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Old 07-25-2006, 02:03 PM
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Default Mineoro FG80

My FG80 arrives tomorrow.
Unfortunately I would like to use it at my friend's region where the PDC ruled this weekend.
But I will test it in other places.
Allow me a week for test. Will post my impressions on how it relates to the PDC.
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Old 07-25-2006, 08:52 PM
michael michael is offline
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Oh! Good news Hung. I hope have nice and satisfiable results.
Haven't you forgotten do and make my proposed 6 test points? Dear friend! don't forget please.
But still can't understand ; when it's ready to be shipped, definitely a manual could be put in their site.
As I see in their site still no info of new models,....!!! why? please remind them. I am much eager to know if is really able to detect a fresh gold from a distance.
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Old 07-25-2006, 11:45 PM
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Hi Hung

Let us know your impressions and experiences with it.
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Old 07-27-2006, 02:24 PM
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OK. Got it this morning.
More later.
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Old 07-27-2006, 06:10 PM
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First, I really wish the device had arrived prior to the weekend when I went to my friend's place out of state. But if the PDC 210 rocked, this one model theoretically would surpass it. Well... I'm not there anymore, so you just can't get what you want all the time...

The FG80 arrived this morning and the first thing I noticed when I unwrapped the package is that it feels slightly lighter than the PDC 210. Good, because for long sessions, it will be less fatiguing.

I has only one knob. A numbered pot in which you can lock the best setting through a switch.

In the afternnon I had a little spare time and performed initial tests. The manual says to simply turn the knob up until beeps are heard, then you go back one turn or more (based on the numbers gauge). Unlike the PDC in which you fine tune two knobs and if you exaggerate you hear an ocasional beep, in the case of the FG80, no beep is heard after calibration, which you do aiming the antenna perpendicular to ground. Also there's an infrared sensor at the top of the 'black nose', quoting Esteban..

I imediately headed to the beach for a quick check on how it would react at the two targets I have here at sea. Probably shipwrecks. When I pointed the device, no beep was heard. Then I kept increasing sensibility till it beeped distinguishly. And I'll tell you.. Unlike the PDC which used to give an ocasional beep in that direction, the FG beeped loudly and when precisely over the target I believe, the beep turned into a continuous sound. Yeah, scream baby!
Being seasoned to the PDC, and as no beep was heard following the manual's recomended calibration, I ramdonly calibrated it until I had the result expected.
Since this new model circuitry works in the edge depending on the humidity rate, mine here is currently around 55 to 60%, I believe the distance was too far for a standard calibration, so when I decided to increase the sensibility on my own, I got the beeps. The manual says the best possible range is achieved in humidities lower than 30%, so as I am almost 100% higher in humidity, the detection power was more than fair, specialy because the PDC gave me 2 targets. But the FG clearly gave me a third one which the PDC might have missed. Don't know for sure yet.
Probably if it is truly a shpwreck, then the gold must have spread in the sea floor along the decades.
One thing I noticed tough is that if you increase too much the sensibility and you happen to hit a target, the detector being so sensitive, may trigger the signal somehow to a point where the beeps turn constant and you really have to decrease the knob in several turns..

As I had not much time, I did not did a search at the beach yet to see if I find something. I headed back home and tried its ability to beep at gold in air.
I used my wedding ring for this. Once more, it feels like you are tuning a radio, for best calibration. In my case, I increased fine tuning to a point where I could pick up the ring in several distances. Being from milimeters away from the nose to a max of 10 feet. Could be more distant tough, but I had to recalibrate it several times to get it.
One point to mention. It's not all the time the ring is sensed. Sometimes yes, sometimes not. Since my humidity is a little high, I believe it's got to do with it. So if the ring is not sensed at one particular instant, no big deal, the fine tuning vary according to your objective.
Next time I will do a search in the beach and see how it goes.
Well that's all for now.
Be back maybe in a couple of days.
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Old 07-28-2006, 08:05 PM
michael michael is offline
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Hi Hung. Thank you for your efforts. By here is good news.
1- Before every thing please give info of how is pinpointing & depth determining mechanism?(without center & deep)
2- How was it's stability and sensitivity in comparison with PDC210? Didn't get any superfluous signal when increased sens. and moved device?
What was the distance with FG80 and PDC210 for the places you guess have object?
3- If had time, Would you please make all my offered test points? how are you serious in this case?
4- won't you dig those places got signal? I think it's best time to find out what have you done and compare with PDC210 from any aspect( size , depth and point of target).
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Old 07-29-2006, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by michael
Hi Hung. Thank you for your efforts. By here is good news.
1- Before every thing please give info of how is pinpointing & depth determining mechanism?(without center & deep)
Actually you still can use the 'center&deep' if you like. You use it in the regular way (see site) or you may only use the detector. In this case once you find a target, the auto trigger mechanism will emit a constant beep, then you decrease tuning until you only get a beep (pinpointing) until you end up pointing to ground. Once you determine te center, simply mark the spot and positioning the detector in a 45 degree angle pointing to the spot and walk back until you hear a beep. The distance walked is the depth (Bishop's rule).

