USD is a lot of money to pay for a treasure machine. But if it works, then this is only a small bit compared to the millions of USD it will find in treasure. I am sure you will sell thousands of Iconos treasure locators after we see a demonstration of them finding long-time buried treasures. If you want some free advertising, then you may ship an Iconos Treasure finding machine to Seden, and I will make video movies of it finding long time buried gold for no cost to you. After I photograph Seden finding these long time buried treasures, then we will ship the Iconos back to you so you can sell it to a customer as a proven treasure finder.

But that's not all.... I will put up a professional web page showing the videos of the Iconos finding treasure that you can use for advertising the Iconos. This will be absolute proof it works from and independent tester and photographer. Nobody will be able to make any argument against the facts and the videos.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-31-2007, 07:35 AM
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Old 08-31-2007, 07:37 AM
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Hi iconos-md,

We have been waiting for you to show us where we can read publications made by scientists that explain the ionic and electrostatic fields from long-time buried gold. We have been waiting for you to show us where we can read the reports made by published archaeologists who found treasure with the Iconos locator. But you have not shown us any source where we can read what these scientists published.

Also, I received no reply for my offer to provide free testing of the Iconos locator. And I read another person who lives closer to you also offered to pay all expenses for you to test the Iconos in Italy, and he says you refused to allow any testing where there are known long-time buried metals:
Originally Posted by putrechigi
...iconos they are in contact with them and I have offered him to come in itali everything paid to make a will its metal but unfortunately they have refused, in my parts I know varied places where during the war they have hidden treasures but the points they are approximate and as I do to find them? whoever wants to come to find me and it possesses a metal that is able' to rouse them does me him to know
sorry for my english but i write with programm
Is this true? Do you refuse to conduct any test to demonstrate how well the Iconos will find long-time buried metal?

Maybe I am asking too soon. Perhaps you are already making arrangements to accept the free testing with expenses paid to demonstrate the Iconos finding known long-time buried treasures in Italy.
Is this correct?
Are you preparing to make a demonstration?
Will you show where we can read the reports made by scientists soon?

Best wishes,
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Old 08-31-2007, 02:40 PM
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Default End of the truce

Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi iconos-md,

Please forgive doubting skeptics. We know your long range locator really works. We are only waiting for you to provide the information from published scientists who agree that there are ionic and static fields produced around long time buried gold, and to read reports published by archaeologists who found treasure with the Iconos.

I for one will be happy to take video movies of your Iconos finding buried treasure. I will also drive to San Diego or Santa Barbara or anywhere in between or 1000 kilometers distance from either of those Southern California locations. I can make accurate videos that show the true results of the Iconos finding treasure because I am not predisposed to believe the Iconos is incapable of finding anything. You can count on me to help you prove the Iconos is a true treasure finding machine when there is a test performed so I can capture on video.

Yes, $7,238.60USD is a lot of money to pay for a treasure machine. But if it works, then this is only a small bit compared to the millions of USD it will find in treasure. I am sure you will sell thousands of Iconos treasure locators after we see a demonstration of them finding long-time buried treasures. If you want some free advertising, then you may ship an Iconos Treasure finding machine to Seden, and I will make video movies of it finding long time buried gold for no cost to you. After I photograph Seden finding these long time buried treasures, then we will ship the Iconos back to you so you can sell it to a customer as a proven treasure finder.

But that's not all.... I will put up a professional web page showing the videos of the Iconos finding treasure that you can use for advertising the Iconos. This will be absolute proof it works from and independent tester and photographer. Nobody will be able to make any argument against the facts and the videos.

Best wishes,
"We know your long range locator really works. "

Who are "We" ?

I know that is just another that claim his LRL work. No big news.

So this:
"We know your long range locator really works. "

Or not ?

Kind regards,
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Old 08-31-2007, 02:41 PM
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I'm the cure !
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Old 08-31-2007, 06:01 PM
Seden Seden is offline
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Default Hi Max!


