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Old 04-10-2016, 02:55 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Sorry, not willing to give out details other than to say it is a frequency discriminator transmitter with amplifier and a receiver. It's probably similar to the pistol-type locators but obviously there are some big differences that allow the higher accuracy and much longer detection range. Most of the work I have been doing the last few months is with the receiver antenna. I'm pitifully slow and not skilled in electronics. Have to learn as I go or else go crazy, whichever comes first.

I'm sure not claiming this is perfect. Far from it and honestly very frustrating at times. I'm still in the learning curve as far as locating conditions that affect it. There's times it does not work right, or slow to lock-on to the target. I'm not even sure how well someone else could handle these issues. Like I've said about people not liking other people's kids and dogs, the same thing here--they might not like this one's "bad habits". The lofty goal of making it "whiner proof" is probably just a pipe dream. When you love something you accept the warts better. The get-rich-quick gold seekers are like manic depressant's or bipolar disorder--they are so hyped to find gold and when they fail all Hell breaks loose as they look for someone or some thing to blame.

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Old 04-11-2016, 05:08 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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WM6, you might not understand. I have too much money and time invested in this project. Also I am not "trying" to build this. I've had a working model for several months. I spent months trying to make it better at the risk of losing my sanity, okay, what I have left of it. I don't have much work left to have it ready for showtime but I'm slow. When I first started this project last Summer I was in a big hurry to "get it done". Now I have lost much of that motivation. I don't want to hurry any more. Kinda like a politician, they say one wrong word and no one wants anything to do with them ever again. I just want this to be as good as possible because I am certain there will be some whiners. Even if it is a pipe dream I am trying to get it as close to "whiner proof" as possible. That's no easy task when the skeptics are circling around waiting to feed.
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Old 04-11-2016, 11:14 PM
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It is OK, I can understand Mike. My intention was good-willing. Maybe to discuss some problem in construction to help find proper solution for some of module together. With Block schema we discover main construction blocks only, without details (as you done by words: "transmitter with amplifier and a receiver" - only in drawing manner). Block schema is not a schematic with design details. You are very communicative in this thread and probably I got wrong impress, that you are asking for some cooperation in your research and development. So all is on you and I can easily respect your decision. Wish you all success with your project. This is not limited by fact, that I am a skeptic.
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Old 04-12-2016, 02:47 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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WM6, no problem. Someday maybe you will see for yourself, see I speak the truth about the 99% giving the other 1% a bad name.

I was messing with the controls the last couple of days and I found I needed to back off a bit (1 k ohms) on the detection alarm. I had it set to a hair trigger and as a result it was giving me false responses during the first few minutes until the line got fully developed, and sometimes even after that. Of course somewhere there is a point too far where the signal cannot break the threshold. So I need to work with that one a bit and I ran out of daylight. I'd work in the dark but the neighbors get all freaked out when they see the torchlight. So I don't want to stress them any more than they already are.
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Old 04-12-2016, 05:29 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Did a bit more testing this morning. Yes, it is much better with the reduced setting on the detection alarm. I was able to cut it back quite a ways and still hit the target. There is a fair amount of room there for adjustment before it dies out. And the best part, no waiting for the line to overpower the fringe/junk signals. That alone is worth a huge amount to me as i dislike waiting and it helps to work towards the goal of getting it whiner proof. One step at a time.

