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Hi all.
Many-many frieds in forum, you know sums years study this LRL technology. I decided to stop, afterwards attack Roberts to me (you remember my RF pistol), other now I see, exists new interest for study of this of appliance. I believe, I know enough. If you want I can help you ONLY in private forum. regards |
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"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
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Yeah, I know what you mean. Nice to see you back even if it's only for a while. Regards.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
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Can you show us where the diode is connected to a pot inside a Ranger Tell? Can you show us how "All scientific community in the world utilizes AIAS as the basis for their research"? Can you show us how to observe a Ranger Tell "shooting a signal line"? I really believe these are false information. Am I wrong? Best wishes, J_P |
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You should not ask that.When Hung will be back from the field,he will ask his engineers to do those tests, to resolder a diode on the right position, to take pictures, then he will answer with a long boring post that will need even more answers. ![]() Fred. |
I offered a private forum to Morgan and Hung if they want it. As a user of this type of equipment I would like to learn more about what Morgan and others are doing. This thread is less talk about the unit and more fussing. For those that really want to build and test this unit are the ones I am talking too. It will be a private forum by invitation only. Carl can offer the same here if he wants. There is no doubt that the unit can be improved by those that have input here. I would be willing to add also in board layout and CPU control.
Bringing metal detectors into the world of imaging! |
Andreas, welcome back. Hope to see more from you and your work.
Bringing metal detectors into the world of imaging! |
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Then, I reconsidered that in attention of the other general readers who are normal and don't deserve your misinformatios and deviations. So, take note: The answers are directed towards those readers and not to you. So whatever your reply might be as you seem to not bother being completely exposed to ridicule in some of your 'assumptions', I will not answer those anymore. I will not waste my time with typos like yourself in endless BS posts. Am I clear on that? So it's up to you waste your time replying, expecting any answer. Well, I guess you have plenty of time to waste anyway... TO THE GENERAL READER: 1- The question, which tries to discredit my claim about the diode being directly soldered to the Examiner is so obnoxious that I don't know if it's dign of laugh or sorrow. This individual not owning an Examiner clearly (and insanely) tries to 'insinuate' there's no diode soldered to the pot when he doeosn't know anything and every owner of the all-diodes model knows this, provided he has opened the circuit box. I was challenged to post a picture. I won't do this of course. I respect the proprietary circuit secret of the manufacturer, unlike this individual who enjoys hacking detectors in desperation of his own incompetence. 2 - I said the scientific comunity uses AIAS as basis for their research. This is asolutely true, although I misexpressed myself a little. I wanted to state the scientific comunity watches regularly the developments in AIAS and matches its own. For those who are not familiar with AIAS (Alpha Institute for Advanced Study), this is an independent organization run by Prof. Myron Evans with help of notable scientists all over the world which covers among other things the ECE theory, which is an astounding follow up of Einstein's Unified Field Theory, explaining almost everything which the orthodox physics model can't. Everybody in AIAS knows very well how much the scientific comunity ARE ALWAYS WATCHING their developments. Here's an internal Memo sent by Myron Evans at my querie, on this situation update: GROWING INTEREST IN AIAS This interest amounts to over five million hits in three years or so, and in the newly formed Santilli-Galilei Association. Our main websites are now www.aias.us, www.atomicprecision.com and www.santilli-galilei.com . We now have funding from the private sector and were awarded four gold medals. These will be given out in a ceremony at Imperial College London in July 2008. Summaries of feedback data are given regularly (every two weeks) and are recorded on www.aias.us, so there is no doubt that a new school of thought has emerged in natural philosophy, akin to quantum mechanics for example, or relativity. Season's Greetings! Civil List Scientist cc Prime Minister's Office and Welsh Assembly. *************************** Enough said. 3 - The third question relates to his total ignorance in RF fundamentals. It was all twisted as a clear ignorance of what transmission lines is. 'Shoot' a siginal line? Oh my God.. May I recomend to this individual chapter 1 of the ARRL book for a basic understanding of RF transmission process? What I said is that the Examiner sends out a signal and aligns with the responsive one. This creates a signal line, in the same manner a frequency broadcast is received by any ordinary receiver tuned to that frequency. There are even pictures RT made of these signal lines which can be seen in their site. Upon projecting our LRL we could corroborate all of this, so naturally. If the skeptics here don't believe this, it's their problem. Just do their research and see for themselves. I'm not the one who will give 'lunch for free' for those people here. ***************** One more reminding: I will not waste my time with this subject. So reply whatever you wish as your pathological behaviour calls for that, as you will once again try to discredit what I said. These answers were directed to general forum reader. I leave a sincere suggestion to you. Go see a psychiatrist. Treat yourself and do some good to yourself. Regards.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
Thank you Tim
I believe has enough work, to we can occupy (if we can) certain theories regards |
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But I'll do everything I can to participate. Thanks again. Best to you.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
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But from what I can gather from your answers, you are saying these three statements are true: There is a pot connected to one end of the diode inside the Ranger Tell. All the scientific community in the world utilizes AIAS as the basis for their research. The ranger tell "shoots a signal line". Ok, it looks like we have a disagreement about whether these are true statements. I don't see a problem with disagreeing. But it is not nice to call people sick when they go to the trouble to answer the questions you ask: Quote:
J_P |
Hello Tim,i would like to be involved in the private forum,if that is possible let me know how.