I've noticed since my most recent post above, haven't heard a peep out of Iconos. I'm very serious about meeting with someone in Southern California that has one of his units,so will see when Iconos comes back to this thread.


Last edited by Seden; 08-31-2007 at 06:02 PM. Reason: forgot a word
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Old 08-31-2007, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Seden View Post

I've noticed since my most recent post above, haven't heard a peep out of Iconos. I'm very serious about meeting with someone in Southern California that has one of his units,so will see when Iconos comes back to this thread.

Hi Randy,
yes you are right. We have to wait and see and test if possible.

Who knows ? maybe they found something new.

I'm interested too if there is something true working in their devices...
my , as you know, is mainly academic interest... but I could also buy one of these if they prove that their products work.

Kind regards,
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Old 08-31-2007, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Rudy,

The answer to your question of how the Iconos discriminates gold is given on their web page: http://www.iconos-md.eu/The method of discriminating is the Iconos revolutionary gold sensor. This is their trade secret, so we cannot expect them to reveal their secret method.

Your inference that traces of metal ions from zinc would be stronger than traces of gold ions seems reasonable to me. I have read reports where lakes were poisoned by dissolved zinc compounds leaching from the soil, but never a report of gold ions concentrated to the amount where it could poison a lake. I believe any faint trace of gold ions would be millions of times less than dissolved zinc.

With respect to trade secrets, Carl did not ask to know Iconos method to locate treasure, but he did ask to see some reports from published scientists who describe this ionic and electrostatic fields that Iconos says exist around long time buried gold. We are still waiting to see the scientists reports so we can read them. We are also waiting to read the reports Carl asked for to read about published archaeologists who used the Iconos to locate treasures.

Best wishes,

It is so effective and revolutionary, that they've decided to make it a trade secret rather than seeking patent protection.

Sounds like a variation of the Continuously Replenishable Anion Particles detector.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 09-01-2007, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Max
Who are "We" ?
Don't worry Max, You are one of several persons who I never included in the "we" I talked about. Are you still posting guesses instead of facts?

Best wishes,
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Old 09-01-2007, 07:41 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Don't worry Max, You are one of several persons who I never included in the "we" I talked about. Are you still posting guesses instead of facts?

Best wishes,
are you still posting nonsenses and lies ?

Kind regards,
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Old 09-14-2007, 08:28 AM
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Smile To all members of the forum

