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Old 08-27-2008, 08:53 PM
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Incidentally, it is impossible to consider how you could use the name Dell Winders and "honest" in the same sentence. Anyone who has devoted their entire life to bilking people out of their money (Wallet-Mining), through Willful Deception, could hardly be called honest.
Then perhaps you should stop hiding behind aliases, use your own name, cease your willful deception, back up your false allegations with proof, and stop spreading venemous lies.

JELAD, Just Eliminate Lies About Dell
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Old 08-27-2008, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
Then perhaps you should stop hiding behind aliases, use your own name, cease your willful deception, back up your false allegations with proof, and stop spreading venemous lies.

JELAD, Just Eliminate Lies About Dell
Aliases? I have no idea what you are talking about. All forums and newsgroups advise new members to pick a Username and Password. Only a very few individuals actually choose to use their given names. That remains the choice you make when you sign up. In general, it is not advised to do so. As is evidenced by nearly all the members here; they clearly understand the concept and the protocol. It appears YOU (Dell Winders) are the one that is out of step.

Please try to elevate yourself from the dark ages, come out of your sheltered life on the Internet and actually investigate some other forums and information nets. Educate yourself before you run off at the mouth about something you know nearly zero about.

Anything I've said about your glorified paint rollers has been nothing but the truth. Anything I've said about you being an established scam artist and Wallet Miner is not only the truth, but can be verified totally by merely visiting your website where you advertise your LRL scam items, knowing full well what you are doing constitutes Fraud through Willful Deception.

Clean up your own act, before you go bashing those who have done nothing more than expose you and your practices for what they really are.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 08-28-2008, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl View Post
The whole concept of MFD, and signal lines, is completely bogus, made up by people who wanted to add "technology" to dowsing rods, and sell them for a mighty nice profit.

I call this "wallet mining," and those who practice it are phenomenally more successful than the people they sell to. Read my LRL Q&A for more information.

- Carl
Carl and Hank are absolutely correct. "If" your dowsing rods react at all, it will be as a result of an ideomotor response, and NOTHING more. Whether or not you have an MFD box of do-nothing electronics nearby is of NO consequence and adds NOTHING to the equation.

Scam artists like Dell Winders, and others, would like to fool you into thinking that using an MFD gadget is somehow NOT dowsing. Nothing could be further from the truth, and these scam artists know that fact. Although they don't want YOU to learn that fact.

Since dowsing "with" an MFD or "without" an MFD is equivalent, you have to ask yourself who is getting rich here ---when you consider that dowsing has been proven many times over to produce the same results as "guessing".

And, don't forget, when dowsing, if you dig enough holes, eventually you may find something that could be similar to what you originally were dowsing for. Just keep in mind, you would have the same results if you randomly dig holes or if you dowse for likely locations.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 08-28-2008, 01:08 AM
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My Web pages are truthful and honest. My products have always been accompanied by a limited warranty meeting the same, or better standards as the metal detector industry, and has always been honored.

If you are going to make allegations of dishonesty and fraud, you had better come up with legal evidence to substantiate your claims, or be prepared to accept the title of chronic liar, and perpetrator of malicious and untruthful slander intended to defame the good name and honest reputation of Dell Winders.

It is understandable why you are afraid to use your real name in your attacks when authorities will know you are back to your old vindictive con tricks and illegal internet activities.

We are all waiting for you to back up your allegations against me with factual evidence of me defrauding or deceiving my customers in any way? Let's see it! Put up, or shut up. Dell
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Old 08-28-2008, 02:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
My Web pages are truthful and honest. My products have always been accompanied by a limited warranty meeting the same, or better standards as the metal detector industry, and has always been honored.

If you are going to make allegations of dishonesty and fraud, you had better come up with legal evidence to substantiate your claims, or be prepared to accept the title of chronic liar, and perpetrator of malicious and untruthful slander intended to defame the good name and honest reputation of Dell Winders.

