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Old 08-16-2010, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post

So Carl is blind too

No, as far I know. What you argue by those photos?

I am using this LRL pendulum regulary:
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Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:06 PM
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Default Welcome to the zoo

Humm.. Picture posting fun again...
I see someone left the door open and the kids from kindengarten came in again...
Gotta call the janitor one more time.

Funfinder, if your have any relevant questions or matters you wish to discuss, please PM me. As you see, that's why this site and the 'enlighted skepthics' are subject of so much fun over TNET.

"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:13 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
This is your most amusing post so far.

It appears that, like Hung, you are prepared to accept the most outlandish nonsense as fact without a shred of evidence. As you have just proved, it is important to do your research thoroughly ... which you have clearly not done.

Try reading Carl's LRL articles more carefully before commenting.

Here's a few extracts to get you going in the right direction. These are Carl's own words, posted on this very website for your perusal ... if you actually bother to read them, that is ->
  • This is the only place on the web where you can learn what the LRL manufacturers don't want you to know:
  • If you have a high level of investment in LRLs, either financially or psychologically, then learning the truth may be discomforting, perhaps even depressing.
  • For those who are not ready for this, I urge you to click the "Back" button, and bail out now. If you don't like what you read, blame the LRL manufacturers, who made LRLs the way they are.
  • It is my opinion, and is the opinion of almost anyone who has seriously investigated LRLs, that they do not work.
  • Buying a commercial unit and discovering that it only finds empty holes is a costly and embarrassing mistake.
  • I warn you not to get lulled into a false sense of success by using the typical sloppy testing of dowsing proponents, or to believe for a moment that you will ever find any treasure with one of these. You will not. As the psychic hotlines say: they are for entertainment purposes only.
I suggest you have a quiet word with your mate Hung. He will tell you which side of the LRL fence that Carl lives.

What strange administrator you are,

You said I was doing Dowsing, I told you No I' was using LRL with a custom made device like many member here on the forum.

I've got no particular Skill for dowsing AND i don't want to and then I've shown you device classified by carl has electronic LRL .

That what I was telling you no more. Every body knows the opinion of carl about LRL devices no need to repeat.

But classification is like THAT what can i do it is under LRL even the famous RANGER and You said not.

Very strange attitude.

Sorry funfinder but how would you like I post other video with that kind of attitude.

When you try to do something here poeple are immediatly laughing about your face. ( See my video picture captured )

Other Point, I've got nothing to do with Mr Hung, he is in Brazzil I'm in Europe.

I'm not afficionados of LRL I did my own opinion by myself and with the help of some geotch members and i Know which one are working or not.

Happy prospecting

References $25,000 Reward Request for Help
Ranger-Tell Examiner

by Carl Moreland
Of all the LRL reports I've written, this has been the most difficult. Not because of the complexity of the device — the Examiner is actually very simplistic and easy to analyze — but because of the sheer amount of information available to wade through. The Ranger-Tell website has far more content than any other LRL manufacturer web site and, besides being horribly arranged and presented in a visually painful way, the writing style is often incomprehensible. Add to that the significant presence of the manufacturer on Internet forums, and long-running eBay sales, and we have way more nonsense to deal with than the average LRL.

Fig. 1: Ranger-Tell Examiner. The Ranger-Tell Examiner is a so-called long-range locator that supposedly can locate gold (specifically) and other targets of interest in general. The Examiner is one of a few models1 produced by "Ranger-Tell" in Australia, and often sold directly on eBay. The current Examiner (called the "TG" or "Targette-Garvin" model) sells for $750-$800, depending on the exchange rate. This particular unit was purchased directly from Ranger-Tell, and not via eBay.

First Look
Fig. 1 shows a side view of the Examiner. It consists of a black box with a swivel handle on the bottom and a collapsible antenna sticking out the front, very much like the designs of the Electroscope, Lectra Search, and Treasure Scope LRLs. What differentiates this LRL from the others is the calculator that is attached to the top of the black box.

Fig. 2: Top view showing the calculator. Fig. 2 is a top view that shows the calculator, which is a Karce KC-153. Karce is based in China, and makes dirt cheap calculators and electronic organizers. I could not find this particular model for sale (probably discontinued), but similar scientific models sell for $5 or so. The calculator is mounted in a slip case, which is attached to the black box. It easily slides out of the slip case, revealing the view shown here:

Fig. 3: Behind the calculator. The first thing to note, is that the calculator slip case is attached to the black box with double-stick foam tape. A second item of interest is that the slip case has a hole drilled in it, and there is a wire sticking up out of the black box through this hole. The wire is not connected to the calculator, and is trimmed flush so that it does not even touch the calculator when it is slid into the slip case.
Besides the calculator, there is one unmarked control knob at the top rear of the black box. Additionally, there are three small holes in the box — two on the bottom and one on the right side — that appear to be access holes for inserting a screwdriver to adjust whatever is inside the black box.
The antenna is a common telescopic radio type and extends to XX inches (XX cm). Finally, the black box has a battery compartment, but the cover is permanently glued shut, and there is no provision for installing a battery, other than the ones contained in the calculator.