To all members of the forum
We would like to point out some facts relating to the testing and demonstration of our Gold detectors that many of you demand before buying from us.
First of all you all know very well, that we are a new company on the worldwide market. Only since last week we have begun to deliver our first orders and we will not hide from you the fact that we can just barely cover production demands. We also want you to know that we manufacture most parts of the detector inhouse except for the Gold sensor,which is specially buit by another company, our partner, who wish to remain anonymous for manufacture secrecy.
Some members of this forum have asked for demonstration units and promise to present the results to the Worldwide forum, and we certainly support this and also naturally would like this publicity also. However there is a problem concerning this matter, which we wish to explain. If we begin to offer demonstration units this period for testing, it will be a disaster for our company. All potential new customers will not buy our detectors, but instead they will wait for the results of the test trials, which will mean the stopping of our production, halt of sales until the results are published, in order for the person who is interested to be able to purchase a detector.
We cannot afford to stop our production and sales for the duration of the testing and publishing of the results in order to satisfy some skeptics.
The demand for demostrations and tests from private individuals and professionals alike cannot become a reality, because this is a very big expense with doubtful results and a waste of time and money for us. We do not ask at this moment for opinions about the effectiveness of our detectors, just as we do not ask from our customers to present the positive results, because we know that each one prefers to keep for himself his findings, and we respect that.
Therefore you must understand that any effort on our behalf for the time being to convince the few skeptics who doubt the effectiveness of our Gold detector will generate many problems and delays for the many customers who want to buy this product, and this will not be good strategy for the reputation of our company. But since you are our future clients we must respect your views and opinions, and also we will accept your offer for testing and demonstrations as we have already found a way which will benefit everybody and make this possible.
We only need some more time to stabilize our production rate, and also to acquire the manufacturing know how process for the Gold sensor in order to manufacture this part inhouse also, since it is very costly and difficult to manufacture. Only then will we be able to acquire free demonstration units for the forum in order for people to test and see if our detectors really work 100%.
So you understand that we have NO DOUBTS about the reliability of our detectors, we only need some more time to have available some test units so that we can show the worldwide market what our detectors can achieve.
We thank you all for your understanding.
The iconos Team
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Old 09-14-2007, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by iconos-md View Post
To all members of the forum
We would like to point out some facts relating to the testing and demonstration of our Gold detectors that many of you demand before buying from us.
First of all you all know very well, that we are a new company on the worldwide market. Only since last week we have begun to deliver our first orders and we will not hide from you the fact that we can just barely cover production demands. We also want you to know that we manufacture most parts of the detector inhouse except for the Gold sensor,which is specially buit by another company, our partner, who wish to remain anonymous for manufacture secrecy.
Some members of this forum have asked for demonstration units and promise to present the results to the Worldwide forum, and we certainly support this and also naturally would like this publicity also. However there is a problem concerning this matter, which we wish to explain. If we begin to offer demonstration units this period for testing, it will be a disaster for our company. All potential new customers will not buy our detectors, but instead they will wait for the results of the test trials, which will mean the stopping of our production, halt of sales until the results are published, in order for the person who is interested to be able to purchase a detector.
We cannot afford to stop our production and sales for the duration of the testing and publishing of the results in order to satisfy some skeptics.
The demand for demostrations and tests from private individuals and professionals alike cannot become a reality, because this is a very big expense with doubtful results and a waste of time and money for us. We do not ask at this moment for opinions about the effectiveness of our detectors, just as we do not ask from our customers to present the positive results, because we know that each one prefers to keep for himself his findings, and we respect that.
Therefore you must understand that any effort on our behalf for the time being to convince the few skeptics who doubt the effectiveness of our Gold detector will generate many problems and delays for the many customers who want to buy this product, and this will not be good strategy for the reputation of our company. But since you are our future clients we must respect your views and opinions, and also we will accept your offer for testing and demonstrations as we have already found a way which will benefit everybody and make this possible.
We only need some more time to stabilize our production rate, and also to acquire the manufacturing know how process for the Gold sensor in order to manufacture this part inhouse also, since it is very costly and difficult to manufacture. Only then will we be able to acquire free demonstration units for the forum in order for people to test and see if our detectors really work 100%.
So you understand that we have NO DOUBTS about the reliability of our detectors, we only need some more time to have available some test units so that we can show the worldwide market what our detectors can achieve.
We thank you all for your understanding.
The iconos Team
This is quite understandable, and I would certainly be giving the same response if I was in your position. However, some people may say the real reason you are refusing to supply demonstration units is that the feedback will inevitably be negative, which of course will impact any future sales of your product. Basically you cannot win, whether you supply demo units or not.
If (on the other hand) your detectors really do perform as advertised, you should not hestitate to enter Carl's $25,000 dollar challenge and win. In that case Iconos would be the only LRL manufacturer able to backup their claims.
Personally I will not be holding my breath in expectation.
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Old 09-14-2007, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by iconos-md View Post
If we begin to offer demonstration units this period for testing, it will be a disaster for our company. All potential new customers will not buy our detectors, but instead they will wait for the results of the test trials, which will mean the stopping of our production, halt of sales until the results are published, in order for the person who is interested to be able to purchase a detector.
Practically all major detector manufacturers supply test units for user field evaluation and feedback. This is usually done prior to production, but you could still do so now, and there is no need to announce that this being done, therefore no impact on sales. I would gladly test your locator, exactly as you specify, and maintain complete secrecy until the both the tests and the report are completed.

Or, just let me know when a U.S. customer buys one, and I will work directly with them.

