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Old 06-11-2006, 02:15 AM
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Default Like a hell ...

This post is dedicated to
Ebr z2002 , Leto , Robert , Ivconic , Carl and other smart and clever people here , on
this forum also Geo,KT315, J Player , Qiaozhi and others....
but NOT TO "beleivers",promoters, frauds and simillar...
Such argue,retorics and efforts to try to convince the oposite side has done
nothing productive so far and it will not in the future !
The reasons of that are very transparent: those people comes here not to take
a part in this forum and be productive, not to post here some proofs and some
usefull things so we, others can use it, no not at all! Those people come here
and bug,bash,spoil everything here, also trying to promote lies,frauds and of
course, trying to provide some of more naive suckers for their gang, so that
mineoro toys can be soled worldvide, and a good money can be earned.That is the
only truth.
Trust me, the best way to deal with those people here is to DISREGARD all their
posts!Sooner or later they gonna realize that is no use of them being here any more.
Just let them to continue with such funny posts, posting so much funny pics here,
convincing each other that their fairy tales are true...ha,ha,ha !!! At the begining
i was pissed of, but now i am very relaxed visiting this kind of threads.Whenever i
want to laugh on stupids and imbeciles i come here!I even download those posts and
spread amongs my frieands like unique joke. Everybody laugh on it!
This type of thread becomes a place where you can meet "look-like" people and for the
future to know very well with who you might be talking on some subject, if is...
Like a gheto. They all come here, so you do not need to make any effort to mark them
on some other threads and forums.
If some further reply's on this post, just to let you know that this kind of post here
is just quite enough competent and usable as some previous posts here about some false
So i am gonna disregard any further reply on this here...

"About 2 months ago I wrote an e-mail for mineoro that was fundamentally hollow (3 BIG JAR
FULL OF COINS).I wrote it only to assay their reaction to excavating news by their devices.
except to some ordinary questions they didn't survey carefully about the report accuracy
and at once put it in their site. if they thought a little would find out 3-big jar full of
coins weighs much more than 3000 KG not 500 KG.of course it indicates nothing against their
production or if their devices work or not.But they put every positive and no-documentary
report in their site then other claims about founds are probably unreliable.
It was my partner plan to send such e-mail to mineoro then I apologize from all of you .
I wrote this under my conscience pressure...."
Ebr z2002 CONGATULATIONS !!!!!! You are champion !!!
"...of course it indicates nothing against their production or if their devices work or not."
Their devices work for real....but only in their dreams !!! Trust me!

If you want to check some serious manufacturer just send something simillar to them.
For example send some simillar mail to White's or Garrett or Fisher.....
This kind of jokes can "do the job" only to "manufacturer" like mineoro (i am not using capital
"M" at all, when mentioning that name), simply because they do not have any material proof
at all for their devices to work.They only rely on others support, like here on these threads.
It is very easy to fool them, when ever you want! Only "blind" people can not see that!

Leto come here again, join us sceptics, let's togather fight against frauds! Let push them out
of this excell forum for good! Let this forum be our oasis, without any trash at all!
They already spoiled so many places on the .net so far! Let preserve at least this place clean!
On every of their nonsence post here, we can answer with one of ours! Let's fight!
Let's just bug and bash them so much to push them to leave this place for good!
best regards to "sceptics"
to beleivers:
Cojo a madre del yor usted los fraudes!!!
Eu fodo a măe do yor vocę frauds!!!

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Old 06-11-2006, 09:19 AM
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Default The Bottom Line....

I agree that it may be possible for LRL detectors to work. But the bottom line is:

Why is there no person on the entire earth willing to demonstrate a LRL machine working in front of our eyes, same as other metal detectors are demonstrated in front of our eyes?

Until someone is willing to show us a LRL work, then nobody will belive these machines. You want us to believe your machine is a good machine? it is easy. Show us a demonstraton of it working in front of us. No more b.s. stories obout treasure 20 years ago.
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Old 06-11-2006, 11:04 AM
michael michael is offline
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Thumbs up Hi Comely Sony (robert).

