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Old 09-02-2007, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi
At last you've admitted it! The fact that the Mineoro FG80 needs to be believed-in for it to work. So skeptics beware. You'll never get an LRL to work, however hard you try. First you must forget all the physics you were taught at school, college or university, then pay your dues to the Church of Mineoro. Then after years of practice and self-delusion, followed by frequent occurences of selective memory, you might reach the same level of incompetence as Hung. Then you should visit the doctor and request euthanasia.
But there are more 'make believe" claims we must believe before being accepted to the hung chapter of the church of Mineoro. Do you think you will be accepted by the high priest of Mineoro before you agree to the following oaths?:

• Do you swear you believe all Mineoro FG series LRLs can find fresh gold even if hung never shows you any Mineoro finding anything and nobody on earth is willing to demonstrate it finding treasure?

• Do you swear you believe hung recently found a 500 year old legendary treasure in the middle of a large city, even if there have been no news reports about this legendary find?

• Do you swear you believe hung has completed secret mods to his RangerTell that allows it to detect gold and silver coins a mile away?

• Do you swear you believe hung found gold veins in an undisclosed location of the forest that will never be revealed or recovered, and can't be verified by anything except hung's claim it is true?

• Did you send in your check to have Mineoro send you a new FG80 that REALLY, REALLY finds fresh gold?

• Do you swear you believe this was hung's last post in the Geotech forum?

• Do you swear you will contiunue to believe all hung says, even after his next post in the Geotech forum?

Don't expect any Mineoro or RangerTell locator to work until the high priest of Mineoro annoints you in his cornbread-eating ceremony after you take these oaths!

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Old 09-03-2007, 01:36 PM
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Nihil Roma Maius Nihil Roma Maius is offline
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Max wrote regarding halo:

Same happened to me, before I saw it.
I didn't want belive it to exist before I've seen with my eyes the strange phenomenon. Then I've changed idea about.

Ahhh! You can "see" the halo!!! Ehhh!!! Where is your science background, so!!!

* * * * * * * * *

Continue Max, the "halo viewer", the illuminato :

I've seen it with my eyes... that's why I'm sure of that it exist.

Cannot explain why... have just some ideas.

You need go to doctor, he has a good dosis of "Haloperidol". Because you SEE the halo, seems 1/2 or 1 1/2 psicotic grade! Or "Alopurinol" for diseases of advanced ages.

have just some ideas.

"Ideas". No idea you have about it. Be factual!

If you measure is other thing, but you "see" the halo. Is more impossible than to see light (a kind a flamme) near or in treasure sites, reported for 1,000 persons!

I understand. You see the halo causes severals solvents, alcohol, acids and cigars (your complicate technic for to cleaning PCB)! Under extreme conditions, you can see also the phantom of the opera.

Wait, I have more and more for you, dictator of the science! I'll drop it for our diversion!!!

PS: Do you see the red halo?
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:04 PM
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Very frequently, Max wrote:

I'm the cure.

Ahh!! Better, you're the light here!!! You're an extreme case!

Seems I'm bad, I'm nationwide, remember, the same style of RObert! Also you was one of the main promotor!

Doctor, here your BFO. If you're stressed, I can added more stress for you! Because you not acting with correction in forums!

PS: maybe you can hear few hertz with it.
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:04 PM
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didn't you wrote that ?

So you have seen too... or you just want people belive halo in involved in LRLs ?

I've seen the effect by sensitive MDs... few cms more than maximum in-air detection.
Many people reported the same and phenomenon, though controversial and unexplained, is known in the TH community.

So what ?
That doesn't mean I have to belive treasures emit light !
Have I ?

You report of more than 1,000 persons that saw this...
I don't and don't know of anyone claiming that before Esteban, you and some other LRL fanatic or dreamer.

Fact that there could be some IR or visible frequency photons from something doesn't mean you could see that. Actually when you see e.g. a light ray... you see effects of billions of photons on some aerosol particles... not few.

To "see" them you have to use e.g. avalanche devices, e.g. photomultipliers tubes... but I cannot see anything of that in e.g. Mineoro's or Esteban's things.

Light from treasure (you can detect) = BS.
{Treasure = Energy} = BS
treasure emit light visible by human eye = BS..

These are my equations.


I wanna see too that light!


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Old 09-03-2007, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Very frequently, Max wrote:

I'm the cure.

Ahh!! Better, you're the light here!!! You're an extreme case!

Seems I'm bad, I'm nationwide, remember, the same style of RObert! Also you was one of the main promotor!

Doctor, here your BFO. If you're stressed, I can added more stress for you! Because you not acting with correction in forums!