2- How was it's stability and sensitivity in comparison with PDC210? Didn't get any superfluous signal when increased sens. and moved device?
To answer that question correctly and precisely I need to get my PDC which I left in my 'summer' house. As I told, I have detected already 2 targets in the ocean with the PDC, but only in certain ocasions due to distance I think.
Yesterday I had to increase sensibility to have the FG80 picking it up. I will compare both this next week. But so far, the FG80 is much more sensitive than the PDC as I could notice. But again allow me more time to go out with it to check stability and sensitiivty. Having both detectors with me at the same time, I will clearly check differences.

What was the distance with FG80 and PDC210 for the places you guess have object?
Still can't answer that until I pick the PDC up. But as I already told, prior to Paulinho (Mineoro) send me the detector , he tested comparing to the PDC and while this one was only picking up the target exactly over it, the FG 80 was easily getting it at 12 feet away.
Humidity in Garopaba right now is really high . About 85%. Here in Rio luckily, I currently have 55%, real low for Rio standards, but not enough yet to pick the ring in air regularly...

3- If had time, Would you please make all my offered test points? how are you serious in this case?
Number them again please.

4- won't you dig those places got signal? I think it's best time to find out what have you done and compare with PDC210 from any aspect( size , depth and point of target).
Michael, the only significant difference among them would be the power of distant detection. Regarding the depth precision, they are all the same. Precise and millimetrically correct.
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Old 07-29-2006, 12:20 AM
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Also I had a long talk with Damasio today.
The man is so passionate for his detectors that while we were exchanging calibration settings, he had a beeping FG80 at his side on the phone to simulate what I was telling him..
He plans to post in Mineoro's site soon the new pictures of findings made with the FG series.
I hope to be included on this 'extravaganza'..
And as with the PDC... If it's there, I'll will detect.
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Old 07-29-2006, 05:01 AM
michael michael is offline
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3- If had time, Would you please make all my offered test points? how are you serious in this case?
Originally Posted by hung
Number them again please.
Hung, Of course you are professional, know these and no need to remember them.It's only a suggestion and am sure you will forgive my impudence with your greatness.
With hope for full and great success for you.

1- Make test for air and buried different size of fresh targets and make a comparison list.
2- Evaluate the pinpointing accuracy and precision for a medium size deep buried target.
3- If can detect gold when is near iron or any other metal.
4- If can detect gold near dense minerals ( like as inside a chalk pack or a mix of chalk 50%+ clay 40% + sand 10%; dry or wet).
5- If can detect gold inside or near a mass of charcoal.
6- If can detect gold When put a medium size gold in a thick ceramic vase(in air or soil) ?
*my purpose of medoum size is a 30-50 gram gold plate.
Thank you very much.
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Old 07-29-2006, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by michael

1- Make test for air and buried different size of fresh targets and make a comparison list.
Alright, let's try to evolve on your essays here.
You are citing 2 different targets. One fresh and another long time buried.
As I said, my hiumidity here is considered high, since I live in the beach area.
So, my research on determining the results for a fresh target is in relative prejudice right now. I would need to go to a place with a much lower humidity. So for now, I'll leave this particular subject on fresh targets to some pople who ordered the detector and live in such a low humidity.

