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Old 05-13-2009, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Uhm... ultrasonic things seems much like rodent repellers...

What do you mean ? That Alonso converted a rodent repeller in an LRL !????

Seems funny....

Can you explain how the hell it's supposed to work ??? Seems truly impossible stuff...

Kind regards,
Ultrasonic is used for many purposes, also for to detect imperfections into metals and constructions... not only for rodent repeller. Tweeter transmitt ultrasonic as an ultrasonic ray. Only Alonso can be explain properly. Seems he eliminate the coil and use only the transducer.
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:04 PM
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Default Like Ultrasonic MD

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Old 05-13-2009, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by humhum View Post
Can you please translate the words on this diagram?
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Old 05-13-2009, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
To be fair, i dont think anyone (except Hung ) says the metal is transmiting any field, but absorbing or modifying an existing one.
Maybe JP´s article will bring light on all this, if he can resist the same "pressions" that Esteban is receiving.
Hi Fred

My field test is open for you or others from this forum to investigate the PHENOMENON of buried gold and metals. I only want respect,not dig this metals i buried 20 years ago to try simple MD´s.
The PENOMENON exist,and some days is more strong,others more weak and everybody can see it irradiate more distance to NORT direction,so Alonso and Damasio are absolutly corretc.
If someone is interested to see ,send PM to me.

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Old 05-13-2009, 11:14 PM
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Default Esteban sell his LRL knolenge

Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
One thing is repeating nonsense theories and other thing is out in the field with instruments (pistol) and see what happens. If your pistol can't found old good relics (copper, bronze, silver, gold) in relic areas, for example, thus this pistol doesn't work. Science is rational, but some thinks in nature appears "irrational". When this can be "probed", for miracle is converted in rational.

At this time I obtain results from different kinds of sensors, called antennas (in this category is the loop), coil, infrared and others. Also I saw regular long distance with common tweeter transmitter and tweeter receiver made by Alonso. For my part I don't try ultrasonic. But this also is useful.

But the remarcable effect of "emission" by old targets you can check only with an instrument wich expand a short 20 ns pulse 100,000,000 times. Of course, here you need rapid transistors in input.

A proposal:

1. You and your friends can join US$ 50,000 for to see all in the terrain. Alonso and I can travel to USA location rich in relics, can be Carolina, the Carl's state. You can divide the money between 20 persons (you decide the quantity, but not more 20 persons), wich can travel in 4 or 5 vans. The persons wich help in diggin and others "secretaries" are not affected by the expenses, I think. Every other person wich wish to participate will be pay US$ 2,500, each.

2. You can to film and take photos and sell the film. If film generate good money, we wish a percentage.

3. We can made the pistol in front your eyes. I think that cheap materials are not an excesive expense.

4. Tickets with return for the travel via airplane must be considered from your part. Also a room and a few of food.

5. The targets diggin are for all you, except treasure. Treasure will be divided according laws and other.

This is the only manner you'll be "convinced" .


Hello Esteban

Are you sure your cousin Alonso agree with this ideia ?

Dont you think $ 50,000 is little money for all yours and Alonso searches in LRL area ?

I think you can go to USA ,make the LRL SHOW but not teach how to build the PD

That´s my opinion,but you can do wath you want...

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Old 05-13-2009, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Hello Esteban

Are you sure your cousin Alonso agree with this ideia ?

Dont you think $ 50,000 is little money for all yours and Alonso searches in LRL area ?

I think you can go to USA ,make the LRL SHOW but not teach how to build the PD

That´s my opinion,but you can do wath you want...

No teach. Is just the show. The show happens twice in USA in the 80s, but no register in motion picture.

When we obtain the sum, we will go for the 25,000 of Carl. But maybe after the show, is possible obtain the Carl's sum easily?
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:46 PM
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Default Carls $25,000

Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
No teach. Is just the show. The show happens twice in USA in the 80s, but no register in motion picture.

