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Old 06-14-2020, 04:01 AM
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Exclamation Distance-Location with the help of a Laser

Rough and shortened translation from the German book of:

Reinhold Ostler - Handbook for Treasure-Searchers (2009)

Part 1

2003 I got a phone-call from some building-firm-owner of Switzerland who told me:

"We have developed a Gold-detector but it can much more, its not a usual metal-detector.
Is it possible to visit you?" I said yes.

I didn't hear anything of him and was not sorry - so far all these special detectors
the people dragged to me were junk, anyway. But in April 2004 the phone ringed
again and the guy wanted to visit me.

30min later he and 2 other guys were here - it was a ca. 22-24 years old person from
Eastern Europe and a Dolmetsh. The building-firm owner was around 40 at that time
and had a strong musculous bull-stature. The young guy seems to was the inventor.

"Before I show you the functions of the device you have to sign a Secrecy-Declaration
and you are not allowed to contact me later concerning this detector!", he insisted
and I signed this contract.

Then he told me that it detects Gold and Silver at 100 meter (300 ft) and that the
technology is not really a secret, the guy just has improved this device which is
in use by the military already - he just expanded its functionality.

I told him about the 6000 bucks expensive "electronic downsing-rods" we have here
in our country and that they are not working!

"Ours works, we will demonstrate it to you!"

Long story short, they went with me in my "buried treasures-test garden" and the
device indeed found everything!! The test area is 200x200 meters; the device
was inside of a fisher-box, a green plastic-box with transparent top-cover.

Now this guy called "Berner" (name probably changed) wanted a deal with me:

Before I continue with this unbelievable but authentic story:

Any idea what military-detector could this be, which turned this serious
and very critical thinking treasure-hunter into a convinced LRL-believer?

For a Radar or GPR this fisher-box is definitly too small.
This is technology which existed already in 2002 - 2003.
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Old 06-14-2020, 11:02 PM
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Additional Information:

Reinhold Ostler (R.I.P.) wrote in the book that he created its testfield in 2003 -
so there is no "long time ago buried Gold" etc. which built up any special engergy-fields.

The box was 30cm (12'') long, and ca. 15cm x 12cm broad, there exists a picture of it.

The laser-pointer was mounted outside on the side and only used to show the location.

This here is a serious investigation and no magic Hogus Pogus!
If you think you have "magical powers" prove them inside of a laboratory! *laugh*
Too many people think they are the ultra special gifted from the whole universe!
But in reality they die like a little worm and can do nothing with their "illusions"
than betraying others and feeling personally like a king.

Of course there also remains the possibility that Mr. Ostler told not the complete
truth in the book or that he was tricked. I don't know him personally but you
never know. This whole story is also about Nazi Gold where he claimed that he
would know the approximate location - narrowed down to an area of ca. 500 meters.
However - at the end of that story he asked his readers if they might knew something
about this detector.

Seen from the "Secrecy of Eastern Europe Miliary Higtec" meanwhile its 13 years later!

Which means that there is a very high chance that this stuff is no longer secret or
never was.

What kind of "not metal detectors" the military is using? Besides radar and GPR not many.
Did they have this "through the wall"-stuff already in 2003 - probably not.

For Radar the box is too small and it had no directional or reflecting antenna.
But what it might had inside was an ion-chamber.

What I think is that the detecor measures the amount of "background radioactivity"
an when a metal-object is inbetween this amount changes and can become detected.

So this would be a high degree directional Geiger-Counter which knows the usual
radioactivity-background radiation and gives an alert if a metal object blocks or
distracts them into other directions.

Does the Military uses Geiger-Counters? For sure! Are these directional? Yes, they are.

Is the difference recognizable? Yes, because the soil is not that tight packed at areas
where someone has buried even smaller stuff and so it changes the radioactivity level.

And now its your turn.
Perhaps some here know already about this detector but keeps it as a big secret ...
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Old 06-23-2020, 07:07 AM
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If no one replies here you can wait a long time for the final part
of the whole story, the picture of this detector and other info's.
You've had to wait already now 1 week ... Hahaha!

But why should swivel-rod-"dreamers" should be interested in electronics?

However - this whole story is suspicious anyway !!!
It could be some constructed short-novel because:

1. He created its testfield just a few months ago before this LRL-story
2. This 200x200 meter testfield is far too large so that he could remember
where he has buried his own stuff - at least without all kind of markings.
3. He claims that Mr. Berner (I guess he just came from Bern, Switzerland
and the name is wrong) afterwards found "his" Nazi-Gold which of course
makes himself look much more important.
4. How this LRL finds only the hidden stuff from Mr. Ostler while this huge
field is for sure full of enough other stuff, too?

