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Old 12-03-2009, 05:57 AM
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Default Another Study to confirm LRL Detection of Buried Metals

In 1971 I was offered and accepted the research papers of J.Cecil Maby. Here is an outline of some research which seems to have a direct bearing on Rota's work. The bulk of the work was done mostly between the first and the early part of the second world war. Neither Maby of Franklin knew anything of Louis Rota, which is not surprising bearing in mind the secrecy with which Rota surrounded his research between the wars. Maby and Franklin, like Rota, found all metals, in fact, all elements emit beams which radiate in the horizontal plane, in specific directions and even electromagnetic frequencies also emit in specific horizontal directions! This throws light on some of Rota’s claims.
Franklin and Maby found that these directional beams rotate every 24 hour through 360 degrees. Maby found that if a magnet is placed under/over the element under test then the angle remains fixed. The N or S poles rotate the direction of the whole set by 180 degrees. The earth’s vertical magnetic field is not quite strong enough to fix the direction, so a mixture of fixed and static beams is produced if a magnet is not present. Here is Maby’s graph of what he calls the "fundamental ray" angle versus atomic weight/number:-
Directional emissions of Elements versus beam angle
(Note the “Bomb Disposal Enquiry” At this stage they were employed by the British Government to explore the possibility of using their methods to find unexploded bombs. See Passive “Radar”… below)
Electromagnetic Frequencies also have directions
Maby and Franklin used an ionisation counter to verify what had been found with a dowsing rod, in order to eliminated “wishful thinking” when subjective methods were used, although they frequently used the ionization counter alone. The ionization counter being statistical was slow while the dowsing rod was quick in the hands of a skilled operator. As is seen in Rota’s medical applications, the human body contains the Universal Currents in an active state so it would not be surprising to find the human body sensitive to the same class of universal currents in the environment.
In the late 1920's early 1930's T. Bedford Franklin found that the presence of deeply buried ore bodies produced a disturbance in the field strength of an early experimental medium wave broadcast station recently established in the UK at Daventry. He found that dispite the scientific view that such signals could not penetrate several hundred feet underground to the ore body, the field induced in the ore body was detectable on the earth's surface and interfered with the directly received signal from the radio station causing a variation in phase and amplitude which was detectable with a suitable radio receiver and frame antenna. He set up a successful business finding ore lodes for mining companies being able to detect the depth and size of the lode with reasonable accuracy. The surface field patterns were very similar to diffraction patterns familiar in optics, so it was assumed that the same process was at work with radio wave patterns detected on the earth's surface. Around the early 1930's, J. Cecil Maby found he could successfully dowse using a forked rod and when he later heard about Franklin's work and met Franklin, he tried dowsing a site which Franklin had previously tested with his frame antenna and radio apparatus. Maby was amazed to find that he could detect with the dowsing rod similar field patterns to those which Franklin had found instrumentally. Franklin was able to stimulate an ore body in dry rock at considerable depth using a 30 metre radio transmitter dispite the popular view that such frequencies could not penetrate that deep. Maby found that an iron rod stuck in the ground would radiate beams almost N,E,S,W without any external excitation and they tried various radio receivers to detect these beams instrumentally finally using a super-regenerative receiver. Franklin had a theory that very deep ore bodies were being shock excited by penetrating cosmic rays because the depth was frequently too great for radio waves to penetrate from the surface. This idea was generalised into the theory that a dowser was picking up radio signals originating from cosmic ray shock excitation of a buried object or ore body etc. Instrumental detection was very difficult although the signal was clear enough to a dowser.
Penetrating Radiation
Maby found that magnets emit a penetrating dowsing radiation that could penetrate lead screens. This resulted in tests with ionisation counters. A geiger counter showed nothing, but a neon ionisation counter did detect the radiation. They noticed that heavy objects in motion were surrounded by concentric zones or shells detectable by a neon ionisation counter of the Wynn-Williams type. They also found that aircraft could be detected a considerable distance away with a modified version of the counter.
A Passive "Radar" or Aircraft Detector
In about 1939 before the outbreak or the war they contacted the British Government about their aircraft detector which the called the "Fraby detector". Professor Andrade, in charge of finding new inventions to help the war effort, sent two scientists to investigate and after several months of tests they produced a favourable report. Development continued until suddenly the Government lost interest. After the war, this seemed to coincide with development of centimetric radar.
Fields Around Objects
Franklin independently checked Maby's findings presumably using his own dowser but he also used his own ionisation counter. They found that element such as iron copper tin etc all have a characteristic wavelength in centimetres which Franklin working on an analogue with x ray diffraction found was 2k√(atomic weight x atomic number) The value of k was about 1. This field was detectable with the ionisation counter as well as by dowsing means.
The extraordinary effect on radioactive bodies
When Maby was trying a geiger counter he found that it did not respond to the dowsing field unless a radio active source was put in front of it. He used a pad containing a small amount of Radium Bromide. He was amazed to find that moving the geiger counter plus radioactive pad through the dowsing field caused a increased discharge when entering the dowsing field and a reduction in discharge when leaving it, so the response of the geiger counter plus pad depended on the rate of change of the dowsing field. Because the geiger counter was unresponsive on its own he checked the radiation output from the radioactive pad alone using a spinthariscope which is simply a fluorescent screen and magnifying glass to observe the scintillations caused by radioactive particles discharged from the radium bromide. He found that the dowsing field did indeed increase the scintillations when entering the field and decreased them when leaving it. (Because this is a rate of change effect the half life remains unchanged). If we relate Franklin Maby's dowsing field to the universal current, this supports Rota's statement regarding the fundemental nature of the universal current and its connection to the cohesive forces that hold matter together.

