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Old 02-21-2009, 08:47 PM
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Default US Department of Justice Identifies MFD and HID as Worthless Dowsing Gadgets

The US Department of Justice published a report concerning explosives detection equipment. On page 71 and 72 of the report, they provide a warning about utilizing devices centered on dowsing techniques. The report specifically identifies MFD and HID based contraptions as worthless dowsing implements.

The entire report appears at:

The excerpt below is from page 71 and 72.

From time to time, there are new devices that enter the market. Most companies make reasonable claims, and their products are based on solid scientific principles. Claims for some other devices may seem unreasonable or may not appear to be based on solid scientific principles. An old truism that continues to offer good advise is “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true.” If there are any questions as to the validity of a device, caution should be used and thorough research must be performed before a purchase is made. Money can be wasted and even lives may be risked. Although there may be other types of nonoperational devices around, dowsing devices for explosives detection have emerged during the past couple of years.

There is a rather large community of people around the world that believes in dowsing: the ancient practice of using forked sticks, swinging rods, and pendulums to look for underground water and other materials. These people believe that many types of materials can be located using a variety of dowsing methods. Dowsers claim that the dowsing device will respond to any buried anomalies, and years of practice are needed to use the device with discrimination (the ability to cause the device to respond to only those materials being sought). Modern dowsers have been developing various new methods to add discrimination to their devices. These new methods include molecular frequency discrimination (MFD) and harmonic induction discrimination (HID). MFD has taken the form of everything from placing a xerox copy of a Poloroid photograph of the desired material into the handle of the device, to using dowsing rods in conjunction with frequency generation electronics (function generators). None of these attempts to create devices that can detect specific materials such as explosives (or any materials for that matter) have been proven successful in controlled double-blind scientific tests. In fact, all testing of these inventions has shown these devices to perform no better than random chance.

Mostly these devices are used to locate water and now are used extensively by treasure hunters looking for gold and silver. In recent years some makers of these dowsing devices have attempted to cross over from treasure hunting to the areas of contraband detection, search and rescue, and law enforcement. The Quadro Tracker is one notable example of this cross-over attempt. This device was advertised as being a serious technology with a realistic sounding description of how it worked (close examination showed serious errors in the scientific sounding description). Fortunately, the National Institute of Justice investigated this company and stopped the sale of this device for these purposes, but not before many law enforcement agencies and school districts wasted public funds on the purchase of these devices.

Things to look for when dealing with “new technologies” that may well be a dowsing device are words like molecular frequency discrimination, harmonic induction discrimination, and claims of detecting small objects at large distances.

Many of these devices require no power to operate (most real technology requires power). Suspect any device that uses a swinging rod that is held nearly level, pivots freely and “indicates” the material being sought by pointing at it. Any device that uses a pendulum that swings in different shaped paths to indicate its response should also arouse suspicion. Advertisements that feature several testimonials by “satisfied users,” and statements about pending tests by scientific and regulatory agencies (but have just not happened yet) may be indications that the device has not been proven to work. Statements that the device must be held by a human to operate usually indicate dowsing devices. Statements that the device requires extensive training by the factory, the device is difficult to use, and not everyone can use the device, are often made to allow the manufacturer a way of blaming the operator for the device’s failure to work. Another often used diversion is that scientists and engineers cannot understand the operation of the device or the device operates on principles that have been lost or forgotten by the scientific community.

In general, any legitimate manufacturer of contraband detection equipment will eagerly seek evaluation of their device’s performance by scientific and engineering laboratories. Any doubt that a device is legitimate can quickly be dispelled by making a call to any of the known agencies whose business it is to know about security-related technology.

So.... do any of the terms and warnings given above sound like something we've heard discussed here??? How about it, Dell, Tim, Vincent... Bob ???


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Old 02-21-2009, 09:31 PM
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Old 09-06-2009, 06:21 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Anyone can say anything they want, but that doesn't mean they are qualified to make the statements. Add to this someone "priming" them with negativity and you have a biased experiment. All I can say is they must have had some skeptic claiming to be knowlegeable--maybe even someone from this forum. If they really did say that MFD doesn't work any better than random chance (Where have I heard that before?), their findings are wrong. And you never know what the goverment is really up to. They constantly provide false information.
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Old 09-06-2009, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Anyone can say anything they want, but that doesn't mean they are qualified to make the statements. Add to this someone "priming" them with negativity and you have a biased experiment. All I can say is they must have had some skeptic claiming to be knowlegeable--maybe even someone from this forum. If they really did say that MFD doesn't work any better than random chance (Where have I heard that before?), their findings are wrong. And you never know what the goverment is really up to. They constantly provide false information.

if Sandia Labs say that are BS... I belive that.