This might be the same "need for attention" as with Mr. Fenn:

Found by some guy who wants to remain anonymous! Oh, really? Where is the proof
that this treasure ever existed? Which person is so crazy and gives away for free
stuff which is worth Millions of Dollars with the risk that he dies and this stuff never
will be found?!

But concerning this LRL:
The chances are extremely high that the technology it uses is know by now after
17 years! Given that it would have ever existed at all.
Since when exists this forum? 2006? So one of all the guys which visited it since
then for sure must have something heard of it. This is meanwhile VERY OLD technology!
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Old 06-23-2020, 07:58 AM
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"Fenn, who lives in Santa Fe, said he hid his treasure as a way to tempt people
to get into the wilderness and give them a chance to launch an old-fashioned
adventure and expedition for riches."

So, after those finds, there is no more reason to go out in the wilderness for adventure.
Better to go in self-quarantine and wait adventure to coming with uncertified respirators.

Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 06-28-2020, 04:55 AM
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At least you can count on WM6 that he writes something useful and LRL-sceptical here!

Well, good point - hahaha - meanwhile only poem-based pseudo-treasure-exploring
with chemistry-infested N95 masks at the next park or parking lot nearby available!

I guess this was a Tourism- and self-promotion-stunt and nothing else, as long as
this guy and his mysterious treasure-finder aren't showing any real hard evidence!

Same as these Oakland Island freaks there exists just too many people who wanna
make a huge show out of themselves - in the USA especially and here in this forum.

Psychological seen this is arousing cheap attention to get the attraction of women.
Too bad if you only arouse the attention of criminals and idiots with such methods!

btw. this island woud be a perfect testing ground for these "fantastic" LRL's so
please my dear LRL-dreamers, go there and be careful not to fall into some hole!
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Old 08-12-2020, 04:05 AM
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As you see, I have time with the final part so you better prove some
real interest by replying or you can look for it somewhere else!
And WM6 does not count because he is "ANTI" anyway! *laugh*

But first you can take a look at a picture of this fantastic LRL.

And by the way there exists already a patent of a directional x-ray-meter.
But this stuff for sure is not that contrast-sensitive and highly directional
so that it would see the radiation-shadow of a metal-object from far away.

The method of detection was turning the box to the left and right
so it could have something to do with the EM-field-polarization.
This can also affect some nearby distorted field-lines of the earth-magnetic.

Anyway - would be a wonder if in 2004 there existed already a really
working LRL while 16 years later there still exists no one! *laugh*

Because that would mean that you all here are pretty stupid because you
couldn't even get your hands or info on this "old" piece of electronics!

But for luck at least meanwhile a LRL-sceptic informs you about this object -
if it was not some freely invented fairy-tale story - same as we have them here!
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File Type: pdf Directional Geiger Counter Patent USA 1944 - US2351845.pdf (496.7 KB, 2471 views)
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Old 08-12-2020, 02:50 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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I thought you were talking about the Contraption. I suspect NASA was using something like this in the 1960's.

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Old 08-13-2020, 12:37 AM
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Good job Mike, your posted detector might use some different method
but seems at least really reliable working with clear signals.
Needs further investigations.

There is for sure some highly directional AM ferrite-antenna
inside and this wire line on the floor transmits weak signals.

But our ominous device here seems to work different:

Because the detector of Mr. Berner and the inventor from Romania called Viorel
was used to detect Uranium and they have claimed it detects even through all
kind of metal besides lead !!!
Which means it would detect gold bars inside of an iron-box.

Exact translation from the book:
"First we drove to the Steinriegel were still remains of the Reichsbank-Gold
are hiding. Now Berner revealed to me about what his device was capable:
Not just the kind of metal which it shall detect was selectable but also the
amount, starting from 100grams and higher without limits. And also the
percentage of noble metal the find contains (10-90%). The location-signal
penetrates everything, no matter if rock, soil, mountains, water or steel.
Only lead remains an not overcoming obstacle!"

Not the detector was turned around its own axes but the person:
The exact translation is:

"He set the switch to Gold, started to wave the box up and down and
turned around its own axis."

So this means the usual directivity - scanning the area by radius and distance.
Afterwards the detector gave an acoustic signal while Mr. Berner approached
the signal location by still waving the box up and down to get to exact spot.

Afterwards Mr. Ostler tried to detect with the box itself and it worked for him.
Later they even found some Gold-pieces from a broken chain close to a
forest-road where nobody could knew the location.

Now some background info:

Mr. Berner offered a priceless 50:50 deal - Reinhold Ostler should tell him the approx.
Nazi-Gold location at the so called Steinriegel near the Walchensee, Bavaria, Germany
while next Berners detector would find it.

