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Old 09-08-2009, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Just someone that read could these posts could also belive it's truth and buy then one of that fine Mineoro's devices...

Why not... let be politically correct!

Let people read here and spend thousand dollars for their fools gold...

Then usefulness of this forum will be sacrificed to this "politically correct" idea... why not ?

I'll do that way.

Kind regards,
Hi Max,

I'm not saying that you cannot disagree with the LRL claims. Of course you can do that. In fact, as a skeptic, it is your duty to assist the technically challenged. I wouldn't expect anything else...
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Old 09-08-2009, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
It's not often that I agree with Hung, but in this case he has a point.

Let's have a reminder of the forum rules:

The term "remote sensing" is used to describe scientifically viable methods of detecting geophysical anomalies from a distance. It is also used to describe the less scientific method of "long-range locating", which is engulfed in controversy.

Note the sentence referring to "long-range locating". If you make outlandish claims then you must expect to be challenged. There is no need to get upset. Just state your case and move on.

This forum is for the open discussion of either method. Because LRL-oriented forums can quickly degrade into personal conflicts, this forum will be strictly controlled. Rules are still simple:
  • You must be a registered user to post here. Guests may read.
  • Be polite. Name calling will get you banned quickly.
  • Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged.
In general, try not to take differences of opinions personally.

Recently this Remote Sensing Forum has degraded into a circus. In general we do not like to moderate this forum closely, although I have occasionally removed certain attachments.

Now here's the most important part:

Postings considered to be inflammatory can be reported to Admin by clicking the little red triangle icon at the top of each post. Please use this only when absolutely necessary... I would like to keep this forum as open as possible, and do not care to mediate every conversation.

... and nobody has reported a single post during the recent circus! Therefore the assumption is that everyone is happy with the current postings?

Please can I ask everyone to cool it regarding the jokes, etc., and let's try to focus on the technical aspects of remote sensing and LRLs, whatever you consider them to be.

Thanks again to Hung for pointing out the degradation in quality of recent posts.
I appreciate your good sense of intervention as current adminstrator of this forum and I agree that it's very hard to keep an eye all the time on what happens here in terms of flaming and BS floating around, but you also have to admit that before your 'current job' you also were included in the package of skepthics who chose to ridicularize many of the LRL proponents claims, ideas and opinions. Specially my own.
Then things got out of hand and people such as Max and Jplayer started their picture galleries and cartoons regalia with Max now taking this to unaceptable limits.

I don't know about the other LRL proponents here, but I watch this forum to trade ideas about LRLs, techiniques involved and occasionally to help any Mineoro user here who happens to hang around.
I never had the intention to discuss my latest findings, prove any scientific discovery which is against 'officially released' science, or post any kind of working LRL schematics here.

Now let's get real. This will never happen among LRL proponents here. For the skepthics who in their wildest dreams thought they would come here facing someday a complete schematic of these devices, loose your hope. Don't be silly. The LRL proponents who develop their projects, such as Esteban and a few others, will never be that naive to publish their work in an open and public forum.
I think you people know the obvious reasons for that, but I think it's worth mention the reasons for those who are blinded by make believing...

They would never do it, because anyone can steal their project, ideas, concepts and in case they have idustrial capability, start to make money from it in a matter of seconds.

So, wake up and face reality.
But that does not justify the attacks, jokes and ridicule they are exposed in public. Treat them with respect and when you don't swallow their claims or ideas, simply say you don't agree. Respect they reserve themselves to omit details or keep it secret. Understand they cannot divulge it.

Start to act as 3 to 4 people I'm aware in this forum who never said a word against anything or anybody, did their homework and now have their LRLs working.

If the skepthics keep the jokes and the idiotic attitudes, I'm sure many here will leave this forum for a better option.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
I appreciate your good sense of intervention as current adminstrator of this forum and I agree that it's very hard to keep an eye all the time on what happens here in terms of flaming and BS floating around, but you also have to admit that before your 'current job' you also were included in the package of skepthics who chose to ridicularize many of the LRL proponents claims, ideas and opinions. Specially my own.
Then things got out of hand and people such as Max and Jplayer started their picture galleries and cartoons regalia with Max now taking this to unaceptable limits.
OK - let's leave it there. Perhaps we can all agree to move on, even if skeptics and LRL proponents will continue to agree to disagree.

I'm sure if we all met in a bar somewhere we would get on just fine, even after a few beers.
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Hmmmmm..... no circus... no humor... then just technical ???

ok lets back to technical...

I'll be glad to see a complete schematic or tuning instruction set by you...

If will happen I mean... I don't hold breath for it...

I asked you a number of times about technical stuff regarding LRLs... never get a complete answer ! My fault ??? My bad attitude ???

