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Old 07-12-2007, 11:38 PM
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I’m writing this with Esteban’s agreement and also in his name.

We decided to write a note about what has been happening lately in this forum and why we decided to leave at least for now due to the recent past events which made this forum completely off-track of its original purpose of sharing ideas and experiences.
On the contrary, it became a place for personal attacks, discredit, offenses, also raising the evidence that the moderator is completely away from the reality happening here lately.

When I first joined this forum I did because I saw an unfair claim by the moderator in which he stated the detectors made by Mineoro were scam. I had recently bought one and had just got back from the factory and could corroborate they were for real and worked. I then met Esteban here, a successful user also of these detectors and an inventor too.

Since then, people who never admitted (and never will) the existence of a successful Long Range Detector, always contributed to twist our posts, discrediting us and lately , performing the unthinkable event of finally ending up with personal attacks. No wonder I stated here sometime ago that Mineoro users never wanted to join this forum as they tought it was a zoo.
Were they wrong? Of course not.

Esteban and I have never been involved in any way with Mineoro. Being commercially, or in any profitable way.
We as users, simply knew the obvious. They work although as every device on earth also have some limitations. But they work. Esteban himself always presented his projects here based on what he learned about this technology, also with his own involvement with Alonso. He always kindly posted pictures of devices he built personally.

But instead of act according the forum’s own purpose of share experiences and ideas, just like me, he was also put to discredit.

Now pay attention. We don’t need to be here at all. We are completely secure about our successes and achievements which are vastly disclosed here already through pictures, cases, narrations, etc.
I had two great achievements recently that I chose to share here, but now I deeply regret.
Will the attitude, opinion, thoughts or attacks from any of you change the facts I have? Sure not. Facts are facts. What you might think or not about this is completely irrelevant. It won’t change anything. I just feel sorry.

I believe Esteban tried to share his inventions and views here, expecting that the ‘scientific’ minds in this forum would contribute. But there are no true scientific minds here as I always thought. True scientific minds never state ‘I know it all’, because they know they are always learning every minute and what they believe they know, is just a small drop in an ocean of knowledge. Insignificant.

Do you think we are idiots? Share a schematic or plan so it gets stolen here under the excuse that the ‘minds’ here have to ‘approve’?
Ahh... Don’t be ridiculous ! I would be ashamed.

If you think what Esteban, Andreas and now I achieved is impossible, it’s your privilege, as you may think or believe in whatever you want. But the forum etiquette has been seriously damaged lately and for this reason we will not accept that. As I said, we don’t need to be here. I personally don’t need to be here anymore. I am already tired to expose myself here as I consider being already successful and would be around here just to share my own victories if this forum was worth it. But I think it’s not anymore.

So, that said, we are leaving at this time as we were only contributing to raise controversy and bad vibes here. In respect to serious person such as Michael, Dell, Tim Williams and other few, I might answer some private messages. Don’t know about Esteban tough.

Despite of all, I enjoyed the ride and will enjoy it a lot more from now one with the rewarding projects I’m involved as Esteban I’m sure will also.

Goodbye for now.
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Old 07-13-2007, 10:15 AM
superfreq superfreq is offline
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Dear Hung
I am a new member of just few days here, but this is enough (believe me) to understand what is going on here. Some people (at least very few), lost the meaning of honesty and respect, or they never knew this meanings! But you know something, this situation is almost the same to the most treasure forums of the earth. The same argues, the same mainstreams (LRL's funs and convetional users), and the same interests and provocations from both sides. Between this war, there are some free minds who try the best. They try to escape from this horrible conventional reality, and this is enough to irritate some others who live under mentally "prison". Don't feel that you are alone here, you have to understand that many anonymous like me pay attention to your experiments and efforts. Everyone with our own purposes, but we do pay attention! Don't leave this forum by helping ignorance and fear for something new to take place, just keep on going and be sure that always, and i mean ALWAYS, the truth shines at the end.
It's mush more difficult to prove something new, than to refuse it by the help of conventional physics. The first needs hard thinking and efforts and the second needs insecureness and a strong feeling that humans never gonna change their history! Don't blame these kind of people, it's just what they've been learned about life! Think of the others that want to find the missing piece of their personal magic icon.
(I also believe that the administrator will use his privileges, to stop personal attacks and bad names with no reason, and make this world-interesting forum, more human!)