Closer Look
With most LRLs, opening the "black box" usually reveals what the whole thing is all about, and the Examiner follows this trend perfectly. The case for the Examiner was well-glued, and difficult to open, but revealed the following interior2:

Fig. 4: Inside the Examiner. The upper half (on the left) holds the lone external control, a potentiometer. I've disconnected the two wires that connect it to the remaining circuitry in the other half, in order to fully open the case. Additionally, glued to the inside top is a piece of heavy-gauge enameled copper wire that is bent around and back-and-forth, in a rather meandering way. One end of this wire protrudes through the top half (see arrow), and through the hole in the calculator slip case (arrow, Fig. 3). Neither end of the wire connects to anything, anywhere. It's just a piece of disconnected wire, glued to the box.
The bottom half of the black box holds the antenna, a small circuit board, and more wire. A piece of brass rod is also affixed to the inside of the lower half, and protrudes through the case to form the core of the handle. The rest of the handle consists of a plastic tube and end caps (similar to PVC pipe sold in the US), along with a soft foam grip, and the brass rod is inserted through holes in the end caps such that the plastic tube (and foam grip) will spin on the brass rod, creating a pivoting handle. Fig. 5 is a disassembled view of the handle, and the circuit board inside the Examiner has been moved upward to reveal the mounting details. The red arrow shows where the brass rod comes through the case and is bent over and secured to the case with a screw.

Fig. 5: Details of the handle. The rear of the antenna is mounted to a screw, secured through the bottom of the case. One of the leads from the external control potentiometer (mounted in the upper half of the case) is soldered directly to the rear of the antenna. The other potentiometer lead is soldered to the brass rod that forms the core of the handle. Therefore, the potentiometer is connected between the handle core and the antenna. The antenna is not electrically connected to anything else, nor is the handle core.
The small circuit board is an experimenter's type, often called "perf board". Normally found in one-off homebrew projects, and not in commercially manufactured equipment. Mounted on the board are 2 potentiometers, one variable capacitor, and one electrolytic capacitor. One of the potentiometers, and the variable capacitor, are mounted on the bottom side of the perf board (see Fig. 6). There are two small access holes (mentioned earlier) in the bottom of the Black Box to access them. The access hole in the side of the Black Box is for the other potentiometer on the top side of the circuit board. Fig. 6 also clearly shows where one of the potentiometer wires is soldered directly to the handle core.

Fig. 6: Bottom side of the circuit board.

Fig. 7: Antenna detail. Fig. 7 shows a close-up of the antenna, which has two coils of heavy-gauge magnet wire wrapped around it. The smaller coil has three turns and, like the piece of meandering wire glued to the inside top half of the case, it is not physically connected to anything at all. The larger coil has 4 turns, wound in the opposite direction from the smaller coil, and is connected to other circuit components. The front end of the coil is connected to a diode (small-signal 1N914 type), which is then connected to the circuit board. The other end of the coil also connects to the circuit board.

Fig. 8: Examiner schematic. The schematic, Fig. 8, shows that the circuitry consists of a series connection of a diode and an RLC circuit, where the inductor is the enameled wire wrapped around the antenna. The second inner coil wrapped around the antenna (gray in the pic) doesn't connect to anything at either end, and therefore cannot possibly play any operational role in the circuit. The remainder of the circuitry is variable capacitor C1, electrolytic capacitor C2, and two potentiometers. The three variable elements in this circuit can be adjusted via small access holes in the Black Box, as already mentioned.

