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Old 12-26-2006, 09:46 PM
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Default Weekend Relics

First I hope it’s been a great xmas to all.
Well as usual, I traveled to spend xmas with my wife’s family in a coastal city distant 2 hours by car from where I live. Next day we usually return to join my parents.
I have an aunt who owns a house and also celebrates christmas there as well.
Her house although refurbished and beautiful is pretty old, with construction dating back to the early 1930’s.
Before the house, there used to be a long time school there, originally built by the jesuits which got remodeled through the centuries. Her back yard descends in a 45 degree angle directly to the beach down there.
In fact all houses lying beside hers are like that and a stone wall originally built by the jesuits themselves still exists. Only now the top portion got covered with concrete.
This weekend while my wife was busy preparing the dishes for the xmas night, and I could not go to the beach that day ( I am a beach freak, must confess), I decided to do a quick exploration at my aunt’s place taking my detector. As my FG80 has been left at a team member’s house who livers close to the expedition site, I took the PDC210.
It was an awfully hot day despite it had been rained a while before. Her backyard due to the geographic position does not get any wind so in a matter of minutes I was all wet due to concentrated heat. Man was it hot, sultry and humid!
Well as soon as I got there and turned the PDC on, I got several beeps in various parts of the yard . The beeps were single type and by the symptoms I knew there could be buried targets there.
I also noticed right away beeps also happened due to possible thunderbolts far away due to heavy clouds in the horizon. The PDC is prone to interference by it. Mine is a later model less sensitive, but still prone to it at some degree.
But definetly the majority of beeps there related to targets.
I was right , in a matter of about 20 minutes after a quick scan in the whole backyard, I ramdomly chose one particular spot and could proceed to carefully mark its origin. It was hard. By the beeping patterns I knew it was not gold. Copper, silver, etc. emit one alternate beep. Gold emits more than two fast beeps.
After determining the origin of it, aproaching the spot from various angles and sides, (have I already said it was hard?), I placed the PDC on the ground in a 45 degree inclination set by a small branch and opened the case to get the center&deep in order to determine depth. That’s when I found out it was not inside the case. Damn! I had left it at home !
I had to find another way of doing this. I moved the PDC in a S-N direction this time, keeping the same angle and proceeded to slowly walk back. Although this is the procedure to do with later models as FG, DC, it seemed to work. At least a few inches from the original point it beeped indicating it was not deep.

In fact, after hand digging for a while (the idiot here also did not bring any shovel as I thought my aunt had one), I found and old silver covered handle of a knife, spoon or fork. It was at about 6 inches deep. Detection happened from around 10 feet away.

During the time spent there I failed in pinpointing several targets. The method described above did not work on a couple of occasions where the depth proved to be a lot deeper than the one I could reach with only one piece of tile to dig. So no way I could continue.
Add to this the extreme physical stress I was in that hellish environment.
That’s why I said it was not an easy task.

Next I had a beep from 20 feet, but curious enough when trying to aproach the target’s location the beeps stoped.

Hey Esteban, does it sound familiar?
Yes, small noble metal objects other than gold also produce ionic fields which due to electrostatics seem to allow easier caption at mid distances than at close ones. For this recalibrating is needed.
That’s why Esteban has comented here that sometimes once you loose beeping, ‘ go back in your steps in order to recover them again.’

I think this is due to the fact that as many targets where there, from a mid distance, the ionic fields of them get summed which strenghtens detection. Thus it lowers considerably when you isolate only one target specially if non gold small objects

I also noticed that if you stay where you are, enhance sensitivity and scan horizontally or vertically in the particular direction real sloooooowly, you may recover it again. That’s what I did. I recovered what looks to be an ancient bronze belt buckle with copper outfits. Later when I showed this item to the elders who live there in the city they did not recognize it as a belt buckle but as part of the leather saddle used by riders in their horses in ancient times.

After 45 minutes, there were several more beeps, but I was drained. With clothes totally wet, sweating like a pig, dirty hands and body, thirsty to death and crazy for a shower or a dive in a swimming pool, I left the place telling my aunt I would come back as soon as possible to retake my ‘insane’ relic research.

I posted my experiences with the PDC in july at my friend’s place located in a really hot and dry region. We had a flat tire and while it was fixed I was playing with the PDC and could detect a small piece of copper almost on surface. It had been there for almost ten years undisturbed. The beeps were consistent and the PDC like a magnet took me direct to the target real easy.