Originally Posted by sony
Let's just bug and bash them so much to push them to leave this place for good! NO MORE LIES !!! NO MORE FRAUDS !!! GO TO HELL "BELEIVERS" !!! best regards to "sceptics"
I should change it regards to "rational skeptics". It seems this guy (sony) is the one, Robert .his tone look-alikes thoroughly to robert; disrespectful and arrogant.
One day one junior member in robert name comes and stings others, when becomes notorious for his tone and lies goes to another name that it's also a junior member and continues his habits. Yesterday with robert name today with SONY , tomorrow with PANASONIC, JVC,… names. Where were you robert (sony)? We really missed you. How about your latest results about FG80 you have gotten of your European friends? Come on please , don’t hang us over .
Mr. Sony (robert), Why do you select your favorite parts of Ebr Z2002 comments?
He emits no distinct idea about Mineoro devices, on the other hand isn't sure against mineoro. But does and is sure about those you love. apparently he wills their perdition when he tells;
" We always here tell god damn all of them".

You blow in your horn and summon others as though you are in war. Yes you don’t think of anything more than war in regard to rational arguments. I add here am not Mineoro prejudice proponent,
but know long range distance detection is right and works.

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Old 06-11-2006, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Ebr_z2002
Hi. Oh no. what reasonable answers??
suppose you are righ,you did not answer to these;
first- why a particular object(Gold hair brooch) detected by different models at
different dates? unless yhose models detected only old buried? I.e. when discovered
by MT2006 not possible to be discoverd again by GDP538 or dc2008.hummm??
how they detect a particular object at different times and dates by various models???!!!!

what about results for dc2006 & 2007 at same date(04/13/2006) for particular targets detected by these models without any difference? No difference in results!!!
Means at least no different between dc2006 & 2007. read my above post again and yourself compare.

I see what you mean.
I've also seen this in the past but did not bother .
My guess is that in the past as the new detectors were being introduced and their webdesginer or so simply used to sub the previous detectors in all site related parts.
I will contact them about this and will get back if some think it's relevant.

About posts like Sony's, I have already been disregarding those in the past and I will not waste my time towards it.
If someone wishes to do so, it's up to them.
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Old 06-11-2006, 03:07 PM
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Say anything, whether it is true or not is a well used Skeptic cult psychological stratagy to distract and disrupt forum discussions they feel deter from their agenda. It happens in all the forums the cultist are permitted freedom of speech to harass in.

Robert, has already warned of his intentions to bash and harass us until we leave. Others, perhaps aliases, will join the harassament until discussions on the subject can no longer be continued without webmaster intervention. That is why I no longer attempt to share my own field knowledge here because it is disrespected and a waste of my time to do so. This is a skeptic cult forum where disrespect and product bashing is to be expected.

JPlayer, As far as I know, LRL dealers give demonstrations of their products when you go to their place of business, the same as metal detector dealers give demonstrations when you go to their place business. It's up to you to make the appointment. Dell

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Old 06-11-2006, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player
Why is there no person on the entire earth willing to demonstrate a LRL machine working in front of our eyes, same as other metal detectors are demonstrated in front of our eyes?

Until someone is willing to show us a LRL work, then nobody will belive these machines. You want us to believe your machine is a good machine? it is easy. Show us a demonstraton of it working in front of us. No more b.s. stories obout treasure 20 years ago.
Dell is correct on his post and I just add that what you are claiming is not true.
Regarding Mineoros, there's a dealer in US already. I just don't know if he has any detector in stock for a demo, as the new ones are not out yet and the old ones are gone for sure, and also if he has the knowledge to conduct a demonstration. I am not doubting of his skills. Far from that. It's just that I don't know if he's only a mere dealer or an actual power user.