The Claims
There are four sources of claims for this device: the web page for Ranger-Tell; the eBay listings; the user manual; and statements made by "Ranger" (the owner of Ranger-Tell) on various forums, in response to questions asked of his devices. Some of the many operational claims made of the Examiner are:
  • A long range locator that will find gold, precious metals and gemstones. (eBay)
  • All RT units will detect coins and jewellery [sic] as well as reefs, caches, and any deposits of gold and precious metals and/or gemstones. They will also detect paper money. (web site)
  • It will pick up 4gm gold in a vial from 25 meters dead on. (manual)
  • Small items like coins and rings can be detected at tens of feet. (web site)
  • The Examiner will locate a gold ring at 25 meters below the surface. (manual)
  • It will detect larger metals and materials that are up to 1 kilometre away and generally much further. (manual)
  • It will swing perceptibly towards large targets many meters below the surface and several hundred meters distance. (eBay)
  • Plus it has found gold EVERY time it's been used this year on Australian Goldfields and continues to be amazingly popular worldwide. (eBay)
  • Most people will only need it for nuggets and gold in general, which will be detected without fault at hundreds of meters distance and conservatively a hundred metres of solid rock. (eBay)
  • But then since the Earth is a magnet and it is the polarity plus the resonant frequency amplification circuit of the unit that causes it to turn, it is in fact a gold and substance compass and hence distance is no object. (web site)
  • The Ranger-Tell Examiner uses a powerful frequency induction system turned to maximise detection, and flawless electronic circuitry. Since it is based on original aerial physics there is no battery power required. (eBay)
  • The range of this detector is Unbelievable!! (eBay)
Let's start with the operational theory. The web site for Ranger-Tell includes this attempt:
Each entity in the universe is made up of an atomic structure that makes it that particular entity. In simple terms if you can imagine the atoms vibrating in these objects you will see that there will be a high and a low to each vibration and that eventually the same vibration pattern will occur. This is the frequency of the oscillating or vibrating object. Each object has it's own frequency. When you tune to a sample of that object the electronics in the locator will resonate or harmonise with the same vibration in the target and the alignment of the barrel will occur as it attempts to find the correct magnetic polarity between the unit and the target.
The manual for the Examiner also includes a similar theory:
HOW DOES IT WORK? There is considerable debate regarding the real explanation for the locating power of LRLs generally. The answer is in the physics of magnetic currents, resonant frequency and coil principles e.g. induction. The target, like all things has it's own specific frequency. The coil antenna within the unit can amplify that frequency once it detects it. It detects it because you have set the Examiner to the target's frequency by entering the number. When the antenna encounters a similar frequency in the field it begins to vibrate or resonate at the same frequency in Hertz which is another word for cycles per second. It does this because of the unique coil system within that is sensitive to similar vibrations, like a radio is sensitive to radio waves and not microwaves. On being amplified by the circuitry in the Examiner the magnetic laws govern it's disposition for it to align with the target's direction.
This is pretty much the same "theory" that is promoted by other LRL manufacturers: that each something3 has its own unique frequency, and if the LRL is tuned to that frequency, it will point to the desired object.
According to the manual and the web site, the calculator is used to program the desired operation frequency:
[The calculator] produces an amplifiable signal that is filtered and induced by the control box circuit to turn the unit into a specifiable compass, according to the specific frequency entered in it.
Furthermore, it is claimed that the resulting frequency is accurate to no less than 9 decimal places:
The Examiner will give you nine decimal place accuracy due to research with special signal generation systems into just exactly what frequencies are involved with gold, precious metals, and gemstones.
The instructions say to enter a number — say, 5.11 for gold — and to hit the "SIN" key (mathematical sine) to "program" the unit. The manual goes on to say that additionally pressing the "HYP" key (hyperbolic) will "sharpen the response". The telescoping antenna can be adjusted for distance: "You can alter the range of the Examiner by extending [the antenna]".
Because the calculator is not electrically connected to anything, it is claimed that the resulting calculator-generated signal is coupled into the black box using the principle of induction, via the piece of meandering wire glued to the inside top of the box:
[The calculator] is in fact a DC oscillator that produces a steady, mathematically modified sin [sic] wave frequency signal to be translated by the Tesla coil and circuit in the control-box.
The piece of meandering wire is described as being part of a "Tesla transformer":
It is in fact an oscillator whose wave output is collected by the unique flat Tesla aerial as an induction field which needs no contact between components.
It is based on Tesla's work with flat spiral antennae.
The black box contains a simple series connection of components, unpowered, that is described as being both a resonant circuit, and a filter:
the specially selected rectification signal diode, the capacitance and resistance unseen and the main capacitance form a Tesla/Resonance circuit to enable the detection of frequencies inputted into the calculator.
The resonance circuit forms [a bypass filter] as well as far as I am aware.
The series connection of components includes magnet wire wrapped around the antenna, plus there is a second disconnected piece of wire also wrapped around the antenna. These are described as being the secondary coils to the piece of meandering wire, as follows:
Classic but unique Tesla coiling with deliberate reverse double helix winding that's not found anywhere. The winds and turning forms the secondary. It is basically A TRANSFORMER. This particular type of transformer is known as the Tesla coil after its inventor, Nikola Tesla. Unlike low-frequency transformers, it has an air core, and no iron is used in it construction.A short explanation of how the Tesla Coil converts the low-frequency ac into high-frequency ac is first necessary. there is no need for any connection to be made between wires and coils. This is the Tesla principle. It's in electric motors, transformers and pcs. It a field transference.
Once the desired numbers are programmed into the calculator, the lone control knob can be used as a "fine tuner", and "allows you to tune to sharper locks with your target", according to the manual. Yet, in another place the manual states the control knob "is like ground-balancing a standard metal detector", although there is no further explanation of this claim.
So, in summary, the claimed operation is as follows: The calculator is programmed by the user, and generates a particular frequency signal; the signal is inductively coupled to the meandering wire, which is described as the primary (flat spiral) coil of a Tesla transformer; the wire wrapped around the antenna is the secondary coil and, along with the series connected components, amplifies and filters the signal; the signal resonates with a distant target and causes the device to turn and point at the target.
Other claims that deserve mention are as follows:
  • It basically works like a standard metal detector but employs frequencies that extend the range considerably.
  • The Examiner is not a magic dowsing machine but consists of a guaranteed 100% accurate electronic frequency tuning system.
  • The Examiner behaves like a gold magnet due to the unique aerial electronics.
  • The Ranger-Tell Examiner was developed and tested by a geologist.
Finally, the Ranger-Tell web site has what are essentially two rant pages against skeptics, namely me.
Although the pages are written in Ranger's usual incoherent style, they are well worth reading, to see how Ranger has reacted to the exposure of his nonsense.

