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Old 11-11-2012, 09:17 PM
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Thanks Qiaozh.
Also before one hour i opened the book and saw the schematic carefully.
You have right!!!!


btw... who is the owner of the name Totem??? you or Carl??
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Old 11-11-2012, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Thanks Qiaozh.
Also before one hour i opened the book and saw the schematic carefully.
You have right!!!!


btw... who is the owner of the name Totem??? you or Carl??
Regarding the LRL stuff in the book, Carl wrote most of the LRL chapter (13), but we both contributed to the treasure aura section, and I designed TOTeM (chapter 14). At least no-one can accuse me of commenting on the performance of LRL pistol devices without any firsthand knowledge.

As I said, "Here there be dragons".
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Old 11-11-2012, 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi Morgan.
From what i saw about the spark test i believe that it is important the distance who detects the battery spark but not nessesary. How importand but not nessesary??? very simple at some lrls needing the spark and at other not. Your opinion???
you right Geo, one example,my PDK-3 cant pick the 1,5V spark,and the best distance for the spark i get with my PDK-2 is 2 meter.

Anyway if the TOTeM pick the spark 3 m away,is a good EMF locator.
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Old 11-11-2012, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
I have already stated a few times that the distance of detection of a spark is not directly related to the distance of detection of gold when employing ionic/electric field detectors such as the several versions of PDs, Mineoros, etc.

Just because a particular device can detect a battery spark from 30 meters, does not mean that it will detect long time buried gold at 30 meters.
It means that the device detects a battery spark at 30 meters. Just that.

The FG90 detects a battery spark from 35 cm. But a tiny small long time buried gold sample from 3-5 meters. The PDC210 can detect the same 1.5 V battery spark from 1.8m. But cannot detect the same tiny gold sample from 3-5m.
It's a matter of correct frequency and some CRITICAL elements that are featured in the signal and that makes the relevance of the 'DNA' for gold.

This is how we say in Brazil... the 'cat's jump'.

yes,right too...
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Old 11-11-2012, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Regarding the LRL stuff in the book, Carl wrote most of the LRL chapter (13), but we both contributed to the treasure aura section, and I designed TOTeM (chapter 14). At least no-one can accuse me of commenting on the performance of LRL pistol devices without any firsthand knowledge.

As I said, "Here there be dragons".
What about TOTeM field test,did someone take it to the field ? What was the results?
Did TOTeM pick some medieval gold dragon ?

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Old 11-11-2012, 11:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
What about TOTeM field test,did someone take it to the field ? What was the results?
Did TOTeM pick some medieval gold dragon ?

As I said in the "Conclusions" section: "It easily passes all the laboratory-based tests used by LRL experimenters and certainly appears to react in the same way as the device shown in the internet videos. Whether it will lead you to treasure or not is maybe another story, but at least you will have the opportunity to explore the pseudo-scientific world of long range locators for yourself, and make up your own mind on the matter".

Elsewhere in Chapter 14, I also commented:"Does it work as a metal detector? At least in the active mode at short range, the answer is yes. When used in the medium range mode there are definitely signals being detected, and you even occasionally appear to be following a "signal line". In the passive long range mode the same can be said to be true, and it certainly acts as a very sensitive electromagnetic field detector".

And finally: "The purpose of this project was to develop a 'working' experimental platform for anyone wishing to investigate this grey area of metal detecting. This is a highly speculative area of research, and there is absolutely no guarantee of success. Remember ... here there be dragons!".

Yes, I did test TOTeM in the field, and no I didn't find any gold.
Perhaps there just wasn't any there to find.
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Old 11-12-2012, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
As I said in the "Conclusions" section: "It easily passes all the laboratory-based tests used by LRL experimenters and certainly appears to react in the same way as the device shown in the internet videos. Whether it will lead you to treasure or not is maybe another story, but at least you will have the opportunity to explore the pseudo-scientific world of long range locators for yourself, and make up your own mind on the matter".

