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Old 08-30-2013, 04:04 PM
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Hi Oroboy.
Here you will see what you want from FG80

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Old 08-30-2013, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by oroboy View Post
Hi Hung,

I already Bought okm exp 5000 last year, sold it half its price, all I ever find was just hot rocks.. dug so many holes found nothing with it...
I worked before 3 years with one EXP5000. At first times i thought that it located some field tests with copper, but later understood that was some big hot rocks up the copper.
After it, i did not work again with it. One good that i saw is that it had the ability you to see exactly a digging place

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Old 08-30-2013, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
I have never had the intention to open mine ...
From your post (quoted above) it appears that you've never looked inside a Bionic 01.
But you then go on to say:

Originally Posted by hung View Post
... but since you offered to buy one to do it, I will finally check if what I imagine in terms of components and configuration inside is confirmed or not.
Confirming that you do not in fact know how the internal sensors are arranged.

In which case, why did you previously say this? ->

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Sorry to disappoint you but this is not Bionic 01.
Sensors in the real one are not set and arranged like that.
Do you have x-ray eyes?
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Old 09-06-2013, 08:56 AM
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Some additional words about Bionic and PSI:

The word "Bionic" has its meaning from biology and technology - a combination of both.
It reminds me on professor Simon Wright, the floating brain in Captain Future (Captain America).

The OKM Bionic is only "electronic" (electro plus technology) and it uses the body of the person not in any biotec way but just as a conductor or as some antenna (reflector) and only the electro-magnetic value of such a human body counts, nothing biologic at all! Instead of the body a grounded and connected sack with saltwater would do the job the same "stupid" way.

Its the tricky method of many blenders and betrayers to give things or themselves shiny or fantastic names. If they would name it:

"Nonworking handhold-Magnetometer for idiots and dreamers"

even idiots and dreamers would think twice to buy it or not.

Naming things the wrong way is a method of manipulation and criminals use it often, like second identities to hide their true personal life.

And now some words about PSI aka Parapsychology:

The "scientific research" of supernatural phenomena started in the late 19th century - at a time the people couldn't distinct very good between real natural phenomena (like the new discovered electric forces and radio transmission waves) and superstitious faith.

All those religions and okkultists, faith-healers, astrologers and all kind of mediums and fortune-tellers made a "good" job to confuse the masses - often they just told them what they wanted to hear like life after death stuff, giving them hope to heal them, giving them psychological tips by showing up "what the future shall brings" mixed with assumptions etc.

In the early 20th century especially in Great Britain, the okkult szene was "in" and brought up "Hell Fire Clubs", the society of parapsychologic research and such extremists like Aleister Crowley and his antichristian revolting experiments (his parents have been extremly religious and it was no good for the mental health of the poor child). Besides England was traditional full of haunted castles since a long time. But also the rest of Europe was interested, Sir Schrenck Notzing in Munich made many PSI experiments in the early years of the 20th century with mediums and in the Nazi times of Germany there have been special secret okkult societies like the Thule-Order.

Some can say that the real! scientific PSI investigations have started in the 1950s in Russia and America at Universities or Military-facilities. Sometimes this was combinated with drugs - some scientists thought that drugs could be the way to strenghten or awaken paranormal abilities.

It seems that the more professional and based on scientific methods the researchers work, the less PSI-effects are recognizable.

To put it very simple:
If PSI or ESP really would exists, no Casinos would exists!

If PSI or ESP really exists, the police would have a much easier job.

If telekinetic powers really would exists, devices like computer-chips which can be influences by extremly low energy values, would blow all over the world.

If clairvoyant sight really would exist, god would have been detected and proven found since many years.

If killing or detecting from a far distance just by the power of mind would exists, the military wouldn't need the usual warfare methods or rewards of billions of dollars to find and "neutralize" most wanted persons.

If telepathy, ghosts and angels really would exists, we could talk with the "beyond world" like we can talk over smartphones with the other end of the (real!) world.

This list could go on and on.

Conclusion ......
PSI is an illusion!

Its only alive because some people have the need for this esoterical "life-help-crap" like little childs need someone to hold their hands while walking. Same with religions - we see how extreme those can manipulate the thoughts of persons or whole countries! - up to throwing away their own lifes or sacrifice it for the sake of their brainwashed religious community or manipulative leaders.

If people suffer from real food or meaning of life, at least they need mental food and hopegiving stories - so they have some (illusional!) hope for a better life after death. Many of them wouldn't accept their own letality anyway - thinking they are some kind of gods who live forever like Freddy Mercury sung. Even their already died pets and housedogs wait already in heaven for them - but only in their brain-castles in the sky.

The real improvements of life always have been grounded on real working technologies - not on fairy-tales.

Keep this in mind here in this all electronic forum - provide improvements of already working stuff or invent something new but real functioning or if you not like this, please go to some esoterical-circle and discuss with those fantasy-stories loving persons about aliens, time-travel, ghosts, treasure-detection by map-dowsing or other stuff that has nothing to do with the repeatable and proven working reality!

