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Old 10-02-2006, 08:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Smile ....

Yo,Michael...leave it that tone for a while...never mind...I still do not beleive....(maybe "beleive" is wrong term...?) ...ok i'll put this way:
Yes, "beleive" is wrong term.It is not important what i do beleive...but very important is what i can prove here...So i do not have any proofs yet...
I had idea for all of us togather to investigate more this....This man,manufacturer of Radijan 2001 made claims that he founded exact frequencies of natural elements.....So i was thinking to investigate that part mostly....frequencies of natural elements...Is it possible for us to determine right list of those?
To Carl:
Radijan 97 - analog one, is the same signal generator as 2001 but with analog commands on front panel.....this 2001 one is just with added display,some PIC probably and soft touch commands instead pots and switches...iguess
I do not have details yet..

So how can we determine right,true list of frequencies of natural elements.....???
Which method should we use?

Again,Raymond Royal Rife story is very interesting...despite wikipedia(whic i do not like at all...same as so many other instant knowledge databases)...

You should use google and search for that story....I know there must be link somewhere on the .net with complete Rife story....
Lets do a bit more about this first step...but leave personal egos a side...
I did that first...didnt i?
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Old 10-02-2006, 09:00 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 765
Smile Rife...

Michael...i am not gonna mock you or anybody else here...of course...take it easy...

