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Old 11-18-2006, 11:33 PM
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Default Best than your Raven!

Hi, wasting my time with remote sensing, now via light = antenna.
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Old 11-19-2006, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Hi, wasting my time with remote sensing, now via light = antenna.
It will never work.
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Old 11-19-2006, 09:34 PM
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It will never work.

Hu!!! I feel trembling!
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Old 11-19-2006, 11:11 PM
Seden Seden is offline
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Default Your close Esteban!


Well your getting warmer (ah no pun intended). You need to go down to 1.2mm for gold according to the careful experiments of the German Physicist Dr. Paul E. Dobler. I've looked into building an antenna using printed circuit board technology but I don't know if it can be done (Carl, whadda think?). I know their currently using the method used to lay down the traces for IC's for various mm antennas,hmm.

I've also gotten books on Spectroscopy and at the light frequencies your looking at Molecules if I'm not mistaken,Carl would know. I've also gotten a rectifier tube that is doped with radioacitve material that some Amatuer Radio Operators have been using for 100 GHZ that might be able to detect 1.2mm as it's around 240GHZ I think. Been awhile since I looked into this so that's why I'm unsure but pretty easy to convert 1.2mm to Frequency.

Dr. Dobler found out that these frequencies can travel more than just a few cm. Check out the British StarTiger project and the pics I've seen where the Russians have a mm camera mounted in a tank and it showed what a mm photograph looked like of underground objects from a several hundred feet away from the tank-very cool technology!

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Old 11-20-2006, 12:15 AM
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How is the lenght in mm of IR light 940 nm? Is 9.4Ă—10-4 mm. If you transmitt IR light, for a "strange" motive the phenomenom "walk" in the light and detection occurs. The IR method is one of the more effective and precisse I have experimented, and laser IR will be better in distance. This IR light must be modulated in low frequency. So, this is a "train" of short antennas. Simple: if you can transmitt audio, voices, etc., via IR, also of course you can receive the "phenomenom".

In this theme I have some question for people in this forum who knows more than me regarding electronics.

This is one of my IR projects:
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Old 11-23-2006, 10:58 AM
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Hi Esteban . What is this? Tell me more i believe you.
Qiaozhi don't believe at these devices (sorry Quaozhi)
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Old 11-23-2006, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi Esteban . What is this? Tell me more i believe you.
Qiaozhi don't believe at these devices (sorry Quaozhi)
You are correct. I do not believe.
But I do respect Esteban's efforts at experimentation. Who knows, one day he may prove me wrong.

What I don't like is empty rhetoric, and pictures of men standing in holes with no treasure in sight. I also do not believe when I see someone proudly displaying an item that was claimed to have been dug up from some ludicrous depth. The chances are that it actually came out of their own pocket.

Esteban - please keep at the experiments. I truly am interested. Even though personally I'm staying with known good technology and standard scientific principles, not made-up pseudoscience.
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Old 11-25-2006, 04:20 AM
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Unhappy Sorry....

"Simple: if you can transmitt audio, voices, etc., via IR, also of course you can receive
the "phenomenom". "
Yes you can tx MODULATED audio via IR......on very SHORT range. Other words TX and RX should
be very close....few meters but NO MORE!
On RX side you should have DEMODULATOR....
THERE IS NOT any ANALOGY in this (IR principles) with any kind of long range detection..?!
How, the hell, you gonna detect any kind of metal with IR ???!??
Esteban, you put eneormous effort to acquire something....but with very wrong idea..sorry!
Seden, those ultra high freq. can not penetrate in any material. Also have very short range,
other words need ultra-high power TX to reach some range, also need visibillity between TX and
RX points...etc..etc...
For example try to examine SAT equipment and how it works....

"If you transmitt IR light, for a "strange" motive the phenomenom "walk" in the light and
detection occurs."
Very WRONG! "Detection" occurs only when you "walk" in the line between TX and RX and "brake"
continous reception of RX......thats how some type of "walk through" IR detectors works.....
There is a type of industrial IR "detector" usually mounted on some product line in purpose
of counting products.....nothing else....
Also you may build simillar and put at your front door...so when person approach to door,RX
receprion will brake and alarm can warn you inside the house...just an example...

