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Old 07-31-2007, 03:09 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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RE post 46:

My apologies, Dell. The post was supposed to read "the best LRL post in history" but I do like the X-Scan.
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Old 07-31-2007, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
I have no idea what difference a name makes at this point and time, or what trickery you or Carl, are trying to lead up to now.

I created "Omnitron" as a marketing name in 1986 when I introduced the "Noah" model. Shortly afterward "Omnitron'' became a public generic name for at least 5 manufacturers that jumped on the band wagon within 3 months of it's introduction. I had no control.

It's a long involved story of greedy people, lies and deception, but Vernon Rose, (Vernell) did not start manufacturing FD's until 18 months later, which I also introduced to the market at competetive pricing to stop a profiteering monopoly that was taking place.

Later, I assume to please me, and without my knowledge, Vernon had a batch of face plates printed with the "Omnitron", and "Dell" name on them. At least a dozen other manufacturers were calling their product an "Omnitron" or "Omini" some thing by that time, and one had applied for a copyright patent and received it against all my protest. So, it didn't really matter if Vernon Rose added the "Omnitron" name to his products for whatever reason, and I didn't have the heart to ask him not to use the face plates after he had already gone to the expense of having them made.

I added the name "Dell Systems" to "Omnitron" to make the distinction between other manufacturers "Omnitron" and my own.

I do not legally own the copyright patent for the name "Omnitron" or "Dell Systems" but I did obtain verbal permission to use the latter, not that it means anything.

This information has nothing to do with your ability, or interest, to build an LRL, and I am weary of wasting my time answering questions that are none of your business.

Don't expect, ask, or demand, that I answer any more irrevelant questions. I have no interest in the stupid intellectual mind games that Carl, and followers play against LRL users, on this forum.

it's 4 A.M. I've contributed more than my time allows. So, what's next? Dell
Hi Dell,
nice to see you recover well. Even if our ideas go in opposite directions I appreciate that you still post yours here.

About LRLs... well, I'm always on the other side... trying to mess with VLFs as always... going to get some few cms more... not miles, but that's fine for me!

All the best,
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Old 07-31-2007, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
This information has nothing to do with your ability, or interest, to build an LRL, and I am weary of wasting my time answering questions that are none of your business.

Don't expect, ask, or demand, that I answer any more irrevelant questions. I have no interest in the stupid intellectual mind games that Carl, and followers play against LRL users, on this forum.

it's 4 A.M. I've contributed more than my time allows. So, what's next? Dell
It seems to me that you have more than a passing interest in the "stupid intellectual mind games" that are played on this forum.
One can only wonder at the sheer masochism of such a pursuit.
At least your occassional rants are slightly entertaining.
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Old 08-01-2007, 10:41 AM
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Hi Dell,
Originally Posted by Dell Winders
I have no idea what difference a name makes at this point and time, or what trickery you or Carl, are trying to lead up to now....

...I am weary of wasting my time answering questions that are none of your business.
While you may be convinced that everyone who disagrees with you is Carl's follower, I might ask you to take a closer look. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Carl's achievements in electronics. It is obvious he is a distinguished engineer in his field. But if you check some of my posts in this forum, you will find I have proven he sometimes don't know what he's talking about. I doubt anyone in this forum automatically agrees with Carl or anyone else. We all have our own ideas, and we give credit to people when they impress us by showing us something we think is valuable and worthwhile.

I can tell you what difference a name makes at this point in time:
We are long past the time of the mad rush to be the first on the market with the Omnitron name. So perhaps from your perspective it makes no difference. But there is a great deal of historical value in knowing the facts. Not all of us were here to read all the forums where you previously told parts of this story. We are relative newbies who only know what we see posted here. When we read that you are manufacturing nonsense circuitry, and our most diligent efforts to understand tell us it is true, then we end up believing it whether it is true or not. Can you blame us when you help to obscure the facts, and leave us only to believe what we read on your website and what we read here?

Apparently Carl did not know these facts either, or he would not be thinking those "omnitron things" Vernell made were yours. I'm sure there's lots more to the story, and I'm not interested to know about it. The important fact is that you don't have anything to do with the embarassing solenoid battery discharger crap sold as a frequency generator.

What most people don't know is that you were the first innovator who created the methods we read about on your website. Others were followers who didn't have much of a clue until they studied what you were doing. While many of us may disagree with your concepts of science, none of us can deny that you were a leader in your field. Not just another yahoo that jumped on the bandwagon.

