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Old 01-08-2010, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred
This is disturbing.
Untill now i was understanding that gold was releasing ions slowly after being burried 10 or more years.
Now you tell me that every piece of fresh gold laying around is evaporating and releasing an heavy fux of ions.- and the bionic01 and mineoros rely on this principle to detect it...
Of course they can.

"Fresh gold" is what the FG means on the FG79 and FG80 Mineoros.
The fact that minute traces of gold ions are released only after many years was proved by scientists using conventional chemical titration tests of the soil. These scientists are not to be trusted. The concept of floating gold ions comes directly from the people who manufacture LRLs that detect these ions. Who would know better? Some scientists with thier field tests of the soil and air, or manufacturers of LRLs?

You saw the videos showing the Bionic 01 beeping at gold rings and a shovel handle, didn't you?
Doesn't that prove it located gold ions floating in the air?

Best wishes,
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Old 01-08-2010, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
This is disturbing.
Untill now i was understanding that gold was releasing ions slowly after being burried 10 or more years.
Now you tell me that every piece of fresh gold laying around is evaporating and releasing an heavy fux of ions.- and the bionic01 and mineoros rely on this principle to detect it...
Don't be disturbed, Fred. Do not trouble yourself with false understanding.

There are no more ions being released (into the air) by fresh gold lying around than there are by buried gold. The idea of a flux of ions (from gold) hovering several feet above the ground is pure pseudo-science concocted to help sell scam LRL contraptions.

(Note: the above comment is presented as a non-condescending entry)

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Old 01-08-2010, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
Don't be disturbed, Fred. Do not trouble yourself with false understanding.
Thanks Thesus,
I am felling better already.But you should understand when i am being ironic by now. After all we share this place from long enough.

I hope Dr Hung will explain why we were looking so hard for the long-time buried gold effects and suddenly it is no more necessary.
Maybe it can be explained by the advances of technology - but then arise the question : what is being detected ? (Hung??)
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Old 01-08-2010, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
This is disturbing.
Untill now i was understanding that gold was releasing ions slowly after being burried 10 or more years.
That's correct. The longer the time and the deeper the gold is, the stronger the field.

Now you tell me that every piece of fresh gold laying around is evaporating and releasing an heavy fux of ions.- and the bionic01 and mineoros rely on this principle to detect it...
I did not say that.

I said that the IR in the new Mineoros is used for pinpointing purposes at a relatively close distance because it's modulated at the receiver's frequency. In the Tyon's case the receiver is much more sensitive and along with the IR Leds circuitry (Tyon has two-TX and RX), it has the ability to detect fresh gold items, again in a moderate distance through reflex and modulation.
In some other thread I already mentioned that I did a test and it was able to detect a fresh gold ring indoors at 3-4 meters and an aluminum can at only 20 cm. A real improvement in the filtering stage and this is what I mentioned at the time.

In the Bionic 01's case, I can only imagine the laser is doing the same thing as I am not familiar with the device. But I am familiar with the aproach.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 01-08-2010, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
I did not say that.
Ok, those devices don´t rely on ion emanations to detect gold. I understand.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
...through reflex and modulation
My conclusion is that they only detect non-buried gold.
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Old 01-08-2010, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred
Ok, those devices don´t rely on ion emanations to detect gold. I understand.

My conclusion is that they only detect non-buried gold.
Hi Fred,

Have you forgotten they also detect non-buried shovel handles? Maybe they detect anything you can hold in the air.
Maybe this is why German treasure hunters say they don't find buried treasure ...
things in the air are not buried treasures, and do not need to be located.
They can buy locators from Leica and Carl Zeiss that also locate things in the air for a lot less money.

