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Old 07-17-2009, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
No. You think. And always thought.
The RS forum knows very well.
Always twisting things eh Ozzy? It's genetic, hopeless.
Your selective memory is at work once again. At no time have I ever called Morgan a liar. My position concerning the PD is very clear and has remained unchanged throughout the RS Project. Morgan is reporting his experiences honestly, but it is the interpretation of the results that are in question. Your continued refusal to test any of these devices in a controlled double-blind test, highlights the fact that you are frightened of the results.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
This is a lie. You are as true as a 2 dollar bill.
A number of skeptics here agreed to take part in the back-engineering of Morgan's PD, and I think it is fair to say that Morgan would not currently be in a position to demonstrate a clone to Geo without our assistance. If only your "help" had been available, the PD clone would most likely now be sporting a cheap calculator hot-glued to the top of the case, together with ludicrous claims of detection at 2km. or even further.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
The members of the RS forum know very well you never believed Morgan and made fun of him when he first got results with the PD. Something you never could. To be fair, you were not the only one. Max and others did it too.
It's all there in the RS forum for everybody to see.
I see your goldfish memory is still active. You must learn to concentrate more.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Now you pose as an inocent person who wants to erase all your past actions?
What are you? An autist?
Don't be ridiculous. You change your attitude as a tactic to reach your goals.
And you think nobody noticed it?
My position concerning the PD is unchanged. It appears to be a combination of the Gold Gun and an old Heathkit design.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
You are from UK. You live very close to Morgan. Why are you afraid to join Geo in this trip uh? To feel ashamed? Fearing to reveal your ID?
Let people draw their conclusions.
It is not up to the skeptics to disprove your outrageous claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and you need to supply that evidence. You may recall, I stated earlier, that there is a silver tea tray in orbit about the Earth, and I challenged you to prove me wrong. So far I have seen nothing from you to dispute my claim.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Anyway, do you want a better debunkering than the one just mentioned toward yourself regarding your twisted and double attitude?
Still no sign of the debunkering then? Just more tactics designed to avoid answering a direct question.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Ozzy, you are a trick of the mind, in your own words...
You seem to be getting yourself confused. None of the skeptics here are using mind tricks for the purposes of long-range wallet mining.

At the end of the day, Morgan's PD is the only device we have encountered that is worthy of investigation. Any device (such as modified RTs, and the like) with ridiculous claims of 2km or more range, are just too ludicrous to be taken seriously. My expectation is that the PD would fail a controlled double-blind test, but that does not imply that I think Morgan is lying. You are the only one who is making those claims on our behalf. Human beings have a great capacity for self-deception, and I fully expect this to be the case here. Of course, there are always some who are willing to believe anything without a shred of evidence. Perhaps you already believe there's a silver tea tray up there in orbit, and don't need any proof.
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:21 AM
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Default Tests with real LRL

Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
If I lived in somewhere close, I would definitely be there to see with my own eyes and take videos.

I think Morgan will demonstrate his LRLs including the Mineoro challenge regardless of any propaganda hung posts. Morgan and Geo will not let hung stop them from posting videos of what they observe

Best wishes to Morgan and Geo in their effort to show the forum what these LRLs really will do.

When Geo arrive,he will test the original PD and two more PD clones i have build. Also he can try 3 diferent Mineoro LRL models.
He will see that i never lie to this forum and i´m interested in LRL´s performance and development.
I think Pistoldetektors are the future in TH

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Old 07-18-2009, 06:46 AM
michael michael is offline
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
..... At no time have I ever called Morgan a liar. My position concerning the PD is very clear and has remained unchanged throughout the RS Project. Morgan is reporting his experiences honestly, but it is the interpretation of the results that are in question. Your continued refusal to test any of these devices in a controlled double-blind test, highlights the fact that you are frightened of the results.
Excuse me Qiaozhi, but when I saw this couldn't abide not put a post:
You are pointing to respect a man, a member, a user honesty;
but when I compare it with your strategy and habits, is hard (at least for me) to believe your honesty.
as you have frequently showed this before you can't respect other experiences which are unfamiliar to you and you at once charge the guy as a liar unless the matter guy post here be coincident and match with your believes or experiences. PD working is exact the same not an exception . now you've changed your strategy and talk about honesty.
BTW; you had ridiculled Morgan few times. for god sake, man be a little honest we are not forgetful.