Maby and Franklin published most of this work up to 1939 and a compilation in 1966
1)J.C Maby,T. Bedford Franklin; The Physics of the Divinig Rod, published by Bell 1939
2)J.C Maby; Physical Prinscipals of Radiesthesia 1966
3) T. Bedford Franklin; Radiations, British Society of Dowsers 1949
4) J.C. Maby: Research Papers
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Old 12-03-2009, 01:03 PM
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Only boys which try to sell nonsense to British governments. Happilly with no succes.
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Old 12-03-2009, 01:21 PM
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And, of course, a simple radio can locate buried metal, even only as receiver, but in radar mode can be detected at more distance and depth. Here "radar mode" doesn't mean radar frequency, mean transmission and reception of RF. Also you can use only transmitter in wich you inserted modulation, this modulation creates in a receiver (wich acts no as detector, just for register changes in TX) a kind of phase shift. The buried metal changes the state of phase shift and voil*! The same with IR beam and radio as monitor for register change in phase shift. "Radar mode" is very old:
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Old 12-03-2009, 03:42 PM
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No problem to find large chest of gold by this refelctive method - if you know where a large chest of gold is burried.

Otherwise, the method is practically useless.
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Old 12-03-2009, 04:51 PM
Bill512 Bill512 is offline
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Astrodetect, thanks for the info.
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Old 12-04-2009, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
No problem to find large chest of gold by this refelctive method - if you know where a large chest of gold is burried.

Otherwise, the method is practically useless.
Uhm... well... no...

The method is not useless... just he don't know anything of it...

So it's like to ask a donkey to explain you trigonometry, it's unlike he can show you any useful example.

Someone his relative maybe know... I'm guessing.

But the method is not "useless" cause I know of some devices that use it and actually works.

You can see here an example of one claimed working (I did not test it):


These devices can work as "just receivers" or use a local "transmitter". Usually they works in the 20-200Khz range.

I saw another stuff , similar but not this one, handmade and it works... but , sure, not with a coin stuff...

If we talk of long metallic things buried at reasonable depth or big masses you can detect... otherwise not.
These are useful also for locating voids and other stuff... e.g. old buried roads... made of e.g. stones etc but NOT small things... like rings, coins and stuff like that, as he said of his PD !

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Old 12-04-2009, 03:14 PM
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Max, agree, but Iam not speaking about devices as EMFAD based on far away LW transmiters which signal evenly cover the terrain. Here is transmiter by rule far away and receiver close to the target. At the same time we need antena with very directive characteristic.

I am speaking about configuration from picture in which strong near transmitter signal suppres weak and by soil dumped reflective signal on diferent way.

In this case transmitter are to close and at the same time receiver too far from small target. So it is practically unusable. Transmitter have to be reasonably far away and receiver close to the target. Can only be usable if one know where the target is burried.
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Old 12-04-2009, 03:43 PM
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W.I.S. Dell
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Old 12-04-2009, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
W.I.S. Dell
Please practice what you preach.

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Old 12-04-2009, 04:43 PM
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Very interesting post Astrodetect.
Myself used to have a transmitter and a receiver to go on target.
Don't ask me about operating frequencies because all I know was that it was RF doing the job.
After transmitting the signal for about 15mins we were able to go on target using a portable receiver.
This was the only LRL that we used whith success.We found many things burried in a short period of time while using the receiver.
This method works for sure no matter of what anybody says and it is not difficult to use.Maybe is difficult for an electronics man to build and I beleive it is.
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Old 12-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Louis Turenne was one of the first to plot out the fundamental ray angles in 1935. He put it on a circular format, used a weak solution of radium bromide in the center and would place a sample on there. Then he used a pendulum to find the rays much like an interferometer works. I've never been able to find any of his work other than what I read by Christopher Hills book "Supersensonics". "Two American physicists, Davisson and Germer, found that electrons striking a crystal were reflected from it only in certain directions...It was found that the number of electrons increases considerably at certain angles..."