It is understandable why you are afraid to use your real name in your attacks when authorities will know you are back to your old vindictive con tricks and illegal internet activities.

We are all waiting for you to back up your allegations against me with factual evidence of me defrauding or deceiving my customers in any way? Let's see it! Put up, or shut up. Dell
No Problem!

Here is a quote from your own pages:

"The instrument and operator are measuring the differential between the magnetic field surrounding the earth and the fields created by the target metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous as well as other chemical elements."

That is total and complete BS! You cannot provide a shred of evidence to back up that pseudo-scientific statement. Yet, there are some who will be taken in by those lies, and fall for your scam marketing scheme.

If you were called into a court of law, and asked to demonstrate (prove) your statements, you could not do it.

That is only one example. If I had the time I would point out hundreds more. If you want more examples, just read over the pages on your own site.

Wallet-Mining through Willful Deception is Fraud, and it will never be anything else, no matter how well you would like to sugar-coat it.

Now... it is your turn to put up or shut up! Prove the differential you lied about exists and show us how to measure it WITHOUT a dowsing rod.

You Can't Do It.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 08-28-2008, 03:53 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Something Al Rossmiller taught me is that dowsing and the dowsing instruments should be treated as they are sacred. If you keep that attitude it can help your sensitivity.
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Old 08-28-2008, 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders
My Web pages are truthful and honest. My products have always been accompanied by a limited warranty meeting the same, or better standards as the metal detector industry, and has always been honored.

If you are going to make allegations of dishonesty and fraud, you had better come up with legal evidence to substantiate your claims, or be prepared to accept the title of chronic liar, and perpetrator of malicious and untruthful slander intended to defame the good name and honest reputation of Dell Winders.

It is understandable why you are afraid to use your real name in your attacks when authorities will know you are back to your old vindictive con tricks and illegal internet activities.

We are all waiting for you to back up your allegations against me with factual evidence of me defrauding or deceiving my customers in any way? Let's see it! Put up, or shut up. Dell

No Problem!

Here is a quote from your own pages:

"The instrument and operator are measuring the differential between the magnetic field surrounding the earth and the fields created by the target metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous as well as other chemical elements."

That is total and complete BS! You cannot provide a shred of evidence to back up that pseudo-scientific statement. Yet, there are some who will be taken in by those lies, and fall for your scam marketing scheme.

If you were called into a court of law, and asked to demonstrate (prove) your statements, you could not do it.

That is only one example. If I had the time I would point out hundreds more. If you want more examples, just read over the pages on your own site.

Wallet-Mining through Willful Deception is Fraud, and it will never be anything else, no matter how well you would like to sugar-coat it.

Now... it is your turn to put up or shut up! Prove the differential you lied about exists and show us how to measure it WITHOUT a dowsing rod.

You Can't Do It.
The pretender is grasping at imaginary straws.
Of course, it can be proven, or I would not have said it.

Now, produce one of my customers who purchased
a product from me on the basis of that statement?

We are still waiting for you to back up your allegations against me with factual evidence of me defrauding or deceiving my customers in any way?

Take me to court with your conjured evidence of dishonesty and fraud. Let's see it! Put up, or shut up. Dell

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Old 08-28-2008, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
We are still waiting for you to back up your allegations against me with factual evidence of me defrauding or deceiving my customers in any way?
And we are still waiting for you to explain:

"The instrument and operator are measuring the differential between the magnetic field surrounding the earth and the fields created by the target metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous as well as other chemical elements."

Since you can't, then that statement is false and constitutes Fraud. When people read that statement (and believe it to be true), then that is Fraud through Willful Deception --- plain and simple.

It's not my fault that a Class Action suit has not been brought up against you yet.