Or have I to belive that you can find paper money with them at 1mile distance ?

Or drugs ?

Or explosive stuff ?

Or weapons ?

C'mon... get a life....

You read too many science fiction... few is good... too much cook the remaining neurons... like in Esteban's case with PaloAlto... he takes too much... and now he's sick!

Kind regards,

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Old 09-06-2009, 07:19 PM
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Why even bother with these dowsing rods, MFDs, HIDs, LRLs and such things, why simply just not use old and proven Vipassana mental LRL technique?

Vipassana is efective and learned by free course:

Read here:

"Vipassana, which means to see things that really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago .....

.... The technique is taught at ten-day residential courses during which participants follow a prescribed Code of Discipline, learn the basics of the method, and practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results.

There are no charges for the courses - not even to cover the cost of food and accommodation. All expenses are met by donations from people who, having completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana, wish to give others the opportunity to benefit from it also.

Of course, the results come gradually through continued practice. It is unrealistic to expect all LRL problems to be solved in ten days. Within that time, however, the essentials of Vipassana can be learned so that it can be applied in daily life. The more the technique is practiced, the greater the freedom from misery (of course you will find tons of gold !!!! not only visible pull-tab like mineoro), and the closer the approach to the ultimate goal of full liberation. Even ten days can provide results which are vivid and obviously beneficial in everyday life."

So? Why waiting and smuggling with LRLs around? Grab Vipassana!!!!!!
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Old 09-06-2009, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Anyone can say anything they want, but that doesn't mean they are qualified to make the statements. Add to this someone "priming" them with negativity and you have a biased experiment. All I can say is they must have had some skeptic claiming to be knowlegeable--maybe even someone from this forum. If they really did say that MFD doesn't work any better than random chance (Where have I heard that before?), their findings are wrong. And you never know what the goverment is really up to. They constantly provide false information.
You can't be serious.

If paranoia was a tea cup, you'd be the Grand Canyon.

Dowsing (including LRL/MFD) is a trick of the mind. Live with it.

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Old 09-06-2009, 08:28 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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The first thing that threw me off was Janet Reno's name on it.

I didn't read the article, just skiimed through it. Nowhere did I see any double-blind testing of MFD equipment, only a vague reference that it had been done. No references at all. That's bogus, as is their bias against all dowsing equipment. What do you expect?
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
The first thing that threw me off was Janet Reno's name on it.

I didn't read the article, just skiimed through it.
Maybe you should have read it more closely.

Then again, I doubt very much if any sort of facts and truth ever get through your mindset and filters.

You are one sad case....

Whose name did you think would be on a document from the Justice Department; Dell Winders ????

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Old 09-06-2009, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
Whose name did you think would be on a document from the Justice Department; Dell Winders ????
Probably Oprah Winfrey ...
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont)
Anyone can say anything they want, but that doesn't mean they are qualified to make the statements. Add to this someone "priming" them with negativity and you have a biased experiment. All I can say is they must have had some skeptic claiming to be knowlegeable--maybe even someone from this forum. If they really did say that MFD doesn't work any better than random chance (Where have I heard that before?), their findings are wrong. And you never know what the goverment is really up to. They constantly provide false information.

"And you never know what the goverment is really up to. They constantly provide false information."

Now, you might have something there. Of course...
The government discovered MFDs work excellent to detect explosives, and they want to keep this information from falling into the hands of the general public, same as they are hiding the 150 MPG carburettors, and alien space ship technology. Of course, this is all part of a sinister scheme to take control of the entire world by controlling all the advanced technology. I can see how hiding advanced MFD explosive detectors falls into this plan. When the underground resistance wants to find government explosive stockpiles, they will not have the advantage of these convenient MFDs, simply because they have been convinced they don't work. Hopefully you will be among the freedom fighters to help save the world wiith your MFDs when the days of hopeless tyrannical world takeover come.

Best wishes,
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
The first thing that threw me off was Janet Reno's name on it.

I didn't read the article, just skiimed through it. Nowhere did I see any double-blind testing of MFD equipment, only a vague reference that it had been done. No references at all. That's bogus, as is their bias against all dowsing equipment. What do you expect?
It appears that Einstein was on your side:

He was quoted as saying - "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts."
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:38 PM
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A fact for any Idiots that may read this post.