PS: maybe you can hear few hertz with it.
Do you hit horses with it ?
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:09 PM
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So you have seen too... or you just want people belive halo in involved in LRLs ?

I've seen the effect by sensitive MDs... few cms more than maximum in-air detection.
Many people reported the same and phenomenon, though controversial and uneplained, is known in the TH community.

Ahh! Only metal detector can!!! Another instruments, no. Democracy! Also I know the difference with old items, but you "SEE". Doctor, the solution for the equation of your BSs is Haloperidol.
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:14 PM
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so now is halo about democracy ???

You say that your LRL see it but then Esteban said first...

Isn't him the expert of LRL ?

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Old 09-03-2007, 02:20 PM
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Simple to understand. Only MD can, another instruments no, or is very difficult to you understand it? You're the Doctor Haloperidol.
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Simple to understand. Only MD can, another instruments no, or is very difficult to you understand it? You're the Doctor Haloperidol.
well... I think other persons use heavy dose of it from time to time...

Read after few days what Esteban said.

No shame.

Contradict himself.

Or maybe is a secondary effect of LRLs... who knows !?

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Old 09-03-2007, 02:26 PM
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So Nihil... is good or bad ???

Choose one !
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:35 PM
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Old 09-03-2007, 02:42 PM
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Max wrote:

Hi ivconic,
it seems exist and no scientific proven theory about!
I know you are not LRLs addicted.
I think the same of LRLs: they don't work, can't work.

Do you can assure it all the time in the rest of your life?

Skepticism is one thing, but "negatoricism" is anti-science.
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Old 09-03-2007, 03:05 PM
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Your animosity towards me is not justified, illogical and unfair. If you are really serious about researching LRLs, then you are a controversy. Esteban used and still uses Mineoro detectors as I do. He reported as I did, several findings he made with those. The last one I remember was a pocket watch found by him and Alonso with a DC2006. So what’s your problem?
If you’re not convinced about my claims and findings, then I may also not convinced of your real interest in researching about LRLs just like the ‘scientists’ here who have vested interests in fighting back the fact.
Since you directly quoted some questions to me I will care to answer them bellow.

Can you explain why we should believe a Mineoro LRL can find treasure when nobody on earth is willing to demonstrate it doing that?

First of all I will delete all the reundandy in your post regarding ‘why we sould believe’ as I wil answer it just once next. Bear in mind, I don’t want to anybody believe in anything. I told this million of times before. I just report facts and experiences I have. If you don’t believe in them, it’s your prerrogative. It WON’T EVER change the fact it’s true. I am not inventing things. So let’s first make it clear. I don’t care at all about wheter you think I claim is true or not. It changes nothing.
Clear on that? OK, Let’s continue with you question.

It’s not true that nobody is willing to demonstrate finding treasure with the Mineoro.
Mineoro’s brazilian site is full of people who cared to display their faces and experiences. I know 80% of the people there personally.
I agree that many Mineoro users however wish to remain incognito for personal reasons. I respect that. Last week for instance my friend at Mineoro told me about a person in Peru who detected lots of gold in Cuzco, with a FG80. He wants to remain unkown. Mineoro respects that.
Damasio never refused and in fact loves to give demonstrations to people who visit Mineoro. Unfortunately he’s been ill and still could not get permission by doctors to travel to US. If you are really interested in kowning about Mineoro. Go direct to the source. Travel there and see for yourself. Otherwise you will remain in this forum for 50 years unfairly bashing a device or at least never getting a definite conclusion.
Many users here still did not find anything. Does it mean the device does not work?
You tell me.
Question answered.

Can you explain why we should believe you recently found a 500 year old legendary treasure in the middle of a large city, when there have been no news reports about this legendary find?

I can’t believe you posted this.I really can’t believe you just said that.
So you really expected to watch this on CNN News?
Either you’re the greatest naïve in the world or the purest soul on earth. Either case you are dead as THunter man!
Without further add ons which would fall in the ‘non sectur’, let me tell you this. Esteban gave an equation here: Treasure=Energy, well I will add another easy and powerful one: Treasure Recovery Success = Secrecy + Secrecy + Secrecy + Hard Work.
Simple isn’t it?
PS. Treasure found is exactly 444 years old. It was hidden in 1563.

Can you explain why we should believe you have completed mods to a RangerTell that allows it to detect gold and silver coins a mile away?

This is incorrect info. The mod I did in the RT unit was a pre mod which later allowed the development of the prototype ot my LRL system soon to be released. The prototype according to our research could reach a coin 1 mile away, even more, depending on the bandwidth employed and other things.
The RT has nothing to do with my LRL system except it showed our system possible.
The mod I did in the RT was making it fixed with no swivel and adding some amp , a VU, other things and some imagination, something many here don’t have. It worked.