A number of skeptics here agreed to take part in the back-engineering of Morgan's PD, and I think it is fair to say that Morgan would not currently be in a position to demonstrate a clone to Geo without our assistance.
This is right, and me personally by my share, again say thank you for your efforts and appreciable helps.
You, Max, Fred and others. of course should not forget about Hung works in the team, at least what he found and corrected about the switch connections which changed the result and took PD to working attitude; my own PD after his points started to work. thanks a lot for all of you efforts which I never forget by all my life.
I told, we're not forgetful, I remember events very clearly.
a man who doesn't thank people, won't thank god.

At the end of the day, Morgan's PD is the only device we have encountered that is worthy of investigation. Any device (such as modified RTs, and the like) with ridiculous claims of 2km or more range, are just too ludicrous to be taken seriously. My expectation is that the PD would fail a controlled double-blind test, but that does not imply that I think Morgan is lying......
I told you your comparison standard is only your own data, if you're honest and respect to Morgan as an honest man, ask him about other kinds of LRLs which you call them all useless, see what he tells you.
other types of LRLs work, but are different, by this time PD for me was the best and the most easy use.
other types like MFDs work as well but are boring and time taking. this is different than call them decisively 100% useless.
as I know Morgan has used many of L-rod type locators and his Spanish friend owns some of them that is very satisfied about.
I after getting MDL which is best detector for us to search deserts both for LRLing and pinpointing not necessary to use L-rods or even PD for LRLing.
now I use L rods for best depth determining and what a good devices to me for this purpose, but you should know how to use them. in my believes any detector has its' own language and usefulness that operator should be at first familiar to it, otherwise get no result even GPRs, MDs,... and groans; it doesn't work, it's junk, it's a crap ,......
BTW; I noticed when you have no tough logical explanation tell this as an excuse:
Human beings have a great capacity for self-deception. this not the way.
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Old 07-18-2009, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I think Pistoldetektors are the future in TH
O je, for sure, pistol particularly. For bank treasure.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 07-18-2009, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by michael View Post
Excuse me Qiaozhi, but when I saw this couldn't abide not put a post:
You are pointing to respect a man, a member, a user honesty;
but when I compare it with your strategy and habits, is hard (at least for me) to believe your honesty.
as you have frequently showed this before you can't respect other experiences which are unfamiliar to you and you at once charge the guy as a liar unless the matter guy post here be coincident and match with your believes or experiences. PD working is exact the same not an exception . now you've changed your strategy and talk about honesty.
BTW; you had ridiculled Morgan few times. for god sake, man be a little honest we are not forgetful.
Hi Michael,

Please point out where I have called Morgan a liar.
On numerous occasions I have stated that Morgan is honestly reporting his experience, but I do not blindly agree with his conclusions. There is nothing wrong with that.

The skeptics here have repeatedly asked for a simple LRL design (not L-rod based) that we can build ourselves and then test whether the claims of the LRL proponents are correct. Despite months, of even years, of requesting this information, nothing has ever been provided. Then ... along came Morgan ... who asked us for help in cloning a friend's PD. Several copies were made, and both Morgan and Hung claimed to have contructed working devices. Of coure, Morgan had a major advantage in that he could compare his clone with the original. Hung's contribution was to post a fake video. And yes - it is a fake. I have pointed out many anomalies in the video, and provided every opportunity for Hung to respond to the criticism. On every occasion he has simply ignored any comments, and expected us accept the video as proof. Morgan has also posted videos, which I have never criticized as being fake. However, I did point out that these videos can not be accepted as "proof". Only controlled double-blind testing can provide this information. I do not know enough about your own cloned PD to comment.