What we clearly see here is that those with the LRL-detector was in power to
dictate how the deal was made, but I'd say that 50:50 was fair enough for all.
Because often the pure technical work with electronics can be much more work-,
costs- and time-consuming than searching the area and digging all kind of holes!

And thats why this Forum her HAS TO provide RELIABLE info, so people DO NOT
must waste their precious time, money and resources with not working CRAP !!!

Further technical info - exact translation:

Only one information he spit out: That with the original device the Romanian Military
searched for Uranium. It was a coincidence that Viorel found after some modification
of this Uranium search tool from Romanian military the possibility to detect also Gold.
(Reinhold Ostler wrote that he don't know if this information was really true)
Berner talked rather funny about Viorel and claimed that he barely can read
and write and comes from a little Romanian Village where the dogs are barking
with their *ss. *laugh*

Berner also told that this device NEVER EVER will be mass-produced or sold
anywhere !!!

Good question, why?!

Seems to be that some people wanna have and keep their "ELITE POSITION"
where they are the only ones who have access to powerful resources !!!
Compare it with mushroom-spots - if you tell them to others, you no longer
might have success or finds there because other people will take their pieces
of your cake if not your complete cake at all !!!

Thats why many Gold-hunters were tracked by the simple folks because they
also wanted to know where is that fabulous GOLD-PIT from where they get
their riches.

Concerning LRLs this is not comparable because this world is far too huge and
with some more time-investment most of the treasures some LRL could find,
also a normal metal-detector will locate !!!

This is also the reason why Berner needed the help of Ostler because the best
LRL-detection still is based on good reasearch information about approximate
locations or certain circumstances, regarding how the treasures were buried.
Especially important if there might be any deadly traps or explosives around!

Not to forget that most people should NOT find any treasures at all - because
it just screws up their lives! They can't handle it becoming rich over night !!!
Same as all these "very lucky" Lottery-Millionaires - poor subjects in the end!

Back to the LRL:

This seems to me being a typcial case that some private persons are
buying cheap old or broken Soviet military-stuff and try to fix it. Or use
it somehow for whatever is interesting, of course also for treasure-hunting.

And thats why I told already it might be some directional X-Ray meter !!!
Because it penetrates all kind of rocks and metals and "only" lead blocks it.

Which is not fully correct because it depends on the mass or thickness of the metal
and how good x-rays are blocked - and what kind of X-rays. Gamma-rays will penetrate
much better tougher objects than Alpha-X-Rays. But Uranium radiates weak Gamma-Rays.

Should be not so complicated to find out how a Uranium-Detector might be
able to find metal if even some amateur-tinkerer can find it out by chance.
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Old 08-13-2020, 01:09 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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The white lines in my video are rope--no wires. Just there so you can see the line to the target
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Old 08-13-2020, 04:19 PM
pablo72 pablo72 is offline
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salad of lrls. this greek man is a milionaire? have all kinds of localizers. famous man in greece?

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Old 08-14-2020, 04:37 AM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
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Thanks for the Info, Mike.
These AM-detectors who count the single Hertz frequency shift can make similar noises.
I don't have the exact name in mind at the moment.

Such a "LRL" demonstration can also made up with a micro-wave receiver and a
hidden transmitter (WiFi) somewhere. Because it is the same as with Satellite-receivers -
this can be made highly directional and horizontal-vertical nulls complete after turning 90 degrees.

The main problem with the story in Reinhold Ostler's book is that it turns from "perhaps trustworthy"
to complete insane !!!

Later they have modified the detector and Mr. Berner - this criminal subject - claimed by phone
when he didn't come back as promised, that he sold this detector to the WORLD-BANK,
because now it detects also Diamonds, Oil and the range was improved to 10 KILOMETERS !

We have this also in this forum where some LRL-maniacs claim that their detector will find Diamonds
from very far away - by some secret resonance-frequency or other crap!
What these idiots are doing if some formerly bonfire with rests of coals is around?!

Ostler claimed that he published this LRL-story so his readers might help him to solve the riddle.
I don't know if he had any success...

But first he was very frustrated because Berner "robbed" and betrayed him !!!

Remember this location at the Steinriegel, Walchensee?
This was at the beginning of the whole deal - 50:50 !!!

Ostler leaded Berner to that Nazi-Gold location and then in the book is written,
that after 10 minutes of walking around the steep woods, they received a huge signal.
The LRL "told" that the hoard consists of 12kg Gold and 8kg Silver !!!

Now comes the crazy turn: Ostler wrote that there where just too many wanderers
so they could not start digging directly. So they postponed this - completely stupid !!!

Around 1-2 months later - after Ostler leaded Berner to some other Nazi-Gold locations
where the device found nothing ( very interesting !!! ) - they even wanted to visit
Rennes Le Chateau - when Berner spoke this insane crap by the Phone - Ostler was
very afraid that Berner has "plundered" the Nazi-Gold without him which was the case!