I told you this in the past. If you want a demo 'in loco' go, visit their place.
Good news for you is that Damasio has planed a trip to US. Just don't know when and if he indeed will be able to cause he has health problems.
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Old 06-11-2006, 11:12 PM
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Default Still the bottom line....

As far as the skeptic bashing in this forum, It appears there are a very few who are intent on enforcing their own form of censorship by discrediting and posting personal attacks against other members. In my opinion, this adds nothing useful to the forum. In fact it tends to degrade the forum by showing it to be a place where people are not free to put forth their ideas for others to consider. The only thing of value I can see in the posts by these people is their statements of disagreement, and their questions asking to see proof. The fact that they don't understand the principle on which LRL detecting works does not prove that LRL principles don't exist or that anyone is a fraud. It appears to me these people would do well in a country where everyone is presumed guilty until they can prove otherwise.

Another class of forum member is the highly educated member with a strong background in technical areas such as electronics or physics. These people are not qualified to prove that there are no principles that could cause a LRL to work unless they are thoroughly trained the very principles which they claim can't work. This is another area where we have people claiming LRLs don't work only because they are not familiar with principles that might make them work. How can a highly trained technical person make that mistake? The answer is as follows:

Most technically trained people are taught to examine a machine or a design for one, then use all their knowledge to understand the workings of that machine. From there, they are able to determine any flaws or areas that might need improvement, and possibly modify the machine to perform it's intended function better.

The key is that these trained technicians are limited by their knowledge. When they examine machines that they don't understand, they usually conclude that the machine is beyond their knowledge base, and they look for more information so they can understand the machine. And herein lies the problem:

There are LRL users who make claims about ionic fields, magnetic-electric fields and other principles that they say make these LRLs work. These fields may be involved in some way, but in ignorance of the technical details, these pseudo-scientists are ssending out a lot of misleading information that any trained technician would laugh at. The trained technicians are served a conglomeration of b.s. that nobody in the scientific community could accept for an explanation.

We understand that the LRL users have no intention to mislead, but the information they put out is so bad that the only way a knowledgable person could use it is to make a joke of it. I would suggest that those who don't really know what their LRL machines are sensing should say so. If an LRL user is sure his machine is measuring a field, then show some instrumentation that any technician could veify that the field actually exists and is measurable. If that can't be done, then all the field talk is heresay or "imagined" or speculative theories, not fact.

The only proof I have ever seen in remote detection is the proof of experience. My experience has no scientific basis except an unusually high incidence of people locating buried objects and streams with dowsing rods. In my opinion this is not proof. If a survey were done by a statistician observing a number of trained dowsers, he may be able to show that the odds are so great that we can accept for fact that some people are capable of dowsing.
However, I have never seen this "unusually high incidence" for LRL detecting. Why? Because there is nobody on earth who is willing to give a live demonstration of a LRL finding treasure.

I have heard the replies from Dell and Hung telling me to visit the dealers. But these Mineoro dealers do not give demonstrations of their products working, nor do they stock any Mineoro products. The procedure is they require you to send money to buy the machine, which will be manufactured in Brazil while you wait. Then, when the machine arrives at your home, you can read the instructions as well as online instructions and hope you have good results.

This is not a live demonstration.

So there we have it... no understandable principles on how the Mineoro or any other LRL works, and nobody on earth willing to give a live demonstration of any LRL finding treasure. Why bother with that nonsense?

I would be happy to see somebody prove me wrong. I have accomodations for Damasio if he is willing to stop in Southern California to demonstrate his Mineoro finding treasure.
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Old 06-12-2006, 12:32 AM
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Default The bottom line is....crap!

I'm skeptical about dowsing with two bent wires.

I am positive that the electronics in this fraudulent crap does not work. The electronics (or lack of electronics) WILL NOT transmit a resonating frequency 1 inch, let alone one mile. The electronics (or lack of electronics) WILL NOT “sniff” out floating gold ions.