Here is a magician's guide to the youtube video:
Attached Images
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Old 01-09-2010, 11:02 AM
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Default hi at hall

ok perfect I see that many have 'drawn the conclusions, I respect but do not share them, I apologize to anyone who wanted more news, but the tests we do "positive or negative will be" soon will not be posted, if you're interested contact me in mp

regardless of what you think if bionic not work, I'd be the first to say, just waiting to do tests before coming to conclusions
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Old 01-09-2010, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by putrechigi View Post
regardless of what you think if bionic not work, I'd be the first to say, just waiting to do tests before coming to conclusions
I agree. Like the Mineoro, the Bionic "seems too good to be true," so cautious skepticism is certainly warranted. But, also like the Mineoro, I'll wait to see it in person before I make a conclusion.

I've called Frank Casser, OKM rep in the US, and he has a Bionic 01 in hand. However, he's in south Florida, I'm in Oregon, and right now neither of us have travel plans that put us close together. But we are going to stay in touch and eventually arrange a demonstration.

I had hopes that someone else in the US might own one by now, but he did not know of anyone who's bought one.

- Carl
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Old 01-09-2010, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
I agree. Like the Mineoro, the Bionic "seems too good to be true," so cautious skepticism is certainly warranted. But, also like the Mineoro, I'll wait to see it in person before I make a conclusion.

- Carl
...And you intend to test it on your electric dog fence as you did with the FG80, I suppose?

You see Carl, this is just one of the reasons experienced LRL users bash you over TNET.
You simply discard owners and LRL user testimonies if it does not fit your agenda.

I don't have the slightest doubt the Bionic 01 works. So does Mineoro, Electroscope, RT, you name it.
Why? Because in the case of Mineoros and RT, I found gold with them many times.
In the case of the Electroscope, there's David Villanuevas' testimony. In the case of the previous Bionic 01 model, I have my friend's testimony.

When you discard all our testimonies, you start to act as irrational and altist, ignoring evidences of sucessful users. And by doing that, you infer we are all liers.

The question in debate is how good the BIonic 01 performs.

You still keep 'hammering' your old motto regarding if some device works or not. C'mon, wake up! We are in 2010!
When you had the opportunity to get a FG80 in your hands, I came forward to offer all my help because I knew that with the device, you would find gold if you were true in your cause and if you wished to find gold indeed. I wanted to see your sincerity.

We all know how it ended, don't we Carl?
That's why you have never been taken seriously by the experienced LRL users over TNET.

It's clear as fresh water...
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 01-09-2010, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
<< comedy routine snipped >>
That's why you have never been taken seriously by the experienced LRL users over TNET.
Who exactly are these experienced LRL users over on Tnet?

Would that be Art and Mike?

Surely, you jest!


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Old 01-09-2010, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by hung
The question in debate is how good the BIonic 01 performs.

If the question of the debate is how good the Bionic 01 performs, then the answer can best be determined by watching a Bionic 01 perform live in front of you, and trying it out with your own hands. I agree with Carl. Putrechigi has the right idea... He is going to live a demonstration to see how good it works right in front of him with a chance to try it out himself. I can't think of a better way than that.

Expecting us to believe your second-hand reports from your friend who says his friend located several pounds of gold with a Bionic 01 won't work. Only a fool would buy an expensive locator that not even you would buy, yet you urge us to believe it works because a friend of a friend say it works.

Originally Posted by hung
I don't have the slightest doubt the Bionic 01 works. So does Mineoro, Electroscope, RT, you name it.
Why? Because in the case of Mineoros and RT, I found gold with them many times.
It almost sounds like you have some motive to get people to believe all LRLs work.
BTW, aren't you a friend of employees and owners of the Mineoro LRL factory near your home in Brazil?

Best wishes,
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Old 01-09-2010, 07:43 PM
gibon gibon is offline
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Originally Posted by putrechigi View Post
ok perfect I see that many have 'drawn the conclusions, I respect but do not share them, I apologize to anyone who wanted more news, but the tests we do "positive or negative will be" soon will not be posted, if you're interested contact me in mp

regardless of what you think if bionic not work, I'd be the first to say, just waiting to do tests before coming to conclusions
Hello Putre,

Firstable happy new year and yes I'm interested by your test.