Regarding your different size objects. If you have a large buried treasure, the FG behaves differently and better than the PDC for this. In case of PDC, you will get a beep from the distance it happens to first detect it. Depending on size of object or mass, it can be from several feet to hundreds or even thousands of feet away. Since as you know every buried object has an intense electric field around it, at some point, you wil find yourself inside this field and the PDC will beep in all directions. You would have to lower the sensitivity in order to determine the center. But this would bring a problem. First, if the target is too large, even if you lower to minimum calibration, the beeps would be sporadically and you could not determine the center. A workaround for this would employing a 1 or 2 kv generator and leaving it on for a while to decrease the field. In case of a smaller object, you could simply vanish the beeps once you decreased sens. Note this is only a conjecture and not a rule. It may or may not happen and your mileage may vary.

In the case with the FG80, This does not happen. It works on a different principle, which I won't talk about here. Once it detects a target, and this can be far more distant than the PDC, it will shoot a beep which will trigger constant when you hit the center of source of the emanating target. Then you walk towards it, having your hand on the knob to decrease it accordingly until you hit the target spot with no pbolems of loosing sens. The FG80 has a multiturn pot which allows dozens of turns and still keep the track on the target.
2- Evaluate the pinpointing accuracy and precision for a medium size deep buried target.
According to my explanation above, this will be no problem at all. But I'll do it for sure.
3- If can detect gold when is near iron or any other metal.
The only case in which the ionic detectors wil most probably not detect gold is when the gold itself be inside a metal box, which would not allow ions propagation when degenearating. Of course it depends on the decomposing state of the metal box.
Again, although this appears logic, I would not surprise myself if I could detect in such conditions. Damasio told me a few things in the past about the PDC's limitations which proved not to be limitations at all when we (me and my friend) went out this weekend in his mining region.
Guess this is a classic example of the creature surprising the creator...
4- If can detect gold near dense minerals ( like as inside a chalk pack or a mix of chalk 50%+ clay 40% + sand 10%; dry or wet).
You refer to a mineralized soil.This question will only be answered when this actually happens and we dig the place to check the soil. Until I meet those conditions, I can't say much.
My guess is that alhtough those kind of soils can emit electric charges to an extent and make a detector like the PDC beep once a while, the FG 80 is less prone to this (I tested it near electric power lines). Besides a target buried in these conditions wiould emit a much greater electric field and would easily be detectable. Remember... The detector only detects gold. It's 'programed' to gold ions.
5- If can detect gold inside or near a mass of charcoal.
No problem. But again, to prove this , a condition like that should be found in the field.
6- If can detect gold When put a medium size gold in a thick ceramic vase(in air or soil) ?
Absolutely. This has happened with the PDC itself dozens of times. No problem at all. The only issue as I said, would be inside a metal box.
But.. who knows?

*my purpose of medoum size is a 30-50 gram gold plate.
Thank you very much.
In the FG80's front panel, you can read.. 'detects 5 gram micironuggets'... So... Be my guest.
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Old 07-29-2006, 05:12 PM
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Thumbs down How many lies????

Haow many more lies from you Hung!?????
Why dont you tell to people here what is your salary at mineoro!?
Stop spreading lies and nonsence advertisments here!
Drop dead!
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Old 07-29-2006, 06:50 PM
michael michael is offline
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Dear Hung, thank you, thank you, thank you very much for doing favor to answer.
It seems I should have explained better and clearly about my purposes.
_ When I mention buried target is just for fresh target not old. If detects even from 10 Cm is passed.
_ In numbers 4 & 5 I meant making the test artificially not to waiting for actual happening.(of course if be possible)
_ In number 3 is not necessary be sealed in a metal container. be near or beside other metals especially iron and copper and this
can be done in air test when you hold gold beside other metal, when detects(even from 10 cm) is passed, now if can bury what
a better. As here some gold treasures had been placed in copper or iron pot with open mouth (some of our ancient maps
declares this) this is important for us.
Anyway as I trust you like Esteban (beloved sincere SA people),am eagerly and so much impatiently wait for your results.
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Old 07-29-2006, 09:19 PM
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Thumbs down Do not hide your habits ...

Michael: " Dear Hung , suck...suck....suck...suck...!!!"

Keep it that way! Good job!