You guys made the mess each time posts that you can e.g. detect a coin at 2 or 70 meters... doesn't matter...just out of "normal" or "human" md ranges...and I added just humor and jokes... nothing more.

Each time someone challenge you and that's not just you Esteban but all LRL belivers and pretenders you start this victimism here...

Old story...

Kind regards,

Agree 100%. Here, I believe, nobody is against undiscovered science. In contrary. But must be science not something between religion, fairy tale, David Copperfieldism and fraudism (continued more or less disguised advertising mineoro and others fraudulent boxes).

Our kidding's are less for our enjoyment, and not in order to defend our skepticism, but primarily to protect the naive members here against propaganda tricks which ultimate goal is selling worthless goods by rude prices.

If the background would not be commercial but seriously deal with an undiscovered science, it has long away to seen here working schematic of these terrible LRL devices, but we have not and obvious will not too. We saw only a technical comics. Why, then, would not laugh?

So: Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged.

And they are challenged nothing else.

They're not victims at all.

Victims are naive buyers of of expensive LRL crap.

As always.


I can only repeat:

There is only one answer to all LRL believers, LRL promoters, LRL sellers, LRL producers and their Lawyers: come to my "regio" (testing field) and repeat such dummy tricks. I am willing to buy 20 gr gold medal with the inscription "LRL WINNER", and buried only 5 cm deep in soil, and if you manage to find it with any of yours LRL crappy toys, medal is yours. That medal is really buried at the end we prove by ordinary Chinese metal detector. And this is not all, I will add my written apology and promise to promote LRL in future.

So stop by blah blah loading here and prepare instead yourself on the real controlled test.
Global capital is ruining your life?
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
Our kidding's are less for our enjoyment, and not in order to defend our skepticism, but primarily to protect the naive members here against propaganda tricks which ultimate goal is selling worthless goods by rude prices.
If you are referring to your spoof LRL posting, then please don't misunderstand me. This was not one of the jokes in question. In fact, you may remember that I also posted a spoof pseudo-scientific description of the Ranger Tell Examiner some years ago, and it actually got posted on their website as as an excellent description of the underlying "science". How naive!

To most people here your posting was obviously a spoof, and quite funny. LRL proponents could also see that, and could simply choose to ignore it. Unfortunately there were some members here who did believe it to be real. This was due to English not being their first language, or maybe not good enough to see that it was "tongue-in-cheek". So sometimes you have be careful.

Some LRL manufacturers, who post here, often get a hard ride, but I'm sure they have thick skins and get the same treatment elsewhere as well. It comes with the territory. However, the amateur experimentors should be given more leeway, and allowed to describe their experiments without constant barracking.

Hope you understand my concern.
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post

Hope you understand my concern.
I think you are doing what administrator have to do.

It must be some clarification from time to time.

I hope we all are open minded with different knowledge and experience. This is what we are here. To exchange our knowledge and experience. But there is a line that delineating the technical knowledge from religion. It is hard to exchange religion beliefs and experience between believers and technical skeptics if believers provide only religion in different form.

Of course religion per se is not problem, this is a private matter, until it not try to sell itself costly. When this happens, they offer itself in the comment. Here we are.
Global capital is ruining your life?
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Old 09-09-2009, 12:41 PM
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Default LRL distances

Originally Posted by Max View Post
The videos ??? The jokes were not about the videos!

But anyway... lets be more "politically correct"... why not ?

But about ignore lists... it's all fake... they play victimism each time things become harder...

Yes jokes, of course, but what is that ?

Is not a joke ?

And is it politically correct ?

Just someone that read could these posts could also belive it's truth and buy then one of that fine Mineoro's devices...

Why not... let be politically correct!

Let people read here and spend thousand dollars for their fools gold...

Then usefulness of this forum will be sacrificed to this "politically correct" idea... why not ?

I'll do that way.

Kind regards,
Hi Max

Its realy amazing that Esteban can detect one single coin at 70m distance. But with Alonso Pistoldetector this distances are not possible.
Unfortunatly the LRL videos are not convincent specialy for the skeptics,anyway i insist to tell you and Forum that PD works and me or Geo not use any kind of fake sistem to deceive and make people here believe in something that is impossible.

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Old 09-09-2009, 12:50 PM
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Default Of course

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
OK - let's leave it there. Perhaps we can all agree to move on, even if skeptics and LRL proponents will continue to agree to disagree.