Originally Posted by michael View Post
This is right, and me personally by my share, again say thank you for your efforts and appreciable helps.
You, Max, Fred and others. of course should not forget about Hung works in the team, at least what he found and corrected about the switch connections which changed the result and took PD to working attitude; my own PD after his points started to work. thanks a lot for all of you efforts which I never forget by all my life.
I told, we're not forgetful, I remember events very clearly.
a man who doesn't thank people, won't thank god.
Thank you. You are welcome.
This was an interesting project, that was difficult to execute with both skeptics and proponents involved. However, things could have been easier if fake videos had been kept out of the equation.
I'm also not sure what contribution Hung provided regarding the switch. As I recall, there was never any agreement regarding the switch wiring, and Hung just threw in some vague comments to confuse everything, plus some sarcastic comments about the skeptics' ability to back-engineer the device.

Originally Posted by michael View Post
I told you your comparison standard is only your own data, if you're honest and respect to Morgan as an honest man, ask him about other kinds of LRLs which you call them all useless, see what he tells you.
other types of LRLs work, but are different, by this time PD for me was the best and the most easy use.
other types like MFDs work as well but are boring and time taking. this is different than call them decisively 100% useless.
as I know Morgan has used many of L-rod type locators and his Spanish friend owns some of them that is very satisfied about.
Any LRL that relies on a rotating handle (i.e. a dowsing rod) is 100% useless. This is my conclusion. Take it or leave it.
I am still keeping an open mind concerning the PD, but we do need objective, rather than subjective, proof.

Originally Posted by michael View Post
I after getting MDL which is best detector for us to search deserts both for LRLing and pinpointing not necessary to use L-rods or even PD for LRLing.
The MDL is a PI, and has nothing to do with LRLs.
Also, many people here (mostly skeptics) have tried to assist you in tracing the origin of this detector.

Originally Posted by michael View Post
now I use L rods for best depth determining and what a good devices to me for this purpose, but you should know how to use them. in my believes any detector has its' own language and usefulness that operator should be at first familiar to it, otherwise get no result even GPRs, MDs,... and groans; it doesn't work, it's junk, it's a crap ,......
Many tests have been performed over the years concerning dowsing, and the results are loud and clear. Dowsing produces results that are no better than guessing.

Originally Posted by michael View Post
BTW; I noticed when you have no tough logical explanation tell this as an excuse:
Human beings have a great capacity for self-deception. this not the way.
I think you will find that this is also a "tough logical explanation". Human beings are capable of huge self-deceptions. You need to be very aware of this when searching for the truth.
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Old 07-18-2009, 11:41 AM
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Don't bother to answer Q... Definetely he's not worth it.

Your explanation about his attitutes are perfect and exposes his personality in a true and dramatic way.

He's just an 'incident' in this forum.

Forget about him. He has never made any substantial difference here and probably never will.


Keep me informed on your site expedition. Unlike some here, I do believe you are really on the right track.

"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

Don't bother to answer Q... Definetely he's not worth it.

Your explanation about his attitutes are perfect and exposes his personality in a true and dramatic way.

He's just an 'incident' in this forum.

Forget about him. He has never made any substantial difference here and probably never will.


Keep me informed on your site expedition. Unlike some here, I do believe you are really on the right track.


Lost for words?

And what about answering the questions concerning your faked video?
Or are you too busy getting ready for the debunkering?
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Old 07-18-2009, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

Don't bother to answer Q... Definetely he's not worth it.

Your explanation about his attitutes are perfect and exposes his personality in a true and dramatic way.

He's just an 'incident' in this forum.

Forget about him. He has never made any substantial difference here and probably never will.


Keep me informed on your site expedition. Unlike some here, I do believe you are really on the right track.

Dr. Hung... why don't you claim you mapped the (not existing) gold-DNA ???

I like your science fictions... and dynamite stories...