There was a 1,5 METER deep hole at that Steinriegel location - empty as a rats-hole !!!

It all started with the first personal visit of Berner in Bavaria in 2004 when he
demonstrated the device and Ostler was completely convinced that it worked,
but he wrote in the book that Berner avoided any answers about technical
details how it works and Ostler did not believe at all that crazy story with the
Romanian Uranium detector. Berner did not came as a single person but has his
"inventor" and perhaps 1-2 other persons with him. This first meeting also
resulted directly in visiting and "successful" search at the Steinriegel which is
just around 50km away from where Mr. Ostler lived (near Ammersee).

After this "Episode 1" Berner drove home with his car and Entourage to Switzerland
claiming he will come back 2 weeks later. Which he did !!!
Meanwhile the LRL was already massively improved - while eating at a restaurant
Berner said: "We have now 1000 meter detection range !!!"
This was then the weekend when they drove to other Nazi-Gold locations where
nothing was found.

[I wonder why they didn't drive "DIRECTLY" back to the Steinriegel - perhaps still
too many wanderers ??? And why Ostler didn't drove there and installed a camera
or whatever. We are taking here about 12KG GOLD and 8KG SILVER. Nobody can
be so stupid to abandon such a detected treasure for a longer time !!!

So for me it is also not clear when Berner digged it out by itself and his lousy helpers!
At this second weekend he was busy all the time together with Ostler but perhaps this
was already part of his cunning plan !!! Keeping Ostler busy and distracted with
travelling around while his minions was digging out the Steinriegel GOLD and SILVER.

[If we wanna believe the whole story, but Ostler had some reputation to protect and
later for sure many people would talked with him was he had written there in the book.
Not to forget that at that time Ostler was the most famous treausure-hunter of whole
Germany and his daughter still is very proud of him]

Anyway - after this Episode 2 trip to "not working" other locations, Berner drove home
again - but he came back 3 weeks later - which then was his last time.
At this 2nd weekend also many phone-calls from Berners wife were happening,
who wanted every few hours to know if they have found now finally the treasure.
Ostler had the impression that Berner really needed money to save his firm.
I guess this was just camouflage so Berner looks innocent - on the other hand I don't
know if Berner told his wife that they have found the Steinriegel Gold, but still weren't
able to recover it. Very suspicious!

This "liason" Ostler and Berner took 5 weeks in total. I have no idea if Ostler drove at
that time to the Walchensee at all to control if the treasure is still there. Ostler knew
about the exact location after the LRL-detection, otherwise he wouldn't have found
later the freshly and professional "built" 1,5m hole from which he wrote in the book.

Berner is clearly a criminal because nobody else could know about this GOLD-location.
And Ostler would not have dared to lift the Nazi-Gold by his self, because he signed
this deal which Berner holded in his hands! And this Berner had a lot of money and
"pressure" on his side. So far everything was a good working cooperation anyway.

Berner also didn't accuse Ostler later on the phone that he robbed the treasure but
told crazy crap about selling the LRL for Millions of bucks to the World-Bank.
The exact translation:

"I will not come anymore - I sold it to the World Bank and what I told you now was
already too much!"

Afterwards when Ostler tried to contact Berner his lawyers treatened him - he might
never ever try to contact Berner again or it would have consequences.
Ostler was pretty stupid - I would have contacted directly the major of the
town where Berner lives and told him the whole story and that the Gold was gone!
It was a 50:50 deal and if Berner thinks he needs 100% then he can have it,
but very very special - perhaps even 100% of no more anything at ALL !!!

This whole complex of the story looks very fishy !!! These guys can't sit quiet on
their *sses as long as they haven't digged their LRL-find out but they are doing
5 weeks long something else and driving around !!!

This Episode 3 also is absurd because meanwhile the LRL had a range of 3 KM !!!
and had a Scan-Function which immediately could check out if at a radius of 6 KM !!!
the selected amount of noble-metal was available !!! And that it now can detect
Diamonds and Oil !!! Hahaha - of course!

But Ostler wrote, that tests proved it that these functions really were working !!!
He was completely convinced - which makes it even harder to understand, because
so far this person was known for rational and clear thinking and he also didn't wrote
any crap inside his book about other detectors !!!

Ostler did not wrote what happened at this 3rd weekend, besides that Berner
demonstrated his "MEGA" improved LRL and that Berner came again with a few
other persons - perhaps they were with Ostler together 5 or 6.