I found another page for you.
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Old 12-04-2009, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont)[COLOR=#000000
...I found another page for you.
Louis Rota... another experimenter who did his work in secret. It seems nobody knows exactly what his experiments did or how to reproduce them to give the same results as Rota is alleged to have obtained. When I make a Google search, I only find the Wikirota page that has any information on him at all, and most of the information says "we can't figure out what he did exactly, but we still think he was a great scientist". It seems all they really know about Rota is he performed some seemingly magic experiments decades ago, and he developed his own theories about buried metals and physics. So why can't we find pages of details all over the internet to explain how great this scientist was?

Yup, it looks like another secret experimenter's name has fallen into oblivion.

Best wishes,
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Old 12-04-2009, 05:27 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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There's some good links on that page.
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Old 12-04-2009, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Louis Turenne was one of the first to plot out the fundamental ray angles in 1935. He put it on a circular format, used a weak solution of radium bromide in the center and would place a sample on there.

Then he used a pendulum to find the rays.........
Sorry, Mike, but using one mind-controlled gadget (pendulum) to validate fundamental rays, which are another figment of the imagination, is hardly a reference with a shred of believability. Probably why it can only be found in old out-dated esoteric publications and has been put to rest decades ago.


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Old 12-04-2009, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Very interesting post Astrodetect.
Myself used to have a transmitter and a receiver to go on target.
Don't ask me about operating frequencies because all I know was that it was RF doing the job.
After transmitting the signal for about 15mins we were able to go on target using a portable receiver.
This was the only LRL that we used whith success.We found many things burried in a short period of time while using the receiver.
This method works for sure no matter of what anybody says and it is not difficult to use.Maybe is difficult for an electronics man to build and I beleive it is.
Thanks for your story, this is very nice out of body experience. Your are still on astral projection for beginners.

Explanation of pictured nonworking idea is very simple: frequencies then used do not allow to build absolutely directive antenna as pictured. To build such antenna is possible only on frequencies in GHz spectrum. On LF to VLF frequencies produced from Tx in vicinity there are mess of different directive, reflective, harmonics and interferences of frequencies which make such devices practically unusable (even basically idea is correct). So your "receiver to go Non target." It is hard to build receiver in LF and VLF spectrum that is not at the same time interference detector. But this not mean that it is usable to detect gold part in soil.

The path from theory to useful practice is very long, even longer is the road from dream to useful practice.
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Old 12-05-2009, 01:55 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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You really owe it to yourself before you die to read Hills. It's just fascinating. I know you think you know everything, and you can't teach an old dog mew tricks, but miracles do happen now and then. People blinded by skepticism sometimes do see the light--literally. But you have to lose the control freak thiing.
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Old 12-05-2009, 02:24 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. Do you think this is a lie? This is God's truth, but you have give the effort. I have given the link for the yoga breathing. You can't do it without some sort of meditation. The yoga breathing is so simple to do, it just takes a few weeks to learn to still your mind. Once your mind is still it is not controlling things, it's not blocking things, it is not filtering out the energy flow.
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Old 12-05-2009, 03:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
You really owe it to yourself before you die to read Hills. It's just fascinating. I know you think you know everything, and you can't teach an old dog mew tricks, but miracles do happen now and then. People blinded by skepticism sometimes do see the light--literally. But you have to lose the control freak thiing.
The best thing I found about the C. Hills Supersensonics book is that I bought it at one garage sale for a buck and sold it at mine for $2.

Yoga, mind control, breathing exercises, or crossing your eyes does not change the FACT that using one mind-controlled gadget (pendulum) to validate fundamental rays, which are another figment of the imagination, is pure BS and wish science. It has nothing to do with skepticism and everything to do with logical, rational thought processes. If you are looking for things that go bump in the night, I'm sure you will eventually find one.

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Old 12-05-2009, 08:52 AM
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Post Jplayer-Lot's of Louis Rota info

Here is the Motherlode of information/schematics/photographs of Louis Rota. Too bad this site didn't have more on Maby which is where Astrodetect got his info.

Rota spent many years studying telluric currents,pretty impressive. Anthony Barringer's newest patent uses Telluric Currents for ore detection and he found that the electrostatic detection held the most useful information over the Magnetic fields. Check it out: patent #

An LRL could be made using this technology. Airborne surveys are by definition long range detection by several thousand feet. Geophysics rock!


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Old 12-05-2009, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Seden View Post
and he found that the electrostatic detection held the most useful information over the Magnetic fields.
Don't tell me...

Fifty years ago this year, two gentlemen by the names of Jonas Paulo F Damasio and Victor C Alonso have found about this which allowed them to develop devices to detect those fields and filter them to pick gold at long distance.
They deserve all recognition. Esteban and I know this very well.