I can assure you, if I had bought one of your scam MFD/Dowsing contraptions, you and I would have met in court a LONG time ago. Then you could have tried to convince a judge the above statement was true. I doubt very much a judge would see it as anything but FRAUD, and you would be paying the court costs as well as a fine and be forced to shut down your scam business.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 08-28-2008, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders
Of course, it can be proven, or I would not have said it.

Now, produce one of my customers who purchased
a product from me on the basis of that statement?

We are still waiting for you to back up your allegations against me with factual evidence of me defrauding or deceiving my customers in any way?
Ummm... now, wait a minute Dell. You have ignored the challenge Theseus made, and called him names, then tried to create a ruse to make it appear "we" are waiting for Theseus to prove something.

I have a question: Who does "we" include when you say "We are still waiting for you to back up your allegations against me..."?
Does "we" include only Dell Winders?

It appears to me Theseus's allegations are backed up by the words you published on your web page. It also appears to me that there are many more examples of your pseudo-scientific statements on your web pages that you cannot back up, just as Theseus says. So what is to prove? The evidence is spread throughout the web pages that you published.

For example, how can anyone miss the BS on your X-scan advertising? First, you claim that this device was tested in August 2003, and you also published alleged testimonial messages from people who claimed they found hidden US dollars in 2003. Then you are inviting X-SCAN customers from all geographical areas to Beta-Test this New Product. Is this still a new product after 6 years... or is that BS?

And what about the claims you published about the X-scan. I am reading two accounts of alleged users of this device who say they quickly found hidden US dollars. Is Theseus correct? Are you unable to demonstrate your X-scan prototype or production model performing as it was described on your web page?

As I recall, you once attempted to demonstrate an LRL device finding coins hidden in the sand, and after you failed miserably, you called the person who offered the testing a liar, rather than to accept a second try where you could have witnesses to observe and document exactly what your LRL instruments detect. It seems to me you still refuse to repeat that test, just as you still refuse to demonstrate your X-scan finding hidden dollars as described on your Web page.

Wasn't Theseus correct when he said "You Can't Do It"?

Best wishes,

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Old 08-28-2008, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by kim View Post
i have a mfd long range locator and i like it except for having to use the rods to pick up the signal...is there anyone out there that has a schematic for an electronic device that will pick up the signal...thank you
The original poster wanted to "get rid of the rods", and measure the "signal lines" with some form of conventional electronic instrumentation.

What an excellent request.

Dell, why don't you explain to the original poster why in all the years that MFD has been around; the rods are still a necessary item.

Admit to him that "signal lines" are merely a figment of your imagination, and that they don't really exist, hence no electronic device could sense them, no matter how sensitive it might be.

Also, explain to him how it is that a $15 card reader at Walmart can measure the tiny electronic strip on your charge card, but in all these years and with all the technology advances; you've yet to come up with a device that will measure your so-called magnetic differentials, and so you must rely on dowsing rods for an indicator.

I think we'd all like to hear your response to those questions. Leave out the name-calling and other BS, just answer the question, provide some facts and evidence to back up your advertising on your website.

(Or, admit it's nothing more than FRAUD)

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 08-28-2008, 04:14 PM
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I have a question. How did Kim and Hank get to post without registering? And where are they now? You see sense Theseus started here Carl setup the dowsing forum so that you have to register to post. I was just wondering how they posted and where did they go after starting the thread. It would seem they would still be asking questions. I checked the members list and there is no Kim or Hank.

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Old 08-28-2008, 04:40 PM
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As I recall, you once attempted to demonstrate an LRL device finding coins hidden in the sand, and after you failed miserably, you called the person who offered the testing a liar, rather than to accept a second try where you could have witnesses to observe and document exactly what your LRL instruments detect. It seems to me you still refuse to repeat that test, just as you still refuse to demonstrate your X-scan finding hidden dollars as described on your Web page.
I see you have twisted the event out of context, and yes, the host was exposed with video proof and witnesses, that he lied about me, and the event. Your totally inaccurate commentary of the event appears to be a part of the follow up damage control that was implemented against my defense of the truth.