This is very suspicous because after 5 weeks at least both of them would have
visited the Steinriegel again and finally receive their treasure.
Or for how long they wanted to wait with it - until winter time?
At this final meeting they made big plans - again 3 weeks later they wanted to
visit together famous treasure-locations: Rennes Le Chateau, Austrian Alps and
Ex Eastern Germany. But this never happended, because after 3 weeks
there only was this ridiculous and "avoiding" answer on the phone and the
robbed 50% of the find.

Ostler wrote that he couldn't sleep for 2 weeks after the first detection of the Nazi-Gold.
Hahaha - of course not - he was already dreaming of a fabulous life full of LUXURY !!!
Which never happened "thanks" to this dirty LRL-type !!!

No matter if there was a true or fake "detection" - for Ostlers mind the imagined LOSS
of his part of 6KG of Gold and 4KG of Silver was devastating !!!
Its better to find nothing at all than first having the "real" perspective of being rich
and afterwards having nothing !!!

This is also the DIRTY GAME the LRL-scammers are playing - SUGGESTING FANTASTIC RICHES
while the stupid buyers will find nothing !!! This is DEPRESSING and a mental
health insult !!! Thats why we have to fight these liars and betrayers !!! They are just
harming others and stealing their money !!!

The main question remains:
Why Ostler could be so SUPER CONVINCED that this LRL really worked ?!
He for sure was not just a blinded dreamer as many others !!!

Ostler was very skeptical about this "Romanian Uranium Detector" story and DID NOT
believed it but those tests and detection-demonstrations were fully convincing to him.

And at least especially that 1,5 meter (5 feet) deep hole reminded him about his
painful "LRL-detection-loss". Perhaps his mind never became free of this huge loss
which he felt for himself and that was one reason that he died a few years later.

HUGE LOSSES can drive people very fast into depressions and even SUICIDE!
And those who caused them don't care at all, these distgusting "murderers" !!!

Its also the lack of self-confidence which starts then - Reinhold Ostler might have thought:
How could I've been so stupid letting fool me?! I could now have 6kg of Gold and 4kg
of Silver - or even more if I would have done something else.

Another proof: Trust nobody who deals in LRLs - not only selling or claiming they work
which is already almost the same as selling - because it is "marketing" and installing
some platform for the later victims - to convince and seduce them!!

And Reinhold Ostler gave the impression in his book that there exists a real working LRL!

Isn't that hopeful for you - LRL-dreamers here?! *laugh*

But this story ends totally idiotical - Berner sold his device to the World Bank - yeah, of course ....

So guys here, just mail to Washington, DC and ask them how much Gold, Silver, Oil and Diamonds
they have found meanwhile inside of their debts-infested devolpment-countries
with this formerly Uranium-detector !!!

Which of course also is the cause with every other LRL !!! HAHAHA !!!
The World-Bank has bought meanwhile any working LRL detector so the poor countries
can't detect their ground-treasures and became free of debts - this at least was the
conclusion of Ostler he wrote in the book. I don't believe anything at all which this
dirty "Berner" said or did and I hope this criminal and his complices are seeing
the tree roots meanwhile from below! *laugh*

Btw. all these criminal and inflation causing banks are no longer allowed to give "stolen"
credits-money to anyone, anyway !!! Normally money would gain power and value over time
because this is like saving energy for later !!! How they can destroy the value of money ?!
I know why - because many of those who need money never can give it back!
So its better if the debts are no longer that "precious", because the money itself
no longer has any great value at all.

30 years ago you could buy for 1.000 Lire in Italy already just an ice-cream and now
we have all these damned middle-class- and money-destroyers inside of the European Union !!!
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Old 08-14-2020, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post

This was at the beginning of the whole deal - 50:50 !!!!!!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over
the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over
all the gold seeking creatures that move detectors along the ground."

Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-15-2020, 02:14 AM
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Most LRL-freaks are nothing than gamblers who just wanna have the fast money !!

They are the Devil *laugh* because Satan spoke: "All the riches in the world ar mine
and I give them to whom I want." This was in the desert when Satan seduced Jesus.
In medieval times the evil demon-conjurers were those who found buried treasures!!
Or not ... Read these old Grimoires of Solomon etc full of treasure-finding-spells!

If you quote the Bible, WM6, and if you may believe into these tales from Near East.
Because Gods are the same as LRL's - they are "faith only" and there is no proof !!!

Social-psychologically seen "egoists" who were strong or clever enough to become
rich always became insulted from the "poor" masses as evil, they were just jealous.
In reality everyone is an egoist cause thats already predetermed inside the Genom!


One thing the story of Reinhold Ostler made clear:

Never tell any LRL-fanatics a good treasure-location - they just will betray you !!!
Same as with the Mineoro-scam in France! The LRL-scammer is lost without any
TRUE information about good treasure-locations while he only deals in LIES !!!
Same as astrologers - if you don't give them any information about yourself
they know nothing at all about you and their guessings are totally wrong.