Quiaozhi: "It will never work."

Yes! Of course! It will never work!
Esteban, looking at your pistures here...huh! Again FM radio (cheap,unstable one) very funny
connected in very funny "project".....
Also you used ordinary photo transistor as "sensor"...? Detect what??? Light?
Esteban do not waste your time with those. Since you have very good will to experiment,than
why dont you take some already proven IB MD project and further experiment with it. At least
you may gain better performances by experimenting with it.
If you continue with this subject, you are in a danger to complete loose yourself in those.
You gonna spend years in those without any success....
Also you are in a big danger to fill up you head with a lot of prejudices about this stuff...
Somehow, i feel very sorry for you....

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Old 11-25-2006, 11:14 PM
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Unhappy Sorry!

I want to follow your advices , but my knowledges on certain topics do not allow me. If you want to limit me... you're the wrong!

Of course, also I build IB machines, two boxes and others. Fu!!!! since 25 years.

This explanation (?) nothing to do about what I want to said. Sorry for you :

Yes you can tx MODULATED audio via IR......on very SHORT range. Other words TX and RX should
be very close....few meters but NO MORE!
On RX side you should have DEMODULATOR....
THERE IS NOT any ANALOGY in this (IR principles) with any kind of long range detection..?!
How, the hell, you gonna detect any kind of metal with IR ???!??
Esteban, you put eneormous effort to acquire something....but with very wrong idea..sorry!
Seden, those ultra high freq. can not penetrate in any material. Also have very short range,
other words need ultra-high power TX to reach some range, also need visibillity between TX and
RX points...etc..etc...
For example try to examine SAT equipment and how it works....

"If you transmitt IR light, for a "strange" motive the phenomenom "walk" in the light and
detection occurs."
Very WRONG! "Detection" occurs only when you "walk" in the line between TX and RX and "brake"
continous reception of RX......thats how some type of "walk through" IR detectors works.....
There is a type of industrial IR "detector" usually mounted on some product line in purpose
of counting products.....nothing else....
Also you may build simillar and put at your front door...so when person approach to door,RX
receprion will brake and alarm can warn you inside the house...just an example...

Quiaozhi: "It will never work."

Yes! Of course! It will never work!
Esteban, looking at your pistures here...huh! Again FM radio (cheap,unstable one) very funny
connected in very funny "project".....
Also you used ordinary photo transistor as "sensor"...? Detect what??? Light?
Esteban do not waste your time with those. Since you have very good will to experiment,than
why dont you take some already proven IB MD project and further experiment with it. At least
you may gain better performances by experimenting with it.
If you continue with this subject, you are in a danger to complete loose yourself in those.
You gonna spend years in those without any success....
Also you are in a big danger to fill up you head with a lot of prejudices about this stuff...
Somehow, i feel very sorry for you....
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Old 11-26-2006, 02:50 PM
diminute diminute is offline
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Default Pues yo no estarĂ*a tan seguro


Te propongo que no dejes de investigar sobre tu idea !!!

Hace muchos años parecĂ*a que el espacio y el tiempo eran absolutos, hoy eso ha cambiado y es la velocidad de la luz lo que parece ser absoluta.

Aun cuando tu objetivo no se alcance estoy bastante seguro que muchas cosas nuevas aprenderas y sabe Dios a que conclusiĂłn llegarás, vaya talvĂ©s tu mĂ©todo sirva un dĂ*a para curar el cancer... entonces habrás llegado a un resultado mucho más importante que descubrir el más valioso de los tesoros.

Los buenos resultados son de los que persisten y experimentan cada dĂ*a, perfeccionando los metodos y refinando cada meta.

Creo que nadie tiene tanto conocimiento como para tener la verdad absoluta en sus manos, por eso cada persona tiene el derecho y la posibilidad de llegar a un resultado que nunca se haya visto.