The difference the name makes is a matter of history. What you told us about the Omnitron name and the history of those times will now be understood by the rest of us who read it the first time in this forum. So now we can see you as a person who is not just making up BS, but a leader in your industry who was trying to keep a level palying field for your clientele. The difference it makes is this is the real history of the treasure-hunting. Perhaps 500 years from now archaeologists will be digging up buried hard disks and find this forum post, so they too can know the history of the who's who of treasure hunting.

It's none of our business? I think it is. As long as you are selling products named "Omnitron", we have a right to know what we are buying (at least we know it's not more of Vernell's BS).

Best wishes,
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Old 08-01-2007, 12:49 PM
michael michael is offline
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
... I created "Omnitron" as a marketing name in 1986 when I introduced the "Noah" model. Shortly afterward "Omnitron'' became a public generic name for at least 5 manufacturers that jumped on the band wagon within 3 months of it's introduction. I had no control....At least a dozen other manufacturers were calling their product an "Omnitron" or "Omini"
Hi dear DELL, what a nice I see you've recuperated. really from deep heart I prayed for your health.
one incidence was here: http://www.detektor.cz/index.php
a czech site which was advertising omnitrin DTR as a best LRL for a while. and now isn't there.
can you share with us; what have you founded yesterday?
I've written before in this forum (although aroused some people to oppose seriously and accused me of Dell functionary, but I'm honest, love truth, no reason to misguide you, cos it never makes money for me) ; I knew some guys from far in my country who could found 6 good treasures(not single coins as we don't name a coin or even a bunch of gold treasure) by Omnitron + PI or Future 2005.
they gradually disappeared for some situations. sometime ago I heard from a friend who was near to them that the deepest treasure they found was at 11 meters depth. in their team one was proficient with omnitron, one with Future 2005 and PI.
they became so much rich ,some went to Spain and became resident there.
I knew one expert antiquarian who was looking for omnitron Noah, he emphasized for Noah as he had seen it's work and really believed in it.
and furthermore Omnitrone is however famous that many of cheaters who get money to search an area in respond to you tell that their device is omnitron. I've seen one of them ; it was a homemade device and a neat handwriting "Omnitron" on the fake box.
Dell I congratulate you for your right devices you granted to serious questers and trackers,but sorry for such sabotages in dirty business world.
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Old 08-01-2007, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by michael View Post
Hi dear DELL, what a nice I see you've recuperated. really from deep heart I prayed for your health.
one incidence was here: http://www.detektor.cz/index.php
a czech site which was advertising omnitrin DTR as a best LRL for a while. and now isn't there.
I've written before in this forum (although aroused some people to oppose seriously and accused me of Dell functionary, but I'm honest, love truth, no reason to misguide you, cos it never makes money for me) ; I knew some guys from far in my country who could found 6 good treasures(not single coins as we don't name a coin or even a bunch of gold treasure) by Omnitron + PI or Future 2005.
they gradually disappeared for some situations. sometime ago I heard from a friend who was near to them that the deepest treasure they found was at 11 meters depth. in their team one was proficient with omnitron, one with Future 2005 and PI.
they became so much rich ,some went to Spain and became resident there.
I knew one expert antiquarian who was looking for omnitron Noah, he emphasized for Noah as he had seen it's work and really believed in it.
and furthermore Omnitrone is however famous that many of cheaters who get money to search an area in respond to you tell that their device is omnitron. I've seen one of them ; it was a homemade device and a neat handwriting "Omnitron" on the fake box.
Dell I congratulate you for your right devices you granted to serious questers and trackers,but sorry for such sabotages in dirty business world.
Hi Michael,
do you know if the parabolic reflector holds a Gunn-diode ???
I've seen somewhere a thing like this... but can't remember now where !
But I'm sure it was not a treasure finder machine...

Best regards,
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Old 08-01-2007, 07:16 PM
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I don't have the time to waste answering point by point, but when Carl, you are any skeptic pretending to be a scientist, or scientific, with superior knowledge over us peons and egotistically use your formal training to belittle and condemn the truth and facts without doing extensive field research and investigation, you are the ones spouting the BS Crap.

For 14 years the Skeptic agenda has been to disprove everything I have learned through tens of thousands of experiments, DB tests, and field usage to learn the facts and know what is true & what is fiction about Remote Sensing Frequency Discrimination.