And its clear that the money which Randy and Carl are offering for a real working LRL
(for a real working test within a scientific and repeatable structure) is far too low !!!
Because the WORLD BANK pays for such a device 100 times more !!!! *laugh*

And I'm sure this forum is full of WORLD BANK menbers who spread false informations
and contact everyone who seems to have a real working LRL so they can destroy it!

Great! LRLs as one of the last illusions and resorts of becoming fast fabulous rich !!!
Without a lot work of course! And people like Ostler who spill oil into that fire !!!


On the other hand LRLs representing somehow hopes and dreams and challenge the
borders of modern electronics. Thats why many are not full against them as long as
all these technical improvements are not finished - which might be never the case !

Best example the internet and the smartphones - Mini-LCD-TVs from Casio etc.
existed already in the 90s using 4x 1,5v batteries but this was far away from now,
where you can stream 1000s of TV-stations worldwide or see others with Skype etc.


Ostler also could have just go to the authorities because the Nazi-Gold might be the
property of others, anyway. As revenge against Berner. But he was just STUPID !!!
I've met many wanderers while treasure-hunting and when I'm telling them about
the Nazi-Gold, they are just laughing anyway !!!

Ostler should have started to dig with Berner directly - 1 meter is not that much work
with 2 persons and then it would have become dark anyway and no more wanderers
are around. He can't be so idiotical to wait for 5 weeks with that until Berner has
finally time or whatever. And all these disgusting nature-destroying construction-firms
have to go bankrupt anyway !!! If I will find Berner this damned person is done!!!

btw. 1km LRL search distance is ridiculous - the line for such a signal would be
ULTRA-THIN !!! Or the needed amplification. Compare it with good foto-objectives
who have 50x zoom. This is a very small PATH if you wanna see a candle from
1 mile even if its at night and the candle emitts directly radiation !!!

And its already "crazy" if the detector goes just 10 meters through rock because
if there is a gold-vein, you need massive and very expensive tools to go there !!!

But I told it already - this whole story becomes completely non-trustwurthy when
it starts with also detecting Diamonds and Oil.

What kind of feature such a devices would need ???

Either it causes the needed "STIMULATION" of the wanted objects by itself or
all these objects itself are "SENDING THESE OUT" and the receiver just needs to
be directionally enough and knows for what exact signals have to be searched to
pick them up !!!

If the eyes are seeing a golden watch from 5 meters away somewhere its possible
to go there and pick it up (as long as its not behind a jewellry shop glass-window... )

But there is no light shining on buried treasures and we come into the field of Ion's
and other stuff which might have some special signature regarding out of what
exclusive molecules something consists and what they are able to contribute as

However: This story in the book shows that there are people in this world who
are claiming the most fantastic stuff and other who are believing in this crap!
Otherwise all governments besides China who allow religions and astrologers would
be the helping helpers of nothing than lies spreading criminals! Correct, WM6 ?!

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Old 08-15-2020, 02:54 AM
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OK, you have got now the full story!

Any ideas to help "Reinhold Ostler" to solve his riddle ?!

He wanted to know how the apparatus is functioning !!!

So he could compensate his frustrating huge Gold- and Silver-loss
and find something similar with his own LRL - this is just fair !!!

Directly translate he wrote at the end:

"Why I have described all of this so excessive is obvious:
If some of the readers thinks to know or have some clue about
how the device could be functioning, I would enjoy every hint about it.
Maybe its possible with Your help to solve (lift) the riddle."

The same way also Carl would be happy if THIS forum here would help to
solve the complete "LRL or not LRL"-riddle, but so far its members were not
capable of this and I guess the same fate also will happen with Ostlers story.
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Old 08-16-2020, 05:48 AM
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The best bet to find more infos about this whole story might be to contact
Reinhold Ostlers daughter. Shes pretty optimistical about finding treasures

Or to find this fishy guy or his wife from Switzerland - 16 years after this happended ...

His full name was Helmut Berner* but as foot-note is written *name changed.
Anyway - perhaps he came from Bern or the Berner Overland thats why Ostler
chose this pseudonym for him. He was at that time around 40 years old so he
will be now around 55-60.

The contact started in October 2003 with the following phone call:

"Am I talking to Reinhold Ostler?"


"My name is Helmut Berner, by chance I had a book of yours in my hands and
noticed the phone-number. I want to tell before that I am no treasure-hunter
but running a construction-site-company. The reason why I'm calling you
is that we have devoloped a device which is able to find Gold."

"Well, many devices can do that."

"Of course, but ours can do much more, besides it is no metal-detector.
Can I come and visit you?"