Today this aproach has been taken to more advanced concepts by those who understand very well the phenomena.

Good luck Seden.
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Old 12-05-2009, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Seden
Here is the Motherlode of information/schematics/photographs of Louis Rota. Too bad this site didn't have more on Maby which is where Astrodetect got his info.

Rota spent many years studying telluric currents,pretty impressive. Anthony Barringer's newest patent uses Telluric Currents for ore detection and he found that the electrostatic detection held the most useful information over the Magnetic fields. Check it out: patent #

An LRL could be made using this technology. Airborne surveys are by definition long range detection by several thousand feet. Geophysics rock!


Hi Randy,
Yes, you are right. There is a lot of information published about Rota. But very little is in the form that is useful for practical applications. All the really useful details of his works were kept secret. For example, his patent to make a plane that defies gravity and high winds gives a lot of information, but not the kind of information that has allowed manufacturers to construct a working model.

I suppose this is part of the reason why Rota is a pretty much forgotten experimenter instead of a household name like Edison.

Best wishes,
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Old 12-05-2009, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by WM6 View Post
Max, agree, but Iam not speaking about devices as EMFAD based on far away LW transmiters which signal evenly cover the terrain. Here is transmiter by rule far away and receiver close to the target. At the same time we need antena with very directive characteristic.

I am speaking about configuration from picture in which strong near transmitter signal suppres weak and by soil dumped reflective signal on diferent way.

In this case transmitter are to close and at the same time receiver too far from small target. So it is practically unusable. Transmitter have to be reasonably far away and receiver close to the target. Can only be usable if one know where the target is burried.
yes sure, a too close transmitter is a problem...but don't take Esteban's pictures for what they aren't. What's in pictures is from Fisher things/experiments and some old magazines he likes much.

The concept behind the scene is the same of "direction finding", of a very far transmitter, the picture have just informative purposes... it's kind of diagram but it's not real, e.g. transmitter and receiver are not at the distance we see... it's just the "concept" that means something, the drawing itself has no value if seen as something related to actual construction of device.

The trick with south american guys like Esteban is ignoring what he wanna you notice and read in the middle of the textlines...

The EMFAD is exactly the same stuff of you can spot in their stupid PD thing... but the PD stuff have internal transmitter that's the silly thing of whole story... and sure, the transmitter swamps any reflected signal from target , cause is made to trick people more than detecting buried stuff.

BTW the transmitter is present also in EMFAD thing... just EMFAD things usually get rid of any local transmitter unless special cases (e.g. usual transmitters are down or signal is too low quality cause of e.g. interferences). The german EMFAD I posted link has, as example, a 33KHz running separate TX if needed... but it's made to run on long range broadcast signals... like the DCF timing signal at Frankfurt (Main) running on 77.5 Khz.

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Old 12-05-2009, 03:41 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Yes, I always suspected you would not be able to grasp the concepts. Hills talks about that in the book, saying it goes right over some people's head, usually the ones who THINK they are so intelligent. Reminds me of a defiant teenager who thinks they know it all. Well, at least you tried? (don't know if I believe any of what you said). "Seek and ye shall find" does not mean to just sit on your rear and wait for it to come to you. I realize some people really think they are priveledged and deserve to cut in line ahead of others. Dowsing is seeking the truth and that ain't the truth. I suspect you know that and just thumb your nose.
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Old 12-05-2009, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Yes, I always suspected you would not be able to grasp the concepts. Hills talks about that in the book, saying it goes right over some people's head, usually the ones who THINK they are so intelligent. Reminds me of a defiant teenager who thinks they know it all. Well, at least you tried? (don't know if I believe any of what you said). "Seek and ye shall find" does not mean to just sit on your rear and wait for it to come to you. I realize some people really think they are priveledged and deserve to cut in line ahead of others. Dowsing is seeking the truth and that ain't the truth. I suspect you know that and just thumb your nose.

What I wrote is science, not imagination...or paranormal activities...

I don't need dowsing... I have metal detectors and lot of things. Also I do TH as hobby not as business, then the stuff is pretty academic for me, can't be otherwise.

Concepts are good for people who understand them. Here many people talk and write but do not understand, not my fault.

You see in other threads people like Esteban still talk of PIs about old MDs and now are years... I told him years AGO that aren't PI, but he's so far from "truth" that don't understand what I say, what I told him, he prefer the "dream"...

Keep dreaming. I'm not interested you guys dream as you want ! (wet dreams with Carmen Electra allowed!)

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Old 12-05-2009, 06:57 PM
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What can you say Mike(Mont)?
There are people that they will pass their time in this life whith no improvement at all.
But don't worry my friend there still hope for them.
A friend of mine says that there is a medicine for this condition.
You can always give them a light to medium stroke using a frying pan at the upper back of their head( ktong.. is the right sound to be heard) and bingo their brain will start working.
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