Carl, and other Scientific pretenders have turned this forum into a mockery of true Science. You folks seem to believe you have this uncanny ability to just look at a photograph of a so called LRL, and authoritatively declare it to be a fraud, bogus, or a scam. That's pseudo Scientific BS crap based on assumption, not fact, for which I have no respect for the Scientific credibility of such authors, no matter how many electronic engineering you may hold.

Apparently Carl did not know these facts either, or he would not be thinking those "omnitron things" Vernell made were yours. I'm sure there's lots more to the story, and I'm not interested to know about it. The important fact is that you don't have anything to do with the embarrassing solenoid battery discharger crap sold as a frequency generator.
I am aware that the Vernell circuits were poorly constructed and hot glued.

The question is, did you, or Carl, practice using the Rods according to my instructions, and conduct proper field tests to know if Vernell FG's worked according to my advertising claims?

Second, I would like to see yours, or Carl's , Scientific reports that show that the use of Copper & Brass in the Antenna Rods, or even chemical elements of the human body, has no relation whatsoever to the physics of Earth Science?

These things are sadly scientifically lacking in Carl's biased, opinionated, presumptive reports on LRL devices & Dowsing.

It's beyond my hillbilly comprehension to understand why the intelligent, educated, intellectuals on this forum cannot accept, or comprehend the fact that what I speak of, and what you are in closed minded denial of, has been done with small and great successes for at least 25 years.

Every time I read some of the posts here, and especially Carl's so called reports, I remember what one Physicist who owned my products said when I was envious of his knowledge & education. He said it was all well & good and provided a good income, but he had worked with colleagues with no practical field experience who were "Intellectual Idiots".

He suggested the instruments might work on "light wave particles". Possibly, LWP could be involved just as many other physics may be involved, but in my opinion, only in a minor way.

Come on people, stop pretending to be Scientific. Do your field testing, experiments & research before you keep jumping to conclusions based on egotism, assumption, or the intentional skeptic agenda to spread dis-information.

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Old 08-01-2007, 08:05 PM
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Nihil Roma Maius Nihil Roma Maius is offline
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Come on people, stop pretending to be Scientific. Do your field testing, experiments & research before you keep jumping to conclusions based on egotism, assumption, or the intentional skeptic agenda to spread dis-information.

Dell, welcome, nice to read your posts. You're a genuine person who put your face for your devices. I feel you're honest person.

Dell, is true! The most of the skeptics or opinants emits judgement based on prejudices. Don't work in real field, pontificate sitting in a chair and in front the screen of the computer. Most of them are bad and malicious, but pretend knowledge and info for nothing at view of all the world. Imagine a decent device, you post schematics, adjustment and other tips... Chinese copy this and sell for only US$ 50!!!!
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Old 08-01-2007, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Come on people, stop pretending to be Scientific. Do your field testing, experiments & research before you keep jumping to conclusions based on egotism, assumption, or the intentional skeptic agenda to spread dis-information.

Dell, welcome, nice to read your posts. You're a genuine person who put your face for your devices. I feel you're honest person.

Dell, is true! The most of the skeptics or opinants emits judgement based on prejudices. Don't work in real field, pontificate sitting in a chair and in front the screen of the computer. Most of them are bad and malicious, but pretend knowledge and info for nothing at view of all the world. Imagine a decent device, you post schematics, adjustment and other tips... Chinese copy this and sell for only US$ 50!!!!
ehm maybe you're not informed... BUT
Chinese already manifacture them! And sell them too!
Nice people.

So no need to post crappy schematics anymore !? COOL!

Kind regards,
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Old 08-01-2007, 11:32 PM
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Yes, I found many crappy MD schematics here, problem and problem, few can solve... so... there are "experts" for all!

So, we are equal in... crappies!!!

Men against possibility (FACT!!!!) of electronic LRL are in cavern era.

Remember: the Earth was square, later geoid or in popular language round.

"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Old 08-02-2007, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Yes, I found many crappy MD schematics here, problem and problem, few can solve... so... there are "experts" for all!

So, we are equal in... crappies!!!

Men against possibility (FACT!!!!) of electronic LRL are in cavern era.

Remember: the Earth was square, later geoid or in popular language round.

"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

thus spoke Zarathustra !

So are you writing a novel too ???
Seems that this forum is of inspiration for novelist wannabies!