Your comments are full of personal BS.

Originally Posted by kim
i have a mfd long range locator and i like it except for having to use the rods to pick up the signal...is there anyone out there that has a schematic for an electronic device that will pick up the signal...thank you

The original poster wanted to "get rid of the rods", and measure the "signal lines" with some form of conventional electronic instrumentation.

What an excellent request.

Dell, why don't you explain to the original poster why in all the years that MFD has been around; the rods are still a necessary item.

Admit to him that "signal lines" are merely a figment of your imagination, and that they don't really exist, hence no electronic device could sense them, no matter how sensitive it might be.
The Rods are NOT a necessary item. The same fields metered with the use of the Rods have, and can be metered electronically. The differential strength in magnetic fields has, and can be metered electronically, or with simple hand held Rod(s).

Theseus, I am not responsible for your idiocy of applied physics, or your mental aptitude for internet hate mongering under fictitious names. But Carl Morland, IS responsible for the content of this forum and for allowing you and select others to untruthfully accuse me of defrauding my customers, and irresponsibly hiding behind fictitious names and IP's to call me a Scam artist, wallet miner, and refering to my customers as in effect being intellectually defecient. (Jplayers reference, Suckers) There is no truth to your lies.

I hold the webmaster of this forum accountable for encouraging such actions and this type of slanderous participation.

Theseus, your reputation, egotism, and prejudice mentality preceeds you. A number of other aliases have been expelled from reputable forums for your practice of bashing, harassing, and slander directed to defame my life long reputation for honesty and integrity, and impuning the intelligence of those who choose to purchase, or use my home made products.

I will openly defend my honest reputation, honor, and the integrity of my customers until I die. That's a truth. Count on it, Carl. Dell
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Old 08-28-2008, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
I have a question. How did Kim and Hank get to post without registering? And where are they now? You see sense Theseus started here Carl setup the dowsing forum so that you have to register to post. I was just wondering how they posted and where did they go after starting the thread. It would seem they would still be asking questions. I checked the members list and there is no Kim or Hank.

It's a good question... but all the rest remains unchanged.

Some time ago...I had a paint roller but never used for LRL stuff.... maybe it's time to recover it (or buy a new one) and try...

to repaint home I mean!

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 08-28-2008, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
I see you have twisted the event out of context, and yes, the host was exposed with video proof and witnesses, that he lied about me, and the event. Your totally inaccurate commentary of the event appears to be a part of the follow up damage control that was implemented against my defense of the truth.

Your comments are full of personal BS.

The Rods are NOT a necessary item. The same fields metered with the use of the Rods have, and can be metered electronically. The differential strength in magnetic fields has, and can be metered electronically, or with simple hand held Rod(s).

Theseus, I am not responsible for your idiocy of applied physics, or your mental aptitude for internet hate mongering under fictitious names. But Carl Morland, IS responsible for the content of this forum and for allowing you and select others to untruthfully accuse me of defrauding my customers, and irresponsibly hiding behind fictitious names and IP's to call me a Scam artist, wallet miner, and refering to my customers as in effect being intellectually defecient. (Jplayers reference, Suckers) There is no truth to your lies.

I hold the webmaster of this forum accountable for encouraging such actions and this type of slanderous participation.

Theseus, your reputation, egotism, and prejudice mentality preceeds you. A number of other aliases have been expelled from reputable forums for your practice of bashing, harassing, and slander directed to defame my life long reputation for honesty and integrity, and impuning the intelligence of those who choose to purchase, or use my home made products.

I will openly defend my honest reputation, honor, and the integrity of my customers until I die. That's a truth. Count on it, Carl. Dell
Hi Dell,
c'mon... don't be an ***...who buy a paint roller for hundreds dollars just cause belive he could find something valuable using it... well... it's a sucker by definition!