Can you explain why we should believe you found gold veins in the forest that can't be verified by anything except your claim it is true?

Non sectur.
Finding gold veins with the PDC, FG, etc. is common place here in Brazil. In its central region dozens of Mineoro detectors find gold veins in almost a weekly basis for miners. So this is so natural here.

Can you explain why we should believe this is your last post after demonstrating at least three times the past few months it is not?

I don’t remember if I stated this in the past. I told here in the last few days I would not go over again to the Mineoro topic regarding FG. You can verify this by seeing my last post to Carl. I will not go over this topic again. I am going over this here in respect to your questions.
In fact I will not be posting here anymore, except in case I have to defend myself and despite of that I will only post if I find it relevant to do. I will choose.
I will join another forum which looks promising now. I’m also a member of a high physics forum where true scientific matters can be discussed.
I like to talk those subjects but not here. So after being sucessful in gold finding and developing my LRL system, nothing else is left for me here.
So this present forum is dead for me.

Do you have any credible evidence to support any of these stories you have told?

Again, this is not important for me. See, I don’t want people to believe or expect anything. I’m the one who knows it’s true. That’s all that matters nothing else.

Haven't you read the Intro note Carl posted in this forum, where he says: "Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged." And now you're whining when people think you're fullo BS and challenge you?

Carl’s claim is the one which is full of BS. In fact people here don’t perceive this. All he wants is promotion. I once said that I believe 90% of the LRLs he reported work or at least work to some extent. I proved to myself for instance that the RT unit works. So what he thinks, say or report are not relevant to me anymore. In fact they never were. My grandpa once said: “Learn with your own experience. Don’t rely on the others’ “

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Old 09-03-2007, 03:08 PM
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There's something more effective to employ in your concept than infra red.
You can utilize optoacoustic tunable filters or Bragg cells to acomplish what you want.
If you wish we may discuss this in that other forum.
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Old 09-03-2007, 03:35 PM
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Braggs' cells are the cure ?
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Old 09-03-2007, 06:46 PM
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Default the LRLman's creed

This is my LRL-rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My LRL-rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My LRL-rifle, without me, is useless. Without my LRL-rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will... My LRL-rifle and myself know that what counts in this war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit... My LRL-rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage as I will ever guard my legs, my arms, my eyes and my heart against damage. I will keep my LRL-rifle clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will... Before God, I swear this creed. My LRL-rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life... So be it, until victory is LRL's and there is no enemy, but peace!

Is that you John Wayne?
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Old 09-03-2007, 08:25 PM
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I agree that many Mineoro users however wish to remain incognito for personal reasons. I respect that. Last week for instance my friend at Mineoro told me about a person in Peru who detected lots of gold in Cuzco, with a FG80. He wants to remain unkown. Mineoro respects that.

Do you know pics of great treasures found with regular MD? Of course any MD can found, but people is reluctance for to show these.

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Old 09-03-2007, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
If you don’t believe in them, it’s your prerrogative. It WON’T EVER change the fact it’s true. I am not inventing things.
Constantly repeating "it's a fact" and "it's true" will not make it so, however many times you say it.

Originally Posted by Hung
So let’s first make it clear. I don’t care at all about wheter you think I claim is true or not. It changes nothing.

Actually, you do care. That's why you cannot stop posting this pseudoscientific nonsense.

Originally Posted by Hung
It’s not true that nobody is willing to demonstrate finding treasure with the Mineoro.
Originally Posted by Hung
Mineoro’s brazilian site is full of people who cared to display their faces and experiences.
This is the usual subjective stuff that you claim as evidence. Only objective results are acceptable. If you make fantastic claims, then you must supply real proof, not anecdotes.

Originally Posted by Hung
Many users here still did not find anything. Does it mean the device does not work?
Originally Posted by Hung
You tell me.
Yes - this means exactly that. They don't work.

Originally Posted by Hung
This is incorrect info. The mod I did in the RT unit was a pre mod which later allowed the development of the prototype ot my LRL system soon to be released. The prototype according to our research could reach a coin 1 mile away, even more, depending on the bandwidth employed and other things.

It is just this sort of nonsense that makes a complete mockery of you claims. The Ranger-Tell Examiner consists of a cheap calculator glued to a plastic box that contains some nonsense-wired electronics. It's basically a dowsing device with some added gizmos to fool the unwary. If this is what you've modified to create your new wonderful LRL, then you deserve all the criticism that you receive.

