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Old 08-01-2006, 01:32 AM
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Only three points (well 2 actually, since it repeats itself) that I think is worth comenting on. Nothing more.

Originally Posted by robert

And my gold ring (11g..999) was picked up from 8 foot easily and consistently
with FG78....Later i repeated with cola can, some iron, glass of water,soldering
iron( off and on)....and empty hand too.
The first series of FG78s reported problems. If yours is not working, it must be faulty and more than likely one of them.

mineoro FG78 and FG80 and simillars....
Those machines are nothing more than mystified Zahori-look-like devices...
You don't know what you're talking about.

But FG78 showed much more instabillity and noticeable shorter range of detection!
Again, your detector is faulty.
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Old 08-01-2006, 06:27 PM
michael michael is offline
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Originally Posted by hung
The first series of FG78s reported problems. If yours is not working, it must be faulty and more than likely one of them.
But dear Hung, this worried me. from this statement can be concluded FG78 had been released for Europe? the case you disapproved.!!!
This is questionable why did they released such faulty machines?
If it was so, how could make inference about FG80? Have they improved & advanced their controlling standards
so that what happened for FG78 not repeat again for FG80?
What's the guarantee the same case won't be repeated for FG80 like as FG78?
Have they reach to step be thoroughly sure all releasing FG80s are intact?
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Old 08-01-2006, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by michael
But dear Hung, this worried me. from this statement can be concluded FG78 had been released for Europe? the case you disapproved.!!!
This is questionable why did they released such faulty machines?
If it was so, how could make inference about FG80? Have they improved & advanced their controlling standards
so that what happened for FG78 not repeat again for FG80?
Some months ago I reported the case in which Damasio told me some ICs were being replaced due to their inconsistency. I believe when Mineoro acknowledged that, it was too late as one or two devices most likely had already been shipped. I believe it was hard for them to detect the problem as their ionic fields should have not been the best at that time. The ICs apparently did not meet the right specs.If they happened to measure them through the oscopes, my guess is that it appeared correct at first but did not maintain the correct values.
This is just a speculation on my part tough...
They quit shipping them until the ICs with the right specs were switched.
At almost the same time, Damasio and Alonso achieved automation and the DC 2008, FG79 and FG80 were born. So they decided those were the models to be shiped overseas and offered the FG78 only to Brazil's customers due to a native and better full support.

What's the guarantee the same case won't be repeated for FG80 like as FG78?
I can't answer that. But I'm sure if any problem arises they willl simply switch for a replacement model. Simple as that.
If the major automobile corporations have recalls from time to time for exchanging deffective equipment in their models, not a big deal this happening to Mineoro also. Not a worrying situation in my opinion..
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Old 08-01-2006, 09:24 PM
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Cool Big deal!

Ido not know what i am talking....well. in case of FG80 it might be so...but in case of FG78 i do know very good what i am talking about...

Faulty machines, you said....which credit is that!? Mine,yours or moneoros???

Who took money for those machines? Me,you or mineoro???

Michael should be very worried if intend to buy some!

Hung, just make Zahori and test it....than we can talk!

About Zahori....you do not know what are you talking than!

Lets involve Estebans experience here....Come on Esteban, but be honest!
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Old 08-02-2006, 04:57 AM
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Thumbs down Huuuuh!!!!

Robert,man...don' let this guy take your time. Leave him talking alone..
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Old 08-02-2006, 10:39 AM
michael michael is offline
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Originally Posted by hung
I believe when Mineoro acknowledged that, it was too late as one or two devices most likely had already been shipped. I believe it was hard for them to detect the problem as their ionic fields should have not been the best at that time....
Then in this case seems robert was right; he had an experience with FG78. it was my fault called robert as a liar.Robrt! in this case I beg your pardon.
Originally Posted by hung
I can't answer that. But I'm sure if any problem arises they willl simply switch for a replacement model. Simple as that.
If the major automobile corporations have recalls from time to time for exchanging deffective equipment in their models, not a big deal this happening to Mineoro also. Not a worrying situation in my opinion...
Thank you Hung for your explanations. Of course you are right, but this case is a little different of automobiles.
you are the only man at least I can have a reliable connection to mineoro by him and have daily and reliable info of their latest acts. I wonder if you could ask them about their QC level to encourage us of not being repeated what happened in past noway.
as you know due long distance and other reasons… it's little hard for us to take back an out of order unit then wait for a new. it will burden expenses to us. Remain at least my hope there, friend.
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by michael
I wonder if you could ask them about their QC level to encourage us of not being repeated what happened in past noway.
as you know due long distance and other reasons… it's little hard for us to take back an out of order unit then wait for a new. it will burden expenses to us. Remain at least my hope there, friend.
I'll be contacting them today for another reason and I will utilize the opportunity to get all info on the FG78s case and quality control policy now on. But I assure you will never be in prejudice towards Mineoro.