Elsewhere in Chapter 14, I also commented:"Does it work as a metal detector? At least in the active mode at short range, the answer is yes. When used in the medium range mode there are definitely signals being detected, and you even occasionally appear to be following a "signal line". In the passive long range mode the same can be said to be true, and it certainly acts as a very sensitive electromagnetic field detector".

And finally: "The purpose of this project was to develop a 'working' experimental platform for anyone wishing to investigate this grey area of metal detecting. This is a highly speculative area of research, and there is absolutely no guarantee of success. Remember ... here there be dragons!".

Yes, I did test TOTeM in the field, and no I didn't find any gold.
Perhaps there just wasn't any there to find.

Maybe the Dragons took it

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Old 11-12-2012, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Maybe the Dragons took it

Yes, maybe you're correct.
Those dastardly dragons are always looking for longtime buried gold.
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Old 11-17-2012, 09:54 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default Any mention of me?

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Carl and I are proud to announce that we have successfully completed the writing of a technical book on metal detector technology.

This is the first in-depth book on this subject since 1927; and it feels like we've been working on it for that long! Countless hours have gone into the production of this book, not only writing, but building and testing the many projects, sometimes multiple times.


ISBN 978-0-9858342-0-3
Publication date: September 2012
300 pages

$34.95 - available directly from Geotech.

Here is the Table of Contents to whet your appetite:


Chapter 1: History of the Metal Detector
The People
The Applications
The Companies

Chapter 2: The BFO Principle

Chapter 3: Designing a BFO Detector
Reference Oscillator Design
Search Oscillator Design
Mixer and Detector Design
Headphone Amplifier
The Complete BFO Detector
Using Oscillator Harmonics
Construction Details

Chapter 4: A Simple Probe That Works!
Search Oscillator
Automatic Tracking Circuit
Construction Details

Chapter 5: Induction & Coils
Magnetic Fields
Induction Balance
Eddy Currents
Search Coils
Mineralization Effects

Chapter 6: Principles of Induction Balance
Transmit Frequency
What the Experts Say
So What's Best?
Power Supply
Evaluation of Initial Design Decisions

Chapter 7: Target Discrimination
Phase Demodulation
Motion Versus Non-motion
Discrimination With an Analog Detector

Chapter 8: Transmit-Receive Detector
Transmit Oscillator
RX Amplifier
Audio Output
Power Supply
Construction Details

Chapter 9: Designing an IB Detector
Stabilized Power Supply
Transmit Oscillator
Receiver Preamp
Designing a VLF IB Detector with GEB
GEB and DISC sampling
CMOS Analog Switches
Motion Mode of Detection
Audio Oscillator, Chopper and Amplifier
A Little More Info On Discrimination
Automatic Battery Check Circuit
Battery Pack
The Completed Prototype
Initial Setup Procedure
Real World Testing
But Can We Do Better?
Improving the Design
Comparator Operation
Detector Calibration
Real World Testing (again)
In Conclusion
Construction Details

Chapter 10: IB Coil Experiments
Experiment #1: MD-3030 10" Concentric Coil
Experiment #2: Fisher M-scope 11" Concentric Coil
Experiment #3: Garrett Crossfire 8" Concentric Coil
Experiment #4: Troy 9" Concentric Coil
Experiment #5: Viking 6DX Double-D Coil
Constructing Homemade IB Coils
Double-D Coil Experiment
Double-O Coil Experiment
Concentric Coil Experiment
Omega Coil Experiment
Step-by-Step Instructions for Constructing a DD Coil

Chapter 11: Pulse Induction Principles
PI Transmit
PI Front End
Digging in Deeper

Chapter 12: Pulse Induction Designs
PI Design 1
PI Design 2
PI Design 3
PI Design 4
Bonus: PI Design 5
Advanced Topics
Power Supply
Ground Balance
Really Advanced Topics
Construction Details --- PI-1
Construction Details --- PI-2
Construction Details --- PI-3
Construction Details --- PI-4