He notado que llevas mucho tiempo estudiando y experimentando cosas sobre detectores, no nos queda más que esperar de usted un resultado muy interesante, tengo confianza en que lo obtendras... talvés hasta más pronto de lo que usted mismo supone.


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Old 11-26-2006, 07:05 PM
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Default Gracias

Diminute, gracias por tus palabras. El que no quiere ver. no ve. Pero el que intenta ver, puede que alcance a ver algo...

Diminute, thank for your words. The one that does not want to see, it does not see. But the one that tries to see, maybe see something...
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Old 11-28-2006, 02:35 AM
Seden Seden is offline
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Default Message for Diminute


why are you masking your message in Spanish so the rest of the forum readers can't understand it?

This forum is for English as it is the universal language and frankly I would like to enjoy reading what you have to say as a forum member.

Gracious Senior

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Old 11-28-2006, 11:55 AM
diminute diminute is offline
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Default Wrong

I wrote my post in spanish cause it was direct to Esteban,

Esteban read spanish very good, but i'm sorry my friend...

All languaje are important, not only english.

I refered to Esteban that he continue your investigations, he is showing some result to us, but some people here believe that they have the absolute truth in your hands. No body has this privilegy, only Got.

There's at this forums much more message with offensive significant that the my. I respect everybody here, i consider my friends for all you.

Sorry for my bad english, Esteban can traduce my msg to him... he has the hability to write in both languaje.

Thanks for all, diminute
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Old 11-28-2006, 05:52 PM
Seden Seden is offline
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Default Thoughts for Diminute and forum


Please don't be shy about your English skills as we've got people from Europe on this forum I'm sure struggle too but us English speakers appreciate any attempts and will not look down on you. If I were to join a Spainish speaking forum you'd best believe I'd be using the Google Babel Fish for translation both ways if I had too.

But I am proud of Esteban for all the circuits he's built and tested. I love designing but HATE building circuits. I guess it stems from the my early years in the electronics industry when first starting College having to wirewrap and point to point wiring in an Engineering Lab,really burnt me out and somehow I've got to get past those bad memories so long ago.

Esteban I will freely share with you and everyone else what my next project is cause I don't care about making a product out of it (LRL MFG.'s take notes). I've found a company that still sells paints made from Zinc Sulphide and Zinc Sulphoselenide called Winsor-Newton. As you all know Zinc Sulphide was used in the early Crt'S and it responds to IR. Just for fun I'm going to paint it on the face of a Phototransistor and place 1.2mm wires in a square pattern (read at right angles to each other),place it in a small black plastic light proof box and see if I can detect the extremely small voltage nodes on the full wave dipole-ditto for the Zinc Sulphoselenide that responds to varying electric fields that would not create a high enough voltage to be visible as it takes alot for this material.
Yeah this is a long shot but why not? I'm also going to try putting a doughnut magnet to see if that makes any differance.

Another experiment that would be interesting would be to use a neon bulb doped with Radium paint scrapped off an old watch to encourage it to fire in the current starvation mode.
I don't know if anyone has seen the article by Dr. Harry E. Stockman in the Feb.1980 issue of Ham Radio, but he was the one that introduced using a neon bulb for a Ghz receiver complete with schematic (type in "Plasma Diode Experiments"on google as that was the title).
Then an australian Ham VK2ZAY wrote an updated,improved version in the article "Plasma Diode Detector" complete with schematic as he had trouble with the hiss noise that the current starved neon bulb produces.
And my last idea based on Dr. Paul E. Doublers book is to make a either a PCB yagi or Slot Array for 1.2mm and couple it to a pressure sensor. The most sensitive one I can think of right off would be a air dielectric capacitor that is sealed and has a thin plate on the side that faces either the dipole or slot antenna feed.

I welcome your comments as these are "seat of the pants" ideas,

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Old 11-28-2006, 07:32 PM
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Thumbs down Yiak,Yiak,Yiak!!!

"...This explanation (?) nothing to do about what I want to said. Sorry for you ..."