I'm sure if we all met in a bar somewhere we would get on just fine, even after a few beers.
Yes,you are rigth,just remember some time ago when we start building the Pistoldetektor,and Geo cant put it to work as LRL,he also said PD is a fraud,but you can see now he as diferent opinion,he travel just to see the truth and with his recent and sucessful experience with PD, HE BELIEVES !!! after all we become good friends.
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Old 09-09-2009, 01:02 PM
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It doens´t mean sckeptics cannot be convinced
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Old 09-09-2009, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
Agree 100%. Here, I believe, nobody is against undiscovered science. In contrary. But must be science not something between religion, fairy tale, David Copperfieldism and fraudism (continued more or less disguised advertising mineoro and others fraudulent boxes).

Our kidding's are less for our enjoyment, and not in order to defend our skepticism, but primarily to protect the naive members here against propaganda tricks which ultimate goal is selling worthless goods by rude prices.

If the background would not be commercial but seriously deal with an undiscovered science, it has long away to seen here working schematic of these terrible LRL devices, but we have not and obvious will not too. We saw only a technical comics. Why, then, would not laugh?

So: Be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim, be prepared to get challenged.

And they are challenged nothing else.

They're not victims at all.

Victims are naive buyers of of expensive LRL crap.

As always.


I can only repeat:

There is only one answer to all LRL believers, LRL promoters, LRL sellers, LRL producers and their Lawyers: come to my "regio" (testing field) and repeat such dummy tricks. I am willing to buy 20 gr gold medal with the inscription "LRL WINNER", and buried only 5 cm deep in soil, and if you manage to find it with any of yours LRL crappy toys, medal is yours. That medal is really buried at the end we prove by ordinary Chinese metal detector. And this is not all, I will add my written apology and promise to promote LRL in future.

So stop by blah blah loading here and prepare instead yourself on the real controlled test.
Do you believe that somebody will expend money in travels thousands kilometers, hotel, etc., to your patio for an only medal? Your proposition is very unbelievable.

Be factual.
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Old 09-09-2009, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Hi Max

Its realy amazing that Esteban can detect one single coin at 70m distance. But with Alonso Pistoldetector this distances are not possible.
Unfortunatly the LRL videos are not convincent specialy for the skeptics,anyway i insist to tell you and Forum that PD works and me or Geo not use any kind of fake sistem to deceive and make people here believe in something that is impossible.

Was pistol made by Alonso, but no has much depth. Was PD but without ferrite. In remote area, no interferences. And never I claim a shipwreck at 1 mile.
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Old 09-09-2009, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
I agree that it's very difficult to define the term "inflammatory", as everyone's interpretation may be different. Claims of detecting a ship-wreck 1 mile underwater, using some unknown pseudoscience, could also be considered a joke. However, there has been a flood of very silly jokes recently that many are finding quite tedious to read, resulting in members adding others to their ignore list. This is not very productive, and everyone needs to just use some commonsense when posting, and try to be more politically correct. Both Carl or I have better things to do than closely police this forum.

On the other hand the meeting between Geo and Morgan was a great event inspired by the Geotech Remote Sensing Forum. Whether you like or dislike what you saw in the videos is another story, but this is the sort of collaboration that should be going on here. I'm sure that skeptics and LRL believers will continue to agree to disagree for many years to come. But let's do it politely.
When somebody use words as "haggard" (the real fact is that I use dark lenses!) and other words against the person, isn't inflammatory this? If not inflammatory, is nazism! No victimism, nazism!
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Old 09-09-2009, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
When somebody use words as "haggard" (the real fact is that I use dark lenses!) and other words against the person, isn't inflammatory this? If not inflammatory, is nazism! No victimism, nazism!
Hi Esteban,

I don't understand what you're trying to say. I have searched for the word "haggard" in the forums, and it cannot be found except in your post above. By the way, the word "haggard" means "wild looking", especially from fatigue or worry. It doesn't seem inflammatory at all.

Anyway you should see a decrease in the spamming you've been receiving recently. Please keep posting the results of your experiments.
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Old 09-09-2009, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi
Hi Esteban,
Anyway you should see a decrease in the spamming you've been receiving recently. Please keep posting the results of your experiments.
Nice to see the spamming gone. I was going to reports some spam a while back, but it seems to have disappeared. Nice to know somebody is taking care of business here.

Best wishes,
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Old 09-09-2009, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Do you believe that somebody will expend money in travels thousands kilometers, hotel, etc., to your patio for an only medal? Your proposition is very unbelievable.

Be factual.
If I am factual, Carl living closer to you, and his proposal for demo of working LRL is still open. 10.000 dollars as I remember, you cannot be in debt (if you not chose Las Vegas for testing field of course).