I am positive that the ONLY people benefiting from the manufacturing of these fraudulent devices are the ones making and selling them.
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Old 06-12-2006, 01:30 AM
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Default Whattttt !!!!!!!!!

"Hi Comely Sony (robert)..." !!!!?????
"It seems this guy (sony) is the one, Robert .his tone look-alikes thoroughly to robert;
disrespectful and arrogant." !!!!?????
"One day one junior member in robert name comes and stings others, when becomes notorious
for his tone and lies goes to another name that it's also a junior member and continues his
habits. Yesterday with robert name today with SONY , tomorrow with PANASONIC, JVC,… names.
Where were you robert (sony)? We really missed you. How about your latest results about FG80
you have gotten of your European friends? Come on please , don’t hang us over..."

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????

I am confused !? You mistake me with somebody which i am NOT for sure !!!
And AGAIN and AGAIN you are mentioning my name and provoking me !?
Michael you don't even know me!? You don't even know who am i !? What i did so wrong to
you to provoke me more and more here !??? Nobody else here provoked me so far like you
did!? Why? You must confused me with somebody else!

If you have something against me personally than let's please explain what !?
I do agree with SOny 100% in all he mentioned! But i am not Sony!!! I do not even know
that man at all! It is just justifying the universal truth about mineoro products, when
a people do claim the same claims, like Sony did, simillar to mine previous posts here!
"...We really missed you..."
I decided to leave this thread and not to waste my time here any more.But you evoked
me again and again, whenever i decide to leave...???

I guess you want to argue with somebody all the time! Since no body want that, you
picked me to bug even if i am not here any more.....
I suggest you to start a new thread here for arguing, for example "Spitting thread" or
"War Zone", or something like it...
Well, according to you i am RObert, Sony, Leto and a few more here...A piece of me is
a Carl,also JPLayer and Quiaozhi too.....!!!???
Sooner or later i am gonna be the whole forum here for you!!! If that so, one day i might
be a MIchael too, or Esteban...who knows?
You are paranoic, and that is your problem not mine! Go, buy some mineoro and be happy,
stop bugging me, stop mentioning my name, stop comparing me with others.

"How about your latest results about FG80
you have gotten of your European friends?"
It is not my problem cose you can not afford to have any of mineoro's so far!
I already checked FG78 for a 2 months, and it is truth! If you do not beleive in
that, i don't mind at all! Your problem, not mine. Your masters from mineoro,Brasil
do not consider you very serious since do not give you proper informations about
their latest products. Ha,ha,ha....and you are arguing with me here...Ha,ha,ha...
Hung is a hell of a joker. He peaks you-not me, to fool with! Ha,ha,ha...
Congratulations Hung! Give dog a bone for a while...
If you don't want mine posts here, than simply do not mention my name any more....
.................................................. ................................
"Robert, has already warned of his intentions to bash and harass us until we leave.
Others, perhaps aliases,...."
EVEN YOU !!!??? Yes, i warned....and than i disapeared! I decided not to "bash and
harass" you any more here, but as you see michael is chanting my name all the time!
So i am pushed to answer.
" That is why I no longer attempt to share my own field knowledge here because it is
disrespected and a waste of my time to do so...."

Dell !!! If i am the only reason for that, than please come back here again and stay
for good. I am not gonna bug you at all!!! I give you my word!
Besides, Carl already warned me to stop, so i decided to stop! Ask michael to stop too
and you'll never see any of mine posts here any more!
I do respect some of your posts here, although i can not agree with it 100%....
I also do not understand the principles of LRL, it is simply beyond my knowledge too!
It is not shame to admit that. That's why i visited these threads for the first time,
to read and learn more...
But, i was not satisfied with much of the presented posts here.No logical explanations
here,no proofs, no scienced backgrounds,no literature on which i can "call" and see
if some claims here are true or false. You were talking so much here, but i did not
understand at all!!! It must be my english, it is poor i guess! I can talk some
"Tarzan" english here, as you see, but when comes to "technician terms", than i am
lost in it.
It must be that...!!??? Who knows? Anyway, i'll stop again to "bash and harass" here
and stop being dictator again! PLEASE, come back here and continue with education!
Sdrager !!!!