I hope those mineoro masters are awared of your hard labour here...
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Old 07-29-2006, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by michael
Dear Hung, thank you, thank you, thank you very much for doing favor to answer.
It seems I should have explained better and clearly about my purposes.
_ When I mention buried target is just for fresh target not old. If detects even from 10 Cm is passed.
_ In numbers 4 & 5 I meant making the test artificially not to waiting for actual happening.(of course if be possible)
_ In number 3 is not necessary be sealed in a metal container. be near or beside other metals especially iron and copper and this
can be done in air test when you hold gold beside other metal, when detects(even from 10 cm) is passed, now if can bury what
a better. As here some gold treasures had been placed in copper or iron pot with open mouth (some of our ancient maps
declares this) this is important for us.
Anyway as I trust you like Esteban (beloved sincere SA people),am eagerly and so much impatiently wait for your results.
Hi Michael,

OK, Now I understand your points.
Will perform those tests when I can.
The FG80 apparently allows fresh gold testing inside my own house.
Last night (I mean NIGHT, not day), I turned it on in a lower sensitivity and let it rest over a table. It seems it needs some time to sense the fields around it, I don't know for sure, but in about 2 to 3 minutes it beeped at my ring which I was waving about 3 foot away. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes not. Damasio 'joking' at me said it's like the human nervous system, sometimes when you are altered you change your voice tone and even your heart pace, and when you get calm the opposite happens...

The bad news is that rain began last night. It's a drag because I planed to visit some sites around here. I'll have to be patient now and wait for the sun come back again. But as I am a bit stubborn, I will keep testings even with rain. Just to check the differences in a sunny day.
According to my sources, the FG80 is the best detector so far Mineoro has produced. I will try to corroborate that since I love my PDC 210. But so far, despite being not able to start my field tests, only thoroughly exams and pre testing it also, the chances of this one turning to be my number 1 favorite looks promising.

PS. Just to clarify.
I don't work for Mineoro nor receive any money from it. I have friends there, I love the detectors and admire the extraordinaire pieces of equipment Mineoro produces.
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Old 07-30-2006, 12:06 AM
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Wink ......

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Old 07-30-2006, 05:23 AM
michael michael is offline
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Again thank you Hung. anyway I impatiently wait for your complementary tests, especially including my points.
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Old 07-30-2006, 06:57 AM
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Thumbs up Where is Caarlo!?

Carlo oh Carlito!!!
Where are you to erase those "sucks...". Please muchacho Carlito do that!
Save us from rude Sony and rude Robert....Ohhhh!
Carlito help us!
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Old 07-30-2006, 07:14 AM
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Question A lot of kisses !!!

A lot of kisses dear friend ! Flowers around....flowers around....
Soft, nice easy....
Just to remind present people here:
.................................................. .......................................
Hung to Esteban : "...Esteban, don' let tis guy take your time. Leave him talking alone.."
.................................................. .......................................
Well,well ...!??? I do not remember, that, me or Esteban mentioned your name or anything
connected to you Hung.....Correct me if i am wrong.
We were discussing some Esteban's claims and i was very ready to calm down my tone and
start a sort of dialogue with him, cose he looks like a man with who man can talk even
if not agree in many points.
Esteban showed some respectfull character here on this forum....
I was ready to discuss more deeper any of aspects of his ideas and claims.
To tell the truth i was(and still i am) very interested about some of Esteban's experiments,
claims and opinions.
I am EE and profesional, i do rank my self very high, i am not false modest, i am not
hypocrite to think about myself high but at the same time present myself very modest here...
Esteban is not EE....so what? I do not mind.... All of his previous posts showed me his
great dedication to this md subject. I was ready to argue with him(polite), exchange some
knowledge etc...
But all of the sudden you showed, unbidden, unnasked with a brilliant sentence:
"...Leave him talking alone...."
.................................................. ....................................
Bravo Hung! Very easy you trampled over my effort to make at least some comunication
with Esteban...!!!????
That is this Forum for! To comunicate,cooperate....exchange....Even between people with
very oposite opinions and attitudes....
But not for you! For you this forum has only one purpose: to advertise only one product,
to spit on others and from time to time to provoke everybody else who do not agree with
I am sure that you gonna disregard my posts, and i am glad for that.Better to stay that way!
I am writting this for others to explain my behavior, language and attitude...
When you asked for trouble, be sure, you'll get it !!!
I do not feel any remorse. My reaction was very right! I can react even worse, But trust
me, you do not want that!
I deleted here some words .....
.................................................. .....................................
Esteban we may continue or not...As you wish.. I have no hard feelings on you at all.
Your sketchy list of principles is interesting me. I would like you to go detailed and
explain some of your claims and ideas. You do not have to uncover your secrets but
just a bit to explain what you listed above....
I posted my critics on it, as it was - sketchy, in manner to provoke you to explain more.
If you feel angry and do not want to, than O.K. ...
"...Bla, bla, bla. Inflate texts!
Theory, theory, this is the reason why nothing work for you! All I said here about kinds
of detection, include FM radio, is true! This violates your academicism and diploma!
You fail because you pretend show small signal in a meter or ear sound as metal detector,
but this is so small, "a soft breeze", so you need to convert... Ok...."
My "inflated texts" are not empty retorics! You may check my claims any time....
Theory.......without theory the rest is "fog" walking or jump from a clif....
".....You fail..."
What makes you think that i failed ??? You do not know yet about my experiments on that
subject...??? Be pationed, talk, give and wait to take....
The rest of people here can see and check every claims....This is very public, so if you do
not have anything "tactile" to say here.....well??? Disregarding is very weak weapon....
Somebody showed his illiteracy. He also showed will only to advertise and provoke....
Esteban it is your turn now to make difference ...