"Sure, every time."

"Good, I'm calling you before I will come. Bye."

This was his first contact with Helmut Berner and it should take until the
middle of March 2004 when Berner called again. In the meantime Ostler
no longer thought about it because he had many such persons calling him
with fabulous claims but nothing substancial to offer. Reinhold Ostler also
knew about OKM and their LRLs were worthless junk for him! So he really
was skeptical and not easy to fool.

Ostler even confronted Berner directly with these not working "wonder-devices"
but Berner just said: "Ours works!"

When Berner called him back in March he was already directly in Munich
and visited Ostler just 30 minutes later in his office. At 5 PM he was there
together with 2 other persons and the whole story began. He came with
the inventor and a dolmetch which translated everything into some
Eastern-European language, because the inventor understood no single
German word.

btw. At that time the detection-distance was "just" 100 meters but
already good enough to solve all the tests.

And Ostler was forced to sign that "secrecy-agreement" otherwise they
would not have even showed him the device in the first place!
Ostler wrote about this when he described their first meeting but later
he made a picture of this device and even published it - very odd !!!
What Berner wanted was clear: Ostler should lead him to all kind of
promising treasure-loactions and when they find something they have
their 50:50 deal.

First there is the question - why it took so long from Oct. 2003 to March 2004?
Maybe the detector was not good functioning before, perhaps because of
winter-time and snow. Btw. this was the time before this LRL-forum here and
it was in Europe, so maybe you have missed some important informations?

If Berner came to Munich on Friday and stayed the weekend there it was
either from 12-14th or 19-21th March.

Another crazy aspect of the story:
Ostler wrote that he has buried at his test field in summer 2003 several gold-coins,
one Silver-bar and two hoards with each around 100 Bronze coins. Why he should be so
stupid to lead an unkown person there? They might go there later and find his treasures
(take them away) even with usual metal-detectors. That perfect timing:
"creating testfield - LRL-incoming" also is suspicous.

Back to the described time-line:

12th or 19th March 2004:
Meeting from 5-7 PM in Ostlers office in Munich. At that time its already dark ouside
so this "famous" test-field-session must have been moved to the next day.
And one day after it they visited already the Walchensee: 14th or 21th March 2004.

At that time there is still snow at this location and there are no wanderers around -
and for sure not "too many wanderers" !! What Ostler claims here can not be true.
In March not even the season for other treasure-hunters starts at that location
cause its far too cold, snowy, icy, dangerous and partially the ground is frozen.
There was also much snow in winter 2003-2004 at Middle-Europe.

btw. the Easter celebration weekend in that year was from 10-12th April so it was
2-3 weeks before Easter. Well, Reinhold Ostler is or was known to write interesting
books but as its proven now, with the hard facts he seems to have some problems.

Besides this fisherbox-picture there might exists even no "proof" at all that any
of what Ostler wrote was happening. Constructed names, just in time test-fields,
fantastic test-results, locating the Nazi-Gold and selling the LRL to the Worldbank.
Together with some crime or tragedy at the end - thats what a good story needs.

But if its true is another question !! I doubt that even that empty hole at that
described location exists - would be possible to find out but might be just wasted
time. Does anyone knows how far was the "LRL hitec" *laugh* in the year 2004 ???

What kind of stuff besides "improved dowsing rods" did they had at that times?
But who cares, all this crap didn't worked even 15 years later !!!
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Old 08-16-2020, 01:25 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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The Contraption video is running low power. The amplifier here drawing single digits milliamps, but it can run at well over 100 ma. at about 8v. But I've run it on a single litium cell
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Old 08-17-2020, 12:09 PM
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Is there an extra thread for it here? Would be interesting.

Seems that you are now in a similar position as Mr. Berner
with this however good working "Contraption"-detector.
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Old 08-17-2020, 12:21 PM
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btw. I forget to mention that the first edition of the
book was published in 2010 and the second in 2012.
6 & 8 years after his very frustrating LRL-adventure.

Reinhold Ostler even wrote a chapter with the title:
"Treasure-hunter, remain honest!"

Would be too bad if he self didn't followed his own
advice and told the audience a ridiculous lie-story.
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Old 08-18-2020, 06:57 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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FF let me guess. you live in El Paso? Criminals or idiots? Sounds like you are talking about your own self along with other skeptics who are not disciplined enough to learn to use the rods, but you left out the word ignorant! Otherwise you would know how foolish you sound. Never short on excuses why such-and-such device can't possibly work. You totally remind me of james randi. The Contraption like other frequency driven devices can also be used with L-rods. I'd say one of the most wonderful things in my life. And no, I'm not giving to be pressured to give out more details.
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:18 PM
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interesting story
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:38 PM
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has anyone tried a geiger counter on a testing ground with buried gold?
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:52 PM
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:53 PM
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I perceive a similarity of the geiger sensor with the ferrite pd alonso receiver in which there was a high voltage in the ferrite
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:55 PM
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similar with the fg90 sensor as well
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Old 06-04-2021, 06:18 AM
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... before you never would get this piece of information - here it is ...