Ha,ha,ha !!! Whenever you meet REAL FACTS, you have simillar nonsenced answer!?
So, what ,the ****, you wanted to say at the first place????
So much claims,nonsences....at the end NOBODY UNDERSTOOD AT ALL YOUR POINTS???
What is your point? What are you trying to explain here?
For example here is your post:
************************************************** ********************************
"How is the lenght in mm of IR light 940 nm? Is 9.4Ă—10-4 mm. If you transmitt IR light,
for a "strange" motive the phenomenom "walk" in the light and detection occurs. The IR
method is one of the more effective and precisse I have experimented, and laser IR will
be better in distance. This IR light must be modulated in low frequency. So, this is a
"train" of short antennas. Simple: if you can transmitt audio, voices, etc., via IR, also
of course you can receive the "phenomenom".
In this theme I have some question for people in this forum who knows more than me regarding
electronics...." blah,blah,blah....
************************************************** *********************************

Many of your posts are very simillar; blah,blah,IR,IR and IR, than...FM,VHF...IR
secrets...blah,blah..."brake".....blah,blah....??? !????
What are your secrets Esteban???? Why, the hell, you are posting such misterious
posts, when at the same time you do not want to explain points and ideas...or you do
Maybe Hung should use his famous FG80 to find you....Heh!
Pay attention on this:
"....This IR light must be modulated in low frequency....."
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shame on you Esteban! You do not have even elementar knowledge at all!!!


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Old 11-28-2006, 07:35 PM
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Radiation source can be detected via compound zinc sulphide.

Regarding the article wich describes a neon lamp for to detect high frequency, is possible to found modifications. Here two files I had since some years:
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File Type: zip ZINC SULPHIDE.zip (4.5 KB, 1684 views)
File Type: zip Neon Lamp based Scalar Detector.zip (14.6 KB, 1734 views)
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Old 11-28-2006, 07:44 PM
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This is the proof you never learn nothing: Of course, if I transmitt a tone via IR, for example, in few hundreds hertz, so this is modulation, sorry your engineering "knowledge" is very far to me! Who are your "professor" or you never learn the lessons?

"....This IR light must be modulated in low frequency....."
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shame on you Esteban! You do not have even elementar knowledge at all!!!


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Old 11-29-2006, 01:09 AM
Seden Seden is offline
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Default Thank you Esteban!


I really appreciate you posting those two articles. I had seen the one about the scalar detector but I guess I threw it out. But that's where I got the idea for the ring magnet and I meant to say that I was going to put the magnet around the neon detector,not the photodetector. But I had never seen the article on the phototransistor with the ZnS painted on it-I didn't think my idea was original darn it. But good information that will be put to use.

If you come to the US I'd want to meet you. I live in the Los Angeles area by the way.

Also ignore the people that are giving you a hard time,this is supposed to be an Adult Forum for sharing ideas (read free thought and speech).:confused:

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Old 11-29-2006, 08:05 AM
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Thumbs down Ha,ha,ha!!!!

Yes,of course!!! Like hell!!!

Let's say 455kHz to 460kHz!? So we can use it as remote control...same way?!

Be serious! Cant you read what this thread is about??? What the hell you are talking about?

You mixed up everything!?

I wish you very luck!
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Old 11-29-2006, 06:06 PM
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OK, Randy, thanks very much.

Found a paper for detection at THz region. See the tip in contact with the positive electrode of photoconductive THz emitter based on GaAs, this is base of simple IR leds. Coincidence?
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File Type: pdf WaltherAPL2005MW.pdf (215.1 KB, 2250 views)
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Old 11-30-2006, 12:16 AM
Seden Seden is offline
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Thumbs up You came through again esteban!Attn:Robert

Esteban, That article is just what I needed,thank you for helping me. Have you had a chance to get a copy of Dr. Doblers book? The original's are in Deutsch,but you can get an english translated somewhat condensed version from "Integrity Research Institute" for $10 which is 45 pages and worth every penny. It also contains additional information at the beginning of the book. The url is http://www.users.erols.com/eri/page6.html .