"Men against possibility (FACT!!!!) of electronic LRL are in cavern era."
uhm yeah you are the illuminado here!

Have I consider "electronic LRL" pesudo-science or ultra-science ?

Kind regards,
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Old 08-02-2007, 11:25 AM
michael michael is offline
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Hi Michael,
do you know if the parabolic reflector holds a Gunn-diode ???
I've seen somewhere a thing like this... but can't remember now where !
But I'm sure it was not a treasure finder machine...
Hi Max,
I just tried to confirm Dell comments. he is right about other firms which took advantage from Omnitron reputation. this one was in Czech and you see in words it was being referred to USA or Amerika.

About LRLing no doubt it works but it depends on operator wills, interests and much more to his perseverance. if you tell one device works nothing you will get nothing or something near it.
About what you saw from device with parabolic probe (like the picture) I have no comment, but anyway know Dell devices work. Regards, Michael.
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Old 08-02-2007, 07:38 PM
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Have I consider "electronic LRL" pesudo-science or ultra-science ?

pesudo or pseudo?

No, you mix electronic LRL concept with LRL rods concept, you are equal than many others in bad information regarding this.

FrancoItaly is right! And yes, you'll be very imaginative as a novelist!

No, I'm not a Illuminado (Illuminato?), but I want to show a few light.

Maybe the model or design is different but some devices by independent experimenters works great! Looks different but also works! Awake!!! If you can modificate a car, also you can modificate a discriminative 20 Khz MD for medium range! Look:
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Old 08-03-2007, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Have I consider "electronic LRL" pesudo-science or ultra-science ?

pesudo or pseudo?

No, you mix electronic LRL concept with LRL rods concept, you are equal than many others in bad information regarding this.

FrancoItaly is right! And yes, you'll be very imaginative as a novelist!

No, I'm not a Illuminado (Illuminato?), but I want to show a few light.

Maybe the model or design is different but some devices by independent experimenters works great! Looks different but also works! Awake!!! If you can modificate a car, also you can modificate a discriminative 20 Khz MD for medium range! Look:
well, you're right about the typo... not pesudo but pseudo-! Damn keyboard!

" And yes, you'll be very imaginative as a novelist! " ehm well not at same level of other people here...

"Illuminado" ! Never heard of cospiracy theories ??? Illuminados ???
(a kind of secret massonic lodge that governs the World !)
But yeah, the texual meaning is something like you wrote... someone that see the light! (like in the BluesBrothers )

"Maybe the model or design is different but some devices by independent experimenters works great! Looks different but also works! Awake!!! If you can modificate a car, also you can modificate a discriminative 20 Khz MD for medium range! Look:"

Oh yeah, right... but it's mechanics... not the same thing as detecting a coin 1 mile away!
Awake ??? What do you mean for medium range ??? 1 MILE ???
Have to drink some more coffe.

Kind regards,
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Old 08-03-2007, 03:29 PM
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Default Dell Winders lucky day...

Hi Dell,

Today is your lucky day!
I am reading your post where you want to see some real scientific field testing on the Vernell manufactured circuitry. Finally there is someone willing to make a real field test instead of using photographs to determine if Vernell's instruments work. You see, I have conducted field tests for a number of electronic instruments in the past 2 decades for manufacturers. Normally I charge a hefty fee for this service that only the larger manufacturers can afford. But, because of your complaints of biased reports in this forum, I am willing to waive my fees to help you prove the instruments Vernell manufactures really work for locating treasures. If you recall what you said:

Originally Posted by Dell Winders
For 14 years the Skeptic agenda has been to disprove everything I have learned through tens of thousands of experiments, DB tests, and field usage to learn the facts and know what is true & what is fiction about Remote Sensing Frequency Discrimination.

Carl, and other Scientific pretenders have turned this forum into a mockery of true Science. You folks seem to believe you have this uncanny ability to just look at a photograph of a so called LRL, and authoritatively declare it to be a fraud, bogus, or a scam. That's pseudo Scientific BS crap based on assumption, not fact, for which I have no respect for the Scientific credibility of such authors, no matter how many electronic engineering you may hold.

The question is, did you, or Carl, practice using the Rods according to my instructions, and conduct proper field tests to know if Vernell FG's worked according to my advertising claims?

...These things are sadly scientifically lacking in Carl's biased, opinionated, presumptive reports on LRL devices & Dowsing.