And , of course, I like your red hairs...

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 07-19-2009, 05:11 PM
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Default Suggested Trial for Geo and Morgan

Originally Posted by Morgan View Post

When Geo arrive,he will test the original PD and two more PD clones i have build. Also he can try 3 diferent Mineoro LRL models.
He will see that i never lie to this forum and i´m interested in LRL´s performance and development.
I think Pistoldetektors are the future in TH

Hi Morgan,

The same tests you will perform in your back yard, I have done also in mine.
Only difference is that your gold medal is buried longer than the gold sample I placed in my garden, which is about a year buried now. So, a relatively weak ionic field. I already tested my PD on it and it beeps from 3 meters. The PDC210 gets it from a little more but it does not 'sustain' detection. Beeps vanish. The Tyon was the only one that I could get a sustained detection from 7 meters even on cloudy and humid days. In these days detection distance was reduced.

I know you own a DC2006, a DC2008 and probably a PDC210. I have no doubt these machines are capable of getting your medal from a relative distance and your main complain seems your difficulty in pinpoint it or have a sustained beeping so you know where the target is.

Although you might have some experience with your machines, I think it's worth giving you some hints that you might not being aware or maybe not tried yet.
First of all, since 2004, I have tested Mineoros in about all kinds of expeditions, situations and different imaginable scenarios, so I developed many particular techiniques being one of them the one bellow for small items.

First of all, the ionic chambers of the mentioned Mineoro models 'consume' the ionic fields of small or not so long time buried objects. How fast and severe, will depend on many factors which include the local weather at the time, period of day and also different circuit amplifiers conected to the chamber.
I have noticed that later Mineoro models consume weak ionic fields faster than the PDC did. Once they field 'track' is consumed, then comes the 'random beeps' you refer, as there's not sufficient grid anymore to allow tracking.
So I suggest one good aproach you can try yourself in your tests which have always worked very well for me in pinpointing small items.

1 - Since the PD has an oscilator stage, use it as the last device to be tested, as this oscilator will vanish temporarily the local ionic fields.

2 - If your medal is buried for more than 2 years or so, stand from about 10 to 15 meters and turn any of your Mineoros. Say, your DC2008. You can use the DC2006, but the first is easier and faster to calibrate. Set for max sens and point to the target, when the beep is heard, go walking towards it, but do not freeze the chamber, pointing directly to the target. But keep scanning the device from left to right until you perceive the beeps focusing. In case it looses signal, it's because it already has 'consumed' a portion of the field. The try the following which works for me. Grab the center&deep accessory and have Geo or someone to move and touch the antenna on the ground close to the target's buried location. The C&D will pinpoint the target as you will hear beeps when it's over it.

The PD's advantage is the MD section which helps the pinponting, although it has less range than the models above.

This C&D procedure is well used by users here in Brazil who search in the beach for small gold items. Although I know that some just don't have the patience or expertise to do it and end up using a regular MD for the final pinpointing.

Later series of FG80 and now the Tyon and FG90 do not require the C&D to be used. But with some practice, the older models may do it too.
Esteban and Alonso for instance, detected a gold watch using the DC2006 some years ago and I think they did not use the C&D for pinpointing.

You also have told me that your friends detected treasure using one of your detectors. Do you know the size of it? Did they pinpoint ok?

So this is a suggestion you might use for your testings regarding the Mineoros and you could tell me the results later.

Best regards.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 07-19-2009, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by hung
Hi Morgan,
The same tests you will perform in your back yard, I have done also in mine.
Only difference is that your gold medal is buried longer than the gold sample I placed in my garden, which is about a year buried now. So, a relatively weak ionic field. I already tested my PD on it and it beeps from 3 meters.

...bla, bla, bla....

Although you might have some experience with your machines, I think it's worth giving you some hints that you might not being aware or maybe not tried yet. First of all, since 2004, I have tested Mineoros in about all kinds of expeditions, situations and different imaginable scenarios, so I developed many particular techiniques being one of them the one bellow for small items.