So I still don't know how all this will play out in the field on very distant/deep targets. Might be that I have to raise the level some, but the plan is to check first with the lowered level. I need a larger area for testing the distant targets. My yard is about one-hundred feet (33 meters) and I am using the lowest power level. So according to the inverse square rule I should be able to get a minimum of 600 feet at 35 times the power (square root is about 6) I am using now but no bets on that one. I suspect a small target will be much less due to interference, other metals in the ground, atmospheric conditions, etc.
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Old 04-12-2016, 07:09 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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It's official--testing is over...at least for today...again. WOW! I am really liking this now. Please somebody tell me this is not a dream. I don't know, maybe it's just good conditions today. This is the best I have had it working. No, it's still not 100% whiner proof, and i don't expect it will ever be so long as there are skeptics--always was and always will be. Well, miracles do happen and I'm due for one about now. Think it just happened. The miracle has little to do with the locator itself, although I wouldn't doubt it is miraculous, it's just a miracle my brain is working good enough to figure things out.
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Old 04-12-2016, 09:33 PM
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I hope that miracle is repeatable.
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Old 04-13-2016, 02:45 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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You mean repeatable in the presence of a skeptic so they admit it works? Now that really would be a miracle.
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Old 04-13-2016, 09:04 AM
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Don't make me desperate, I saw a rainbow on the horizon, and now, I can not touch it anymore.
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Old 04-13-2016, 01:59 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Like the Bob Dylan song, "Don't you understand? It's not my problem." Only one other person has even seen it work. I've told other people and no one is even interested in seeing it. That's why on another forum I mentioned the fable of Jack and the Beanstock. He brought home the magic seeds he had traded for the family cow and his mother thought they were worthless and threw them out the window. Next day jack climbed the stalk and brought back a bag of gold, then a chicken that laid golden eggs, then a golden harp. They got rich from selling the golden eggs and he married a great princess and they lived happily ever after. And yes, I believe in miracles, but I know miracles are only an explanation for what people find unbelievable. Just like the skeptic admitting it works--I find that unbelievable.
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Old 04-13-2016, 03:48 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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WM6, I'm sure you think i am some idiot living in a faery tale world. That's okay, it doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm "tough enough to wear pink" as they say. (Not really!) I've been at this locating since the late 1970's with untold hours. It's my passion and this latest project has certainly become an obsession. I've been on the forums since 1996 and I witness the skeptics EVERY day since. I was raised by a skeptic and yes, many are perfectionists. I decided I didn't want to be a perfectionist decades ago. Like the saying "Perfectionism is paralysis." pretty well sums it up. i might add perfectionists can never be happy with their addiction. And lately with this project I find myself migrating back to that direction and it makes me sick. (puke icon here) That's why I believe more in the faery tales than any in skeptic ever admitting that an LRL works. Their brain cannot handle any imperfections like when locating conditions are not good and the device does not work right. It's the "throw the baby out with the bathwater" mentality that is borderline diabolical. And I'm being nice here because I don't really think it is borderline at all. It's a sickness, a mental illness. As much as I like to say it's not my problem, no question is does affect me. Very disturbing at times. I really want to help but I don't know how. Maybe I should have become a psychiatrist like my Aunt told me.
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Old 04-13-2016, 05:13 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Look, I'm sorry I got suckered into this skeptic sickness. I'll do my best to avoid/ignore anything to do with it. What a waste of precious time. I'm going back "through the looking glass" and down the rabbit hole and won't be back for some time if I come back at all.
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Old 04-13-2016, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
WM6, I'm sure you think i am some idiot living in a faery tale world. That's okay, it doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm "tough enough to wear pink" as they say. (Not really!) I've been at this locating since the late 1970's with untold hours. It's my passion and this latest project has certainly become an obsession. I've been on the forums since 1996 and I witness the skeptics EVERY day since. I was raised by a skeptic and yes, many are perfectionists. I decided I didn't want to be a perfectionist decades ago. Like the saying "Perfectionism is paralysis." pretty well sums it up. i might add perfectionists can never be happy with their addiction. And lately with this project I find myself migrating back to that direction and it makes me sick. (puke icon here) That's why I believe more in the faery tales than any in skeptic ever admitting that an LRL works. Their brain cannot handle any imperfections like when locating conditions are not good and the device does not work right. It's the "throw the baby out with the bathwater" mentality that is borderline diabolical. And I'm being nice here because I don't really think it is borderline at all. It's a sickness, a mental illness. As much as I like to say it's not my problem, no question is does affect me. Very disturbing at times. I really want to help but I don't know how. Maybe I should have become a psychiatrist like my Aunt told me.
I can easily to agree with you. I can see you are capable to think over barriers. This mean more freedom for your soul to go behind and over some phenomenon. At the same time, new unknown spaces, mean new unknown traps, for wishing souls. Allowing to fall in soul-trap lead to nowhere. So we need to teach ourself to avoid possible traps on our travel on other side of everyday thinking barriers.

We all, believers and skeptic, are here for the same thing. To find something over known barriers of given knowledge.

If blind believers are ready to believe that colorful rainbow grow up from nearby hill, without question asked, skeptic wish the same, but always tend to prove factual ground of their wishes.

At the end, blind believers, believe that rainbow grown out of nearby hill as of hard fact. On other side skeptic take a walk to nearby hill where rainbow seem grow up. Comming at that "growing point" of rainbow, skeptic realize, that wishes and reality, are not the same, cause rainbow escaped to the next hill and that all so called rainbow phenomenon, are well explainable by known physics.

Dreamworld is beautiful, factual world are sometimes crude in its reality. Everyone chose where to live. No choice is wrong, if individual remain in harmony with "sound of universe". Why?

Cause there are no fixed barriers between dream and factual worlds and todays dreams can become reality of tomorrow. If this happen, dreams are no more dreams, they become facts. Proven new facts.

We all are on the way to this new facts. If our approach are different, no problem, this mean only more possibilities to reach our goals, not less.

If our goal is common, despite different ways, then no one of us could be treated as idiot, or all of us are idiots. But in last case, our goal (to find way to remote detection), is idiotic too. Hope we all disagree with such claim.