Anyway, it's been raining for 5 days now, what is causing my self reclusion at home. This and the fact I'm mixing a CD at my studio.
Just can't wait for good weather again and check an out of town area with both PDC and FG.
I am sure I will have more fun than being in disneyland...
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Old 08-02-2006, 09:50 PM
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Thumbs up o.k.

"Then in this case seems robert was right; he had an experience with FG78. it was my fault called robert as a liar.Robrt! in this case I beg your pardon."

Pardon accepted...
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Old 08-02-2006, 09:52 PM
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Default What about Carlo?

I guess even Carlo couldnt done better!
Nothing to delete....ts,ts,ts...
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Old 08-07-2006, 12:42 AM
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Talking FG80 : First Hit!

With pleasrue I announce the first, debut detection with the FG80.
Boy, am I happy and excited!

Rain quit on friday morning. In the afternoon, sun was already shining again.
This sunday afternoon I decided to go for a ride with my wife and little daughter in a few of hundreds of jesuit sites around here. I packed the FG80 and PDC 210 inside the car. First I went to one of the first jesuit churches built which is located on the top of a small hill with a magnificent ocean view. No signal from PDC or FG. I had never gone to that church before.
Then I decided to go to another place which I also had never took the PDC. The 'big hill', a beautiful spot with an also astonishing, more than 1,000 feet high. On top there's a ramp for paraglide jump and also there used to be a remote place where the couples used to go there to date inside cars (me included) in the past. Now the whole place was remodeled by the City Hall. Also there are ruins of an antique jesuit station dating back to the 16th century. It's a beatiful large place.

Alright, I first got the PDC and walked around the place. No signal. When I was about the take the detector back to the car to join my wife in taking pictures, I decided to enter a little deeper in the woods behind the ruins. Suddenly the PDC started to beep sporadically then in an endless loop. I had to decrease sensitivity almost to zero to make it stop. I knew I was inside the ionic fields but could not determine the source of it. In a grin and at the same time good 'mood' I though loudly: 'Hey PDC, time to get your big brother here'.. In a matter of seconds I was back in the car leaving the brave PDC in the trunk and turning the FG80 on. As expected the FG80 could pick the signal from about 50 meters in minimum calibration. The PDC had picked from about 12 or so. Only I had a feature which the legendary PDC lacked, the ability to detune the sensitivity to trigger the center of the field source. Incredible. Normal calibration is around 280 to 292 in the numbered pot. I had to decrease it to 042 to determine the origin of it. I could not determine depth however because for this I had to walk S-N and there was a stone wall behind me. But since I was on top of a hil I decided to walk down the slope keeping the antenna focused and could see that the target was indeed deep due to side detection.
From my experience I would say that this target in spread and not only on a single spot. It's not natural gold veins because I know its pattern beeps and that was not the case. The only uncommon component at the spot is a giant cell phone antenna structure. But this was not the cause of beeps since I have one exactly the same type near where I live and I already confirmed produces no interference in the FG80.
Studying the area quickly as there were lots of tourists in the afternoon, I don't discard the existence of an underground compartment as well.
This week I will contact the Hystory and Culture Department to know of their interest of this possible finding.