It's not up to me, but Morgan. I'm just offering a place for a group to discuss and develop the unit.
Bringing metal detectors into the world of imaging! |
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Until now my DC2008 works as a weak metal detector. Most of the targets i found with Esteban/Alonso Pistoldetektor i chek with my DC2008 and find notting unless when items are large and near the surface,so this Mineoro its useless device,and with other Mineoro DC2006 model ionic/eletrostatic tipe i never find METAL,only beeps from electric power lines!!! So Mineoro sell this FRAUD and extrmly expensive devices. If its Alonso the designer of this working Pistoldetektor,why Mineoros LRL made by Alonso/Damasio not work?...Why they dont sell only the Pistoldetektor? |
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Say What? I never attacked you!? I asked (provoked) you to offer some proofs here,due your lunatic claims! So, you couldn't offer any proof,you couldn't STAND IN FRONT OF YOUR CLAIMS and than ran like a rabbit from here..? Why? Now, it is nice to see "brothers" are gathering here; you,hung and few others. C'mon! Join your forces and try to "push" your funny,bogus ideas once more here! I am still here. I will ask for proofs and backups AGAIN here. From you especially! But look, i am not alone any more here! More and more smart people joined here to unmask lies,falses,pseudo blah,blah... It is time to end with pseudo science and BOGUS devices! If not me, somebody else will continue my way! ![]()
Silence is wisdom... |
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"For a while..." Damn! I would like to see your kind here for a longer period.It would be much more fun! Unlike hei, you Hung are not here "for a while..."!? Pitty!
Silence is wisdom... |
"...I was not going to answer your sick nonsenses as you clearly have some kind of psychiatric problem which makes you and your 'friends' always try to discredit my posts. Being this for envy, obsession or whatever. I think there's also some masochism in it. All the spanking on my examiner evidences were not enough?...."
Where is Administrator now?! So Carl, this is how it is usually begin! You do not pay attention on offends like this one, but you do pay attention on my answers!? How come? I DEMAND, YOU TO DELETE THIS OFFENDS AND HUNG TO BE BANNED! TO BE PUSHED TO REGISTER HERE UNDER OTHER NICK! If you do not suit my demand than it will be so obvious that some people here do have privileges.
Silence is wisdom... |
"...I offered a private forum ..."
Now, this is good idea Tim. I agree with it. Good cose the rest of us members will not be pushed to see,read and suffer from much of nonsences. If you want to explore this pseudo blah,blah subject , than it is very good to keep it private. I am not against your work and interests, i am only against posting those in public, especially here, most visited place on the .net. Especially when knowing that every day more newbies are coming here asking for real stuff. It is great danger those people to be missleaded with false informations. I am "fighting" against that, here. Not against some members. So, again, it is good idea. Keep your opinions closed for public and work. If you are satisfied - i am even more! Regards!