The Truth
Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of electronics can see that calculator, and the "circuitry" inside the Examiner, do nothing useful. Calculators, in general, do have a fixed-frequency "clock" signal that runs the calculator circuitry, but the frequency is not altered by any key strokes. So the claim that the calculator provides a signal with a programmable frequency is false.
The web site goes on to claim that the calculator couples to the circuitry inside the black box via induction, with the meandering piece of wire as the primary side of the "transformer". But this piece of wire is not connected to anything, and therefore is not part of any closed circuit, and cannot possibly support inductive coupling. Because there is no circuitry either inside the calculator, or inside the black box, that could operate as a transformer, Ranger appeals to Tesla in an attempt to explain away the obvious lack of any real induction mechanism. So, the calculator taped to the top of the box cannot possibly relay any "signal" to the inside of the box.
What about the rest of the circuit? It's just a few odd components soldered together to appear "technical". The claim that the components form some sort of resonance circuit which is somehow tuned by the numbers punched into the calculator is false. The silliness of this claim is underscored by Ranger's insistence that, once again, the circuit is of the "Tesla" variety, and not understood by normal science. Such statements are the norm in all sorts of other pseudoscience, and a sure sign that the claims are bogus.
In RealScience, a resonance circuit would never include a series diode, which would specifically block resonance from occurring. And, in RealScience, resistance is the mortal enemy of a resonant circuit, yet Ranger has two pots in the loop, which add up to a whopping 12.4k-ohms. Pretty much guaranteeing that, even if the diode is removed, there ain't gonna be any resonance. But, again, even ignoring the fact that the circuit cannot possibly resonate, the notion that numbers punched into a disconnected calculator will change the tuning of a fixed-component circuit is just plain quackery.
In the manual, the lone control knob is described as a "fine tuner", and "allows you to tune to sharper locks with your target." However, if the calculator programs the frequency to 9 decimal places of accuracy, where even one digit of error can result in non-operation, then this additional "fine tuner" makes no sense. Yet, in another place the manual states the control knob "is like ground-balancing a standard metal detector", so even within the manual there is little consistency in descriptions. But the control is just a potentiometer connected from the antenna to the handle, and because of the plastic sleeve and the foam grip, the user's hand is completely insulated from the brass rod. So the potentiometer cannot possibly perform any real function, and only offers the user a little knob to play with. This is a common gimmick with LRLs, whereby useless controls are added to the device to make the user feel he's doing something other than just dowsing4.
The various claims of operation — such as the Examiner "works like a standard metal detector", "uses a powerful frequency induction system", and "behaves like a gold magnet" — are false. The Examiner bears no resemblance to a metal detector (which does operate on the principle of induction) either in appearance or circuitry. Induction plays absolutely no role in the operation of the Examiner, regardless of how many Teslas are thrown into the explanation. In one forum post, Ranger suggested that metal detectors "contain fewer electronics in monetary terms than LRLs", which is yet another laughable claim. Even the simplest 3-transistor BFO detector is more complex than the Examiner.
The Examiner does have the appearance of a dowsing rod, and also operates exactly like a dowsing rod. In fact, when all of the non-functional eye candy is removed from the device — the "circuit", the control knob, the unconnected pieces of wire, and the calculator — what's left is... a dowsing rod! A plastic box, mounted on a swivel handle, with an antenna sticking out the front. Something that anyone can build for $10 or so.
When Ranger first began selling LRLs on eBay, he included a statement that the product was "Pat. Pending". And, when I first posted my preliminary findings on the Examiner, Ranger said in reference to my photos of the interior, "I'm afraid you are committing copyright infringement in opening and declaring various photographs as represenative [sic] of Ranger-Tell products."
Searches of patent applications revealed no record of Ranger's "Pat. Pending" claim, and I pointed out to Ranger that if there is no "Patent Pending", then to claim that status is illegal. He stated that the Examiner technology was "patentable", but removed the statement from subsequent eBay listings. So the implication in his eBay description that he had filed for a patent was false. His complaint that my exposure of his Examiner somehow violates copyright law does not even rise to the level of a serious response. Ranger's understanding of copyright law ranks right up there with his inept understanding of electronics.
As a final indication of Ranger's ethics, his latest version of the Examiner includes documentation in PDF format, which was created with a program called "Win2PDF". The final page of each of the several PDF files includes the statement, "The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only." Obviously, Ranger has chosen to violate the terms of usage for the software for his commercial gain.
Many LRL manufacturers cite customer satisfaction as evidence that their products must work. Ranger states on his web site that "Out of about 150 units sold only one user has returned it and received a refund". A later statement implies one return out of 200 customers. However, I know of several purchasers who have returned units for a refund, and several more who did not, but wished they had. And two more who were so disgusted with their Examiners that they sent them to me, for this report. Furthermore, I have serious doubts that Ranger has sold 200 or more units.
Ranger's "Theory of Operation" is essentially the same as what other LRL manufacturers state. It is a bogus theory, used to trick people into believing that the ordinary dowsing response (ideomotor action) they feel is somehow due to a physical interaction with a distant target, and used to explain the additional circuitry and justify the high price tag. It's hard to imagine that anyone would actually believe the claim that keying in a few numbers on a calculator, and pressing the Sine key, will somehow "program" the Examiner to locate gold only. This is well beyond absurdity.
I have, several times, offered Ranger my $10,000 (and now $25,000) prize, if he can demonstrate that his Examiner can detect a solid gold target at a distance of 10 feet, in a very simple test. He has consistently refused to do so, citing a variety of excuses.