Originally Posted by Hung
The RT has nothing to do with my LRL system except it showed our system possible.
Originally Posted by Hung
The mod I did in the RT was making it fixed with no swivel and adding some amp , a VU, other things and some imagination, something many here don’t have. It worked.
Of course it did!
Oh look, there goes another flying pig.

Originally Posted by Hung
Can you explain why we should believe this is your last post after demonstrating at least three times the past few months it is not?
Originally Posted by Hung
I don’t remember if I stated this in the past. I told here in the last few days I would not go over again to the Mineoro topic regarding FG. You can verify this by seeing my last post to Carl. I will not go over this topic again. I am going over this here in respect to your questions.
Another case of selective memory.

Originally Posted by Hung
In fact I will not be posting here anymore, except in case I have to defend myself and despite of that I will only post if I find it relevant to do. I will choose.

Strike one then...

Originally Posted by Hung
I will join another forum which looks promising now. I’m also a member of a high physics forum where true scientific matters can be discussed.
Originally Posted by Hung
I like to talk those subjects but not here. So after being sucessful in gold finding and developing my LRL system, nothing else is left for me here.
So this present forum is dead for me.
Goodbye then.

Originally Posted by Hung
Again, this is not important for me. See, I don’t want people to believe or expect anything. I’m the one who knows it’s true. That’s all that matters nothing else.

Me thinks you protest too much.

Originally Posted by Hung
Carl’s claim is the one which is full of BS.

You're the expert.

Originally Posted by Hung
I once said that I believe 90% of the LRLs he reported work or at least work to some extent. I proved to myself for instance that the RT unit works.

Well that's your credibility shot to pieces.

The Ranger-Tell Examiner ->
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Old 09-03-2007, 09:47 PM
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[Sorry, I accidentally made this post in the wrong thread, so I repeat it here where it belongs - J_P]
Originally Posted by Carl
Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged.

Originally posted by hung
Carl’s claim is the one which is full of BS. In fact people here don’t perceive this. All he wants is promotion. I once said that I believe 90% of the LRLs he reported work or at least work to some extent. I proved to myself for instance that the RT unit works.
Hi hung,

Carl made no claim, nor did he make a promotional statement in his intro note: "Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged". This is simply one of the three rules he chose to keep his forum fair. It doesn't even make sense to say it is a claim. There is no claim implied, simply a statement that you should expect to be challenged when you make an extraordinary claim in this forum.
Originally Posted by hung
Your animosity towards me is not justified, illogical and unfair. If you are really serious about researching LRLs, then you are a controversy.
I have no animosity toward you. I think you are a nice guy, one of the most polite LRL proponents in this forum. In fact your are probably a great person to spend a couple hours at the cantina with an ice cold refreshing beer where people tell "true stories" to add some spice to an otherwise dull day. And you're welcome to come visit if you come to the USA. Be sure to bring your LRLs so we can go find some long time buried gold. I know several locations where we can recover some good ore deposits as well as legendary treasures that go back as far as 467 years, and worth millions in gold scap value alone. This is all documented by local historians and records kept at the University of California. I will be happy to report exactly what your LRLs find in a long article on a professional web page, including videos of the treasure being recovered, so all will know the exact facts. I will also post the facts in this forum, and links to the videos.

If I am a controversy, it does not disturb me. I don't think it's possible to discuss the technical details of buried metal science in this forum without becoming controversial. The only way I can maintain any credibility is by showing believable evidence to support my claims. So far, I haven't seen the educated skeptics come and prove the claims I made are false. Qiaozhi quickly backed away from arguing against my claims about ions from buried metals moving in the ground as Damasio said, and Carl didn't even bother to challenge what I presented. I can only presume this happened because I have an enormous body of evidence made by published scientists to support what I said, not hearsay or fairy tale stories, or tests made in some secret laboratory that cannot be demonstrated.

This brings us back to what you claim is unfair. There is no animosity, only a disbelief in a whole lot of stories you told that sound like BS. The stories you told are being challenged because they are extraordinary to the point of disbelief, and there is nothing to substantiate them. Keep in mind, this is primarily a technical forum, not a news story forum or a fairy tale forum. People come here to exchange technical information, not to hear outlandish stories with no technical details to support them.

When I look at the stories you told since you arrived, I see no proof or anything to substantiate these stories except you say they are true. In fact a number of the stories you told have been shown to be false. The appearance is you are not coming here to report facts of your adventures. The appearance is you are coming here to brag about things that never happened. I see a series of incredible stories that we might expect a small child to tell to make the people around him think he is important and should be paid attention to. The problem is you told these incredible stories in a technical forum where the rules state you should be prepared to get challenged if you make an extraordinary claim, not at your local bar.