Keep on working this hard, and guys like you and your friends, ARE the future, and we need them!
Best regards to all of the members
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Old 07-13-2007, 11:12 AM
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"Think of the others that want to find the missing piece of their personal magic icon"... ehm are you writing a novel ?

I respect people that experiment, test, etc here also if I don't belive in some claims/asserts about some circuit or devices or pseudo-theories.

Real problem is that there aren't proofs of any of these claims are truth.
No LRL manifacturer can give you proofs... whether any conventional MD could be tested in a really reliable way and respond to uncontestable science principles.
Yes, MD are low range, OK, it's true but, at least, they work!
I've realized many of these with lot of success... and I love conventional MD though have small detection range!

What about spending thousand of dollars to get some unuseful beep-beep and finding absolutely nothing ??? Some people have done and can say now that was a stupid idea buying such a thing.

Personally I've experimented a few with all that LRL stuff (zahori etc) and not deeply... but is not simple cause there is no scientific theory that could gine you hints about LRL design !

I belive in science. I belive in facts. I belive in proofs.
Some other folks here still belive in LRL claims and that's ok for me.
Freedom of mind is not the problem... so belive in what you want!

Best regards,
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Old 07-13-2007, 12:19 PM
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I don't like people taking hard earn money and scammers you no who you are. But if yoy raeally think you have a LRL that works that ok with me.
Let us work the kinks out of it and upgrade or hobbie.
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Old 07-13-2007, 12:31 PM
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Default Hung and superfreq sare you one and the same?

Originally Posted by superfreq View Post


I am a new member of just few days here, but this is enough (believe me) to understand what is going on here. Some people (at least very few), lost the meaning of honesty and respect, or they never knew this meanings! But you know something, this situation is almost the same to the most treasure forums of the earth. The same argues, the same mainstreams (LRL's funs and convetional users), and the same interests and provocations from both sides. Between this war, there are some free minds who try the best. They try to escape from this horrible conventional reality, and this is enough to irritate some others who live under mentally "prison". Don't feel that you are alone here, you have to understand that many anonymous like me pay attention to your experiments and efforts. Everyone with our own purposes, but we do pay attention! Don't leave this forum by helping ignorance and fear for something new to take place, just keep on going and be sure that always, and i mean ALWAYS, the truth shines at the end.
It's mush more difficult to prove something new, than to refuse it by the help of conventional physics. The first needs hard thinking and efforts and the second needs insecureness and a strong feeling that humans never gonna change their history! Don't blame these kind of people, it's just what they've been learned about life! Think of the others that want to find the missing piece of their personal magic icon.
(I also believe that the administrator will use his privileges, to stop personal attacks and bad names with no reason, and make this world-interesting forum, more human!)

Keep on working this hard, and guys like you and your friends, ARE the future, and we need them!
Best regards to all of the members
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Old 07-13-2007, 01:18 PM
michael michael is offline
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Dear Hung, take it easy man.
superfreq is right, many of people who really believe in LRLing and have used them with a success come to this forum and read posts carefully and many times regret for some behaviors or harsh words.( I know some of such people) maybe their fault is putting no post here.
Anyway do what you're convenient in. we will keep communication via e-mail.
profit me as have done before since now.
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:16 PM
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Hi Robert. I am happy to see you running this forum now. You do a much better job of dictating policy than Carl. I wish you the best. Dell
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:34 PM
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Hung and Estaban, I will look for your return my friends.

Take care,

Bringing metal detectors into the world of imaging!

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Old 07-13-2007, 06:36 PM
superfreq superfreq is offline
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
... ehm are you writing a novel ?