This weekend was dfferent. So I guess humidity really plays a major role in all of this.

Ok, I know. I found junk and not valuable items at all, but It’s really exciting to uncover part of history. At least for me. Who knows some gold shows up in my next incursion?
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Old 12-26-2006, 11:48 PM
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Hi Hung.

Ok, is normal to detect also silver, copper and bronze with the PDCs.

Next I had a beep from 20 feet, but curious enough when trying to aproach the target’s location the beeps stoped.

What's my theory? The field is very weak and when you enter with your body, you're "grounding". You found a site with relics, you can use for to test your detectors.

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Old 12-27-2006, 10:39 AM
michael michael is offline
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Default Somehow Similar

Hi, these are good news and encouraging at least for mineoro owners like me.
I see all you described are the same as I got. Now one thing brought up for me about disappearing (come & go) signals that before we have frequently proceeded about. Maybe some signals we experienced with FG80 have been for other metals(not gold)? as I've written before one of those signals was from 50-60 meters, come & go, and by raising SENS could again recover that.
and we had many other these type of signals from 7, 10, 20,.. meters distance.
Admittedly I'm novice with FG80, but come & go behavior was obvious.
can we conclude as a constant result?; "Don't mind about these signals, those are small non-gold items."
or not, it's possible to be a very small gold piece, but with a weak field.(as Esteban believes)
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Old 12-27-2006, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by michael View Post
Hi, these are good news and encouraging at least for mineoro owners like me.
I see all you described are the same as I got. Now one thing brought up for me about disappearing (come & go) signals that before we have frequently proceeded about. Maybe some signals we experienced with FG80 have been for other metals(not gold)? as I've written before one of those signals was from 50-60 meters, come & go, and by raising SENS could again recover that.
and we had many other these type of signals from 7, 10, 20,.. meters distance.
Admittedly I'm novice with FG80, but come & go behavior was obvious.
can we conclude as a constant result?; "Don't mind about these signals, those are small non-gold items."
or not, it's possible to be a very small gold piece, but with a weak field.(as Esteban believes)
That’s an interesting debate. Although I might be more experienced than you regarding the Mineoro detectors, I’m also still learning.
Taking from a soccer terminology, there are several ways to take the ball to the goal. You may carry it with your feet , leaving the other players on the way in an artful manner or you could kick it off strong to hit the goal.
In the end it all depends on your skills and conditions present.
I’d say the same applies here in this situation. It depends on several factors to know whatever procedures to take and even if it’s worth it. But experience and practice with them is the key.

Answering your question I’d say yes and no.
It could be small worthless objects and also could not. If you get a signal say from more than 30 feet, chances are it’s gold, but depending on the ionic and humidity conditions at the time, you could only pick this same gold from say 10 feet. So I would suggest digging every beep you can determine the center and proceed as we talked previously by email.You will never be able to detect a silver ring for instance from 100 feet. But if the ring is a gold one you will. Maybe l will post some guidelines later which I believe will help. Esteban can help me on this.

When I was at Mineoro’s factory last year I took the PDC and in their test field with several gold items buried the PDC did not mark at all from 10 feet. Even if I positioned it from one inch away I had to wait 2 to 3 seconds for it to beep. It was because the ionic fields were terrible at the time. It had been raining for a whole week. Add to this Mineoro’s location close to the beach. Humidity most always high. Exactly as mine here. That’s why in the mountains or Brazil’s central region the performance is greatly enhanced.

Also although the PDC is almost the same range of the FG80, it is much more prone to electrical interferences which the FG is not. For instance, my neighbour has an electric fence. When it’s turned off, I can take the PDC to my garden and use it. But when it’s turned on, the PDC gets crazy, capturing the 60 hz cycles of electricity, beeping accordingly. The FG is imunne to that.
So due to this I believe the FG80 might be more focused on gold detection than the PDC and its high sensitivity to electric interference. I’m not saying the FG80 will not detect led, copper, bronze or silver also. I’m just inclined to believe it’s more resistant to them.
Notice that all of the above are just my thoughts and opinions and may not express Mineoro's accordance.
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Old 12-27-2006, 03:00 PM
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In the Specifications point you can found the types of metal can be detected. Here in three languages:
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Old 12-28-2006, 09:58 AM
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Default BS with some of that Christmas Goose ??