Robert, where did you come up with this 455KHZ stuff. Who's working with old radio IF's? Me,heck I'm shooting for 249GHZ,care to join in? It's kinda a put up or shut up propositon if you catch my drift . Now how about contributing practical design ideas so we can make some progress here. That's why Carl has gone to the trouble to put up this forum as an medium of exchange of ideas-cool no?
I seriously would like to know how you would go about this goal that Esteban and myself are trying to achieve. I am NOT designing a MFD or LRL but a simple hand held detector exactly like the Falcon MD-10 that is an IB 300KHZ detector that unfortunately works for hardrock mines-not Alluvial deposits. Kinda a poor mans XRF if you would that is tuned just for gold.
The Falcon has a handheld probe that has a distance of about 1-3" but cannot handle the black sand in the Alluvial Sand so enter the Millimeter detector that you can walk along and take readings from the soil directly in front of you. Ditto for the walls,just hold it close and walk along seeing if you can detect gold in the matrix. You up for the task?

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Old 11-30-2006, 01:23 AM
goldfvr goldfvr is offline
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Default how far are talking

Randy, how far away are you saying this proposed mm device could detect lode gold ? what could be done to achieve a distance considered "remote" or a couple of hundred feet...
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Old 11-30-2006, 06:41 AM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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Thumbs down Think twice!

Think twice!
Robert made good points there.
Almost every experiment with IR failed so far....Wasted time!
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Old 11-30-2006, 07:25 AM
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Post ...

"Robert, where did you come up with this 455KHZ stuff."
Seden, you should read every post here carefully;
Esteban: "...in few hundreds hertz, so this is modulation, ..."

"..Who's working with old radio IF's? ..."
Also remote control ceramic filters...Besides,did you payed any attention on
Estebans posted pictures so far?
What can we see on picture above???
"Me,heck I'm shooting for 249GHZ,care to join in?"
Yes! Why not!? But i do not have a clue how to use that freq. in metal detecting???
Not to mention Long Range...ts,ts,ts...
"Now how about contributing practical design ideas so we can make some progress here."
Again, i am very sorry, i do not have a clue....but i do know what is possible and what
is NOT!
"That's why Carl has gone to the trouble to put up this forum as an medium of exchange
of ideas-cool no?"
Carl became already my IDOL! Dont you worry about that!

"I seriously would like to know how you would go about this goal that Esteban and myself
are trying to achieve."

Huh! I already argued with Esteban many times,but this does not mean that i do not respect
him and his efforts. No,not at all! I do respect him a lot.
Our posts are just usuall rethorics, when no good idea is present...Nothing to worry about.
".....Falcon MD-10 that is an IB 300KHZ ...."
Although it looks to have very poor performances, it would be interesting if you post some
picture of it here.Also any technical about it...so we can see what is all about.Better if
you open another thread about it....

"...but cannot handle the black sand..."
Of course! Speaking of high frequencies....ts,ts,ts....
"...You up for the task? "
Tell me what to do, i'll be glad to contribute here....
I do know that high frequencies are not suitable at all for this subject. Does not penetrate
in any kind of material at all. Not possible to build detector using those...
Reflect/deflect from any material....What to say? I had pretty hard time when worked on
repeaters once....History....i do not wanna bug here with those...
I am just sorry to see Esteban (with enormous will) how to torture himself with nonsences,
while he can do much better...much,much better...
If want to make long range (deep penetration) better to stick to magnetometers or some
georadar...as much as man can gain so far...
Besides, Long Range... is very unfortunate mixed up term....Whenever i hear that,reminds me
on Bogus science&devices....
Carl was very smart when named this part of forum like that...think twice! Bravo Carl!
I am here.I have good will to contribute. Tell me how?
But every time i see nonsences...i will react in my already known manner...a kind of
contribution too...

Esteban,friend...no hard feelings!
Best regards!

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Old 11-30-2006, 11:28 PM
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Almost every experiment with IR failed so far....Wasted time!

Yes, if you pretend show temperature in display. Is this the only way you know?

Who tell this? What is every? Do you have negative inputs about it? Do you investigate in all source today we have near our hands? Or only you suposse it?
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