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Old 12-17-2014, 09:34 PM
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Default What are you really detecting?

"I am detecting gold at long range!"

Wrong answer!

What we wanna know is: With what method?!

Do we have here electronical full-idiots or experts who know what they solder?!

If you think you're an expert you should offer a good answer or you will be
judged automatically as a dreamer that plays a little bit with his electronic-toy-box
and never will be able to create any real detector device at all.

Let's take a look at the so far a little bit more "interesting" devices:
Mineoro, OKM, PDK, Crypton and of course also especially the Totem.
At least at what basis this one works should be pretty clear or their
inventors would have created some worthless beeping-thingy just
for fun or to mock about all the other so called "LRL"-devices.

Now how those are working? Tell us, experts!

From not just my point of view the question:
"What are you really detecting?"
has a pretty simple answer:

Electromagnetical field energy from the radio band, sometimes in combination
with the earths-magnetical field! I hope you know that too otherwise your
work is like making love without exactly knowing what you're doing!

So far all the "this detection methods are really working"-expierences are more
than doubtful and show an extremly low level of reliability and repeatability.

Some try to improve and improve and improve but if they don't have any idea
at what technical principle their detectors are based at all, they will have a
hard time to improve, they just tinker around and check out this or that.

Now lets see how far detailed infos our "LRL-profis" here are able to provide,
so we can try to take them and their detectors for serious!
But if they have nothing to say at all, we will speak further for them
and the public will recognize that they have nothing seriously to say
or real working to offer, anyway!
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Old 12-18-2014, 08:50 PM
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Qiaozhi Qiaozhi is offline
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Regarding TOTeM ... the answer is in the name.
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Old 12-18-2014, 10:27 PM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
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This is the proof:
Only Qiaozhi as a true electronic-expert is able to give an answer at all
while all our technogy-losers her are unable to speak but live inside their dreams!
Or why don't those answer?!
Because its useless that they tell us here their truth - their wannabe-truth?!

No, its absolutly not useless! Thats just a very cheap excuse for those
if they are unable to provide acceptable info!
They wanna be respected with their work and some of them even wanna earn alot of money
by selling their devices but without any serious takeable information! This doesn't work!

btw. the saying "This doesn't work!" fits absolutly perfectly to all LRL-fanatics
if we see it from fact of reality and not from their own inside dream-view!

About the Totem - here we have it:
Chapter 14: Pistol Detector
Meaning of TOTeM

btw. have you seen this already:

"Theoretically resonance" in short. Like a vibrator for a girl or what?

But fun aside, the text at wikipedia is good, because it's realistic and the poor
LRL sellers for shure would love to read something completly else there.

"overpriced dowsing rods" brings it to the point, "contain numerous dummy components" also.

External links

About the Totem:
(more info here: http://www.longrangelocators.com/for...ad.php?t=18793 )

But personally I think that "theoretically" is no serious answer at all!

Meaning of Totem = "Theoretically maybe Or Totally not working EM-field-detector!"

Everyone here theoretically could be dead within one second but practically this will be not the case.

So the question is: Why and how there should be any chance at all that the Totem is able to detect something or not?

The Totem is no piece of wood in the shape of a dowsing rod!
There is no theoretical miracle behind it! Its a circuit based on EM-field detection that even software is able to emulate and test it virtually and finds out what it does where and how!

Theoretically the universe has started with the big bang!
And theoretically some scientist can spend his whole life to explore this theory.

But the main focus is:
Treasure-hunters wants real working stuff that is worth its price!

No theoretical working dowsing rods with some theoretical working electronic components.

Grey theory is worth nothing in this case!

We may start to ask: "Why does it theoretically works?" and the answer could be:

"Well, some so far unknown vibration- or resonance-energy is able to make a big
impression to the Totem's antenna and circuit even from far away!"

This helps?! No. Theoretically a gold coin even can appear on my desk without
any detectors at all! Theoretically is worthless, its all and nothing alltogether!

Theoretically our LRL-freaks here even could post their stuff only with their minds
and without the use of a real working computer or smartphone etc.

The term "theoretically" is not acceptable for technical devices, thats clear,
especially not if they create powerful wish-thinking or cost alot money and work.

Theoretically expresses that their would be a chance something really is as described
or with products: that it really works.
And thats the main problem or even a lie, because either something works or it
works not, their is no maybe!

This reminds me of the answer from girls if you ask them: "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"
and they make a cross at: Maybe.

And if a producer of a device is unable to find out if its proven work or not its clear
that it doesn't work! Who else should find it out, the alot money paying customer?

For me instead of Totem and what it means it should have a name
that clearly represents if it works or not - or more detailed explained:

What it is capable to detect and what not!

Because of the 2in1 circuit the answer should be pretty clear:

It detects metal with its real working circuit from the usual distance
but its absolutly unable to detect anything outside of this range with the 2nd circuit!

Or do you have any proofs and repeatable tests, do you have eyewitnessed any
detection-session at all where there was some signal from "beyond usual reality"?!

The word "theoretical" even is fatal because it suggests that their could be a real chance.
Theoretically everyone could have 72 virgins in paradise, but why a profi should deal
with amateurs?! But we know to what bad results such "theoretical assumptions"
are leading and thats the same problem concerning religions and LRLs.

And "theoretically" always means that someone is unable to give a proven clear answer.
Because its "rocket-science" to create LRLs with cheap and lousy radio-receiver circuits?
Shurely not!

We can be happy that Carl and Qiaozhi have the intention to give clear and proven
answers (I hope also for the Totem) because otherwise the whole field of LRL would
be only just an area of maybe, theoretically, self-delusion, fraud and wish-thinking!

And our ignorant and no useful infos providing "not-answerers" here are disqualifying
theirselves over and over again, more and more! They have nothing to say, in its full
meaning - they are nothing and they have nothing that works!!!

Otherwise they would love to speak and explain, because this stuff is their "life"!

But perhaps they just made a little pause here so they still
can use their chance and sorry if I judged them wrong!

The question has not changed:
What are you really detecting?
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Old 12-19-2014, 11:13 AM
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Too much talking can not disprove anything. Show real proof that lrl doesn't work. Only those lrl builders knows it work or will not work.
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Old 12-19-2014, 04:54 PM
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Fred Fred is offline
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The answer may be in our hairs.
Has Hung long hairs, as many South-American ?
And could Qiaozhi be bald ? That would explain his lack of success into LRL detecting...
We should build a database.

If you wonder what i am talking about, please read this article .


(Hey ! It´s me.)
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