Ranger's Response
Some of the information in this report was originally posted on the TreasureNet LRL forum in several short installments. Ranger made numerous responses to those postings, which deserve inclusion in this report.
First and foremost, Ranger immediately claimed that the Examiner I have was an "experimental" unit, not normal production. And that the manual had errors.
The main thing that needs to be said is that the report on Geotech re the Examiner refers to an experimental Examiner
As I recall that particular model was NOT representative of the Examiner by Ranger-Tell though it worked to the same quality levels as the others.
Also the wrong instructions were sent out with that particular model. The frequencies were wrong.
However, the original buyer of this unit was never told that it was an experimental model, nor was he ever told that the manual had errors. No updated manual was ever received. This Examiner appears to be the same as units that were being advertised on eBay at the time and, again, there was no mention that they were experimental.
Ranger appeals to Tesla and "unconventional science" (i.e., pseudoscience) to explain away the unconnected pieces of wire, and also claims that they are so critical in their dimensions and placement that it is impossible to duplicate them:
Remember we are talking about virgin Tesla coils here that don't conform to electronics textbook explanation until you know what it is you have.
There is no connection required because it's a Tesla transformer concept.
If it was a micron short or the loops were not of a certain amplitude it wouldn't convey the signal to the receiving components.
He also complained about the glue smears in my photos:
Carl's pictures were taken in the wrong light, to exaggerate the glue marks.
The glue is not visible in normal light.
Sorry, but the smear marks are perfectly visible, and appear just as they do in photos. No lighting trick needed.
Regarding the "resonance circuit" inside the Examiner, Ranger responds:
We are not talking about normal resonance circuits. We are dealing with a unique never-seen-before resonant circuit. This is the first corollary of electronic experimentation.
If you don't realise the concept is the Tesla transformer using the capacitance and diode rectifier as a signal a-DC [sic] amplification principle you will miss the entire import of this early experiment with the Examiner.
So, not only does the circuit resonate, but it provides "DC amplification" as well? This gets better all the time. And is there any way to verify, using conventional test equipment, that any of the claimed signals exist? Apparently not:
The sinewave frequencies that emanate from the calculator and are amplified by the coil in the Examiner are extremely minute and cannot be detected using conventional apparatus.
There is quite a bit more material that I could include, but it just gets more ridiculous. I encourage readers to check the two rant pages (links above), to get the full context of the responses, as well as other comments. It's fairly entertaining.
The closing quote pretty well sums it all up:
Carl, I thought you had more imagination.
Yes, indeed, a very active imagination is certainly what's needed, to believe all the nonsense about the Examiner.

Who is "Ranger"???
One of the perplexing elements of the Ranger-Tell operation, is that it's owner has consistently refused to state his real name. On various forums, he simply signs his posts as "Ranger" or "Tell", or one of many other aliases, often trying to pretend to be someone else. I know of no other LRL manufacturer who tries to hide his identity in this manner, or employs shenanigans such as posting under various aliases, in an attempt to trick readers.
So who is "Ranger"? His real name is Vincent Blanes, and he lives at 505 Marshall Street in Lavington, NSW, Australia. When Mr. Blanes first registered his web site, he made the mistake of doing so in his own name. He later changed the registration when this gaffe was mentioned on the forums, and he vehemently denied that his name was Blanes. However, I have heard from several buyers who returned their Examiner for a refund and, very consistently, the name they were told to return it to has been Vincent A. Blanes. One person even got a Paypal refund from Vincent Blanes. Why Mr. Blanes feels a need to keep his identity a secret is rather puzzling, unless he is concerned with legal exposure.
Ebay ads and the Ranger-Tell web site also state that "the Ranger-Tell Examiner was developed and tested by a geologist." It's hard to imagine that anyone with a university degree in any branch of physics could actually believe in all the garbage that Mr. Blanes has produced. Interestingly, his web site declares that he has "University approved knowledge in Geology, Geomorphology and Geophysics." In the world of pseudoscience, this is usually means that there ain't a real degree, and that most of the "knowledge" is made-up. However, on a forum Blanes stated, "The Bachelor Of Science majoring in Geology, Geomorphology and Geophysics was conferred on me in 1995 at Macquarie University." If so, then perhaps the curriculum at Macquarie University needs an overhaul.