Don't know at your place... but at mine it is so... and all the people will call him a sucker for life!

Maybe at your place who made that bargain is acclaimed and can run for some public charge... what do you think , uh ? (maybe it's so... who knows!?)

The problem is not at terminology... I mean... if I say that you're a fool, or a sucker, or an idiot , or an *****hole, or a prick, or a d|ck... or whatever d|ckhead , or lunatic, or insane, or foolish , or dumb, or moron...or that you'll win the nobel prize for arsehology etc etc I actually wanna just mean maybe you're not so smart doing your things...

But this sure not apply to you... just some of your customers, the ones that really believe a paint roller can find a treasure! There's enough to make such assumption, I think.

The terminology is not important , just the meaning.

But maybe I'm wrong !

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 08-28-2008, 06:48 PM
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I have a question. How did Kim and Hank get to post without registering? And where are they now? You see sense Theseus started here Carl setup the dowsing forum so that you have to register to post. I was just wondering how they posted and where did they go after starting the thread. It would seem they would still be asking questions. I checked the members list and there is no Kim or Hank.
An interesting point Tim, but it could be contributed to a programming glitch in the website. However, it does bring to mind an awareness to some of Geotech's, sneaky, underhanded, deceptions in the past, that Carl, used to cater to his roster of fellow Skeptic society supporters. Dell
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Old 08-28-2008, 07:11 PM
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Hi Dell,
c'mon... don't be an ***...who buy a paint roller for hundreds dollars just cause belive he could find something valuable using it... well... it's a sucker by definition!

Don't know at your place... but at mine it is so... and all the people will call him a sucker for life!

Maybe at your place who made that bargain is acclaimed and can run for some public charge... what do you think , uh ? (maybe it's so... who knows!?)

The problem is not at terminology... I mean... if I say that you're a fool, or a sucker, or an idiot , or an *****hole, or a prick, or a d|ck... or whatever d|ckhead , or lunatic, or insane, or foolish , or dumb, or moron...or that you'll win the nobel prize for arsehology etc etc I actually wanna just mean maybe you're not so smart doing your things...

But this sure not apply to you... just some of your customers, the ones that really believe a paint roller can find a treasure! There's enough to make such assumption, I think.

The terminology is not important , just the meaning.

But maybe I'm wrong !

Kind regards,
Max, I don't sell paint rollers, and I don't have any customers so stupid as to believe they could find treasure with a paint roller. You can stop your asinine insulting, and mocking the intelligence of my friends and customers through out the world.

Your pursuance of such irrational idiocy, is beyond the realm of intelligent comprehension. Dell
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Old 08-28-2008, 08:40 PM
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Default X-scam

Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
Max, I don't sell paint rollers, and I don't have any customers so stupid as to believe they could find treasure with a paint roller.
OK - so the roller part is missing, but I did see something like this is my local DIY shop.


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Old 08-28-2008, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
The Rods are NOT a necessary item. The same fields metered with the use of the Rods have, and can be metered electronically. The differential strength in magnetic fields has, and can be metered electronically, or with simple hand held Rod(s).
YES, the rods are a necessary item. If they weren't, someone (if not you, some other Wallet-miner) would have replaced them with an electronic measuring unit a long time ago.

You insist these so-called differential "fields(?)" can and have been monitored electronically. Yet, when you are asked to show how this was done, or to describe the instruments used, how it was documented, and who monitored and validated such measurements --- you ALWAYS duck and run for cover, or change the subject and lapse into name-calling.

I challenge you to post right here, how these fields were measured (without dowsing rods), the instrument used, when it was last calibrated, who monitored the measurements and the actual documentation to record such measurements. You Can't (or Won't) Do It!

The truth is, you or any other LRL Wallet-Miner, have not been able to eliminate the rods from the MFD contraptions, because that would remove the dowsing element, and without dowsing and the ideomotor response the do-nothing MFD box is just so much useless crap.