...If your medal is buried for more than 2 years or so, stand from about 10 to 15 meters and turn any of your Mineoros. Say, your DC2008. You can use the DC2006, but the first is easier to faster to calibrate. Set for max sens and point to the target, when the beep is heard, go walking towards it, but do not freeze the chamber, pointing directly to the target. But keep scanning the device from left to right until you perceive the beeps focusing. In case it looses signal, it's because it already has 'consumed' a portion of the field. The try the following which works for me. Grab the center&deep accessory and have Geo or someone to move and touch the antenna on the ground close to the target's buried location. The C&D will pinpoint the target as you will hear beeps when it's over it.

Bla, bla, bla....
Nice try, hung.
Now that you see Morgan will be demonstrating Mineoro LRLs alongside his other LRLs, you find it necessary to dictate instructions of how he should conduct his tests. What's wrong? are you afraid the Mineoros will not perform too well? You find it necessary to coach Morgan to tell him how to conduct the tests?

First you say the only difference between your test and Morgan's test is his metal is buried longer: "Only difference is that your gold medal is buried longer than the gold sample I placed in my garden, which is about a year buried now." But this is not true.
There are many differences. He buried it in soil with different composition than you, and he is conducting his test in a different continent. Don't you remember all the reports from Mineoro users who say it does not work in Europe? Do you recall forum posts suggesting that Mineoro works only in Brazil and nearby countries?

Then you tell Morgan what is the proper procedure to test Minero LRLs. How strange! Why hasn't Mineoro published these instructions on their website if they are necessary to insure good detection? Is it possible that you are just making up new instructions that Mineoro does not approve, and would never publish on their website?

It seems to me that Morgan has many years of experience in hunting treasure using Mineoro and many other kinds of long range detectors. He also posted some believable evidence to support his claims of a working LRL. Now that he has decided to demonstrate what he said is true, you are not satisfied to allow him to proceed unless he does so by the methods you dictate.

I congratulate Morgan for proceeding with his demonstration to show the true facts so we can see it live in front of our eyes, without interference from people who want him to change his test procedure for their purposes. Morgan will let the truth be known and seen for all who want to watch!

Best wishes,
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Old 07-20-2009, 10:49 AM
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humhum, check your PM.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 07-22-2009, 12:37 AM
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Default My first MD

Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Nice try, hung.
Now that you see Morgan will be demonstrating Mineoro LRLs alongside his other LRLs, you find it necessary to dictate instructions of how he should conduct his tests. What's wrong? are you afraid the Mineoros will not perform too well? You find it necessary to coach Morgan to tell him how to conduct the tests?

First you say the only difference between your test and Morgan's test is his metal is buried longer: "Only difference is that your gold medal is buried longer than the gold sample I placed in my garden, which is about a year buried now." But this is not true.
There are many differences. He buried it in soil with different composition than you, and he is conducting his test in a different continent. Don't you remember all the reports from Mineoro users who say it does not work in Europe? Do you recall forum posts suggesting that Mineoro works only in Brazil and nearby countries?

Then you tell Morgan what is the proper procedure to test Minero LRLs. How strange! Why hasn't Mineoro published these instructions on their website if they are necessary to insure good detection? Is it possible that you are just making up new instructions that Mineoro does not approve, and would never publish on their website?

It seems to me that Morgan has many years of experience in hunting treasure using Mineoro and many other kinds of long range detectors. He also posted some believable evidence to support his claims of a working LRL. Now that he has decided to demonstrate what he said is true, you are not satisfied to allow him to proceed unless he does so by the methods you dictate.

I congratulate Morgan for proceeding with his demonstration to show the true facts so we can see it live in front of our eyes, without interference from people who want him to change his test procedure for their purposes. Morgan will let the truth be known and seen for all who want to watch!

