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Old 04-24-2014, 10:17 PM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
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Posts: 482
Lightbulb LRL reality tests

This is for persons with good technical will and not those who use the whole topic as a:

Playground for their evil LRL betrayals!

In the field of LRL we have reality versus hallucination!
Hallucination is something only a single person can see or hear - like a fully drunk.

But we have to speak also about a hallucination if one of our pro-LRLers gets detection-results
that no other person can get. Perhaps they also see a pink cloud above their heads which
guides them to the find - who knows...

However - if we compare it to the sun which everyone can see on a sunny day besides people
who have big problems with their eyes - the pro-LRLer claims to see or find something but is totally unable to prove it.
Not even on the same place where he got his signals, a different person will be able to "recreate the same result".

If we compare it with a smart-phone, thousand other persons will be able to get the same working results.

Hallucination is listed in the catalog of diseases: ICD-10 under R44.3

further info:

In the field of LRL the audio-article is more specific:

The topic is important because diseases can harm so far not involved people!
We have this case if pro-LRLers swear like hell that their stuff is really working,
if they are completly immune against any proven technical advice and hard facts
and even try to make "good business" with their "hallucinatory-machines".

And because hallucination is a serious disease we must keep in mind that we
can deal with such persons not as with criminals.

As hung already said freely that he knows even psychiatrists from Middle Europe
(because for shure he needs all the help he can get ) we have to accept
the fact that those people need professional help but we also must keep in mind
that we have to lock them away into closed-psychiatry if they are not finally stop
harming other people with their (self-) delusional propaganda and fraudster-work!

Otherwise the result will gets even worse as it is already with OKM and Mineoro:

Hundreds if not thousands betrayed persons which lost thousands of dollars or Euros!

A special case is Morgan:

After buying one of those not-working Mineoro devices and some personal investigations
meanwhile he has turned into a LRL-enthusiast.
The beginning motivation was clear - he didn't wanna lose 1000s of Euros for nothing,
but the outcome now is highly critical:

From his point of view the "Alonso circuit" seems to have clearly a potential concerning the desired results
or in other words: Morgan really believes now this stuff works!

Seen very simple it would be fantastic:
Before the device was too complicated for me to work with it but now and after some modifications it really works...

But it is not fantastic unless Morgan is unable to prove that his device also works for others and not just for himself.
Because otherwise it would be the same as it is still with Mineoro which also can not
prove to others that their devices are working.

And what we absolutly not need is a LRL detector that works at the Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janerio
or at this special small mountain in the jungle of Brazil ONLY and at no other location !!!
What they wanna sell next to the world? A detector that only works on the Space Station where is no gravity?!

Seen from the engineering point of view IN THE BEGINNING it is OK if a detector only works at the "home-locations".
But after the constructor has learned that his device works nowhere else, either he has to improve it
unless it works everywhere or he has to stop selling it to people outside of his homeland!

And if such a LRLs-producing person hears signals or detects finds noone else can hear or find
he has a seriously psychical health problem!

In a world where far too many persons believe in gods, magic, voodoo, paranatural powers etc.
it is no wonder that "detecting treasures" for many still is like a miracle.
And especially those "non-technical" persons can be fooled pretty easily - they even
would buy a simple wooden-dowsing-rod for thousands of bucks if someone tells them
it was blessed through an expensive ceremony and now contains the powers of gods.

Anyway, the relation between producer and consumer is extremly simple:

The consumer or the treasure-hunter who bought some detector wants a real working one!

And if the whole LRL-scene after 20 years still has nothing real working they must not
sell and promote their stuff! Let them play with their L-Rods or pendulums, let them
hear their beeps in their jungles and enjoy their hallucinations but they must not
misuse forums like this here to provide their illusions and false claims!

Otherwise we must put a warning over this forum like: Caution: Pure Fairytale-Entertainment!

Which means that nobody will take them for serious anylonger and we will not even
wait for any tests because we know already they are totally unable to create such!

Dear LRL persons with good tecnical will (the rest are filthy betrayers anyway!)
keep in mind that as long your test results are not recreatable you absolutly will
be on the same level as a crazy person that has got hallucinations !!!

Its sad for you but this is the exactly definition of this disease:

People see, hear or feel something only they can see, hear and feel and mostly
this stuff has absolutly no substance at all, only is disturbing and a burden.

So your only choice is to get finally and damned your recreatable tests done!!!!

Improve and refine your tests and make excursions to 100km or miles distant locations
and test your stuff there or send your LRL to people who test it for you somewhere else.

The first thing would be to install a real working directional antenna !!!
How you can believe with this standard stuff you could fish out directional signals at all?!

Your LRLs are geting drowned in a soup of disturbing EM-field noise and all what
you can hear is if this is weaker or stronger, but you fully lose the needed information,
because you will not dispute that a far away distant signal is much weaker as the
noise that is directly around the detector.

btw. those ferrite-coil antennas you are using suggests that you only hear some
"phantom signals" of AM-Radio stations and their reflections.
If this is your only directional antenna - then good night!

I tell you something which every metal-tech expert knows:
If you use an AM-radio-station as transmitter for treasure-hunting and
your LRL as the (of course: passive) receiver, it should be totally clear that
this only can work in the near influential area of this certain AM-station!

And only if the weather is good enough, if the site is not behind a mountain,
if the ground is not too mineralic and all such other factors!

With such "technology" you only will detect huge metallic objects at medium
distance if the EM-field conditions are very good. See also: pipe locator.

And we know already that your "Mineoro EM-Field Anomaly Guesser" is based
on this concept!!! It's works like a completly screwed up AM-Radio!

How can Mineoro and OKM dares to sell such kind of stuff all over the world
praised as a real working Long Range Locator?!

Otherwise provide to us a real tecnical founded working principle basis if you can,
but not this absurd "ions wandering around the air" crap we heard already too much!

Enough "therapeutic contribution" for now! Bye and many Good Health wishes!
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