I have never seen any report, or am I aware of any HID, or MFD products I manufacture that have ever been field tested by Sandia Labs? Dell
Disclaimer on Presented Research Results

NIJ is the research, development, and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice and is dedicated to researching crime control and justice issues.

Much of the content presented on this site results from NIJ-funded research, development, and evaluation projects. The content is not intended to create, does not create, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter civil or criminal.

Opinions or points of view expressed on this site represent a consensus of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. The products and manufacturers discussed in this document are presented for informational purposes only and do not constitute product approval or enforcement by the U.S. Department of Justice.

See also additional Legal Policies and Disclaimers for all U.S. Department of Justice Web content.
Date Entered: January 8, 2008
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
A fact for any Idiots that may read this post.

I have never seen any report, or am I aware of any HID, or MFD products I manufacture that have ever been field tested by Sandia Labs? Dell
Maybe they have better things to do.
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Old 09-07-2009, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
A fact for any Idiots that may read this post.

I have never seen any report, or am I aware of any HID, or MFD products I manufacture that have ever been field tested by Sandia Labs? Dell
Then read here... and enjoy!


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Old 09-07-2009, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Maybe they have better things to do.
Or maybe Dell is too busy selling his Omnifu%k stuff to read articles...

Kind regards,

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Old 09-07-2009, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Then read here... and enjoy!

It says here:
Sandia Labs of Albuquerque, New Mexico, took one apart and discovered that there is nothing inside. It probably costs about $2 to make....

...In court it was pointed out that the Quadro Detector had been carefully examined and that no "inductors, conductors, or oscillators" were found, though Quadro advertised those as the working parts of its "secret technology." Quadro claimed that theirs were not "ordinary" inductors, conductors, or oscillators. Theirs are of an advanced sort not yet known to "regular science."

And the Quadro-tracker advertising said:
...The frequency chip is oscillated by static electricity produced by the body [of the user] inhaling and exhaling gases into and out of the lung cavity. This static electricity is propagated on the surface of the body to the tracker which utilizes the charge to oscillate the chip....All matter contains exact molecular frequencies. When a magnetic field is created by a contained electrically charged body moving through space at a perpendicular angle moving to its direction, and that field is brought into alignment with another exact field, resonating at the identical frequency modulation, then both objects attract, just as two bodies are attracted toward each other in a gravitational field".

Somehow, their claims sound similar to secret science discoveries we have read posted by a famous expert in this forum...

Best wishes,
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Old 09-07-2009, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post

if Sandia Labs say that are BS... I belive that.

Or have I to belive that you can find paper money with them at 1mile distance ?

Or drugs ?

Or explosive stuff ?

Or weapons ?

C'mon... get a life....

You read too many science fiction... few is good... too much cook the remaining neurons... like in Esteban's case with PaloAlto... he takes too much... and now he's sick!

Kind regards,
You are insane...
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Old 09-07-2009, 01:41 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Why would the government want to suppress info? Anyone who thinks the government would offer military info "for the good of society" is sadly mistaken. Here's a story.

A chinese man invented a man-carrying kite/flying machine (remember flying magic carpets? Very similar to early hang gliders.) and he took it to the emperor. The emperor said that's very nice but now I have to kill you. If the enemy gets this info they will be able to fly over the Great Wall and attack us.

How much iinfo on dowsing has the government suppress, no one knows. Many people who worked in the remote viewing program think they are still involved.

As for the Quardo locators, I owned one and I did find some gold with it. Also found some paper money in a contest with about thirty other people. While I admit it was basically a dowsing rod, ther might have been more to it than the government-funded skeptics could understand. At any rate, it was not an MFD or HID device. Just like using metal detectors, some people are more skilled. And they are not 100% accurate, but they don't need to be (compared to a bomb sniffer).

I have to believe this group never even looked at an MFD. They probably took someone else's opinion as fact. It's quite obvious they discounted the entire dowsing scenario, and I might add their wording mimicks other skeptics. It appears to me someone fed them a line of BS and they ate it with a spoon.
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Old 09-07-2009, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post

As for the Quardo locators, I owned one and I did find some gold with it. .
For sure, in the grandmother's jewelry box.

Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Also found some paper money in a contest with about thirty other people
Now I believe in LRL. You are searching in the Bank? The cops came too late? Unbelievable!
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Old 09-07-2009, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
You are insane...
Me !?

I don't say I can find paper money with a plastic made full of farts gizmo... nor I sell it also to FBI !

Do I ?

Or you manybe mean Mike(Mont) is a "normal" person ???