Max it's not bad to disagree with something, there are just milion ways to express it. And you know it very well as you always use polite ways of disagreeing.

Clondike Clad, i take it as a compliment as i understood that Hung is a very serious scientist! What i don't understand is why you look at my finger while i am showing you the forest...

Robert i think that you are joking! I am sure that behind the keyboard you are laughing when you write all these...things!

I have a simple question, and i would appreciate it if someone will help me.
Did Hung or Esteban try to sell these machines (zahori etc.) to anyone? Because if they did not, then it's not fair to embarrass them because they dream to make something good???!!! As far as i know, the scammer is the one that tries to earn profit from others by selling bs. Did they?
No! They just share their thoughts. Is it sooo bad???

Best regards to all
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Old 07-13-2007, 07:01 PM
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Hung, et al;

With the controversial nature of this forum, I've tried to maintain a balance between openness and civility, and fortunately have had to wield the censor's ax only a very few times. If you feel something has gotten out-of-hand, you need to let me know. I have spent very little time reading posts here because other priorities, so don't assume I see what you see. There is a "Report Post" icon (little red triangle) at the top of every post... click it and type a short message.

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Old 07-14-2007, 03:01 PM
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I believe the rules should apply to copyrighted information as well as personal designed information that the author did not want published. So what does the rule say if someone publishes someone else's work? It seems that all I see here is people waiting to get there hands on everything from detector to whatever so they can build it. When it come to LRL's, they want information free when they themselves did no work at on! I see a mentality of give me here. I want it with no added input to the project. And when the owner says no, they get bashed. I'm only pointing out the overall character of the forums. You can go over to the detector , side scan and other and find where someone said something and did not want to post the schematics and in return had post against him for not providing the data.

If you believe lrl's work or not is not the issue here. I know there are scams out there and that's the reason I stop selling my units. The AM radio did for me. I don't need to sell my unit to make a living. I am trying to help people that use LRL's understand the my work. Because many high dollar manufactures claim walk the line and there is the target. Not true. I have found gold and silver unknown targets with my units as so other that have them. I just want people to know that if they buy a xx,xxxx.xx unit Depending on what the manufacture instructions were, they may never find a thing.

I know posting this Sam will bash me on Google. He always does. But the truth is LRL do work. Sense the logger came out time after time each plot showed an anomaly in the ground. The detector pick up something. These are targets some tracked 100 of yards. Some were mineral pockets, most metal targets. Some gold and silver. No more empty holes! The one thing I would tell my customers was, my unit will bring you to whats causing the rings. Frequency is the key here. There is allot to it. But it does work.

Then maybe dowser should not post here at all. It's just not worth it to us. We don't need to prove anything. We are not here waiting for free information, you are. I'm not taking sides but saying what anyone can see here in the post.

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Old 07-14-2007, 03:11 PM
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The above post was a response to a post from that got deleted before I could put my response up! Maybe I should delete mine also.

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Old 07-14-2007, 03:24 PM
superfreq superfreq is offline
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Yes it's deleted, although they were nice and logical claims
I will not be surprised if he works for a specific detecting company that doesn't want other patents!!!
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Old 07-14-2007, 03:51 PM
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Administrator: Good action is deleting thread "I'm bad, I'm nationwide". Shakira, Santana, this is not music forum. Congratulations!!!

And the persons who support here Robert are in the same category.

Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini.

For example, is Andreas or Esteban shows pics, they have something to show, but no Robert, only post comics!! Please, delete all the comics, because in other way all the world will laughling of this forum.
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Old 07-14-2007, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Nihil Roma Maius View Post
Administrator: Good action is deleting thread "I'm bad, I'm nationwide". Shakira, Santana, this is not music forum. Congratulations!!!

And the persons who support here Robert are in the same category.

Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini.

For example, is Andreas or Esteban shows pics, they have something to show, but no Robert, only post comics!! Please, delete all the comics, because in other way all the world will laughling of this forum.
what a text I see:
"Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini." ...are you writing a novel too???...another DaVinci code (please no)???