When we obtain the sum, we will go for the 25,000 of Carl. But maybe after the show, is possible obtain the Carl's sum easily?
I think Carls $25,000 its not a good choice for you or your cousin Alonso.

WHY ???

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Old 05-13-2009, 11:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I think Carls $25,000 its not a good choice for you or your cousin Alonso.

WHY ???

Who knows, in the next months can be possible a detector wich detect the targets at sight.
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Hello Esteban

Are you sure your cousin Alonso agree with this ideia ?

Dont you think $ 50,000 is little money for all yours and Alonso searches in LRL area ?

I think you can go to USA ,make the LRL SHOW but not teach how to build the PD

That´s my opinion,but you can do wath you want...

I'll try to convince him...
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Old 05-14-2009, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Can you please translate the words on this diagram?
In this thread
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Old 05-14-2009, 04:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Esteban
A proposal:

1. You and your friends can join US$ 50,000 for to see all in the terrain. Alonso and I can travel to USA location rich in relics, can be Carolina, the Carl's state. You can divide the money between 20 persons (you decide the quantity, but not more 20 persons), wich can travel in 4 or 5 vans. The persons wich help in diggin and others "secretaries" are not affected by the expenses, I think. Every other person wich wish to participate will be pay US$ 2,500, each.

2. You can to film and take photos and sell the film. If film generate good money, we wish a percentage.

3. We can made the pistol in front your eyes. I think that cheap materials are not an excesive expense.

4. Tickets with return for the travel via airplane must be considered from your part. Also a room and a few of food.

5. The targets diggin are for all you, except treasure. Treasure will be divided according laws and other.

This is the only manner you'll be "convinced" .


When we obtain the sum, we will go for the 25,000 of Carl. But maybe after the show, is possible obtain the Carl's sum easily?
Hi Esteban,
This is an interesting proposal. But I noticed several problems:

1. There may be two or three persons who are willing to pay $2500 to see a demonstration (if lucky). But it is doubtful you will find 20 persons to make a total of $50,000 US to pay Alonso and you for round trip expenses and demonstration. The world is in a recession, and most people do not spend extra money for non-essential things.

Also... Carl's state is no longer Carolina. He moved recently to a place that has many rivers and streams with native gold in the ground for more than 100,000 years.

"... we will go for the 25,000 of Carl".

Here is Carl's recent announcement: "Until further notice, the $25,000 LRL Challenge is suspended. This is due to two factors: (1) I am in the process of moving cross-country, and both my time and funds are tied up in this effort, and (2) the economic slump has reduced the prize account below the minimum needed to support the challenge".

This announcement came when Carl moved away from Carolina to a new location on the west coast of the USA. I feel confident he will reinstate his challenge after he has become established in his new home. But for now, there is no $25,000 challenge.

2. Share potential profits on films is not a problem. However, I doubt there will be profits to share. What I foresee happening is many people would make videos with home DVD cameras, and some would send them to youtube. After posted, all treasure hunters would see the youtube videos for free. Then they would not pay for admission tickets to see a private showing. But who knows? Maybe a large television network would pay to have another demonstration. I think the best advantage to videos is it would bring publicity to Alonso and the LRL business that originates in Paraguay and Brazil.

3. "We can made the pistol in front your eyes. I think that cheap materials are not an excesive expense".This is also not a problem. In fact, this would be the best part of the demonstration. The information given in the forums is only a written description. But to see it built in front of our eyes will answer all questions. So no more need to wonder about missing information.

4. "Tickets with return for the travel via airplane must be considered from your part. Also a room and a few of food". This is also not a problem. If I am among the people who see the demonstration, I will personally take you and Alonso to the best local restaurants for very nice meals. I will also show you the great cities and places to visit in Souhern California.

Best wishes,

Rebunkering all that has been debunkered
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Old 05-14-2009, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Morgan
I only want respect,not dig this metals i buried 20 years ago to try simple MD´s.
The PENOMENON exist,and some days is more strong,others more weak and everybody can see it irradiate more distance to NORT direction,so Alonso and Damasio are absolutly corretc.
Hi Morgan,
I have a question about your test metals buried:
You say the phenomenon exists because you can detect it on your pistol detector. My question is this:
Have you tried detecting the buried metals with your conventional metal detectors, then check to see if your LRLs can find the same metals shortly afterwords?