BTW, if this forum is so disturbing to you --why do you bother to post here?

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 08-29-2008, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders
the host was exposed with video proof and witnesses,...
Oh really?
If this video proof exists, then show it to us Dell. I think this is more BS you made up, and you cannot produce a videotape that exposes the tester as a liar. I think you are on the rampage to call anyone a liar who does not believe your BS. Prove me wrong. Where is this alleged videotape?

Did you forget to answer the challenges that were made to you?
Are you able to demonstrate your X-scans finding hidden US dollars like your web page says it does?

Should we assume this is just a bunch of BS from Dell Winders to fool suckers into thinking the X-scan can find hidden dollars? Was Theseus correct when he said you can't prove it?

Beset wishes,
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Old 08-29-2008, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
BTW, if this forum is so disturbing to you --why do you bother to post here?

You'll never get an answer to that question. I've asked several times before.
The real reason, why dowsing and LRL proponents post here, is because they are masochistic by nature.
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Old 08-29-2008, 12:26 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Better keep your daytime job, Q, You ain't no psychic or shrink. Dowsers love to discuss the topic even at the cost of putting up with the likes of you. You guys talk about freedom of speech, but you try like hell to prevent us from doing so. I feel sorry for you that you refuse to learn to dowse. I had an relative that refused to learn to read. I think he was afraid of it.
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Old 08-29-2008, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Better keep your daytime job, Q, You ain't no psychic or shrink. Dowsers love to discuss the topic even at the cost of putting up with the likes of you. You guys talk about freedom of speech, but you try like hell to prevent us from doing so. I feel sorry for you that you refuse to learn to dowse. I had an relative that refused to learn to read. I think he was afraid of it.
I don't see anyone telling you, you could not post here, and it seems you put up postings whenever you want. None of your freedoms have been compromised or taken away from you (or Dell).

However, try to remember that we (the skeptical community) have the very same rights to freedom of speech as you do, and when exercised, we shouldn't have to be "put up with", or have you conjecture that we refuse to learn to dowse.

For your information, I have done all kinds of dowsing, with all sorts of different instruments, ELSE how do you suppose I learned how dowsing and dowsing contraptions actually work. Further, I would rather imagine most of the skeptical community have done similar research, in order to arrive at the truth about dowsing and scam dowsing contraptions.

Try not to make rash assumptions about the people you are talking to, if you really have no idea about their background or experience.

BTW, when was the last time you actually had a daytime job?

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
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Old 08-29-2008, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
...You guys talk about freedom of speech, but you try like hell to prevent us from doing so. .
What "some guys" here are trying to prevent is "other guys" trying to fool people with unproved claims. And by doing to to sell -very- expensive brazing rods and hot melt glued resistors.
Nothing related to freedom of speech.

Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
... I had an relative that refused to learn to read. I think he was afraid of it.
You mean...a customer maybe?
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Old 08-29-2008, 03:12 PM
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For your information, I have done all kinds of dowsing, with all sorts of different instruments, ELSE how do you suppose I learned how dowsing and dowsing contraptions actually work.
That's BS! You show no indication that you know anything at about the subjects other than your personal BELIEF based on assumption, not truth, or fact. Apparently, you have never been mentally capable of learning to Dowse, or learn to use LRL with success, as evidenced by your rantings with prejudiced, closed minded belief, attacking and threatening Dowsers & LRL users at every opportunity. Calling names, and demonstrating your jealousy and resentment against those who are successful with these locating methods.

If you claim you have more field experience, and successes with Mental Dowsing, or LRL than I do, and are more uniquely qualified to speak with accuracy on these subjects, I'll compare my field experience, accompanied with witnessed events, and photographs of successes against yours, or any other Skeptic spouting their venom, hatred, and ignorance on this forum against LRL users, and Dowsers.