- Carl
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Old 09-14-2007, 02:49 PM
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so...nothing new !? what a surprise !

words, words, words... as you want.

novels ?

facts = 0
proofs = 0
patents = 0 (?)

A misterious "partner company" that made the sensor... and this will make sound some bell in your head , all of you beliving in the magic of crystals.

Oh sure... suppose I'm an LRL manifacturer...
if I "waste" my time showing to people my device I'll damage sales...
of course... expecially, if device doesn't work as claimed,
cause otherwise if it works... why not showing that to the world!?

I'll gain advertise for free worldwide and thousands of customer in minutes from all around the world if stuff goes on CNN and be reported as the unique LRL-thing that really work !

C'mon... be real. You wanna sell stuff without providing any proof or fact.

Not serious approach for me... maybe for others yes... but for me it's not.

Your device could also be working but I'll never buy one first of seeing it in action... or a report on a specialized magazine... too many frauds about fake-LRLs. I don't wanna be the next fool !

Fact that you still ADVERTISE here your product without saying nothing more about technology and even specs of product e.g. detection ranges for diffent items , soils etc it's another proof you wanna just sell stuff.

But you're also explicit: the fact someone say that want first sell stuff and then after promise he'll give proof of working say everything for me.

He could just keep the money and disappear... like Woody Allen in "Take the Money and Run"

Iconos when you'll provide demonstration of your products ?
After earned your first 1,000,000$ or why not instead... await 10,000,000$

Give us some light on your time-line.

Best regards,
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Old 09-15-2007, 03:25 AM
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I no electronic genius, what do you do when you encounter micro wave towers?

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Old 09-15-2007, 04:40 AM
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Originally Posted by iconos-md
The demand for demostrations and tests from private individuals and professionals alike cannot become a reality... Therefore you must understand that any effort on our behalf for the time being to convince the few skeptics who doubt the effectiveness of our Gold detector will generate many problems and delays for the many customers who want to buy this product, and this will not be good strategy for the reputation of our company.
This pretty much answers the question. Iconos says the demonstrations and tests cannot become a reality. Therefore, The very few skeptics (and any others who read this forum) may continue to think this machine does not work, while Iconos Proceeds to fill the orders for the "many customers" who are not skeptics from this forum.

The bottom line of Item 1:
Iconos refuses to provide a demonstration even if all expenses are paid in Italy.

Bottom line Item 2:
Iconos still has not produced any references to the published scientific papers that support the claimed methods.

Bottom line Item 3:
Iconos still has not told us of any archaeologist who used the Iconos locator to find treasure, or told us of any person in the USA who owns an Iconos locator that we can talk to.

Does this mean Iconos is afraid to demonstrate their locator, because they are afraid of the catastrophic financial ruin they would endure if it was observed their locator did not work?
Does this mean it is it true there are no published scientific papers to support the methods that Iconos told us about?
Does this mean no archaeologist ever used an Iconos to find treasure, and there is no Iconos owner in the USA available to talk to about their experience with the Iconos?

Iconos offered some excuses, but the bottom line is they will not demonstrate their detector, they will not provide any reference to scientists who wrote papers to support the claimed methods, and as far as Iconos has demonstrated so far, nobody on earth has ever found a treasure with an Iconos machine. Thus, for all practical purposes, customers are paying $7000+ USD for some talk and promises, not for results. I think I will wait until after I see the "many" satisfied customers with their amazing treasures before I send in my check.

I say let Iconos fill their "many orders" and let's see the "Many customers" post photos of their amazing treasure finds in the treasure hunter forums, and tell us all how wonderful the Iconos is, same as the thousands of happy Mieneoro customers do.

Best wishes,
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Old 09-15-2007, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Bottom line Item 2:
Iconos still has not produced any references to the published scientific papers that support the claimed methods.