According to some people, using a conventional metal detector at the location of the long time buried metals will destroy the "phenomenon" for awhile, so you need to wait a few days before the "phenomenon" is restored to be detectable from an LRL. Did you find that this is true for your buried metals?

Best wishes,
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Old 05-14-2009, 11:17 AM
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1 - Unless Alonso is really desperate for money and wishes to start a great operation to sell his detectors or even promote himself in US, he should consider the HIGH risk and danger of his ideas and aproaches be stolen the time he steps the field for the 'demonstration'.

This happened in music business twice and involved two great Brazilian composers. The great Tom Jobim and Ivan Lins. They both had several of their compositions stolen and also author rights changed by inescupulous american oportunists to display their names in the rights.

2 - FORGET about Carl's contest prize. It's a hoax. It will never happen.

This was just made up to give him publicity. Four years ago Kelly Brown and Mike Tune challenged him in the Treasure Tracker case. Mike Tune asked many times for proof and bank documented evidence that Carl had this amount to be set available. He never provided that as far as I know and due to many other obstacles he created, the challenge never happened.
Just check the thread in TNet back then and you will read all the posts about it. If you can't find it email me and I'll direct you.

3 - Despite of thousands of posts that You, Morgan and I (among others) have provided along time about the ionic/electrostatic phenomena and all the explanations which have exaustively given which includes Mineoro's, your own and mine, still the same dumb and idiotic questions are being made.
To me it looks as these people are so sick that are not able to accept the answers or they keep insisting there's a secret behind those answers. I don't know what it looks to you, but I would not bother to answer them for now on. Check your statistics and see the exact number of posts you have been talking about the subject.

If Carl has moved to a region full of underground gold, then he is rich now, because his FG80 will detect this gold in 15 seconds. So Esteban, you, Morgan and I know that any other excuse for not getting this gold is unacceptable right?

Again, if I were Alonso, I would think 1,002 times before I would venture in such dangerous and risky trip which could bring no profits at all.

If you wish, email me and we'll talk.

"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 05-14-2009, 11:44 AM
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One more thing.
I have to agree with some skepthics here this time.

It's much more profitable to Alonso keeping the devices and secrets to himself and go out to recover all gold he can in the field, than risking selling his machines and aproaches and end up anonymous and who knows... broken also.
Consider this.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 05-14-2009, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by hung
... still the same dumb and idiotic questions are being made.
To me it looks as these people are so sick that are not able to accept the answers or they keep insisting there's a secret behind those answers.
This is interesting. You compare your explanations of gold science to be equivalent quality to what Esteban posts. Are you serious?
As I recall, you post a much different story about gold science than Esteban, Mineoro, or anyone else in the world. In fact, the things you post are so stupid that any average person would probably laugh, rather than ask questions about where you learned anything so ridiculous.

For example, you posted this:
"Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'."

I have to admit, I don't believe you. I think you posted fake science.
And I have never seen Esteban or anyone else make any post about the DNA of gold.

So tell me...
Am I among the people who are "so sick that we are not able to accept your answers"?
Is it a "dumb and idiotic question" to ask where you learned this science?

Should we take your post to be true facts about the DNA of gold?
Or is the "gold DNA" you posted "dumb and idiotic" fake science?

Best wishes,

Rebunkering all that has been debunkered.
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Old 05-14-2009, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
I read that: seems that KT315 say it's just a joke... an old schematic from radioluibitel magazine!

All the same... for you guys even May is fine month for jokes!

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 05-14-2009, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

3 - Despite of thousands of posts that You, Morgan and I (among others) have provided along time about the ionic/electrostatic phenomena and all the explanations which have exaustively given which includes Mineoro's, your own and mine, still the same dumb and idiotic questions are being made.
To me it looks as these people are so sick that are not able to accept the answers or they keep insisting there's a secret behind those answers. I don't know what it looks to you, but I would not bother to answer them for now on. Check your statistics and see the exact number of posts you have been talking about the subject.