Silence is wisdom... |
People...? How come that you do not understand my attitude? I will give you here same analogy. For example let's imagine that this is phylosophic oriented forum. People would come here and discuss about life,meaning of life and simillar...
Let's imagine that some members are national-socialists and do come here to post their opinions and theories. Further they would start to post nazi phylosophy, a.hitler's attitude,rethorics and simillar crap&trash. Now, the very imoprtant question is: Should the rest of members (we) allow they to continue with those sick posts or not? Of course not! Thes should be banned and forget for good. So..!? The same thing is with this kind of behavior here. Normal,sane,straight man must stand and resist to ubnormal ideas, must fight with all "weaponary" available. Otherwise we will be busted! That is my phylosophy. I will die unchanged. For me, lrl ideology is absolute same as nazi ideology. Must be destroyed in roots! Must vanish from this world! No matter the aftermaths!
Silence is wisdom... |
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Supposedly, this forum is about "REMOTE SENSING" what ever the method?? I get the impression that Carl, added this forum intentionally to attract LRL users. Voice your complaint to Carl, for creating a forum for LRL users to participate, and ask him to remove it if it offends you. Robert, the question is, do you have anything constructive to contribute to a "Remote Sensing" Treasure Hunting forum?? If not, why are you here?? PEACE be with you my friend and enjoy the New Year! Dell |
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![]() ![]() Good Golly, holly incompetence! You really were born to find bottle tops in the beach...
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
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It's a pleasure to see you here. I might be sending you good news in a short time. Happy new year, my friend. ![]()
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths" |
[quote=Dell Winders;64524]Irrational logic based on personal Bias, Hatred, or Prejudice does not indicate wisdom.
Supposedly, this forum is about "REMOTE SENSING" what ever the method?? INDEED DELL.I AGREE. SUPPOSEDLY MAN SHOULD MEET SOME PROVABLE FACTS HERE.DOUBLEBLIND TESTABLE CLAIMS.CLAIMS BACKUPED WITH COMMON SENCE AND SCIENCE. I get the impression that Carl, added this forum intentionally to attract LRL users. Voice your complaint to Carl, for creating a forum for LRL users to participate, and ask him to remove it if it offends you. AGAIN TRUE. I AGREE.THIS FORUM SHOULD LOOK LIKE ANY OTHER HERE.SCHEMATICS,PROJECTS,SHARE,CORRESPONDENCE.JUST LOOK IN TECH FORUM AND OTHERS. Robert, the question is, do you have anything constructive to contribute to a "Remote Sensing" Treasure Hunting forum?? If not, why are you here?? I THINK I DO. SUSPICIONS,DOUBTS,POSITIVE PROVOCATIONS,APPEALS...MORE THAN ENOUGH CONTRIBUTION.SOME QUESTIONS ARE HARD TO BE ASKED.I ALREADY ASKED ALL THOSE QUESTIONS,SINCE NOBODY ELSE DARED TO ASK. PEACE be with you my friend and enjoy the New Year! THANK'S DELL. I WISH YOU THE SAME.HEALTH ON THE FIRST PLACE! SAME TO OTHER MEMBERS HERE.
Silence is wisdom... |
Hi all,
there could be some truth about "short-range-locators" (few meters)...talk of that but just stay calm and don't start talking about ions... and zahoris again! ![]() The truth I mean could be related to well known physics and conventional MDs principle of operation... so nothing trendy as a ion cloud or a tesla bla bla... but maybe functional somehow to detect a coke can outside the range we normally refer as limit for common MDs. Of course, is just a foggy thing for now... lot of things need to be carefully verified...and by many people... and I have lot of dubts on real implementation , procedures etc etc But at least seems there is some REAL physics and well understud and known principle involved and claimed range is not of miles or lightyears but just a few over conventional stuff... (if you can detect a coke can at 1meter with a PI detector can you do the same at e.g. 2 meters using similar principle but different implementation ??? I think could be possible) Still you think there's some zahori that detect water flows !? ![]() ![]() So...be quite... don't start another ions-war here... silence is wisdom... one way or another. Happy new year to all of you (and lot of good health of course), Max
"Kill for gain or shoot to maim... But we dont need a reason " someone said... |
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did you start your closed forum, best regards. |
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