There are lots of other places around here. I just need the time to search them what unfortunately most of the time I don't have. But the fun is always granted !
Just wanted to share with you all.
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Old 08-07-2006, 01:05 AM
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Hi Hung

Interesting. Have you tried from the car or van (diesel) in other areas? I obtain interesting results with models 205 and 210 from the windows of the vehicle in no poluited areas (no interferences). Do you can try the FG 80 from the windows of the car in "quiet" areas? Detection from the windows of the vehicle is important because you can check many areas near the ways and small bridges.
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Old 08-07-2006, 06:08 AM
michael michael is offline
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that's great. Esteban quest was exact my quest. If be able to detect stably from car, is fabulous and time saving.
By the way ,Hung! why don't take FG80 to easy terrains and test for superficial objects, be possible for digging ,- a practical project- and take photo of your founds?
another thing; did you try any of my offered test point?
I think some of them are easy and worth to be tried. Regards.
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Old 08-07-2006, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban
Hi Hung

Interesting. Have you tried from the car or van (diesel) in other areas? I obtain interesting results with models 205 and 210 from the windows of the vehicle in no poluited areas (no interferences). Do you can try the FG 80 from the windows of the car in "quiet" areas? Detection from the windows of the vehicle is important because you can check many areas near the ways and small bridges.
I'm sure this one was the first of many visits to the site I intend to make now. I will try detection from the car.
I must enphasize however that only now the sun is up again and I will check the ionic fields there from now on.

Regarding using the detectors in car. I always did and do. For the PDC the best setting is up to 3 in the knob, although the face plate mentions '2'.
For my humidity conditions, I'd rather use 3. For a place (like my friend's) with real low humidity you could use '2', although he alsos uses 3 inside his car.
In those settings, you get free of any kind of interference such as break lights, etc. and if any beep pattern should happen you are sure is something buried hence the intensity of field.
For the FG80, I think the setting would be anywhere up to 240 I think. Still researching it tough.

Michael: The deeper the target is, the more powerful the field around it and the more distant detection you will get.
I already tried my ring detection as I said, but a surface target detection don't even come close to a deep buried one. So the deeper the object happens to be, the more powerful and precise detection is.
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Old 08-07-2006, 02:43 PM
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Two clarifying remarks here:

1 -
Originally Posted by hung
Only I had a feature which the legendary PDC lacked, the ability to detune the sensitivity to trigger the center of the field source.
I actually misexpressed myself. It's not that the PDC 'lacks' this feature. There are occasions in which a target produces an intense field and it's not possible to determine the center with it. One actually will have to 'depolarize' it in order to reduce this intensity so the PDC could pinpoint the center of the source.
The FG80 has a different circuitry which allows theoretically the decrese of the field triggered by the antenna.

2 - I did not make the claim this is indeed a 'buried treasure' as this is too much premature to say. Note that I only said I achieved a detection.
Otherwise it would appear an irresponsability from my part. I will have to investigate it a lot more, although I had a similar sympton by the PDC in the past which proved to be correct. But so far the chances are promising. Let's see how it develops.
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Old 08-07-2006, 08:36 PM
michael michael is offline
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Originally Posted by hung
Michael: The deeper the target is, the more powerful the field around it and the more distant detection you will get.
I already tried my ring detection as I said, but a surface target detection don't even come close to a deep buried one. So the deeper the object happens to be, the more powerful and precise detection is.
Yes, you are right. it's obvious. but I mean it would be better you enter to digging phase. at least for those easy superficial buried objects that you have beep there. just to have constant, repeatable beeps are not enough, dig and see what was beeps for. and I wonder if you could pay attention to my test points. Regards.
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Old 08-07-2006, 10:33 PM
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Cool If you could see my face now

Michael, I will re read your post and take a look on your 'test points'.

But what I would like to talk about now is regarding my 'drained look' caused by hours of talking on the phone with Damasio. Well for me it was a REAL lesson as the man filled me up with so many information ! Oouch!
I tell you, the man is an endless source of science, culture, everything you can imagine. I sincerelly say I never met someone like him before. His scientific knowledge is outrageous, imense. He even told me things I did not know about him, like the time he met with NASA scientists when researching his concepts of ionic detection and how in his life he always worked in high military technology here in Brazil.
I don't want to start a fighting debate here but he confidenced me that a lot of scientific explanation of things out there is wrong. I won't go into that but among many things, he made me review a lot of pre estabilished concepts on regular metal detecting technology also.