Hello Hung
I would just like to say a few remarks about the above that you wrote without trying to defend the others, but I will be frank with you.

Firstly no matter how many explanations you have given, you have NEVER told for once, NEVER, a principle of operation of any kind of LRL to anybody who wants to learn in this forum. That is why most people here are fed up with your claims (which may be true as a matter of fact) but they are correct when they say that neither you or Esteban have ever given a working schematic of a LRL.

Secondly, the fact is that if it wasnt for Alonso, I dont believe that any of you would have come up with a detector for LR Detection, so just because you and others happen to have the connections with Alonso, doesnt make you smarter than the rest of the world.......

And thirdly, I dont understand why you and others come to this forum and tease the other members, if you are never going to give truthful information and schematics to anybody, just because you are scared that they will eventually start to find Gold. I dont understand your motive...

I surely believe that the phenomenon exists, but if it wasnt for a Good Morgan you and Esteban would never give us schematics and Pcb's for a working LRL.
So I am sorry but we are not IDIOTS or SICK as you have stated above.
We accept your answers, but if you dont give a working schematic of an LRL, you are the one who is responsible for the negative feedback you are receiving.
So it would be better to not throw out in this forums claims which you are not ready to prove, with schematics.
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Old 05-14-2009, 02:17 PM
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Old 05-14-2009, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
3 - Despite of thousands of posts that You, Morgan and I (among others) have provided along time about the ionic/electrostatic phenomena and all the explanations which have exaustively given which includes Mineoro's, your own and mine, still the same dumb and idiotic questions are being made.
To me it looks as these people are so sick that are not able to accept the answers or they keep insisting there's a secret behind those answers. I don't know what it looks to you, but I would not bother to answer them for now on. Check your statistics and see the exact number of posts you have been talking about the subject.
You are like a small child who doesn't like the answer he receives from his parents, so he continuously spouts forth the same rhetoric hoping for a different answer the next time.

Repetition will never make it true.

And ... by the way ... when will the debunkering begin?
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Old 05-14-2009, 03:41 PM
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1 - When I refer to terms like ‘idiotic’ or ‘sick’, I’m in no way referring to members as yourself, Hum Hum, Aft72005 and others who are aware of the long time buried metal phenomena and pursue interest in developing their own devices.
I refer to the all-time ‘skepthics’ who since the start of this forum expressed their skepticism to the point of exposing to ridicule Esteban, Morgan, myself and whoever tried to cover the LRL subject.

2 – I started in this forum as a Mineoro user but could not completely understand the phenomena in the beginning, even after long conversations with Damasio. Of course he never provided me the complete and detailed explanation about it.
So what did I do? I conducted a private deep research on the subject, formed a research group of investigation and reached my goal. This led me to not only understand well the phenomena but to move to another level of approach which is more effective than trying to only detect the field the object produces.

So, I did nothing more than any of you can do. I RESEARCHED it without the help of Damasio, Alonso or anybody’s. So any of you can do the same if you are serious about it.

Of course I will not reveal what I found out, simply because the original discoverers of this, still chose not to talk about it yet. I fully respect ethics.

3 – In no way I remain in this forum ‘teasing’ people about this subject. I strongly deny that.
You don’t see me here posting any circuit, project, plans or anything of the like.
I don’t agree with the way Esteban behaves, posting schematics to people and then omitting the critical parts. That’s teasing.
But he’s free to do whatever he wants. I respect his option, but don’t agree with it.

The day you come up with a new discovery about it, I’m sure you will keep it to yourself for your own good. It was your effort and merit. What you will do with it, it’s up to you.

Best regards.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 05-14-2009, 05:02 PM
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Hi Hung

Nobody here (Alonso and me) is desperate for money. Just big skeptical position demands big proof$$.