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Old 01-09-2010, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Why? Because in the case of Mineoros and RT, I found gold with them many times.
That doesn´t means they are working LRL´s.I have found gold with car keys in my pocket and they are no LRL.
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Old 01-09-2010, 09:51 PM
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I am waiting to test the unit here on my test targets. Frank was very nice and will contact me next month for a meeting. I will keep all informed.
Bringing metal detectors into the world of imaging!

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Old 01-09-2010, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
You simply discard owners and LRL user testimonies if it does not fit your agenda.

When you discard all our testimonies, you start to act as irrational and altist, ignoring evidences of sucessful users. And by doing that, you infer we are all liers.
I have always conceded that some people who use LRLs (or who just dowse) have actually found things. But I don't give testimonials a lot of weight, because I know that other factors may have been the reason for success. Quite often, LRLers will admit that these other factors were in play, but they still give the LRL the nod.

Ferinstance, many LRLers admit they use a metal detector to check each target location the LRL "finds." If the MD indicates a good target, they dig it. If it doesn't, they walk on. I don't consider this kind of LRL "success" worth considering. However, the LRLer isn't a liar, and I would not even hint that he is. But he probably is self-deceived.

As always, I am open to anyone showing me that I'm wrong. Anyone is welcomed to demonstrate an LRL to me, and they can demonstrate it in any way they wish. BUT... they will, at some point in the demonstration, have to succeed under randomized blind conditions if they want me to take the results seriously.

- Carl
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Old 01-09-2010, 10:45 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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"Shovel locator" - that's what it is!

Nothing on those videos that can prove anything. Sorry. Better luck next time. For my account; Bionic is just another expensive FRAUD and nothing else.

BTW; what is the role of that funny LCD? Just to display few nonsences and nothing else??? To improve overall design? To make it look more "profy"?
B.S.!!! B.S.!!! B.S.!!!
Only naive idiot can waste money on such rubbish!

Since Carl is to cultural and becoming to say this, i will say it here, very loud;


Shovel could be specially prepared for this video. Few batteries and small TX inside shovel tube (stick). Easy and sweet!
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Old 01-09-2010, 10:55 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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"..I have always conceded that some people who use LRLs (or who just dowse) have actually found things..."

Like hell!
Blind hen will find more grains.
For over the 20 years i've been waiting JUST/AT LEAST one dowser to prove at least ONE and only sure find in front of my eyes! Nobody succeed so far! Neither one! Among hundreds i've met and tested so far. Neither one founded nothing so far. Nothing! All i heard were empty tales and sweet lies and nothing else.

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Old 01-09-2010, 10:58 PM
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Carl your $25000 are SURE and SAFE forever!
Fort Knox!
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Old 01-09-2010, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
As always, I am open to anyone showing me that I'm wrong. - Carl
No, you're not. And never were.

Folks at TNET ferinstance, have proved you wrong many times.
Sooner or later you will eventually wake up. Not to the fact LRLs are a reality. You'll wake up to figure that your own attitudes towards this subject is way nonsense.
And outdated.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 01-09-2010, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Folks at TNET ferinstance, have proved you wrong many times.
They've disagreed with me, and they've posted lots of testimonials, but no "proof." Heck, I've personally MET some of the TNet denizens over the years, and every single one of them failed when they tried to demonstrate an LRL to me.

How can I possibly believe that LRLs work when every single demonstration (by others, not me!) has resulted in failure? And yet I'm still willing to let anyone try. I've offered to visit Dell, Mike-Mont, Art, and others. Sorry, South America is not on my list right now.

- Carl
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Old 01-10-2010, 04:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC
They've disagreed with me, and they've posted lots of testimonials, but no "proof." Heck, I've personally MET some of the TNet denizens over the years, and every single one of them failed when they tried to demonstrate an LRL to me.