Well let's talk about the mineoros.
He explained one more time for me and I share with you all that prior to a rain, the atmosphere is highly positive charged and the earth (ground) has imense negative charges what makes the detectors have an astonishing range since the ionic chamber is positive. But when rains start, the atmosphere then also gets negative which mix up a lot of ions from other substances also and reduces the ionic phenomena. Add to this humidity too.

So after years and years of researching and improving, the new technology for the ionic detectors were born as I said in previous posts, and automation was added. Yesterday I could see how powerful the FG80 was in relation to an all time favorite like the PDC210. It was the best detector for that era, but I clearly could see 'in loco' how this technology evolved. In the words of Damasio , 'the FG80 is for the PDC 210 what a Rolls Royce is for a Turtle Volkswagen...'.
He told me that a few days ago, Alonso and two more people were researching inside a farm. They had 3 detectors at that time. A DC2008, a PDC 210 and an 'old' DCH85. The DC 2008 all of a sudden detected something from about 12 feet. The PDC 210 did not emit a single beep from that distance. For some reason they could not use the center &deep. They determined depth by triangulation. When the depth of 8 inches was measured, Alonso got a screw driver and a gold ring appeared hanging from it. The lady owner of the farm almost fainted. She said she had lost that ring there 24 years ago. And you know what? She gave a party for them to celebrate. Lots of cookies, drinks, etc..

Nice story, I said to Damasio. The afternoon had ended with the last rays of sun disappearing and only now I saw how dark it was in my office. I turn the lights on and I feel Damasio is a little tired on the phone. We decide to finally end for now and continue this conversation later .
I hang up the phone, tired, but happy with the knowledge I got from all of that and the confidence that a new era has come for long range detection again.
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Old 08-07-2006, 10:51 PM
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Two important things before I forget.
The FG80 will pick up fresh gold, but once it beeps at it, you have to depolarize the sample to beep again. The humidity rate must be of less than 50 %.

In gold mining areas, the atmosphere is already ionized, so that's why the PDC behaved great for the gold veins. The FG80 there would reached unbelieveable results.
Also in this kind of ionized atmosphere the detection for a fresh gold ring for instance can be picked up from about 180 feet away.
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Old 08-07-2006, 11:28 PM
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Looking forward to seeing some pictures. Are you (hung) ever going to actually detect/dig unknown targets? Lots of talk (text) here, with little (none) to show for it. Please, bedazzle us with some pictures (proof) and less talk (BS).

HH, Jim
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Old 08-08-2006, 01:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim
Looking forward to seeing some pictures. Please, bedazzle us with some pictures (proof) and less talk (BS).

HH, Jim
OH, I'd love to. Don't worry because anytime I find something with the FG80, I'll post the pictures.
But I'll provide them here just for the record and for fun.
Loose your hope if you think I'd show them here as proof. Frankly, I don't need to prove anything anymore since 2004.
Talking is necessary to reveal a character whereas proof can be fabricated.
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Old 08-08-2006, 03:29 PM
michael michael is offline
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Thumbs up be as pioneer by FG80

Hung, good and encouragous news. I hope is so. Of course your own test or founds are another thing and as a document for us (at least for me cose I believe in you).
Do some serious missions in areas with no need get permission for digging and dig for every beep. If I were you by this time would dug 2 points up to 10 meters depth know what I & my detector have done (Whereas here situation is high stuffy for treasure seeking).
Another thing; did you talk with Damasio about their QC policies to preclude what happened about FG78 being repeated for latest models? e.g. I as a customer want to be assured about my received device be thoroughly intact not out of order.
Again; please don't neglect of my test points,dear friend.
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Old 08-08-2006, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by michael
Do some serious missions in areas with no need get permission for digging and dig for every beep. If I were you by this time would dug 2 points up to 10 meters depth know what I & my detector have done (Whereas here situation is high stuffy for treasure seeking).
Take it easy buddy. No need to do that. When a target really exists the detector will beep consistently and then the depth is determined. Only then the digging starts.
Also I'm thinking about once I detect small targets around here, leave one or two the way it is, with no digging just to have a reference target for ionic fields status for future comparisons.