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Yes, small noble metal objects other than gold also produce ionic fields which due to electrostatics seem to allow easier caption at mid distances than at close ones. For this recalibrating is needed.

Thanks for the end-of-the-year BS
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Old 12-28-2006, 05:10 PM
michael michael is offline
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Hi dear Hung and Esteban, thank you for your appropriate points.
Esteban alluded point represents one thing that I never saw in mineoro site or manual,... signals for gold objects are continued; i.e. for every size of gold? small nuggets, and even gold particles or a concentration of natural gold powder? if it's so, work becomes hard and problematic. how can identify size of target?
Hung, I think due to our e-mail correspondences, continued signal is for large targets ,yes? or not, at least can tell is for large gold targets, yes?
You mentioned when get a signal from far distance it's gold and coming- going can occur, but when we reach to point on ground and signal behaves like the first, what's resolution? what are we to do?
Esteban, didn't you get FG80? It's pleasure another man add to owners then one more thought & help. please give all your points. these are very important for me to gather these info to have a strong and accurate start in spring for searching.
I'm really astonished, why other owners like as Mosha, Carl, NeronC,.. don't come here and share us their experiences? do you mean have no problem or question appeared during your work?
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Old 12-28-2006, 06:47 PM
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I wait the FG for February. We see what's happens. The future owner is my friend Omar Hassan. Sure, I'll post some tips about his use in field.
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Old 12-28-2006, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by michael View Post
I think due to our e-mail correspondences, continued signal is for large targets ,yes? or not, at least can tell is for large gold targets, yes?
You mentioned when get a signal from far distance it's gold and coming- going can occur, but when we reach to point on ground and signal behaves like the first, what's resolution? what are we to do?
No. Continuous beeping can mean either:

1 – You are pointing over a target’s center or a larger object and as long as you do it a continuous beep will be heard until you move the detector out sideways. Eg. if you happen to detect a 2 foot long gold object. It will beep continuously when you scan the detector over it meaning you are over the object’s area /source of the ionic emanation. When you reach the edge and go sideways, it will cease. This all provided you calibrate down or up the knob in order to get the best signal ratio. Remember the fluorescent light test?

2 – The ionic field detected is intense and the chamber gets polarized, meaning it gets supercharged and may quit beeping. You either depolarize or recalibrate the knob the get the beeps again. Be careful on that as you want to recover the beeps and not overtune the unit.

Summarizing, you may estimate the size of the object if distance of the first beep captured in the field is a large one that you walked to find the source/center of target. Continous beepings means you are tracking the object itself or encountered an intense field and chamber got polarized.
In the expedition case, I mentioned that the FG started to detect from about 900 feet from the cave. I aproached until I could determine the source. But from about 60 to 80 feet away, the beeps sometimes quit. I had to recalibrate again to confirm the origin. We did this with all detectors from different angles to be positive of the exact source.
At first I thought that I would have to reduce calibration as aproaching the source. That was not what happened. In fact I had to do the opposite. Maybe because of the tremendous humidity at site (95%) . Inside the cave the same happened. I had to set on the edge to determine the exact center. But despite of that, I am absolutely positive the FG marked the exact location on the wall.
Hope this helps .
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Old 12-29-2006, 07:28 AM
michael michael is offline
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Thumbs up Good leadings

Thank you Hung, very useful, very good again. these were only things I wanted.
you lightened more aspects like what did before.
Although one question still remains:
"when get a signal from far distance (50-60m) with come & go behavior and after,
we reach to point on ground and signal behaves the same, what's resolution?" it can be gold or other metal?
About depolarizing; as I remember from other thread posts, you had mentioned
by hand holding the sensor or hold sensor very near to ground or something like these.
yes? how long should hold the sensor in hand? can we hold in hand and simultaneously
readjust the SENS? my partner believed this is the best, then did this every time.
Esteban, nice to see likewise you are going to prepare FG80. Don't deprive us your experiences
and share us.
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Old 12-29-2006, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by michael View Post
"when get a signal from far distance (50-60m) with come & go behavior and after,
we reach to point on ground and signal behaves the same, what's resolution?" it can be gold or other metal?
From 50 to 60 meter it's gotta be gold. However make sure you're not overestimating the distance as the source maybe a lot closer and thus could be one of the metals mentioned.
Anyway it's hard for me to tell you exactly what to do. You will have to follow your instincts. You will start to gain exeprience on this tough. That's what happened to me with time.