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Old 07-30-2006, 11:56 AM
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This is a very interesting report/review. So far, in all appearances, it seems as if the $49 detector that can be bought at Wal*Mart will out perform this unit.

Please continue with your report/review and post some pictures when you can.

HH, Jim
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Old 07-30-2006, 12:05 PM
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Default Strange !!!???

Strange i can not log out from here !!!???? SOmebody is trying to trace me and mine ipp...!??? Ha,ha,ha.....
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Old 07-30-2006, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Jim
This is a very interesting report/review. So far, in all appearances, it seems as if the $49 detector that can be bought at Wal*Mart will out perform this unit.

Please continue with your report/review and post some pictures when you can.

HH, Jim

This is not a regular proximity or electrostatic field detector. This is an ionic field detector which detects specifically gold although some elements of the above fields mentioned are present.
Be careful, quick conclusions may lead to incorrect diagnostics.
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Old 07-30-2006, 01:17 PM
Jonas Jonas is offline
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Default ions detector system for vacuum

ions detector system for vacuum
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Old 07-31-2006, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by hung

This is not a regular proximity or electrostatic field detector. This is an ionic field detector which detects specifically gold although some elements of the above fields mentioned are present.
Be careful, quick conclusions may lead to incorrect diagnostics.
That is why I said “so far”. You must have assumed that was my conclusion. Nevertheless, at this point, the $49 Wal*Mart detector still seems more feasible, as it does not care if it is day, night, hot or humid.

Good luck with it, Jim
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Old 07-31-2006, 11:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim
That is why I said “so far”. You must have assumed that was my conclusion. Nevertheless, at this point, the $49 Wal*Mart detector still seems more feasible, as it does not care if it is day, night, hot or humid.

Good luck with it, Jim
I still assume what I said.
Last test I made was placing the FG inside a closet (4 X 13 feet) with a installed deshumidifier, in order to try to recreate a low humidity real environment condition, which is needed for the FG 80 to detect 'fresh' gold.

Unfortunately I still don't have a digital hygrometer wich I have already ordered. This is a must for any researcher who decides to get this detector, as humidity conditions can change dramatically in the field and the researcher will promptly be aware of the detecting conditions. The best is the digital model. Don't get the mechanical one which is prone to misgaugings and several inconsistencies due to light transport bumps.

Back to the test.
Raining outside. So inside my 'artificial' environment, conditions are a whole lot better. And as I thought, I could fully corroborate Mineoro's claim about the humidity factor. My gold ring was picked up from about 5 foot easily and consistently.

Before the 'experts' here try to 'imagine' this was done through a simple electrostatic phenomena which the field can be detected by a cheap and simple device, let me add that IT ONLY BEEPED WHEN THE RING WAS IN MY HAND AND IT GOT PICKED BY THE INFRARED IN THE IONIC CHAMBER. Once I discarded the ring and waved my empty hand in front of the antenna, NO BEEPS WERE HEARD.

Does your 'walmart' detector does that?
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Old 07-31-2006, 10:02 PM
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Thumbs up Real thing!