Another thing; did you talk with Damasio about their QC policies to preclude what happened about FG78 being repeated for latest models? e.g. I as a customer want to be assured about my received device be thoroughly intact not out of order.
Yes. The problem with the FG78 was that some components used were not reliable regarding values and thus acting completely unstable. This was out of Mineoro's control since they did not manufacture those and upon testing they initially appeared to be normal.
This fact actualy accelarated the lauching of automation for the new detectors, which employed another type of circuitry.
All detectors are full tested, and all compoments are carefully measured and although the same components are used, since the ionic phenomena varies from place to place depending on the time of the year, weather conditions, etc. , it's hard to make a complete analysis of its capabilities.
My opinion is that it would be totally impractical to have each detector ordered remain in testing for say a month or more to check their performance. This is not a limitation of the detector in anyway, it's a limitation on the phenomena which specifically favor particular weather conditions and periods...
A prototype is tested for months and when it's complete, it enters the production phase.
Anyway I believe the new FG series have no problems but if indeed presents any fault it will be switched.
In fact if someone has a FG78 which might be presenting problems, just contact the factory for a switch for a new working model. No need to bash Mineoro for not being able to detect with a faulty device. No one could.
Simply return it for a change. Simple as that.

Again; please don't neglect of my test points,dear friend.
Would you specifically tell me what you want me to do?
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Old 08-08-2006, 09:24 PM
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We found a old pocket clock (gold-plated) with this legend: "System Roskoff". Was with Alonso, models 2006 and 2007, 2 months ago, in ancient train area, no very far, 15 or 20 m, maybe by the humidity, in threes' sector.
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Old 08-08-2006, 09:29 PM
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Sorry :o: trees no three.
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Old 08-09-2006, 05:58 AM
michael michael is offline
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Thank you Hung for your favors. It's good news.
my test points are in page 1 in this subject; 6 points, but 5 of them are more important:
only Num. 1 needs to be buried other can be done easily in air; from distance you did with your ring is enough.
1- Make test for buried different size of fresh gold .
2- If can detect gold when is near iron or any other metal.
3- If can detect gold near dense minerals (like as inside a chalk pack or a mix of chalk 50%+ clay 40% + sand 10%; dry or wet).
4- If can detect gold inside or near a mass of charcoal.
5- If can detect a medium size gold When put in or behind of a thick ceramic vase(in air or soil) ?
If you do those, will have made me obliged to you.
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Old 08-09-2006, 12:44 PM
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Angry Not this time yet guys...

Originally Posted by Esteban

We found a old pocket clock (gold-plated) with this legend: "System Roskoff". Was with Alonso, models 2006 and 2007, 2 months ago, in ancient train area, no very far, 15 or 20 m, maybe by the humidity, in threes' sector.
Yeah Esteban, good for you being on the right place to detect that watch.
Guess for me it's just a matter of time for a finding with the FG80.

End of the line for hopes that what I detected was buried gold.
Yesterday I returned to the site now with more time to investigate and to my astonishment, the source of the beeps is an underground powerhouse in that hill... In the middle of nothing! Well actually in the site there are a lot of trees, branches, rocks and thousands of leaves on the ground. Typicaly of rain forrests vegetation. At the time I arrived there I knew there was someting wrong when I could not pick the signal from 150 feet like on sunday, only closer. Then when aproaching the target from another direction I sighted one portion of a thick black plastic conduit. The rest was going underground.
Later talking to the city hall in charge there, he explained that there's a powerhouse underground and the black conduits were hidden among the leaves and branches. This is used to light up the poles in the front distant part of the place. They usually light it up at 5 o'clock, exactly the time I was there on sunday. This explains why I got a more distant signal. It was all interference...

Well, let's move on. I scheduled a visit to shipwreck sites out of town this weekend and have a big expedition coming up in september in which I'll videotape to use it in a future intended documentary.

I feel like those guys in the MD forums who first bought a metal detector and is dying for his first detection compared to the ones who are all seasoned at it. Although the PDC made me overcome this phase already, anxiety and expectation for a debut finding with the FG80 are natural.
But as I said, it's just a matter of time and place. Because if it's there, I'll get it.
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