Best wishes,
I start metal detection with 16 years old. In my first day of search using one old MD Mscope ORION,i found near old house one gold ring and some coins.
Much later i buy my first Motion detector,the Compass Liberty 150,this brings to me better finds and good iron discrimination.
I born in 68,start MD with 16 y.o.,detect in many countries,use many diferent MD´s,i have made a lot of tests,found interesting spots. So i can say i have some experience...
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Old 07-28-2009, 08:34 PM
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Question Again the same


Yesterday i came back from holidays and today i went to check again the MFD at the point with the buried copper coins. First i went at midday (13:00) and the temp was 34oC. I took again some beeps near the coins, but without the ability to pinpoint them.
I went again at afternoon to night (21:15) and the temp was 29oC. No Beeps.... Why???? When i adjust the sensitivity at a crirtical point i have an increase to the audio and some times more light on the led. I closed the pot of audio and i had not any change in the light of the leds. So.... what happening????
When i made this project, i remembered that Esteban uses a radio together with the detector so to have two detectors. When the audio beeps then i have a little change on the light of the leds, because the LM3915 is suplied directly from the 9V without power stabilizer. So maybe at the midday, the radio to receives a station or the "phenomenon", and it make the buzer to beeps and the led to lights. But on night it don't receive any station or the "phenomenon" and so with audio potentiometer closed, nothing is happening.
Who is your opinion......
Esteban what are you say for it???, i have both outputs connected to a buzzer.

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Old 07-29-2009, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post

Yesterday i came back from holidays and today i went to check again the MFD at the point with the buried copper coins. First i went at midday (13:00) and the temp was 34oC. I took again some beeps near the coins, but without the ability to pinpoint them.
I went again at afternoon to night (21:15) and the temp was 29oC. No Beeps.... Why???? When i adjust the sensitivity at a crirtical point i have an increase to the audio and some times more light on the led. I closed the pot of audio and i had not any change in the light of the leds. So.... what happening????
When i made this project, i remembered that Esteban uses a radio together with the detector so to have two detectors. When the audio beeps then i have a little change on the light of the leds, because the LM3915 is suplied directly from the 9V without power stabilizer. So maybe at the midday, the radio to receives a station or the "phenomenon", and it make the buzer to beeps and the led to lights. But on night it don't receive any station or the "phenomenon" and so with audio potentiometer closed, nothing is happening.
Who is your opinion......
Esteban what are you say for it???, i have both outputs connected to a buzzer.

Hi Geo

You need only a buzzer, for audio part, no for led part. Sometimes when led bright is in coincidence with audio, but no always occurs this. My absorptive pistol works at night (no high temperature), but was with spiral coil, I remember this was nude, this mean the wire exposed. But spiral coil is more sensitive and you need to put in best sensibility point, no random.


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Old 07-29-2009, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Hi Geo

You need only a buzzer, for audio part, no for led part. Sometimes when led bright is in coincidence with audio, but no always occurs this. My absorptive pistol works at night (no high temperature), but was with spiral coil, I remember this was nude, this mean the wire exposed. But spiral coil is more sensitive and you need to put in best sensibility point, no random.


Understand anything... as always...

Is not that he gets just randomic beeps... due maybe to some background noise that has nothing to do with treasures!

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 07-30-2009, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Hi Geo

You need only a buzzer, for audio part, no for led part. Sometimes when led bright is in coincidence with audio, but no always occurs this. My absorptive pistol works at night (no high temperature), but was with spiral coil, I remember this was nude, this mean the wire exposed. But spiral coil is more sensitive and you need to put in best sensibility point, no random.



Hi Esteban.

Who is then min temperature that yoyr MFD gave you good results ????

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Old 07-30-2009, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post

Is not that he gets just randomic beeps... due maybe to some background noise that has nothing to do with treasures!

Kind regards,
Hi Max.

At the place where i test my MFD, i have buried some copper coins before 18...19 years. So when i take a beep from this place, it is from coins.
When it is a background noise, then i get it at every point and place.

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Old 07-30-2009, 06:47 AM
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Smile One of the same....