HA,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha...!!!!!! That must be device with a funny,cheap func.generator,
with 0.000001 mW power output and a few funny rods, for chanting and acting stupid
on the field !!!???
Some advertisment !!! I invite everybody to visit http://www.omnitron.net and to
"explode" of laughing, reading what's on that site....Ha,ha,ha....
.................................................. .................................

J PLayer you are just to fine and polite gentleman! I do know that! Deep in your
hearth you are thinking the same way as me. O.K. you do not have to confess here that.
I am your "alter ego", also Carl's "alter ego", also everybody's else's from the
"sceptics" tribe, "alter ego"!
If you do not trust me, than try to argue with "those" people here, and you'll see!
You are nice people, you are doing just fine. Thank's for that!
But somebody just had to take the role of "bad and ugly" here, and to deal the
"beleivers" properly. I did that for a while, but decided to stop. So i'll stop
now. The very best regards !

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Old 06-12-2006, 01:38 AM
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Default Huh!

Funny people!
So i am Robert ha!? Anybody attack your nonsences is Robert !?
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Old 06-12-2006, 07:17 AM
michael michael is offline
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Posts: 561
Wink I think am right

Originally Posted by jim
The electronics (or lack of electronics) WILL NOT transmit a resonating frequency 1 inch, let alone one mile.

At least I can’t believe this because of our practical field tests. I know not about what really happens in detection, but really detects. Please go to ; http://thunting.com/geotech/forums/showthread.php?t=11046&page=9
see the subject “thank you again Robert” its’ thoroughly true. And we did it by our own. If you don’t want to believe, it’s up to you.
Originally Posted by robert
You must confused me with somebody else!

Hi. What did cause you immediately appear hear? hum? How you were informed about these comments? By who? Maybe by SONY, yes?
I should tell you don’t regard others unintelligent.[this was answer to your statement(in Sony name) ; AS SOME PEOPLE HERE USED TO POST THEIR LIES HERE, OFFENDING OUR INTELIGENCY .Yes don’t insult our intellect.
when comparing these statements: GO TO HELL "BELEIVERS",
…. to DISREGARD all their posts... Congratulations Hung! Give dog a bone for a while...No hesitation these both belong to one person.
Originally Posted by robert
I guess you want to argue with somebody all the time!
No no, you yourself know this better.

I argue with who Can’t write or talk politely. In my opinion who can’t respect others and their ideas never can emit scientific notes or even think scientifically.
Do you know any Witan, scientist or thoughtful has spoken or written such an impolite and disrespectful Statements?
Robert (sony) you are not in congruity with Carl-NC or J-player or any other rational skeptics because they never do irreverence to others even if don’t agree with them.
Originally Posted by robert
If you don't want mine posts here, than simply do not mention my name any more....

We never mind. You be or not, doesn’t make any difference although, you have been and will be as sony, robert or possibly other new upcoming names .
Originally Posted by robert
J PLayer you are just to fine and polite gentleman

By god learn from him, please. Honesty to god it will make us happy.
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Old 06-12-2006, 11:04 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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Default Huhhhhh!!!!

Michael , man , you are acting like pest !
Leave RObert alone!
You are seeking some problems!
If you want you'll get!
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Old 06-13-2006, 12:41 AM
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Default Pesty,pesty, small and pesty...

".......some stupid with the flare gun...."

again some people raise voices here...huh!
it is so hard to live these days...
same retorics from the different people mean only one thing:
must be something wrong with your attitude michael !?
Think about that!
besides, leave argue and show some productive stuff here...ha...
you all the same people! either argue either leave this place...nothing else..
It just can't be that everybody here are so ignorant and only you and other
2 friends of yours are so smart!? Ha!? You michael,hung and dell !?
All others of us are so ignorant so you came here to "light'n up" us for a bit!?