About depolarizing; as I remember from other thread posts, you had mentioned
by hand holding the sensor or hold sensor very near to ground or something like these.
yes? how long should hold the sensor in hand? can we hold in hand and simultaneously
readjust the SENS? my partner believed this is the best, then did this every time.
Yes. That's it. I usually hit the battery check button once in a while. This also will suffice in most cases. But polarization doesn't happen frequently. ONLY IF FIELD IS INTENSE and despite of that recalibrating fix it. Beepings quit also if gold object or whatever is too small with weak ionic field. Then when detector points to it, this field is rapidly consumed.
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Old 12-30-2006, 09:08 PM
mosha mosha is offline
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I have a qustion:

if the gold buried in iron boxes, dose the mineoro detect as iron or as gold(Continuous beebing or short beebing)?

if it detect other alloy I think it is not true the detection is related to gold ions!!!
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Old 12-31-2006, 12:55 AM
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Default To Mosha

Hi Mosha.
As you are for me the only Mineoro FG80 user with credibility here ... please could you tell us what is your experience with this device? Have you found anything with it?
Thank you.
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Old 12-31-2006, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by mosha View Post
I have a qustion:

if the gold buried in iron boxes, dose the mineoro detect as iron or as gold(Continuous beebing or short beebing)?
Have I or Mineoro ever claimed it detects iron?
Where in this forum did I say that?
If gold is inside iron boxes, unless there's some leakage, I believe it will be harder. I'm not saying it can't pick it up as I am not aware of any case. Which does not mean they don't exist. I would have to consult Mineoro about this. But I know for sure that if it's insde concrete, ceramic, bricks, glass, wood, etc. no problems.
In any case it will ALWAYS be detecting gold and EVENTUALLY noble alloys, never iron.
Regarding the beeping patterns, read my explanation to Michael above.

if it detect other alloy I think it is not true the detection is related to gold ions!!!
Esteban post pictures above of what the detector specs show. It's been known since the start it MIGHT pick up alloys such as silver, copper and bronze. Those always from close distance. Never far away like gold.
It's gold in 95% of the cases. I only was able to pick those items shown due to I believe the site is full of them which summed the ionic fields, otherwise I believe I couldn't.

Happy new year to you and all here.
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Old 01-01-2007, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Leto View Post
Hi Mosha.
As you are for me the only Mineoro FG80 user with credibility here ... please could you tell us what is your experience with this device? Have you found anything with it?
Thank you.
so far I did not find any thing with it, I have one site the device give signals but I could not pinpoint it, I do not know if it real target or not.
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Old 01-02-2007, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by mosha View Post
so far I did not find any thing with it, I have one site the device give signals but I could not pinpoint it, I do not know if it real target or not.
1 - Make sure there's no kind of electric lines / electric interferences which might confuse you in site due to your experience still can't determine the extent of this interference in relation to the target.

2 - If there's no such a source close to the site, check and see if the signal always come from a same direction. In case it does not, it's either because it's overtuned or you have more than two targets there. For this you need to work from different directions and triangulate them to know the source. In case the beeps quit as you walk forward, keep aiming the same spot or enhance calibration until the beeps come back.

If there are power lines or any kind or electric source nearby, isolate them positioning yourself away from different angles or move away from them if possible keeping the south ahead (stronger emanation). If you still get the beeps in the same direction it is a real target and not a simple interference.
Estimate the distance by looking how the chamber is related to the horizon. If it's under the horizon's line, then it's not much far.
Never position yourself directly UNDER an electric line as the weakest it might be, the device will be direct under it in a 90 degree perpendicular position in relation the the perimeter coil and thus will beep.

Good luck and hope to hear your good news soon.
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Old 01-03-2007, 01:12 PM
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Default Middle East Treasures

so far I did not find any thing with it, I have one site the device give signals but I could not pinpoint it, I do not know if it real target or not.
Thank you Mosha for sincere report.
In your country probably better way to dig treasures is to join archeological excavations. You may not keep the finds and get rich but for sure you'll be satisfied just being there filling your museums with gold .
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