If you should refuse to follow my good advice I have to send you my special highenergetic psychokinetic black-magic-death-rays which may destroy the micro-controllers of your mainboard or the evil cells of your unscientifical and reality ignoring brain!
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Old 09-06-2013, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
If you should refuse to follow my good advice I have to send you my special highenergetic psychokinetic black-magic-death-rays which may destroy the micro-controllers of your mainboard or the evil cells of your unscientifical and reality ignoring brain!
Careful ... Hung might zap you with his x-ray eyes ... once he's finished examining the insides of the Bionic 01 without taking the cover off, and imagining what the sensor arrangement looks like.
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Old 09-10-2013, 04:04 AM
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absolute perfect answer!

Hung is ... no fun.

But the problem here is that hung is connected with Mineoro and Mineoro is "connected" with Andreas and Morgan and the result of this additional bill is:

Can we get a clear technical info here in this forum that way?

Hung, again:

It's a shame but it is typical for persons who don't accept that they are wrong giving the fault somebody else (Hung's answer was: the Bionic 01 inside pix are taken from a Chinese clone)

So much about the doubtful "Mineoro secrets" and their possible keepers...

btw. I have to say that some "supernatural phenomenons" really exists but I rather guess those are not made by "mental mind powers".

This "clock stops at death" phenomenon is pretty often and well documented and for totally "I only believe what I can see persons" (who didn't see it personally so far) of course it is unbelievable.

Another very interesting thing is meeting persons by pure coincidence at very far away places who are connected somehow to yourself.

I haven't found out how this works so far, perhaps this is a physical connection of all things that is remaining since the beginning of the world, perhaps it is the unconcious power of the mind (some kind of bio-electric energy the brain radiates like it was assumpted with poltergeist-phenomenon of young teenager girls who "projezize" ("beam") this energy into the outside world and creating telekinetic effects with it)

We should be careful to "defeat" all kind of phenomenons as long as we can't explain how it's possible this huge universe of materie could start out of "pure nothing".

Gold at some places is very rare but that's also no reason to "proof" that way that gold doesn't exists at all.

For some phenomenons the time has not come yet to explain them and the causes scientifically exactly. This is a cultural and "methods improving" process and it can take 100s of years like it was with electricity.

2000 years ago no single person could imagine that lightning and thunders are "simple" natural highvoltage phenomens caused by heavy potential differences of ground and electrical loaded clouds through ions, sun and other factors.

There are still many "miracles" like how it was possible the biological moved cells of plants and animals could start this special behaviour compared with "death material" which is usually all over the universe. It also interacts, but only at some chemical and physical way.

Because I have "studied" all such para-scientific topics since a very long time and because I made already 100s of unbelievable and far beyond realistic chance residing "coincidence-occurances" I see this whole PSY and "unknown phenomena" more skeptical than a person who just would condemn everything.

"there is more between heaven and earth than the human mind can understand" - this old zitate still is really true.

But of course here we are in a technical forum and if we must deal with pseudo-electronical-crap that proven doesn't work and exists just by pretty tales and betraying stories it is a complete different thing !!!

We have the obligation to find out what works and what not for the sake of treasure-hunting and the time is limited out in the fields or wherever and we can't throw our money and time away for fraudsters or illusional-products of people who don't know it any better or betray others.

My personal opionion of the Bionic 01 so far (after 4 years of "investigations") :

It may work on a 20% level out of 100% because of its ability to detect a little bit the anomlies or changes of magnetic or long-wave EM-fields - but this shurely is a joke for serious treasure hunters - those need something really reliable !!!!

It's a false assumption that treasure-hunters are dreamers and you can satisfy them with fake dream treasure finding products.

OKM can do this with 10 year old childs of rich oil-sheikhs from arabic countries who have too much time and money anyway (our money because we pay far to much for fuel - the taxes are also the fault !!!) - but not with us here, because we are competent and professional enough to see through the whole electronical fake if there should be any, and with OKM Bionic it seems to be pretty clear that this product has much less to offer than it claims.

But its good if a very critical spirit here is alive so we can and will divide the false spam stuff from the for us healthy corn!
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Old 03-30-2014, 05:13 PM
ABT ABT is offline
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I really believe that the bionic series uses galvanic skin resistance and a handful of magnetometers to read direction and pitch. As the unit goes towards the object the skin contacts read skin resistance "like a lie detector". I have thought about this device for years now and have considered getting one just to open it up and have a look "not to copy or anything like that" but can't justify the price for curiosity. I could see galvanic skin resistance with slight magnetic anomilies setting the device off on "bionic mode" and the "ionic mode" could just be the magnetometers without the galvanic skin resistance. When you "sample" a object before searching for the same, it could just be taking a magnetic reading "galvanic skin too" and then as you wave the device it could be looking for the same reading with a margin of error calculated in +/- 30%..
If this were the case it would make sense as to why it's called the bionic and would work just like a dowsing rod considering you already know where the test subjects are. Also as the device is moved it's possible that the same ideomotor effect that controls dowsing rods is being read by the magnetometers and is reading slight hand movements and correlating that into a reading.
Im really curious as to whats the deal.. I started to think about the X4 and wouldn't it be funny if there was nothing in the X4 other then a galvanic skin meter and all of the magnetometer readings were taken from the samsung galaxy?

Anyways my name is ABT and I'm a quasi EE, this is my first post and I apologize if it is a bit scattered. Thanks
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