Of course, you have been challenged before to show your bragged about abilities that qualifies you to speak authoritatively on these subjects. But as usual I'm sure your monster ego, will not permit you to admit to your Skeptic peers that you have very limited field experience, and no successes to show, and that you will weasel your way out and try to save face.

Come on, Sam, show some photo's of your Mental, meta-physical Dowsing, or applied physics LRL finds, that qualifies you to speak against me as an authority on either of these subjects. I'll try to match you, find for find, success for success, either way, but I won't attempt to compete with your irrational, egotistical BS.

Of course, If you ever decide you want to learn about these subjects, just pay attention to Mike's, posts. He has done more open minded research, and has more positive field experience on these subjects, than you and the rest of the venom tounged Skeptics on this forum put together. And like other, LRL users posting here, we have tried to contribute something positive to this forum.

Show your respect and gratitude for our positive contributions. Your Skeptic prejudice and hatred only breeds contempt and animosity.

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Old 08-29-2008, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
That's BS! You show no indication that you know anything at all about the subjects other than your personal BELIEF based on assumpption, not truth, or fact. Apparently you aren't mentally capable of learning to Dowse, or learn to use LRL with success, least you wouldn't be ranting with prejudiced, closed minded Beliefs based on assumption, attacking and threatening Dowsers & LRL users at every opportunity, calling names, and demonstrating your jealousy and resentment against those who are successful with these locating methods.

If you claim you have more field experience, and successes with Mental Dowsing, or LRL than I do, and are more uniquely qualified to speak with accuracy on these subjects, I'll compare my field experience, accompanied with witnessed events, and photographs of successes against yours, or any other Skeptic spouting their venom, hatred, and ignorance on this forum against LRL users, and Dowsers.

Of course, you have been challenged before to show your bragged about abilities that qualifies you to speak authoriatively on these subjects. But as usual I'm sure your monster ego, will not permit you to admit to your Skeptic peers that you have very limited field experience, and no successes to show, and that you will weasel your way out and try to save face.

Come on, Sam, show some photo's of your Mental, meta-physical Dowsing, or applied physics, LRL finds, that qualifies you to speak against me as an authority on either of these subjects. I'll try to match you, find for find either way, but I won't attempt to compete with your egotistical BS.

Of course, If you ever decide you want to learn about these subjects, just pay attention to Mike's, posts. He has done more open minded research, and has more positive field experience on these subjects, than you and the rest of the venom tounged Skeptics on this forum put together. And like other, LRL users posting here, we have tried to contribute something positive to this forum.

Show your respect and gratitude for our positive contributions. Your Skeptic prejudice and hatred only breeds animosity.

Which venom are you talking about ???

You wanna people think you don't realized that the skeptics here pointed to your useless pieces of junk cause they cannot do anything of what's supposed they do.

How come a piece of bent brass rod can help people locating something ???

It's like you read your horoscope to figure out if you have to drop your girlfriend !

Idiotic way of doing... I can just laugh of people who belive in such lunatic stuff!

I mean... if you wanna drop your girlfriend do so ! Why the need of reading an idiotic horoscope made by some new age do-nothing, understand-nothing addicted to crystals ?

Why you LRL pretenders need that rods , uh ?

Why don't you use your nervous system... if so sophisticate stuff in the universe ?

Only reason is that who belive in LRL and mental dowsing at the end will belive he needs some pendulum or dowsing rod to "enhance" his/her powers !

You LRL addicted still belive in Santa Claus , Peter Pan, in the Three Little Pigs and other fairy tales!

People like Dell play with you like toys cause you never grown to understand reality... made of physics not fairy tales.

"THE DOOR TO KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING IS NEVER OPEN TO A CLOSED, OR PREJUDICED MIND" that seems say to people, "open your mind... belive my idiotic claims... and find your treasure with my magic , wornderful dowsing rod! "

I think this is the real venom here.

From what I remember you failed to find the coins at the beach experiment... great LRL expert!

Kind regards,
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