Get a hell out of there you!
Go, stuck head in a sand and look for jars!
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Old 06-13-2006, 01:36 AM
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Default ...


"I think am right"
You are so wrong...! Ha,ha,ha!
"Hi. What did cause you immediately appear hear? hum? How you were informed about these
comments? By who? Maybe by SONY, yes?"

Ha! Of course not! I never left this forum! I am here all the time, downloading every
new post on whole forum, every day, just to keep myself informed.
I just decided not to show here so often, cose no sence at all to keep trying to push
you and people like you to give here some real things, instead of empty retorics and
so much lies and virtual reallity...
For a sake of truth, Esteban is the only one who's showed some effort and posted some
constructive posts here, although i was argued with him too, much latelly. But still
i can pay some tribute to his appereance here, at least he done something! Besides,
iz Zahori subject he posted enough to make me beleive in his honest will to do something
on that subject. What about you and others!?
"Yes don’t insult our intellect. when comparing these statements:..."
I am not sure about others, but you....well, after your last posts, i am wondering about
your intellect, seriouslly! Now i am very serious, no jokes at all! Are you real when
claiming that i am sony !? You must be jokin me...or provoking...
It is not possible that you are serious!? Or you are so sick!?

" argue with who Can’t write or talk politely. In my opinion who can’t respect others and
their ideas never can emit scientific notes or even think scientifically."

"Politely"...!? What do (or others here) i have from you being polite when, at the same time
spread so much lies here!? You and other few people here and other few threads with the same
subject - "mineoro and lrl"....

I just can not respect the man who is trying to lie to me and also want to persuade by force
me in some nonsences....
We can be polite and talk polite and respect each other, only up to the point where both are
honest. But when one of us start selling "the fog" to the others, than that is hurting my
intellect so much, i just can not be polite any more!

You started first! Remember? I do have whole forum here in my pc, do i need to quote all
your poisoned posts so far?

"...We never mind...."
Who "we" !?? You always talking in somebody's else names. Are the hung,dell,esteban gave
you right to procurate them here!? Or you just feel much stronger when not alone?
Or maybe you have a few "tenants" in your head? It must be that! I am sure about that!
So if you are splited person and mind, you also (by the rule) proclaimed me too!
Ha,ha,ha! There are certain health institutions for cases like you. Only, somebody have to
take you there.
Very pathetic behaviour, feeling safe, and provoking with no risk at all!
As long as you think that you are at safe distance from the people you are attacking, you
gonna continue like that. That's why i decided not to waste time with you.
I am gonna be here all the time but i am not gonna answer on every rubbish you post here!

Sony, man, i tried so far but with no success at all! Give it up! No use from that!
We can contact via e-mail in further.

Carl, man, i am not gonna do this again! This is the last time, me to answer to nobody's!
Peace! Keep cool!
.................................................. ......................................
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Old 06-13-2006, 01:56 AM
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Carl-NC Carl-NC is offline
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End of the line, fellows.

This forum is for discussion of remote sensing equipment. I intend to keep it open and fair, for anyone and everyone, regardless of what equipment they wish to discuss.

If you disagree with someone, fine. Refute their claims, using persuasive arguments. But be civil.

If you think someone is a liar, fraud, or whatever, fine. You are free to believe whatever you like about someone. But you may not use the forum to express that belief.

Censoring is something I really, really don't like to do. But from this point on, any personal comments... name-calling, baiting, sniping, whatever... gets deleted. I do not have time to edit posts, so I will simply delete the whole post. Please don't make this necessary.

- Carl
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Old 06-13-2006, 11:06 PM
ivconic ivconic is offline
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Thumbs up Yes !!!

Yes ! I agree ! It is last moment to stop!
best regards!
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