The Ranger-Tell Examiner is nothing but an ordinary dowsing device. The calculator plays no role, other than as a normal calculator. The internal circuitry does nothing useful. The claims made of the device, both in its capabilities and supposed principle of operation, are completely false.
The seller of the device attempts to keep his true identity a secret, which indicates that his business may be somewhat less than legitimate. Other claims that he has made — such as the "Pat. Pending", only one unit returned for a refund, operates like a metal detector — have turned out to be wholly dishonest statements.
The web site for Ranger-Tell is a visually painful experience, and much of the information is presented in an incoherent style. However, for anyone who is curious about the Examiner, I urge you to browse the web site, and if you don't find the claims completely laughable, then you are probably a good candidate for buying an LRL.
1. Other models are the "Goldscrew" and the "Rodette". See the Ranger-Tell website for details on all models.
2. The whitish-looking stuff smeared around the inside is possibly glue residue, I'm not sure. The photos were not enhanced to exaggerate this; what you see is how it really looks.
3. Atomic structure, or molecules, or compound... the details of the theory vary from person to person, and never seem to get nailed down.
4. And to also make the buyer feel like the high price bought him something more than a plain ol' dowsing rod.
Copyright © 2004 Carl W. Moreland, all rights reserved.
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:20 PM
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Before I leave this morning, let's have a great laugh on one of the best Carl's jokes.

The Ranger-Tell Examiner is nothing but an ordinary dowsing device. The calculator plays no role, other than as a normal calculator.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Before I leave this morning, let's have a great laugh on one of the best Carl's jokes.

"The Ranger-Tell Examiner is nothing but an ordinary dowsing device. The calculator plays no role, other than as a normal calculator. "

I was read this Carl's words 6 years ago:

"First and foremost, Ranger immediately claimed that the Examiner I have was an "experimental" unit, not normal production. And that the manual had errors. ....
However, the original buyer of this unit was never told that it was an experimental model, nor was he ever told that the manual had errors. No updated manual was ever received. This Examiner appears to be the same as units that were being advertised on eBay at the time and, again, there was no mention that they were experimental.

and I am still laughing.

Probably J_P is lauhghing at this too?
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Before I leave this morning, let's have a great laugh on one of the best Carl's jokes.

You have a strange sense of humor.
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
You said I was doing Dowsing, I told you No I' was using LRL with a custom made device like many member here on the forum.

I've got no particular Skill for dowsing AND i don't want to and then I've shown you device classified by carl has electronic LRL .
OK - have a look at this -> http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/page...lrl1/index.dat

You will clearly see that LRL1 is a "Basic Dowsing Rod". In other words, a dowsing rod is a type of LRL. You are just being pedantic (splitting hairs).

The device you are using has a swinging handle ... so it's a dowsing rod ... pure and simple. By calling it an LRL you are just using a more generic term, like referring to a BMW as a car.

If you believe your device is not "working" by unconscious movements of the hand, then how do you believe it works?
What happens if you clamp the device in an upright position and move the gold ring near the end? Does it swivel to face the target?
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Old 08-16-2010, 07:32 PM
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Default Update 2

This afternoon gaucho1961 left to the location. The first sunny day after much rain.
He will spend the night at the site and will start the work tomorrow morning.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-16-2010, 08:03 PM
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dear brhy hung, yours can make and good video in real moment recovery, take film whit tripoidal then cut and show and original work film
use this cut videos: http://www.portalprogramas.com/gratis/cortar-videos
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Old 08-16-2010, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Funfinder, if your have any relevant questions or matters you wish to discuss, please PM me. As you see, that's why this site and the 'enlighted skepthics' are subject of so much fun over TNET.

Amazing how your lack of technical backup to support your ideas end up by "privatizing" the debate
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Old 08-16-2010, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Amazing how your lack of technical backup to support your ideas end up by "privatizing" the debate
Why shouldn't I?
In the past I have many times tried to even start a point regarding scientific matters. But this proved impossible due to the attitude of some forum members.
So I usually discuss these subjects with my peers in my team. Tough I found some scientific mind folks in the TNET forum.

How can I talk about magnetic resonance and deflection of magnetic fields by light when you and your skeptic peers here are still in 1852 delighted with the 'newly born' term ideomotor?

How can I discuss MFDs here when you and your peers still think dowsing is ideomotor and worse, think MFDs are the same?

How can I discuss the rangertell concept when the owner of this forum popped up a gem stating that resistance is an absolute value?

You see, it's just impossible. So I usually join in the fun specially when you post those funny pictures in the threads.

Way to go, pal.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:09 AM
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Originally Posted by detectoman View Post
dear brhy hung, yours can make and good video in real moment recovery, take film whit tripoidal then cut and show and original work film
use this cut videos: http://www.portalprogramas.com/gratis/cortar-videos
Thanks dman, I know how to do it, but it's gaucho who will shoot the videos. And he also knows what to do.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
How can I discuss MFDs here when you and your peers still think dowsing is ideomotor and worse, think MFDs are the same?
We don't think dowsing is ideomotor, we know it is. But since you totally refuse to even consider a scientifically-controlled double-blind test, you will continue to wallow in ignorance of the real facts.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
How can I discuss the rangertell concept when the owner of this forum popped up a gem stating that resistance is an absolute value?
Indeed ..... how can you continue to discuss the RangerTell concept? What concept? It's just a scam.
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

You see, it's just impossible. So I usually join in the fun specially when you post those funny pictures in the threads.