Whenever is "HOT"...ivconic shows up to save the day!!! He,he,he...
Aint me so sweet? Aint I genius?
.NET is full with similar stuff abot R.R.Rife....(and ivconic too).
This is just one short text about that subject.
I am so interested....cose you know...if we can kill virus in blood just with method of exposing
it to strong EM field...than we can use some good PI metal detector...adjust frequency and with
a big coil and strong power...we can expose patient for some 20-30 minutes per day....
This is not joke! This is just naive,logical thinking.....Is it possible?
Besides i already tested Delta Pulse from 80hZ to 850Hz and works just fine...of course with
different coils.....I made 75cm coil with 8 meters detectable/measureable field....of course
strenght of that field decay by reach....
I already started to design device in which i will include most of the Delta Pulse design...
Of course i'll omit RX part....
I was thinking...first next time i'll get flue...to try this method on myself!!!
It is so easy....almost every winter i catch flue or something simillar so....i can check this
very accurate.....
You may laugh on this but it is very easy to check...isnt it?
As claimed, frequency should be arround 727 Hz....sort of universal for most of problems...?
************************************************** *************
Royal Rife Revisited:
Reconstruction of the Original Rife Ray Tube
David M. Tumey and William H. Sheline
Abstract --
In this paper the authors relate information obtained from over three years of work
spent researching and reconstructing a working replica of Royal Rife's original Ray Tube
apparatus. A description of Rife's discovery of the pleomorphic nature of microorganisms is
given along with details of how this led him to invent a revolutionary non-invasive pathogen
devitilization technique. Also discussed with limited detail was Rife's development of his
extraordinary microscopes. The authors attempt to give the reader new insights into this
exciting, readily available technology. Finally, the authors describe the design and fabrication
of a complete and working beam tube system, constructed with antique and surplus electronic
components. This paper attempts to provide enough information so that all can understand what it
was Rife was attempting to accomplish, how Rife's machines worked, and how similar machines
might be manufactured today. Also, a list of the original known Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MORs)
is provided. No claims for the use of this device in healing human subjects are made.
Introduction -- Royal Raymond Rife (1888 - 1971) was an accomplished scientist and microbiologist
who developed an optical microscope that could provide magnifications and resolutions heretofore
unheard of. He was able, through special quartz optics and a creative optical heterodyning
technique, to obtain these resolutions even though they surpassed the theoretical limits of
ordinary visible light microscopy. Theoretically, the wavelength of the source illumination is
the limiting factor in achievable resolution. It is not possible to image something smaller
than the wavelength of the microscope's light source. That is why electron microscopes (with far
shorter wavelength) can be used today to image extremely small objects. The major difference
between visible light and electron microscopy is that, by its nature, electron microscopes
destroy the microorganisms while viewing them. Rife's major advantage was that he could observe
them in their natural state. His most powerful instrument is said to be the Universal Microscope
which had a magnification of 61,000X and a resolution of 30,000 diameters. Compare this with
today's state-of-the-art light source microscopes which are limited to approximately 5,000
Rife began his work with the microscopes in the early 1920's and it was from these original
developments that he would make many of his revolutionary discoveries. It is argued that Rife
was the first person to empirically prove that virus and bacteria are pleomorphic forms.
Pleomorphism is the phenomenon by which one distinct life form mutates into another. Rife
basically classified pathogenic bacteria into 10 individual groups. Rife demonstrated that
any organism within its group could be transformed morphologically into any other organism
within the 10 groups by carefully altering the media in which it was cultured. Of course this
discovery contradicts modern microbiology which teaches that a bacteria's morphology is fixed
and unchangeable.
Rife also discovered techniques for successfully culturing cancer virus. This virus he
identified as BX and it was noted that the viruses refracted a purplish red color with a
monochromatic beam under his microscope. In fact, Rife discovered that each organism depending
on its state would refract unique spectra and have distinct coloration. By the late 1920's and
early 30's, Rife had discovered that by irradiating these pathogenic microorganisms with
specific frequencies known as MORs for Mortal Oscillatory Rates, he could cause them to
devitalize either by interrupting normal cytologic function or by inducing them to mutate into
a non-pathogenic form.
The instrumentation involved in this irradiation process has been the subject of a great deal
of controversy over the past 50 years. After researching books, films, articles and notes, the
authors have concluded that Rife irradiated his pathogenic entities with a modulated radio
frequency produced by a sophisticated RF plasma discharge. Rife utilized a radio frequency
generator that produced between 100 and 150 Watts of power with a carrier frequency between
3.1 Mhz and 35 Mhz. The output from the generator was connected through suitable impedance
matching circuitry to a plasma discharge tube with one or more noble gases. It is believed that
Helium was the primary gas used although many researchers cite Argon or an Argon mix as the
choice ingredient. Further, Rife utilized a standard dial-type vacuum tube audio frequency
generator as the modulation source for his radio frequency transmitter. The modulation signal
was a square wave and it is assumed he chose this waveform because of its high harmonic content
and broad spectral contributions.
Rife obtained the original MORs through a painstaking method of tuning the dial of the audio
frequency generator while observing the sample pathogen under his microscope. When a frequency
was discovered that demonstrated the ability to devitilize a particular microorganism, its dial
position was duly noted and marked. The actual frequencies were determined later after the
experimental trials. By the mid 1950s the verified original MOR frequency list included 15
different bacteria and viruses. Regardless of what other researchers have said, the authors
believe that these 15 frequencies represented the complete list. The following is a listing of
these known MORs as compiled by Dr. Robert P. Stafford, M.D. a physician who worked with an
original Rife machine from 1957 to 1963:
Microorganism Frequency in Hertz
------------- ------------------
Tetanus 120
Treponema 660
Gonorrhea 712
Staphlococci 728
Pneumococci 776
Streptothrix (fungus) 784
Streptococci 880
Typhoid Bacteria 712
Typhoid Virus 1862
Bacillus Coli Rod Form 800
Bacillus Coli Virus 1552
Tuberculosis Rod Form 803
Tuberculosis Virus 1552 (same as B-Coli)
Sarcoma (all forms) 2008
Carcinoma (all forms) 2128
Dr. Stafford who is still living in Dayton, Ohio, independently verified some of Rife's work.
Dr. Stafford conducted a rat study with the assistance of Dr. Robert Zipf, M.D., who at the
time was the Director of Medical Research at Miami Valley Hospital and in addition, the
Montgomery County Coroner. Chloroleukemic Sprague-Dawley rats were utilized in the experiment.
Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the study results in detail, the
encapsulated summary is as follows: Ten suckling rats were injected with standard doses of rat
leukemic whole blood. Of the seven rats which were inoculated and treated with the Rife
equipment, three survived without symptom. Four of these rats died. However, the average time
to death was 50.5 days as compared to the group of three non-treated rats which had an average
death time of 43.6 days. In addition, all the non-treated rats died. Clearly, even with the
four 'failed-cures', in the group of treated rats the Chloroma was favorably impressed.
************************************************** ****************************************

Some of so many links on this subject...

Of course i am fully awared that this Rife subject is not quite adequate to suit this thread
subject...but there are a lot of analogy...If some of those informations we can use here than
it is very good.....if not...than i wasted so many space here...Yup!
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Old 10-04-2006, 04:40 AM
ivconic ivconic is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 765
Talking ??