How can I possibly believe that LRLs work when every single demonstration (by others, not me!) has resulted in failure? And yet I'm still willing to let anyone try. I've offered to visit Dell, Mike-Mont, Art, and others. Sorry, South America is not on my list right now.

- Carl
What !!?
Are you sure every single demonstration of an LRL failed when TNEt LRL enthusiasts tried to demonstrate their LRLs working?

What does this mean? Is hung wrong when he says "they proved you wrong many times"?
How come these LRL enthusiasts didn't make any mention of how they failed at every single LRL demonstration?
Now I am starting to wonder....

If every single LRL demonstration you saw failed, but we hear no LRL enthusiast talking about all these failed demonstrations, then what are we hearing them reporting from their field trips? Are they coming home from a treasure expedition and bragging about treasures they found without mentioning how the LRL failed every time, causing them to dig hundreds of empty holes?
Did they finally put their LRL away and take out a metal detector to find the treasure they are bragging about?
Is this what these LRL enthusiasts mean when they say LRLs work?

Hmmm... Maybe I have the wrong idea. But no problem. If I am wrong, then any LRL enthusiast can easily prove it by showing their LRL recovering treasure live in front of skeptic witnesses like Carl. A video of their demonstration would prove that they are right and Carl is wrong.

Best wishes,
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Old 01-10-2010, 08:01 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post

If I am wrong, then any LRL enthusiast can easily prove it by showing their LRL recovering treasure live in front of skeptic witnesses like Carl. A video of their demonstration would prove that they are right and Carl is wrong.

Best wishes,
Hi J_P.

What about the 2 videos of Esteban????
Why you don't take them as proof???;;;

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Old 01-10-2010, 09:29 AM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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Video clips are not good proofs. We must realize that once for all. No matter what is presented on video.
Like Carl said; most convinced can be if see presentation in person. Even than; presentation must be done in fair and objective manner. Spectators must have chance to suggest the way of testing and presenting.
I have been attendant at many simillar presentations in the past. I've seen all the common tricks that people can perform during presentations. Usually, tricks are purposely performed to trick spectators. But also i've seen unpurposely tricks of the mind of performer. Some dowsers are stil not awared how easily they becoming victims of trick of the mind in those situations. In several cases i helped to few of them to finaly understand that it was plain trick of the mind and nothing else.
So...bottom line is fact that video clips are not proofs at all. Everything can be arranged to "prove" or "disaprove" some situation, in video clip.
More you talk and more you rely on clips - more questions and doubts you can expect.
If you really have revolutionary design and you really are sure in its functionallity - than once for all accept regular ways to present it to public.
Organize public presentations and be ready to answer all the possible questions.
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Old 01-10-2010, 11:05 AM
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I have not so perfect LRL, so to make public presentations. But i believe that the Esreban's video is true, so it is more cheap for Carl to go a travel to Paraguay and see the Esteban's LRL to work than to pay 25000 $.
What are you think about it???
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Old 01-10-2010, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi J_P.

What about the 2 videos of Esteban????
Why you don't take them as proof???;;;

Hi Geo,
Esteban's video was not made showing his LRL recovering treasure live in front of skeptic witnesses like Carl, as I said in my post. Therefore he cannot make a video to show that he was right and Carl was wrong. He can only make a video to show what he wants to show.

I saw a video of stooge Curly squirt water out of his ears. This does not prove it really happened. Real proof would be when I see it with my own eyes live and can look from any angle I want to prove it is real. Proof for an LRL is also seen when you hold the LRL in your hand and watch it find treasure live. It is not when you see a video. Do you remember traveling from Greece to Portugal to see real proof instead of only watching videos?

Morgan's demonstration was only real proof for you and Morgan, because only you and Morgan were there holding the LRL in your hands live to test it. Other people who only watched the video saw proof that Morgan's demonstration convinced you it really works. People who only watched the video did not hold the LRL in their own hands and test it for themselves, and they did not prove for themselves that it really works. They only saw a video that proves you were convinced when you went to the demonstration.

Best wishes,
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