Don't you remember where he posted about the stuff you put on your tongue to detect things from remote....

Which will be next step ??? Put the PaloAlto in your back and use as a dowsing rod !?

Kind regards,

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Old 09-07-2009, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Me !?

I don't say I can find paper money with a plastic made full of farts gizmo... nor I sell it also to FBI !

Do I ?

Or you manybe mean Mike(Mont) is a "normal" person ???

Don't you remember where he posted about the stuff you put on your tongue to detect things from remote....

Which will be next step ??? Put the PaloAlto in your back and use as a dowsing rod !?

Kind regards,
First, look yourself, do you're normal?
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Old 09-07-2009, 04:24 PM
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Actually the people at Quadro, did use one of my Frequency Discriminators (MFD) to find a sunken River boat, and recovered a safe with $ 50,000 + in it, before they invented Quadro.

At my own expense, I went to Carolina, purchased a Quadro, field tested it for a week in that envoirment, and dissected the Quadro, 3 months before it went on the market. I cautioned Treasure Hunters against purchasing the product.

No, there is no similarity between Quadro, and the MFD concept. Skeptics writing their pretend Science junk, appear to be too stupid to recognize the difference, or even care if what they write is fact, or truth.

A good example is the author of this misleading Header;

US Department of Justice Identifies MFD and HID as Worthless Dowsing Gadgets

That's NOT TRUE, as any idiot can see by reading the Justice Department disclaimer.

They make no affirmation that the Author's statement is true. In fact, the author(s) remain anonymous. It could have been any one of you that wrote the negative report.

The first time I read this report posted on a public forum it included the name "OMNITRON."

There are certainly plenty of reasons to question the Skeptic's practice of deception and pretend Science? I also question the mentality, and agenda behind it? Dell
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Old 09-07-2009, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
First, look yourself, do you're normal?
What do you mean ???

If I'm in the average of people ?

Sure... no, I'm not... dang ! but this is another issue...

But for "normal" of the post above I meant not-insane...

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Old 09-07-2009, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
Actually the people at Quadro, did use one of my Frequency Discriminators (MFD) to find a sunken River boat, and recovered a safe with $ 50,000 + in it, before they invented Quadro.

At my own expense, I went to Carolina, purchased a Quadro, field tested it for a week in that envoirment, and dissected the Quadro, 3 months before it went on the market. I cautioned Treasure Hunters against purchasing the product.

No, there is no similarity between Quadro, and the MFD concept. Skeptics writing their pretend Science junk, appear to be too stupid to recognize the difference, or even care if what they write is fact, or truth.

A good example is the author of this misleading Header;

US Department of Justice Identifies MFD and HID as Worthless Dowsing Gadgets

That's NOT TRUE, as any idiot can see by reading the Justice Department disclaimer.

They make no affirmation that the Author's statement is true. In fact, the author(s) remain anonymous. It could have been any one of you that wrote the negative report.

The first time I read this report posted on a public forum it included the name "OMNITRON."

There are certainly plenty of reasons to question the Skeptic's practice of deception and pretend Science? I also question the mentality, and agenda behind it? Dell
Isn't MFD in the mind of belivers and sellers stay for "Multi Frequency Discrimination" and similar stuff ???

Then the article I posted link , do you read it ?

This part:

"Quadro claimed that the device uses "tuned frequency chips" to hone in on its target:

The frequency chip is oscillated by static electricity produced by the body [of the user] inhaling and exhaling gases into and out of the lung cavity. This static electricity is propagated on the surface of the body to the tracker which utilizes the charge to oscillate the chip...."

Now... tell me... what's that frequency they wrote ? Isn't the magic "resonant" frequency of wanted target ?
Isn't that way that the device is claimed to be discriminating stuff ?

So , following that it's what belivers call MFD.

But seems you don't like that...

Your problem not mine.

Kind regards,

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Old 09-07-2009, 05:11 PM
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Just read what electronics people are saying in their advertising about the LRL products they manufacture. Are you a believer in what Electronic Engineers, and Techs say?

Apparently not. Neither am I.
Electronics people are ripping off LRL customers with deceptive advertising, and high prices.

Again, I repeat. There is no relation between the method of Discrimination used by Quadro, and my MFD products, so quit trying to inference a connection. You are speaking in ignorance.

You also ignore a pertinent fact. The Government, with all it's resources, was unable to prove it's case against Quadro. Quadro, was found "NOT GUILTY" of all charges.

If you don't like the verdict, take it up with the Justice department, not me. Dell
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