Another factual possibilities. You send your best LRL to person of your trust near to me, no need of long and expensive travel, only one day visit and they will be my guest. I hide medal (20 gr medal cost 1000 Eur tell me at jewelry - dream (never) finding for most detectorist) in an area of about football field size. Ten minutes piece of cake for all mineoros, but they have three full hours to find medal. I'm going to withdraw (prepare for picnic) so that I will neither help nor disturb. Video will be taked by someone who does not know where the hidden medal is, you can take with your own cameraman too. After three hours of not finding medal, we will find it with cheap Chinese or more cheapest homemade detector. Mean very simple test, no tricks, no "as scamming on TV" shows, only pure factual reality: LRL is working or LRL is not working.The weather may be of your choice, so no excuses on humidity etc.

Can be more factual?
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Old 09-09-2009, 10:43 PM
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Default The BURIED TIME factor

Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
If I am factual, Carl living closer to you, and his proposal for demo of working LRL is still open. 10.000 dollars as I remember, you cannot be in debt (if you not chose Las Vegas for testing field of course).

Another factual possibilities. You send your best LRL to person of your trust near to me, no need of long and expensive travel, only one day visit and they will be my guest. I hide medal (20 gr medal cost 1000 Eur tell me at jewelry - dream (never) finding for most detectorist) in an area of about football field size. Ten minutes piece of cake for all mineoros, but they have three full hours to find medal. I'm going to withdraw (prepare for picnic) so that I will neither help nor disturb. Video will be taked by someone who does not know where the hidden medal is, you can take with your own cameraman too. After three hours of not finding medal, we will find it with cheap Chinese or more cheapest homemade detector. Mean very simple test, no tricks, no "as scamming on TV" shows, only pure factual reality: LRL is working or LRL is not working.The weather may be of your choice, so no excuses on humidity etc.

Can be more factual?
You forget that this gold medal need to be buried, and only after many years phenomenon grow enough for LRL to detect the medal ...
Of course in your conditions is impossible for any LRL to find the object.
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Old 09-10-2009, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
You forget that this gold medal need to be buried, and only after many years phenomenon grow enough for LRL to detect the medal ...
Of course in your conditions is impossible for any LRL to find the object.
OK, I will hide now and than we will see us on test in one of next life.

Please don't reincarnate yourself as Tartuffe.

But interesting, on your field gold can be freshly buried and your LRL beeps, on my terrain gold have to be buried at least 500 of years to give your LRL enough phenomenon to detect. Phenomenal.
Global capital is ruining your life?
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Old 09-10-2009, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
OK, I will hide now and than we will see us on test in one of next life.

Please don't reincarnate yourself as Tartuffe.

But interesting, on your field gold can be freshly buried and your LRL beeps, on my terrain gold have to be buried at least 500 of years to give your LRL enough phenomenon to detect. Phenomenal.
No problem for you with items buried for 500 years, common in all Europe or Asia. Also you can found treasure easily with a simple FM radio with some adds. And this is not La chasse au Renard.
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Old 09-10-2009, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
No problem for you with items buried for 500 years, common in all Europe or Asia. Also you can found treasure easily with a simple FM radio with some adds. And this is not La chasse au Renard.
Ok... no jokes...

But explain how the heck you detect a treasure with " a simple FM radio with some adds".

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 09-10-2009, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Hi Esteban,

I don't understand what you're trying to say. I have searched for the word "haggard" in the forums, and it cannot be found except in your post above. By the way, the word "haggard" means "wild looking", especially from fatigue or worry. It doesn't seem inflammatory at all.

Anyway you should see a decrease in the spamming you've been receiving recently. Please keep posting the results of your experiments.
Deppend of context, but is attack to the person. I'm not refered to Palo Alto and others...


Attached Images
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Old 09-10-2009, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
No problem for you with items buried for 500 years, common in all Europe or Asia. Also you can found treasure easily with a simple FM radio with some adds. And this is not La chasse au Renard.
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Old 09-10-2009, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Deppend of context, but is attack to the person. I'm not refered to Palo Alto and others...


residual victimism ???

I stopped jokes... what I have to do ???

Don't post at all ???

Let me know...

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 09-10-2009, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Deppend of context, but is attack to the person. I'm not refered to Palo Alto and others...


OK - very strange. When I search the forums I cannot find this post by using the word "haggard". Must be a problem with the search function.
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Old 09-10-2009, 11:35 PM
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Hi Esteban,
The Max war is finished.

No es necesario para tener preocupación de ataques del Max. Max ha sido advertido a parar todos chistes malos contra usted y contra otros miembros de foro. AsÃ* que no más Palo Alto y otros chistes malos serán hechos en el foro.

Best wishes,
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Old 09-11-2009, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Hi Esteban,
The Max war is finished.

No es necesario para tener preocupación de ataques del Max. Max ha sido advertido a parar todos chistes malos contra usted y contra otros miembros de foro. AsÃ* que no más Palo Alto y otros chistes malos serán hechos en el foro.

Best wishes,
.... a no ser que pides por favor
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