this is a stupid polemic I think. You can of course get IR radiations and other kind if e.g. you heat up a piece of platinum to 1000 °C but we are talking here of "light" emission or "IR" (always light but IR frequency) emission by e.g. metal bars at room temperature, for me room temperature is around 25°C not 1000. Now if you energize the platinum bar at 1000 degrees is obvious you get a strong emission , with continuos spectrum, of e.g. IR photons. Easy to detect this. Nothing new. At 25°C the IR emission of a piece of platinum is near zero. You have to count photons. I talked about thermal noise cause thermal is the cause of the small emission of what you and Esteban are talking about here. A piece of e.g. gold at 25°C give the same amount of IR photons of one my fart. Or maybe my fart emit much more IR ! What you want detect that way ? My farts ? That's the big picture. Have absolutely no meaning talking about of light or ir emission from metals at room temperature... cause a piece of plastic or a plant can emit thousand times more ! A small number of photons is generated by thermal and then ? So what ? Wanna use a photomultiplier-tube to see or count them ? How to discriminate if an IR photon is generated by the soil itself, or a plant, or a piece of plastic, or a stone, or even some airborne particles ??? How that supposed IR photons could e.g. pass soil layers ? Have you asked yourself ? Who talks of treasure emitting light want illude naives, I repeat again. Caltech professors talk of things they can measure with costly machines and hi-technology devices, and they are right cause know physics. I agree with them and know already that... Boltzman's experiencies are really old on the topic. Nothing new. They can count even single photons emitted by my farts ! Can you !? Or Esteban ??? How ? With garage-made detectors ? C'mon... it's a stupid polemic you're doing here. You can't and Esteban also. Treasure = energy for me have no meaning. Or want really people belive that "Treasure=ENERGY"! So read my radical assertion of "no emission" (that is wrong if you want split hairs) as "too small to be detected by you". Just this. Kind regards, Max |
If I want a lecture on how IR radiation works, I will read what the Caltech professors wrote, not what you wrote. I still think your statements about infrared are wrong, and the Caltech professors are right: Quote:
J_P |
IR LRL DETECTION = BS. That's my equation. |
oh yes...sure, but you need a nuclear lab to detect them. You don't say that to naives. ALL BS. That's what you , Esteban and other LRL fanatics give here. |
and about your BS, you wrote this about iconos-md:
"Please forgive doubting skeptics. We know your long range locator really works." You know their LRLs work ??? You make DISINFORMATION HERE, and maybe also product placement or product tie-in for something till now nobody have tested. How can you say "We know your long range locator really works."? explain this genius ! Now call the professors at Caltech to give you some help ! Kind regards, Max |
I asked Esteban to explain how he built his circuit, not you. You have demonstrated you didn't know anything about how he constructed his circuit. Esteban really knew that answer, not you.
You also demonstrated you don't know the basics of Infrared emissions. I did not ask you for any information about Infrared. If you need somebody to listen to your theories about infrared, please ask somebody else to listen to you. I prefer the facts taught by the university professors, not your version: Quote:
J_P |
But you don't answer my question about iconos! |
And what about "treasure = energy", what do you think about ?
Now that you want appear scientific... call Caltech and show them this post by you ! Didn't you posted that ? This is your science ? NONSCIENTIST. Best regards, Max |
Now I understand why you think Esteban is right,
your is Caltech's science right ? |
Am I the cure or not ?
Hi JP,
did you swapped the Mineoro's website for a "science website" ? And now you speak here of science ! Shame ! C'mon explain us the equation: treasure = energy or why you know so many things of iconos-md machines... that nobody have tested untill now... Be proud of your past posts! of your "diversity" ! Kind regards, Max |
Actually that image of trace amounts of ions moving up from the ground has been confirmed to be correct by thousands of reports by scientists all over the world. What is not correct is the ions becoming airborne. Did you forget this was a joke that Qiaozhi was first to recognize?
Best wishes, J_P |
I've explained my point. That Caltech scientists are right and I agree with them. There are few IR photons ! Happy now ? Have to repeat! I've used wrong expression... but result is the same, you cannot detect them with a garage made detector like Esteban say. Less happy now ? Now explain us : treasure = energy and why you claim iconos-md as working LRLs. Explain that ! Gold ion clouds are scientific facts for you !? Still you claim this is a scientific fact ??? There's no cure for you ! Have to post the picture again, cannot resist ! Kind regards, Max |
Your science is mineoro's science, so nonscience.