Yes I see, you are last lost-in-space tragic pseudo-logical extrasensory back-Gaus-forwarded LRL-fan-attic Min'oro scientist in the World (of Calimeros).
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
How can I talk about magnetic resonance and deflection of magnetic fields by light when you and your skeptic peers here are still in 1852 delighted with the 'newly born' term ideomotor?

How can I discuss MFDs here when you and your peers still think dowsing is ideomotor and worse, think MFDs are the same?

How can I discuss the rangertell concept when the owner of this forum popped up a gem stating that resistance is an absolute value?
Try in technical terms, for once...The one based on real proven science.
Try to give up inventing you own science to look smarter in front of a public selected by you.
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Old 08-17-2010, 01:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Try in technical terms, for once...The one based on real proven science.
Try to give up inventing you own science to look smarter in front of a public selected by you.
You don't really understand.
Smart is a term used to imply taking advantage over something or someone.
For this, I am not smart. I only like studying.
It's through studying that I know what I know. Too much? Not at all. But enough.

But... if I use your own term, yes, then I am smart to not call 'bogus' or 'fraud' everything I don't understand.
I am smart to research what I used to not understand in order to find the answers.
And I am smart to perceive that your concept of 'proven science' is much different than mine.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-17-2010, 07:10 AM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
OK - have a look at this -> http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/page...lrl1/index.dat

You will clearly see that LRL1 is a "Basic Dowsing Rod". In other words, a dowsing rod is a type of LRL. You are just being pedantic (splitting hairs).

The device you are using has a swinging handle ... so it's a dowsing rod ... pure and simple. By calling it an LRL you are just using a more generic term, like referring to a BMW as a car.

If you believe your device is not "working" by unconscious movements of the hand, then how do you believe it works?
What happens if you clamp the device in an upright position and move the gold ring near the end? Does it swivel to face the target?

Geotech skeptic member and administrator on this Forum.

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Old 08-17-2010, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by hung
I am smart to research what I used to not understand in order to find the answers.
And I am smart to perceive that your concept of 'proven science' is much different than mine.
Ahh Yes,
It is the dawn of a new horizon where new, improved science has been discovered by Dr. hung. We can forget the old proven science because Dr. hung has made important discoveries which make science as we know it obsolete.

Let us see what new, improved science we have learned so far from Dr. hung:
"Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'."

This is the principle in which the Rangertell Examiner works. Resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned".

"Back to the Examiner’s concept, there’s a portion in ECE which I already mentioned which might explain how the magnetic fields produced by the unit even diminute might be working provided one gets free of the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept and maybe start to find some backup on the Aharonov-Bohm and the field and potential relationship..."

"If you navigate the internet correctly, you will find out how ALL scientific comunity in the world utilizes AIAS as basis for their research".

"So, there's no such thing as IR penetrating the soil or IR striking the surface of the earth".

Carl-NC asks: The UV ... is absorbed by the surface of the earth. This parcel which is absorbed is THE ONLY souce of heat for our planet and it occurs during the sunlight period. Absolutely correct. It's called radiant energy. The only source of heat is the one which is absorbed.

You think of voltage as a potential. It's not only a potential, but also a flow as electromotive force.
Wake up! If voltage is too high it travels through the nucleous of the conductor. If lower it travesl through the surface!
Current is a 'control' of this flow.
Ask Mr. John Bedini to demonstrate his motor to you. Ask him what voltage is.

Nope, it's not real science, it's HungScience.
This is the new science that Dr. hung has taught us in the past couple of years. It wasn't enough to expect us to believe he modified his LRL to detect a coin at a mile, We must now believe he has scientific knowledge that surpasses what we know to work from years of experience.

For example:
1. Voltage is a flow that is controlled by current. (EEs should write this down so you don't forget). Ask John Bedini if you don't believe it.
2. IR energy is not absorbed by the surface of the earth - there is no such thing as IR penetrating the soil or striking the surface of the earth. So if you feel the earth surface get warm in the sun, rest assured IR has nothing to do with radiant IR energy from the sun.
3. The principle of the RangerTell working is resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned. If you can't find any transmitting equipment inside an Examiner, or if you think RF carrier signals are not propagated by "shooting" and "returning", then you must learn Dr. hung's new, imporved science so you too can be smart.
4. Gold DNA produces a substance that coats the surface to prevent oxidation. I suppose this substance would be very valuable as a corrosion inhibitor. But I wasn't able to find any of it on the surface of gold. However, you can still get rich by simply getting the gold to multiply. Since the genetic code of gold is kept in its DNA, it will be able to reporduce itself with RNA and other protiens that allow new gold cells to grow more new gold, making you rich. I wonder what you should use for food to help gold grow.

Actually all of this HungScience seems kind of sick to me.
How can anyone who spreads this much misinformation spend their spare time researching?
What reading sources produce this degree of dementia?
Maybe the Myron Evans forum?