Originally Posted by hung View Post

1 - Unless Alonso is really desperate for money and wishes to start a great operation to sell his detectors or even promote himself in US, he should consider the HIGH risk and danger of his ideas and aproaches be stolen the time he steps the field for the 'demonstration'.

This happened in music business twice and involved two great Brazilian composers. The great Tom Jobim and Ivan Lins. They both had several of their compositions stolen and also author rights changed by inescupulous american oportunists to display their names in the rights.

2 - FORGET about Carl's contest prize. It's a hoax. It will never happen.

This was just made up to give him publicity. Four years ago Kelly Brown and Mike Tune challenged him in the Treasure Tracker case. Mike Tune asked many times for proof and bank documented evidence that Carl had this amount to be set available. He never provided that as far as I know and due to many other obstacles he created, the challenge never happened.
Just check the thread in TNet back then and you will read all the posts about it. If you can't find it email me and I'll direct you.

3 - Despite of thousands of posts that You, Morgan and I (among others) have provided along time about the ionic/electrostatic phenomena and all the explanations which have exaustively given which includes Mineoro's, your own and mine, still the same dumb and idiotic questions are being made.
To me it looks as these people are so sick that are not able to accept the answers or they keep insisting there's a secret behind those answers. I don't know what it looks to you, but I would not bother to answer them for now on. Check your statistics and see the exact number of posts you have been talking about the subject.

If Carl has moved to a region full of underground gold, then he is rich now, because his FG80 will detect this gold in 15 seconds. So Esteban, you, Morgan and I know that any other excuse for not getting this gold is unacceptable right?

Again, if I were Alonso, I would think 1,002 times before I would venture in such dangerous and risky trip which could bring no profits at all.

If you wish, email me and we'll talk.

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Old 05-14-2009, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Again, if I were Alonso, I would think 1,002 times before I would venture in such dangerous and risky trip which could bring no profits at all.
If you wish, email me and we'll talk.
If i were you, i would have more respect towards Alonso and Esteban and i would not consider that they need my advice for decisions related to their personal life.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
...I refer to the all-time ‘skepthics’ who since the start of this forum expressed their skepticism to the point of exposing to ridicule Esteban, Morgan, myself and whoever tried to cover the LRL subject.
To cover the LRL subject ? nobody ridiculised anyone, just some stupid pseudo-tecnhical afirmations.Unfortunately they were only provided by YOU .Everyone here respects what Esteban says, precisely because he doesn´t make up explanation to look smart.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
The day you come up with a new discovery about it, I’m sure you will keep it to yourself for your own good. It was your effort and merit. What you will do with it, it’s up to you.
This shows a bad mentality.When i discover or make something that could be usefull to others, i share it.
Do you have a good reason not to share your "special discovery"? You want all the treasures for yourself ?

When will the debunkering begin?
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
If i were you, i would have more respect towards Alonso and Esteban and i would not consider that they need my advice for decisions related to their personal life.

To cover the LRL subject ? nobody ridiculised anyone, just some stupid pseudo-tecnhical afirmations.Unfortunately they were only provided by YOU .Everyone here respects what Esteban says, precisely because he doesn´t make up explanation to look smart.

This shows a bad mentality.When i discover or make something that could be usefull to others, i share it.
Do you have a good reason not to share your "special discovery"? You want all the treasures for yourself ?

When will the debunkering begin?
Yes, when ???

But... BTW... what's that dang DEBUNKERING ?

Is Hung digging for treasures and made instead enough room for a bunker there ?

Hung, still found nothing , eh ?

Kind regards,
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"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by humhum View Post
C'mon... seems an old TV remote control...

What a bout what KT315 wrote to you ?

Isn't that a little joke , eh ?

Kind regards,

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 05-14-2009, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Fred View Post
Do you have a good reason not to share your "special discovery"? You want all the treasures for yourself ?
It's a modified RT Examiner, so what is there to share?

Hung - When will the debunkering begin?
You don't seem to be answering this question?
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