The collection of incredible stories you have told in this forum have put you to the top of my list of hilarious storytellers. Some of your stories have convinced me you know little or nothing about science, and you are only repeating generalities told to you by people like Damasio, Alonso, Myron Evans, or publications by people like Hutchinson. It seems apparent you have little understanding of any science, and are only repeating things you heard, many of which can be proven false. I would never compare you to Esteban. There is a big difference when Esteban actually constructs his own circuitry and builds his own experimental gadgets to test, and shows actual details. This is the purpose of this forum -- to exchange technical information, not to brag about secret accomplishments that can't be substantiated.

Originally Posted by J_Player
Do you have any credible evidence to support any of these stories you have told?

Originally posted by hung:
Again, this is not important for me. See, I don’t want people to believe or expect anything. I’m the one who knows it’s true. That’s all that matters nothing else.
Not important to you? Really? Then why are you even bothering to answer quotes I made? because believing your stories is not important? Did you return to this forum several times after saying you would leave because you don't care? The appearance from my point of view is you want people to believe the extraordinary stories you told without providing anything credible to substantiate them. The appearance is you find it important to brag about accomplishments that you really didn't make.
Or am I wrong? Is there something you haven't told us yet that would make us believe your stories?

In all the time you tried to convince people ions can form in the ground around buried metals, you never provided any scientific proof like I did. You only provided a lot of unsubstantiated claims.

Can you provide some scientific proof that metal ions hover 7.2 feet in the air above a long time buried treasure as claimed by Mineoro?

Best wishes,
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:49 AM
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Default Ranger Tell? OMG!!


I've been keeping an open mind to your project and still trying,but I completely agree with Qiaozhi that referring to Ranger Tell blew your credibility out the window. Then you said that your device is different from RT,so that gives me hope but please man, distance yourself from Ranger Tell!!
Stick to telling us what you can about what your doing and the science behind it.

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Old 09-04-2007, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
I agree that many Mineoro users however wish to remain incognito for personal reasons. I respect that. Last week for instance my friend at Mineoro told me about a person in Peru who detected lots of gold in Cuzco, with a FG80. He wants to remain unkown. Mineoro respects that.

Do you know pics of great treasures found with regular MD? Of course any MD can found, but people is reluctance for to show these.

Hi Esteban,
I agree with you... there are few public domain.

But I've seen some on TV... and know that e.g a depth PI found a very important thing in Germany... it become public domain cause the people found the stuff tryed to illegally sell it and then german police captured them and recovered the "treasure".

Also I've seen just about 1 month ago that 2 THs in UK (dad and son) found a very interesting Viking's "treasure"... many gold items, but also iron relics... using just MDs. Now stuff is at British Museum.

So, actually people found stuff of great value using MDs. And there are pictures.
There are at least 20 examples of public domain huge discoveries made using MDs, of enormous historic-scientific (and economic) value.

But you are right on this point. There are few big discoveries made with MDs that become public domain... respect maybe to the actual number in the world...mostly cause many countries' legislation make explicit prohibition to "normal" people /THs of making researches with MDs or just even of own an MD !

In places like UK, mostly England is not so rare that people that found stuff show that cause it's completely legal there searching/recovering and even selling stuff... if some rules are observed (e.g. the "Treasure Act" rules).

Best regards,
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Old 09-04-2007, 07:31 AM
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here the picture of the "german" thing I mean.

You can read the story on wikipedia :


The Nebra's sky disk is probably the greatest archeo discovery of the last 50years.

There is a BBC-Horizon video/doc about it... but I cannot find at now.

Anyway, it's real and was found with a depth PI.

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Old 09-04-2007, 07:34 AM
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The good news in UK is when the museum wants your treasure, they pay you fair money for it, they don't just take it away and give nothing.

Best wishes,
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:03 AM
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Default the viking's treasure of yorkshire

here is one picture posted by BM and available at BBC website:


Then there is the article by The Independent:


Also this is real, important and found with conventional MDs.

Now I'd like to see something similar found with a LRL, if someone has.

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Old 09-04-2007, 02:21 PM
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Location: In the Heart of South America
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Category of treasures deppends of the pasts of nations. In America treasures are no more 500 years, except objects from cultures maya, inca, aztec, olmeca, etc., others by wars and revolutions. Search for ancient treasures of these cultures is prohibited because ends in illegal commerce. Shipwrecks are the most important in quantity, maybe... The gold and silver extracted by Spain and pirated by England and France... Thieves robs the thieves! The pirats' activity was licit for the eternal war between these three nations...
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