Then you are a NONSCIENTIST ! |
no, no you wrote of a "joke" only after Quiaozhi told you that was rubbish from mineoro... but before you referred it as a "science website"... Just after that you changed version of the story. So you read the www.mineoro.... and never reported that your source for the picture was mineoro's website. Why ? Didn't you know mineoro before ? Oh yeah, not intentional ! I belive everything ! I'm a naive ! Facts say that you are another nonsense supporter... but mineoro is a burnt name/brand so you now talk about iconos-md as working device! Didn't you ? Here is your science website reference again. Enjoy. Kind regards, Max |
You didn't know Mineoro before eh ? And hope someone belive you !? All the Remote sensing forum is full of Mineoro threads and references, tests, whatever... BS, you did know it very well but posted the picture here saying that it come from a science website. But Quiaozhi remembered that it come from Mineoro's and you had to change your story. For me say everything JP. YOU JUST WANT MISINFORMATE PEOPLE HERE. Mr. Caltech Kind regards, Max |
Hi Max,
I see you continue to demand I explain all kinds of things. I didn't come here to explain anything. I came here to ask questions from Carl and Esteban. What reason to you insist on trying to shove out your theories about infrared? You don't think I should be allowed to ask questions without your permission? Don't expect me to believe your theories, and don't expect me to explain things that don't have anything to do with the questions I asked about the electronics Esteban used. You are not entitled to have me or anyone else believe you. I will believe what I think is correct, and I will answer questions I decide to answer, not what you demand. No amount of your arguments will make me believe you know as much about infrared as the professors who teach it. But this also applies to all your other theories So you can forget about convincing me your idea is right and what scientists publish is wrong. Your continued repugnant postings will not change that. Best wishes, J_P |
You repeat... I've already explained.
I have to repeat: this is your science and you are a nonsense supporter. THIS IS YOUR SCIENCE ! SHAME ! |
You didn't convince me Max. Did you convince yourself? Are you now in a mad panic to prove you're right? You are beginning to look silly now. Perhaps I should change my opinion of how smart I think you are.
Best wishes, J_P |
YOUR POST IS DATED 07/18/2007... and you want people here belive you doesn't know mineoro or that you haven't reported cause your thought was that theory was right in any case !? Date say everything. You changed story cause Quiaozhi remembered that was mineoro's rubbish and you wan't be labeled as a mineoro's supporter, having posted that picture. FACTS. NOT EMPTY WORDS. Now you say that iconos-md are working devices ! That "we" know that ! You have no shame ! That's your science, mineoro's fake pictures. Look. Kind regards, Max |
Your repetition of the IR argumentation seems silly, cause I've explained 20 posts ago ! But maybe you read just Mineoro's stuff... |
Now sorry but I've to leave for now the silly competition... have to do some other things.
See you soon. |
I posted more links about ionic activity of metals than anyone else here lately. But it's not true that it took 2 plus years for me to finally admit ionic activity in buried metals. I knew there are trace ions associated with long time buried metals before I joined this forum, and posted information to that effect shortly after I joined: http://thunting.com/geotech/forums/s...ad.php?p=41667 At the time I made that post, neither franco, me or Ivconic believed there were gold ions floating in the air. And none of the three of us has changed our mind about floating ions. It is a fact there can be traces of metal ions in the ground that slowly migrate to the surface from a long time buried target, just as Demasio says. There is a lot of documented evidence to support this. But no scientist has documented evidence to support a cloud of gold ions floating 7.2 feet in the air above this target. The floating gold ion cloud theory is easy to disprove. The entire notion that a LRL or any other instrument can sense a stationary cloud of metal ions hovering in the air above a buried target is not possible in my opinion. So there is no new revelation, I say metal ion traces can form in the soil from a metal object over a long time, the same as I did shortly after I joined the forum. The only thing that changed is I posted a lot of links to show where people could read some proof about these metal ions in the soil. You wouldn't have any links where we could read similar proof published by scientists to support Damasio's claim the ions hover 7.2 feet in the air above the target, would you? Best wishes, J_P |
Shame on you Hung. You could get sacked from your job at the Mineoro Marketing Department for saying such things. Quote:
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