Merry Christmas to all. Hi Geo, I hope you are not questioning my mental health because of my posts. LOL I guess I 'm okay physically until the next round of biopsies. Doctor has a new machine that zaps the skin cancer with radiation so no cutting and stitching. But there is chance of new cancer from the radiation 10 -20 years down the road. Not expecting to be around for all of that. But before that I got some chemotherapy cream to put on my face. I put off doing it until after the holidays but this stuff is supposed to really tear up the skin then reapply after three weeks. Getting back the the original thread, mental energy is real. Many people refuse to accept this factv. I don't know about you but I've been caught looking at women--they sense me looking at them and turn around to look at me. Another one I heard about--people in prison are extremely aware of anyone coming up from behind them. Their aura was like 3 meters long out behind them.