Chapter 13: Long Range Locators
Why Dowsing "Works"
Dowsing Tests
Empirical Results
"Passive" LRLs
"Active" LRLs
MFD Theory
Treasure Auras
Photographing Treasure Auras

Chapter 14: Pistol Detector
Ferrite Receiver
TX Circuit
The Sky and Compass Effects
Detecting the Anomaly
The Front Panel Controls
TR Mode of Operation
Nulling the Ferrite Coil
But Does it Actually Work?
Meaning of TOTeM
Construction Details

Chapter 15: Loose Ends
Multi-frequency Design
Myths & Fallacies
Is it an antenna?
The Halo Effect
Metal or Plastic Stem Bolt?
Electrostatic Shielding
Power Output
Coil Sensitivity
The Concentric Ring Experiment
Component Marking Standard
Electromagnetic Terminology
PC Boards

Appendix A: Air-Cored Coil Calculator
The Visual Basic Version
The Tcl/TK Version
The Javascript version

Appendix B: Resources
Web Sites
Magazine Articles

If I'm not mentioned then i'm not buying it. It's just another scam detector designed to rob your wallet.
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Old 11-17-2012, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
If I'm not mentioned then i'm not buying it. It's just another scam detector designed to rob your wallet.
If you want, we can add you to the list of people (along with Hung) who are banned from having a copy.

We'd hate you to actually learn something, as it would ruin the entertainment value.
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Old 11-18-2012, 08:22 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Default The truth is hard to absorb into a dillusionally ill mind

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
If you want, we can add you to the list of people (along with Hung) who are banned from having a copy.

We'd hate you to actually learn something, as it would ruin the entertainment value.
Thinking you are going to find gold by buying this book is dillusional. End of story!
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Old 11-18-2012, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Originally Posted by Dedevil
If I'm not mentioned then i'm not buying it. It's just another scam detector designed to rob your wallet.

Thinking you are going to find gold by buying this book is dillusional. End of story!
If you want, we can add you to the list of people (along with Hung) who are banned from having a copy.

We'd hate you to actually learn something, as it would ruin the entertainment value.
Find gold? ...
Is it a gold-finding LRL book, or is it a technical book about metal detectors?
Some folks will never know, and the forum entertainment will live on!

Best Wishes,
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Old 11-18-2012, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Thinking you are going to find gold by buying this book is dillusional. End of story!
Clearly you are incapable of reading the list of contents.

It is always important to understand the facts first, before posting.
Also read JP's reply, which may give you a hint.
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Old 12-11-2012, 07:53 AM
Dedevil Dedevil is offline
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
Find gold? ...
Is it a gold-finding LRL book, or is it a technical book about metal detectors?
Some folks will never know, and the forum entertainment will live on!

Best Wishes,
HA! Busted! Just hacked into CIA and downloaded a free copy. Upon dowsing the pages found the following conclusion; if you take the 3rd letter from the fourth word and then the 2nd letter from the sixth word and then the fifth letter from the eighth word and so on in a mathematical pattern the result is a message from Carl,
It spells,
I hope I retire on this one. Tahiti here I come!
Knew there was a conspiracy behind it all.
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Old 12-11-2012, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Dedevil View Post
Knew there was a conspiracy behind it all.
Sure, but your deciphering attempt is completely false.
Global capital is ruining your life?
You have right to self-defence!
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Old 12-26-2012, 04:17 PM
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Hi !
Just discovered the existence of this book, congratulations to the authors !
Probably the first book that technically reviews LRL´s with an open mind and a technical project.

I have plenty of high quality multiturn verniers knobs, just missing everything else for now

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Thanks Geo. I seem to remember Carl telling me that he was able to trigger the Mineoro FG80 with his garage door opener.
Hahaha, that remind me some funny moments here on Geotech...
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