I guess,when real questions here take a place than no one would like to be deeply involved...he,he,he
I Sony started some jokeable story (like many others here) than everybody has something to say....but now...???

The frequency of natural element subject is more than not welcome to populistic places like many of threads here, i guess?

Some people here are so ready to talk and talk,when fairy tales are on the table....

C'mon beleivers! Lets talk about more real things! Can anybody here name even one element and its frequency and than to prove anyhow that claim?
All LRL/Mineoro theories rely on that fact?
Or you just ready to talk stupid fairy tales and nothing else?
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Old 10-05-2006, 08:58 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 765
Talking this will end this subject for good....

Michael: "Here in Middle east situation is high stuffy and we scare of our lives. treasure
hunting is really forbidden and intelligent service pursues treasure hunters."
Neronc: "The situation is the same in Belgium. It is a small country and I would not certainly
say in this forum if I had found a treasure. I am certain that since the following day,
I would have some problems. All is known here."
************************************************** *************************
The situation is the same in Serbia too. There are a lot of locations here protected by
state institutions. Police is doing a great deal of job on protecting those from
ilegall "archaeologists" and so called "tomb raiders".....
It is very hard,almost imposiblle to smuggle such a big pile of coins just like that..
I do not beleive in such "sweet" story at all...
************************************************** ***************************
Leto: "$2.000,00 or $12.000,00 ?? And the question is how were the 100 gold coins smuggled
from Jordan to USA + intelligent service behind..??Hey but yes..detectorists are
damage-makers for archaeologists."
************************************************** ******************************
Good point! So many jars in sand and so many smugglers there, i supposed!?
************************************************** ******************************
Leto: "I do not understand Hungs bad attitude towards Carl... finaly Carl helps Hung
advertising mineoro with existance of this forum and this thread... who knowns how
many naive people bought mineoros and other C.#.#.P. devices with help of such golden
found forum threads. Hey Carl maybe mineoro should fund your server bills..."
************************************************** *******************************
No wonder at all...It is almost fact that Carl helps Hung advertising mineoro with
leting him to open every day new thread with same subject!?

Kev.: "Liars are cheap, some pathological types will even do it solely for the satisfaction
and intrigue."
I agree! One of them,here have patological need to be present everywhere,to be seen,
and to be known....so he is everywhere...posting same old nonsences again and again..
I am sure that you know his nick. Mostoften on this forum....
************************************************** ***************

Carl: "According to Mineoro, this forum is hurting their business. Damasio is quite upset."
Like hell! I bet he is very satisfied with this forum. Mostly thanks to your
patienty and habit to alow everyday anoyance from same man,day by day.
You are ready to delete only "dirty" language, no matter of honesty...and at the
same time you are ready to alow dirty mind posts with "sweet&polite" language....
************************************************** ********************************
Hung: "No. The bad attitude was not from me. Carl posted that 'silly' clues postings trying
to induce people to believe Mineoro paid Mitchell to 'advertise' their detector.
Esteban and I presented the true story which 'debunked' any speculation on the contrary."
Hung or whatever your nick is, YOU are provoking bad attitude here! I guess that was
your idea from the begining...
You should backup your tales from time to time with some fact and proof...
Jim: "Ah yes, young hung…just how are you privy to such information. Either you are involved
in the scam, or a victim. Time to come clean..."
Good morning Jim!

Carl, the guilt is all yours! Think twice! Only you can do something here...nobody else!

First time i visited this Geotech Forum i was delited. So many technicals....almost
like a dream to me.
With characters like Hung, this place becamed hell, thanks to your "do nothing" game...
What you doing here is not democracy for everybody to have same rights....no....
lately it turnet to a joke.... a big joke...! And mineoro is taking all the credit
from it...

Sorry for criticism...but i am very straight, i am telling you only what i am thinking
for real....

************************************************** **********************************

I was thinking to post here many of my designs on MD subject. Also i developed a quite
new devices with a few quite new techniques involved, for free, to share with other people...
To exchange....to make new friends...
I also was thinking to post a several schematics of complete designs of brand new machines on
market today, which nobody have yet....
But sorry, this is not gonna happen here! Thanks to unfair treatment on RObert, SOny and some
other of my friends,while at the same time some "yo-yoes" enjoy kind of immunity to do whatever
they want to do without penalties...

A short story....
Once i asked Jackdetect, why he is not present so often here on these forums......And guess
what was his answer....???
I am not gonna tell you here...i'll just say:
Good bye!
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