So go ahead your way. Even, if it end up as wrong, all can be corrected in next life.
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Old 04-14-2016, 01:05 AM
goldfinder goldfinder is offline
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Default Where is the beef?

Hey Mike,
You have been patting yourself on the back for so long I would think your arm is permanently twisted.

So when are you going to unveil this thing you have been telling everyone is so wonderful?

Frankly, you sound like BS and Mirrors (that is "blue smoke and mirrors")...

I anticipate you are now going to sell this for some big amount now that your sales pitch is wearing thin...
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Old 04-15-2016, 04:36 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Would you like some crackers and cheese with your whine?
I have made no definite decision to sell these. I've entertained the thought many times. Don't care to go into specifics, but they aren't idiot proof.
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Old 04-18-2016, 09:20 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Old 04-18-2016, 09:44 PM
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From romantic dreams to reality (using different dowsing rods):

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Old 04-18-2016, 11:52 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Speaking of the absurd, never did care much for British humor. Reminds me of the Lucille Ball show--her absurdity was just embarrassing, it was so real.
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Old 04-19-2016, 01:44 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Got out the L-rods yesterday and hooked them up to some electronics. Had some success but not quite what I wanted. So I plan to work some more today if it doesn't rain too much.

Lately I have jokingly referred to these as MITAS which stands for Medieval Implements of Torture And Superstition. Yeah, at times even I think that is the truth. I'm certain many others feel the same. I've told people more times some form of meditation is essential. Nobody wants to hear that so very few ever get it. All the instructions say to keep your focus on the rods. I think this is a big mistake. I find a spot out ahead to watch so i am not staring at the rods. I compare it to pulling your head up to watch a gold ball. You are not supposed to peek. When the rods move, you will know it. Well, whatever. Like Cool Hand Luke "Some men you just can't reach...which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it..."
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Old 04-19-2016, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
I've told people more times some form of meditation is essential. Nobody wants to hear that so very few ever get it. All the instructions say to keep your focus on the rods. I think this is a big mistake. I find a spot out ahead to watch so i am not staring at the rods. I compare it to pulling your head up to watch a gold ball. You are not supposed to peek. When the rods move, you will know it.
Probably this is something of personal preference.
Someone can go in extra-sensing status by using simple wooden dowsing rod and other need colorful TFT display to reach deeper insight or even scientific calculator with graphic functions. People and songs are of different GMO.
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Old 04-20-2016, 04:47 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Been working on my own weight cancelling device to use with the electronic receiver (no L-rods needed). I have something that definitely works but I don't know if it is going to be accurate in real conditions, i.e. large, long-time-buried targets. Anybody got a large cache of buried gold they would let me check out? Didn't think so. Well, I guess it's going to have to be the school of hard knocks and digging.
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Old 04-20-2016, 10:54 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Basically I take a frequency generator and shift the frequency a bit and set it on the signal line. This is basically what an older Omnitron Weight Chek does only I don't use any L-rods. When there is enough shift, it will push the signal line away (using the electronic receiver). So the idea is a larger target should require more shift. Well, at least it all looks good on paper.
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Old 04-22-2016, 04:28 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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I caught myself being impatient, well okay I'm ALWAYS impatient and I know better, but..., this one really had a bad effect on my locating testing. It's simple, after you locate the target, turn off the transmitter for a few minutes before you do another test. Otherwise the last signal line will make for confusion. It will interfere and very little rhyme or reason about how it will affect the next test. I've seen it when I tossed the test target and it ended up on the same previous line. You would think it would reinforce the line and be easy to detect. Not so, the line seems to be repelled. So anyway, I hope this helps your testing and locating unless you are a miserable skeptic, then it doesn't matter anyway.
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Old 05-02-2016, 09:22 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Frustrated lately with long waiting times. I was starting to get conditioned to not expecting to find the target. Man, that's depressing! This morning I missed the test target completely while experimenting with a different frequency. I don't know what it was locking on to but it sure wasn't the test target. So for me, when all else fails, go back to what worked before. I guess I need to add that to my motto "Nothing is ever as easy as it first appears." Well anyway, I got it working now. Life is good. Take me off suicide watch.
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Old 12-01-2016, 10:52 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Haven't posted on this for a while for good reason. Stressed out to the max and no end in sight. And my cancer surgeries are imminent which doesn't help my mental state and finances. This project has been stalled for nearly a year and my motivation/enthusiasm level is not good. Up one day, down the next and it's all taking a toll on my body. Add to this my worries about someone getting electrocuted from this thing--very high voltage and it is not something i want on my conscience. I was half joking when i said I will send a pair of electricians high voltage gloves along with it, but that does no good if some child or senile citizen gets their hands on it.
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