Yesterday i made the same test at the place with the buried copper coins.
I don't know what is happening with other metals but with copper the temperature is a very critical point in the working of the LRLs.
I went for the test at 13:00 and the temp was 36oC. The MFD located the place with coins from 5m very easy. Also yesterday i had the ability to pinpoint it at a distance of about 60...80 cm from the coins. When i was exactly on the coins i had not any indicator. Very good...
But ..... on afternoon i went again. Time was 20:45 and the Temperature was 31oC. Results.... ZERO. Yes no one beep. The led did not light a little.
I don't know what is happening with other metals, but with copper at my Country this method is not good.
I will try for silver detecting when a frind of me will come back from holidays.

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Old 07-30-2009, 12:35 PM
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Default Casual observation...

This is just a casual observation from a rather uninvolved and only slightly interested bystander; but don't you think your results are a little too random to be of any real significance?

I mean, I used to setup and test electronic and electromechanical devices for a living, and frankly it seems like temperature may not have anything to do with the inconsistencies of your results.

First, I would verify the concept in a controlled laboratory environment, before I ever tried it in the field. If you can't make it work in a controlled situation (minus temp changes) then you certainly don't have chance of making it work where more of the conditions are variable.

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Old 07-30-2009, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
First, I would verify the concept in a controlled laboratory environment, before I ever tried it in the field.
You can´t,if it must b long-time buried and interact with some natural fields.
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Old 07-30-2009, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi Esteban.

Who is then min temperature that yoyr MFD gave you good results ????

More important is wet in air than temperature. Excess of wet "shortcircuit" the field.

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Old 07-30-2009, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
More important is wet in air than temperature. Excess of wet "shortcircuit" the field.


these LRLs are too freakish to me... leave them to you!

I don't wanna the LRL will tell me how to pi$$ otherwise it stop working!

Kind regards,

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Old 07-30-2009, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
You can´t,if it must b long-time buried and interact with some natural fields.
I respectfully disagree. If the concept (premise) is valid and repeatable, there has got to be a way to create an emulation of the "field" ???? being sensed, even if it is not a real "field". Further, perhaps the "field" in the emulation would be of greater strength than you would ever see in "real life", but at least you would know when you were sensing something, or if your device was merely sensing random noise because the gain was turned up too high.

To reach a conclusion, there must be an established level of response in relation to a given amount of background (ambient) noise.

Without a starting point of this nature, you will only ever go in greater and greater circles of confusion and uncertainty.

Essentially, "chasing your tail" towards infinity, without ever solving the problem; or worse yet identifying the correct problem.

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Old 07-30-2009, 09:36 PM
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I know, this is why i am not chasing anything except an explanation of the theory.
But if the device detect a small change in RF noise because of changes of soil resistivity or/and changes in the voltage gradient above earth, it could be tested but probably only in a specially made laboratory:Any electric device or floor material will detroy the effect, even if artificially made.
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Old 07-30-2009, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus
This is just a casual observation from a rather uninvolved and only slightly interested bystander; but don't you think your results are a little too random to be of any real significance?

I mean, I used to setup and test electronic and electromechanical devices for a living, and frankly it seems like temperature may not have anything to do with the inconsistencies of your results.

First, I would verify the concept in a controlled laboratory environment, before I ever tried it in the field. If you can't make it work in a controlled situation (minus temp changes) then you certainly don't have chance of making it work where more of the conditions are variable.
I was thinking the same thing.
From what I know that has been observed by scientists who study long-time buried metals, the most likely strong influences are in the electric field in the air. This field is heavily influenced by humidity and weather conditions. There are also sources of electric noise that interfere with detection of electric field strength in the air at different times of the day. Temperature may play a role, but my feeling is it is a minor role, and may only be an artifact of the real physical properties that are influencing the detection.

As far as laboratory conditions, I would suggest taking the laboratory to the field, and set it up in a manner that cannot interfere with the electric field and other known anomalies that develop around long-time buried metals.

Best wishes,
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