Originally Posted by hung
Hi Putre,
The Mineoro Tyon is already available for some time, altough it's not featured in the site as it should. Don't know why.
We have one in our team.
I tested it in a treasure site and even in that raining day, it had no problems at all finding the target from long range. Humidity is not a problem to it as in the previous models. This was amazing.
Appears it is more magnetic oriented than electrically...
I can safely say it's the best detector Mineoro has come up so far and it's clearly an advance over previous models.
The PDC is a great machine but it suffers if high humidity is present.
I'm not using it often as we have more advanced gear now as the Tyon and our own machines.
But the FG you showed me in your video appears to be working real fine detecting the gold plate and I hope you find your treasure real soon. With the same model in that video, a friend told me to have found a gold ear ring a couple of months ago at the beach.
This is a really small target!
Hi HUNG , your Mineoro Tyon how works with Tx and Rx or TX and ionic receiver, or only receiver . HOW work?