Better use this:
"Risus abundat in ore stultorum" ...ehm ok this is not a latin forum too if we would just to split hairs.

Kind regards,
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Old 07-14-2007, 05:38 PM
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Nihil Roma Maius Nihil Roma Maius is offline
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Yes, you're right. If we convert this forum in comic forum, we'll finish in magnus stultorum. Also, I don't like Da Vinci Code.
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
I believe the rules should apply to copyrighted information as well as personal designed information that the author did not want published. So what does the rule say if someone publishes someone else's work?
If you are concerned about the use of copyright material on this site, then please read the Policies page: http://geotech.thunting.com/cgi-bin/...ile=policy.dat

Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
It seems that all I see here is people waiting to get there hands on everything from detector to whatever so they can build it.
I think there is probably some truth in this statment, but it does not apply to everyone. You can easily see the number of views (and presumably downloads) that have occured for any posted information. e.g. the PDF of the Rimatron Turbo was downloaded 368 times, which was far in excess of the number of people who posted replies.

Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
When it come to LRL's, they want information free when they themselves did no work at on! I see a mentality of give me here. I want it with no added input to the project. And when the owner says no, they get bashed. I'm only pointing out the overall character of the forums. You can go over to the detector , side scan and other and find where someone said something and did not want to post the schematics and in return had post against him for not providing the data.
In reality, when it comes to LRLs, this forum has a predominately skeptical viewpoint. The desire for schematics is not to get information for free. We would just like to see something that actually works. So far - nothing!
Instead of credible scientific data that supports the idea behind a particular LRL, all we see are dubious photos of treasure supposedly found with an LRL, and at totally unbelieveable distances. In many cases it's just plain fantasy.

Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
If you believe lrl's work or not is not the issue here. I know there are scams out there and that's the reason I stop selling my units. The AM radio did for me. I don't need to sell my unit to make a living. I am trying to help people that use LRL's understand the my work. Because many high dollar manufactures claim walk the line and there is the target. Not true. I have found gold and silver unknown targets with my units as so other that have them. I just want people to know that if they buy a xx,xxxx.xx unit Depending on what the manufacture instructions were, they may never find a thing.
Well, if an LRL appears to be working for you, then use it. Why not take Carl's $25,000 test. If not for the money, then do it to prove a point.

Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
I know posting this Sam will bash me on Google. He always does. But the truth is LRL do work. Sense the logger came out time after time each plot showed an anomaly in the ground. The detector pick up something. These are targets some tracked 100 of yards. Some were mineral pockets, most metal targets. Some gold and silver. No more empty holes! The one thing I would tell my customers was, my unit will bring you to whats causing the rings. Frequency is the key here. There is allot to it. But it does work.
It's very easy to say "But the truth is LRL do work.", when the reality is that they don't. This whole idea of associating particular frequencies with gold, silver, diamonds, etc., is pure fantasy. Not to mention the pseudoscientific nonsense of ionic detection.

Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
Then maybe dowser should not post here at all. It's just not worth it to us. We don't need to prove anything.
Yes - that's good advice. If I believed in dowsing I wouldn't post here either.

Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
We are not here waiting for free information, you are. I'm not taking sides but saying what anyone can see here in the post.
As I said earlier, no-one is waiting here for free information. Well maybe some are, but as far as LRLs are concerned, they're going to have to wait a mighty long time.....
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Old 07-15-2007, 03:47 AM
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I was not sure about you but now I know. Thank you for posting. How have you been? What no pictures.

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Old 07-15-2007, 04:13 AM
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Do you know this guy?

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Old 07-15-2007, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Tim Williams View Post
No, I don't know Sam. But he sounds like a good guy.
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Old 07-16-2007, 12:12 PM
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Unhappy Bye

Hi Esteban and Hung.
What to say..... This forum will become poor afterwards your absence
Personally i thank you for that opinions we change if agreed or no.
From my heart i wish you each success

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