Best wishes,
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Old 08-17-2010, 08:57 AM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Ahh Yes,
It is the dawn of a new horizon where new, improved science has been discovered by Dr. hung. We can forget the old proven science because Dr. hung has made important discoveries which make science as we know it obsolete.

Let us see what new, improved science we have learned so far from Dr. hung:
"Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'."

This is the principle in which the Rangertell Examiner works. Resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned".

"Back to the Examiner’s concept, there’s a portion in ECE which I already mentioned which might explain how the magnetic fields produced by the unit even diminute might be working provided one gets free of the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept and maybe start to find some backup on the Aharonov-Bohm and the field and potential relationship..."

"If you navigate the internet correctly, you will find out how ALL scientific comunity in the world utilizes AIAS as basis for their research".

"So, there's no such thing as IR penetrating the soil or IR striking the surface of the earth".

Carl-NC asks: The UV ... is absorbed by the surface of the earth. This parcel which is absorbed is THE ONLY souce of heat for our planet and it occurs during the sunlight period. Absolutely correct. It's called radiant energy. The only source of heat is the one which is absorbed.

You think of voltage as a potential. It's not only a potential, but also a flow as electromotive force.
Wake up! If voltage is too high it travels through the nucleous of the conductor. If lower it travesl through the surface!
Current is a 'control' of this flow.
Ask Mr. John Bedini to demonstrate his motor to you. Ask him what voltage is.

Nope, it's not real science, it's HungScience.
This is the new science that Dr. hung has taught us in the past couple of years. It wasn't enough to expect us to believe he modified his LRL to detect a coin at a mile, We must now believe he has scientific knowledge that surpasses what we know to work from years of experience.

For example:
1. Voltage is a flow that is controlled by current. (EEs should write this down so you don't forget). Ask John Bedini if you don't believe it.
2. IR energy is not absorbed by the surface of the earth - there is no such thing as IR penetrating the soil or striking the surface of the earth. So if you feel the earth surface get warm in the sun, rest assured IR has nothing to do with radiant IR energy from the sun.
3. The principle of the RangerTell working is resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned. If you can't find any transmitting equipment inside an Examiner, or if you think RF carrier signals are not propagated by "shooting" and "returning", then you must learn Dr. hung's new, imporved science so you too can be smart.
4. Gold DNA produces a substance that coats the surface to prevent oxidation. I suppose this substance would be very valuable as a corrosion inhibitor. But I wasn't able to find any of it on the surface of gold. However, you can still get rich by simply getting the gold to multiply. Since the genetic code of gold is kept in its DNA, it will be able to reporduce itself with RNA and other protiens that allow new gold cells to grow more new gold, making you rich. I wonder what you should use for food to help gold grow.

Actually all of this HungScience seems kind of sick to me.
How can anyone who spreads this much misinformation spend their spare time researching?
What reading sources produce this degree of dementia?
Maybe the Myron Evans forum?

Best wishes,

Really Un interesting

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Old 08-17-2010, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post

Hi gibon,

you need urgently to visit your dentist for at least two LRL gold fillings:
Attached Images
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-17-2010, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by gibon View Post
Really Un interesting

Nice look at LRL scientist. I suppose he was model for Auguste Rodin "Le Penseur LRL" (in translation "Retired LRL Scientist"). Thank you.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 08-17-2010, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
You don't really understand.
Impressive how many times i have seen this phrase lately, between you and gibon...a you the only one(s) to understand ?
Originally Posted by hung View Post
Smart is a term used to imply taking advantage over something or someone.
For this, I am not smart. I only like studying.
It's through studying that I know what I know. Too much? Not at all. But enough.
But... if I use your own term, yes, then I am smart to not call 'bogus' or 'fraud' everything I don't understand.
I am smart to research what I used to not understand in order to find the answers.
And I am smart to perceive that your concept of 'proven science' is much different than mine.
Well, one thing is for sure, you are not smart enough to explain your "science". You can see JP´quotations above as an example.
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:59 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
Nice look at LRL scientist. I suppose he was model for Auguste Rodin "Le Penseur LRL" (in translation "Retired LRL Scientist"). Thank you.

An other good friend of you Wm6 ? New member of Geotech ?

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Old 08-17-2010, 01:19 PM
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Default Update 3

gaucho1961 has just sent me an email from a lanhouse distant some 15 miles from the site. He was there checking his emailbox as I have sent him dowsed pictures of the location scanned by folks from the TNET dowsing forum.

He said to have already taken some video shots and also have used the center & deep to mark some depths. He provided no further details tough, as he was in a hurry anxiously leaving to the site.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 08-17-2010, 02:18 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
gaucho1961 has just sent me an email from a lanhouse distant some 15 miles from the site. He was there checking his emailbox as I have sent him dowsed pictures of the location scanned by folks from the TNET dowsing forum.

He said to have already taken some video shots and also have used the center & deep to mark some depths. He provided no further details tough, as he was in a hurry anxiously leaving to the site.
Now you're promoting map dowsing. That's just unbelievable, even for you. Where is the science in that?
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