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Old 06-17-2009, 05:25 PM
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Old 06-17-2009, 06:31 PM
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Old 06-17-2009, 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted by ivconic
If i was not considered you as one of very few members here which deservs huge respect and friendship from me - i would never appear here again (after your contest rellated remarks) and post this reply to you.
This post proves you, obviously, my huge respect and attention to you and your opinion.
First....in your first post i see your huge (horrible) dedication to my personality and detailed analyze of my appearances here on this forum from a very starts, back several years ago. Seems you analyzed me day by day,month by month and year by year! Wow!

...Than...i dont want to be put in one category and strictly to draw borders here, meaning to join one exact group of people here and than to dedicate all my energy to fight against oposite ideas. It is stupid waste of time and i dont want to do that.
If this really coincidenting with Contest schedules than beleive me - it is not my intention and not my fault.

And one more thing;
this is "good will" oriented forum. People do come here by their own free will. That is most important fact to know. We do not need to be enemies here with oposite opinions and experiences. We must tend here to find "connection spots" between us. I am always ready to make a good friendship with people like Dell,Hung, Esteban and others despite our totally oposite attitudes and beleifs.
So i am really confused with what i am reading in your recent posts???
I feel like your favorite subject for analyzing and following through this forum???
You almost made a statistic upon me, my posts, habits and behavior!?? Wow (again)!!!
Are you CIA agent engaged in my survey?
Ha,ha,ha! Take this as lite humor, do not take it to much personal. Even after this i will still consider you as good, descent and pretty conversant man.
By this i would really like to close this disscusion for good. Also i would like not to be provoked more in future to appear here and reply to you or any other member here. I would like to keep my word and stay away from posting until August and end of Contest. Than i will appear again.
Hi Ivconic,
I was hoping my last post answered any confusion. There was no bad feeling intended. And I understand it is only a coincidence that you were bored and passing time posting in the off topic forums like you said.

For people who do want to post a lot during Carl's contest, I don't see a reason to consider it bad to make more posts. There is no fault from people who decide to post more often for that contest. In fact, this is the purpose and intent of the contest.

You are correct that these forums are good will oriented forums. I am sorry you thought I was making my posts with any intent other than good will. I don't spend time analyzing forum posters. I happen to remeber your posts because you are one of the few prolific posters who actually builds experimental electronic devices and shows them in the remote sensing forum as well as in other forums, like Esteban and Max, and a very few others. These are the things that catch my attention, and I remember... when I see somebody posting real things they built, and know what they are talking about. So, of course I remember your posts.

The time when I take a contrary position to an opinion is usually in the remote sensing forum. There is a reason for this... because many people read that forum to looking for information to help decide if they should spend money for unproven merchandise that is sometimes promoted using misleading information. My concern is to inform the people who look for some clues to know if they should take a chance spending their money on things that may or may not work. I like to make sure they hear a sensible point of view that shows a contrasting opinion from what others say. This challenging is only permitted in the remote sensing forum, and that is where I make challenges... usually when I see extraordinary claims that I have a hard time believing. And in those cases, I focus on challenging the ideas and facts, not the person. I have no bad will against any of the forum members. Only a disagreement about ideas and facts. You may have noticed, I challenge not only one side, but also the other side when I think they are wrong. But this challenging stays in the remote sensing forum. I like relaxed posts in other forums.

It is as you say, friendship is important. And I am sorry you took my post to be an attack against you. It was not my intent, and I would be sad if you left the forum because of that.

Best wishes,
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