This will be serious post without any of "words" from my
very rich dictionary!
I am writing this for occasional visitors (very rare) here, NOT
for "natives" here, cose i do not want to argue any more on this
very nonsence subject....
.................................................. ................
"This is not a regular proximity or electrostatic field detector.
This is an ionic field detector which detects specifically gold
although some elements of the above fields mentioned are present..."
.................................................. ..................
Gold (Au) does not produce ions...this is fact!!!
Even proximity or electrostatic field detector can NOT (impossible)
DETECT ANY KIND OF GOLD.......this is fact !!!
.................................................. ....................
"...Be careful, quick conclusions may lead to incorrect diagnostics.."
.................................................. ....................
Conclusions made after weeks of experimenting with a few mineoro
top models are not QUICK !!!
.................................................. ................
"...low humidity real environment condition, which is needed for
the FG 80 to detect 'fresh' gold...."
.................................................. ................
Real environment conditions are NOT LOW HUMIDITY !!! AND :
the FG 80 CAN NOT detect 'fresh' gold or any kind of gold...FACT !!!
.................................................. ...................
"This is a must for any researcher who decides to get this detector,
as humidity conditions can change dramatically in the field and the
researcher will promptly be aware of the detecting conditions. The
best is the digital model. Don't get the mechanical one which is prone
to misgaugings and several inconsistencies due to light transport bumps."
.................................................. .....................
I am very lured to use some of "words" on this...but i will not!
So many craps in a few sentences !!!?????
Somebody once said that mineoro acts like "Tribal Quack" !!!
How true it is! You have to fulfill so many conditions to make it "work"...
ts,ts,ts,ts....even if fulfill all of those it still NOT WORKING, it
still RANDOM BEEPS ! This is fact!!!
"...Mineoro's claim about the humidity factor..."
.................................................. ..
Mineoro have million claims about infinite number of factors so they can
always have good reason why their machine NOT WORKING AT ALL !!!!
This open so many excuses against customer apeals later !!!
.................................................. .........................
"...My gold ring was picked up from about 5 foot easily and consistently..."
.................................................. .........................
And my gold ring (11g..999) was picked up from 8 foot easily and consistently
with FG78....Later i repeated with cola can, some iron, glass of water,soldering
iron( off and on)....and empty hand too. When no object or hands at all...again
random BEEPs from time to time !!!! No rule! I found out that FG78 picked up all
present FM radio signals.....When went deep in mountains where supposed to be
a lack of any hum and industrial signals, it BEEPS rarely in any direction....
again no rule....random!!! Also picked up strong FM radio again....
.................................................. ............
.................................................. ............
WHATTTTT !!!??? HA,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha !!!!! Again ionic chamber but now it is
with some INFRARED !!!????? Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha..!!!!!!!!!
Ionic chamber OYE ! Ionic chamber all the time, oye,oye !!!
Muchos ionicos chamberos segnor...oye,oye!!!
THERE IS NOT ANY IONIC CHAMBER IN IT !!!! Either missinformation either wrong
understanding of terms and English language !?
Infrared !????? What is infrared in or about it???
I disected few models so far....nothing ionic and nothing infrared in it !!!!!
According to my modest(i am not honest here) knowledge i can presume what are
mineoro FG78 and FG80 and simillars....
Those machines are nothing more than mystified Zahori-look-like devices...
First Ivconic made Zahori, than i made it...than both of us took FG78 again
to test and disect it(first time we done that in february as i remember)...
Comparing FG78 with Zahori behavior, we dug conclusion that those are the very
same machines, only made different way!!!! I can even add that Zahori showed
much better and much reliable performances than FG78...
There are not random beeps at Zahori.It beeps only when AC e field is nearby.
Depending of power and radius of that field the distance is longer or shorter..
But FG78 showed much more instabillity and noticeable shorter range of detection!
Ivconic later added much better audio on Zahori, than performances became much
Trust me: What you gain with Zahori would be much better than what you suppose to
gain with any of mineoro model ever!!!
One more thing: Zahori will cost you aprox. $10 to $15 to build, but to buy
any mineoro......hell money!

Many Thanks to Esteban who persisted on Zahori subject such long time and to Ivconic
who added such rich and nice audio on it!!!
Best regards!

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