Come on people, stop pretending to be Scientific. Do your field testing, experiments & research before you keep jumping to conclusions based on egotism, assumption, or the intentional skeptic agenda to spread dis-information.
Ok Dell, no more need for anyone to jump to any conlcusions. I am ready to conduct real field tests using real science instead of biased assumptions. Instead of using Carl's methods, we will use your methods to find out what these LRLs can really do. So let's start the field testing:

Test details:
First, we need to know the exact procedure you want me and my testing technicians to follow when testing the Vernell manufactured device. I don't want any chance that we use the wrong test methods in these field tests, so I will let you specify the "proper field tests" that you want to see. When I say "exact procedure", I mean specific instructions, so none of the technicians will be asking questions like "what setting should I set these knobs to? or Should I test it any time of the day? or How far should I continue walking to find a reading?, or What kind of a response am I looking for? a needle movement or a change in sound, or what?". Publish your exact procedure here in the forum, so we all can know exactly how these tests will be conducted.

When I see the test procedure you post here, then I will email you with shipping instructions so you know where to send the Vernell manufactured LRL for testing. I will be happy to test this LRL free of charge for a period of time up to 3 months according to your test instructions. When the testing is complete I will ship the LRL device back to you. I will then publish the results of the testing in the same format that we deliver for other clients. I will also put up a web page with the results posted in a professional manner that you can use as a reference to forums and as an advertising tool to help sell the product we tested.

Because I am not affiliated with any of the skeptics in this forum, nobody will have any influence in how these tests are conducted except you. Only you can specify the proper field tests to be done. If Carl wants me to open the LRL and photograph it, too bad! I won't do it unless you tell me to do it here in this forum where you post your test procedures.

I would like to see one of the Vernell LRLs work to locate a treasure. I suppose You are the most qualified person to show how to accomplish this. So I will be waiting to see your test procedure before I send you the shipping instructions.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-03-2007, 10:30 PM
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Nihil Roma Maius Nihil Roma Maius is offline
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ehm well not at same level of other people here...

Yes, there are people of good level here in the forum, but no you.

"Illuminado" ! Never heard of cospiracy theories ??? Illuminados ???
(a kind of secret massonic lodge that governs the World !) and bla bla bla

Because there are also Illuminato. Please, I'm not ignorant. Do you're playing with secret societies (remember your post where you said "I'm don't like The DaVinci Code" or similar)? Now... secret society! You love this! Do you're also a magician? Do you are a fortune-teller? Maybe you're masonic and you believe you're the owner of the truth...

Oh yeah, right... but it's mechanics... not the same thing as detecting a coin 1 mile away!
Awake ??? What do you mean for medium range ??? 1 MILE ???
Have to drink some more coffe.

You're confused!

You need more than coffe, you need Memorex 1,000 or similar

(But this only cure the bad memory, no other faults.)
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Old 08-04-2007, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
ehm well not at same level of other people here...

Yes, there are people of good level here in the forum, but no you.

"Illuminado" ! Never heard of cospiracy theories ??? Illuminados ???
(a kind of secret massonic lodge that governs the World !) and bla bla bla

Because there are also Illuminato. Please, I'm not ignorant. Do you're playing with secret societies (remember your post where you said "I'm don't like The DaVinci Code" or similar)? Now... secret society! You love this! Do you're also a magician? Do you are a fortune-teller? Maybe you're masonic and you believe you're the owner of the truth...

Oh yeah, right... but it's mechanics... not the same thing as detecting a coin 1 mile away!
Awake ??? What do you mean for medium range ??? 1 MILE ???
Have to drink some more coffe.

You're confused!

You need more than coffe, you need Memorex 1,000 or similar

(But this only cure the bad memory, no other faults.)
You make me laugh.

Have no one good idea, have no good to offer here, just stupid claims of ridiculos gizmo-devices.

My memory is ok, it's your mineoro that will never work and find a coin.

So drop it in WC.

Kind regards,
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Old 08-04-2007, 09:31 PM
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Mineoro and me? Nothing to do. Somebody wash your brain with dirty water!
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Old 08-05-2007, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Mineoro and me? Nothing to do. Somebody wash your brain with dirty water!

"Somebody wash your brain with dirty water!"

Is this another insult ???




Yes, MINEORO, aren't you a supporter ??? Aren't you witness ???
Aren't you support spark-gaps here ?
Detection of coins from 25 meters away ?
That you see people detecting metals from 600-700 meters away ???






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