If you run a search on spontaneous potentials and electrochemical potentials on the internet you will see for yourself all the reference you need on this phenomenon.
Now as to how we go about to detect this phenomenon and how we discriminate these static fields is another story,which is confidential.
So I dont understand why would you disagree with these tried and tested geophysical methods which are used everyday?
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Old 09-15-2007, 07:31 AM
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I just finished searching "Spontaneous Potential" as you suggested. However, I did not find any published scientific papers supporting the principles you described. Most of the websites I found talked about nerve endings and spinal chords of animals, while a few referenced oil exploration companies who measured millivolt charges in rock masses in their boreholes. These borehole methods described using a grounded rod to reference the voltage of different rock masses in the borehole. They had nothing to do with sensing ions in the air. Here is what Wikipedia says about "spontaneous potential" which is similar to the few other geotechnical references --
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
"The Spontaneous Potential log, commonly called the self-potential log or SP log, is a measurement taken by oil industry well loggers to characterise rock formation properties. The log works by measuring small electric potentials (measured in millivolts) between depths in the borehole and a grounded voltage at the surface".
This spontaneous potential is basically a method to identify clay and shale layers deep in a borehole which will have a different millivolt charge than sandstone because of a difference in salt content. It has nothing to do with long range location treasure through the air by means of the ions and earth's static charge as you described.

Since I cannot find these published scientific papers you claim are there, perhaps you could provide a few of the websites links to published papers that support the Iconos method you described locating treasures by means of ions in the air in combination with the earth's static field.
Keep in mind, we are not asking to know the secret electronics you use, only some published scientific papers that support the fact that treasures can be sensed through the air at long distances by the methods you already described of ions and the earth's static feild.
Originally Posted by iconos-md
So I dont understand why would you disagree with these tried and tested geophysical methods which are used everyday?
Do you really think we are so stupid to accept your innuendo that I disagree with SP logging methods? Perhaps you did not understand the requset, or perhaps you are pretending not to understand. So I will re-state what I already said in different words:

I do not disagree with tested borehole methods of identifying different rock masses due to different salt contents. Nor do I disagree with the research that was done on the spinal chords and nerve endings and other biological tissues. My opinion is these tested methods have nothing to do with locating treasures at long distance through the air. They have nothing to do with Iconos. My opinion is they are fake references that Iconos uses to try to fool people into giving them money for a non-working machine. My disagreement is that Iconos has never shown us any published scientific paper that supports the methodology of detecting treasure through long distances in the air by means of ions and the earth's static charge.

The very few things we asked for are things that Iconos has refused to demonstrate or supply links to reference material published by scientists that we can read.

There is no need for me to repeat these few requests again, Iconos has utterly failed, and demonstrated that we are only to be given unsubstantiated words from Iconos...

•No real science published by a scientist.
•No real live demonstration of the Iconos finding treasure.
•No reference to any published archaeologist who ever used an Iconos detector to find treasure.
•No information about anyone who owns an Iconos detector in the USA.
•And Iconos also refused to accept an expense paid trip to italy to demonstrate the Iconos working.

My belief is only a fool would pay $7000+ USD for a treasure finding machine with no credentials and fake science links, and the manufacturer refuses to demonstrate the treasure finder working.

And this is the reason I am convinced for all practical purposes, customers are expected to pay $7000+ USD for some talk and promises, not for results.

Am I right? Or can you provide some links for us to read that were written by scientists to support the notion treasure can be located from a long distance through the air by means of ions and the atmospheric static charge?

Best wishes,
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Old 09-15-2007, 10:53 AM
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putrechigi putrechigi is offline
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Default to hope

in italia who has this passion it knows thousand and thousand places of various epoches where impossible not to find something of gold that they is found by hundreds of years would be, we could try the various lrls or as they call, the hope that one of their functions really I believe that the heart of all those feeds that come in this very beautiful forum, with this I don't want to say that the various metals don't work but their omission in tests or gives, it doesn't make him a lot of honor, I believe that don't cost very to wait for some the iconos if and' only the time the problem, enough that they are not months!!!! I/you/they are firmly convinced that hung as esteban that always bring schemes and discussions deepened in polite and formal way are to a footstep from the victory with the hope that at least them these blessed 25000 dollars if they award them a regard to everybody
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