Captain Kirks "Detectors" (Captain Kirk from: Starship Enterprise)

Finally a curious variant of detectors - and I mean curious in this association rather negative. Its about devices for dowsing or remote (far distance) locators and "swivel-tools".
The development of such tools can be especially seen in the USA.
In the beginning it was just some right-angled antennas out of a box in which you could put an item of your favorite finds (like a gold-ring to find gold). As with a dowsing rod it was claimed you could find then treasures with it.
Of course these devises had been "improved" over the years. Meanwhile the customer gets tricked (betrayed) into believing that some kind of special electronical principle would be used - and also the look of the device-design shall give that impression.
Often its just some plastic-box with a turnable handle, with a few antennas and some switches and knobs on the front including some visible display (analog volt-meter etc.). Up to 100 meters (300 feets) those devises are claiming to find noble metals.
In the US there even exists meanwhile devices with small satellite-dishes which are sending the "search-beam" a few kilometers or miles - and of course they also can receive the find-signal from that distance. Prices are from 1 to 10.000 Dollars - yes, you have readed correctly. The producers of these intergalactical "phasers" are swearing that those really work. Loads of treasures have been already found with them (just which persons have found them exactly?) but nobody can (or wants to) explain exactly how and why they are working.
One guy who had reactions with such a "tool" was J. Albrecht with its pseudo-name Jonny van Norden, formerly CEO of a german detector-shop. Inside of his book he describes his experiences with the "OMNITRON" in Greece, where he found the "crossing point". For those who were with him it was THE jackpot. Exactly behind some kings tomb but that location was behind a protected and fenced archeological area. Of course its possible that theres buried some Gold. But such a bad luck - not being able to dig there and prove if its really the case.
The company IPG - a really competent electronics-firm which constructed physical devices in Germany and also was active to improve metal-detectors - has made in the 1990s some efforts checking out whats inside of such boxes - they used the: LECTRA SEARCH X 60. The results were devastating! Orignal quote from the magazine NUGGET 42/44:
By the switch a little lamp goes on and off. Knob regulates brightness of the display and how far the meter goes up - powered by the typical 9V block-battery. Some not connected PCB resides in the inside which looks like the scavanged junk from an old computer. Just some dead ending cables were soldered to: "nowhere leading". Also not connected some ribbon-cable. To make the deception trustworthy there was some connection to the antenna. The housing screws were for laymens not removable fixed with Epoxy-glue. Its no shame to fall for the evil tricks of a scoundrel but it's a shame not capturing such person.
But if you still should have the wish to get such a device, heres a tip how you can get your hands on such 6.000 Dollar expensive tool. At my last expedition to the Cocos-islands in 1993 inside our group was an American guy called Dan. Besides to his usual detector first he gave big credits to his OMNITRON which he bought for 6.500 Euros in Germany. After some days without any success at all with this thing he threw the precious "dowsing rod" into the pacific sea - with the impressive words "BIG SH*T". The exact location at the Chatham Bay you can have from me. So much for these "Wonder-devices".

__________________________________________________ __________________________________

I have translated for you this little chapter from "Handbook For Treasure-Hunters" (written ca. from 1995) to show you that there was a HUGE difference in how he thought about such devices in the 90s compared with later (2003-2004) when this guy from Switzerland and his "radio-activity search-tool" or what it exactly was, showed up.
Seems he turned his opinion for 180 degrees and was convinced that this new special device really works. Thats still the big secret and it can inspire to do professional and scientific research into that direction to discover the truth! It's imaginable that by larger metal objects (lead or gold bars) blocked off or radiating radio-activity-emissions (background noise radioactivity) can be used to find something and the inventor came from that field of reasearch but the further the distance the much more extrem exactly directional such the antenna must work and with a little usual Geiger-Counter tube this is not possible.
Any information about LRL's and the understanding on the psychological impact to the psyche of interested ones of this topic, also always is a great opportunity for all the brutal and hideous criminal subjects to construct concepts how to exploit the "naive and not knowing ones" - same as the psychics and fortune-tellers are exploiting the Naive-Ones who are not aware of: "Magic crap does scientifically NOT works!" It only works psychologically to exploit others same as commercials and advertising (making betrayful impressions and claims how fantastic something will make you happy if you just waste your precious money for this worthless crap others have to offer, because they self are and can produce just SH*T anyways !!! ).
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