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Old 09-10-2008, 11:51 PM
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Default This will change the world


Gee, I can hardly wait to purchase one of these.
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Old 09-11-2008, 02:51 AM
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Bonus Points for funny looking LRL.

The line introduces three models, including the H3 Treasure Trekker™, H3 Treasure Tracker™, and the H3 Treasure Tri-Corder™.
Extra Double Bonus Points for Star Trek Reference.

Is it a Parody or serious ? Hard to tell nowadays...

A Video:
Note the pretty Paint Roller.
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Old 09-11-2008, 11:50 AM
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What's new about all of this? Really nothing. Except for officially admiting nano ionic principles being one of the most relevant aspects of dowsing. And this is absolutely true.

Mineoro has rods based on this principle which usually lead the way in the field research for the all electronic ionic detectors. I used to have long conversations with Damasio about this also.

The H3T pictured employs a needle much like a compass which is probably fed by an ion exchange information with the use of batteries.
It looks like a Klingon weapon. Not surprisingly, there's the mentioning of a tricorder model. These guys are Star Trek fans, no doubt.

I also don't have any doubt whatsoever their device works. But if they don't get out of the swivel/compass aproach, they will always face limitations and more, they need extra circuits and aux combos including a CPU to definitely make this thing 'say something', otherwise a RT Examiner will still rule in the swivel aproach.

The video device is the dowsing rod version. Sorry, I mean, it's not dowsing per se as it works by ion exchanges and powercords.

And finally of course, it's USA folks! Citing Nasa, NIR, satellites, UFOs only add tho their unbeatable marketing strategy...
May I suggest Captain Kirk for their debut on TV?
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 09-11-2008, 12:10 PM
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Although, I must applaud the H3 Tec team for a very professional looking scam. Very well done.

So what is nano-ionic resonance? Here's some gumph from their website:

Nano-Ionic Resonance (NIR) is a term you will be hearing a lot about in the future. NIR is H3 Tec's branded name for the company-proprietary process of listening to atoms "talk." Every element that exists has a unique voice, which distinguishes it from every other element or atom in the periodic table of elements. H3 Tec has made important discoveries which, added to the existing known and established sciences, provide a method of talking to and listening to each atom's voice. That's why we say, "If it doesn't say 'H3 NIR Licensed Technology,' it simply won't do the job."

Thanks to Götz von Berlichingen for posting the advertisement video. It's now clear that this is nothing more than a dowsing rod, but the "rod" is hidden inside the box. No doubt there is a micro-switch that is activated by the rod, causing the LED to illuminate. Same old cr*p in a new package.
Unfortunately, for the technically-challenged, it looks like more wallets are about to be successfully mined.
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Old 09-11-2008, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by joecoin View Post

Gee, I can hardly wait to purchase one of these.
What's this ?

Seems really from a toystore... too StarTrek maniacs out there...

"Kill for gain or shoot to maim...
But we dont need a reason

someone said...
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Old 09-11-2008, 04:03 PM
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A real innovation would be an LRL the size of a credit card.
Then you could keep it in the empty space in your wallet, where the money used to be.
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:47 PM
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H3 Tec Research and Development Labs

H3 Tec engineers and scientist have worked for the last eight years to perfect this technology. H3 Tec's chief scientist said," It's never perfect. We learn more every day, and with that, we know how to refine and add features to this amazing device."
You Skeptics claim to be proponents of Science only when it fits your beliefs. Now, I see you are mocking it, without scientific investigation, or verification. What a bunch of hypocrites.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
You Skeptics claim to be proponents of Science only when it fits your beliefs. Now, I see you are mocking it, without scientific investigation, or verification. What a bunch of hypocrites.
You don´t have to look much as those pages to see that they are no more scientists than you are...
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
You Skeptics claim to be proponents of Science only when it fits your beliefs. Now, I see you are mocking it, without scientific investigation, or verification. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Correct. We are proponents of science ... but this is not science ... it's pseudo-science. This contraption is a dowsing rod in disguise, so no mystery there then.

Anyway, what about the questions you have conveniently been avoiding?
Should we list them again to refresh your rather patchy memory?
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:48 PM
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I believe Goldfinder in the other thread listened to my advice.
Now it's your turn.

Don't waste your time (and your health) arguing with these guys.

Best Regards.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

I believe Goldfinder in the other thread listened to my advice.
Now it's your turn.

Don't waste your time (and your health) arguing with these guys.

Best Regards.
You need to listen to your own advice.
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Old 09-11-2008, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
You need to listen to your own advice.

And join your PM group...
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Old 09-11-2008, 08:14 PM
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H3 Tec Research and Development Labs

H3 Tec engineers and scientist have worked for the last eight years to perfect this technology. H3 Tec's chief scientist said," It's never perfect. We learn more every day, and with that, we know how to refine and add features to this amazing device."
You Skeptics claim to be proponents of Science only when it fits your beliefs. Now, I see you are mocking it, without scientific investigation, or verification. What a bunch of hypocrites. Dell
Correct. We are proponents of science ... but this is not science ... it's pseudo-science. This contraption is a dowsing rod in disguise, so no mystery there then.
Let me redirect your attention to the claim that the product is built by Scientist & Engineers. Are you, or are you not, a proponent of Science & Engineering?

We seem to agree that Dowsing, is meta-physical. (unrelated to known physics) So, without any field testing whatsoever, are you claiming the Scientist & Engineers product, does not work as advertised?

Is it because in your mindset you can't comprehend such a possibility that it could work? Or, are you suggesting that because it is Meta-physical (Dowsing)as you claim, that if it does work, the operator is exercising "mind over matter" to make it work?

What about the recognition awards for their company? Are they fake?

Unfortunately, I don't have your psychic ability to pre-determine whether it is a scam or not? I could only make that determination by field testing the product under varied conditions.

I bow to your uncanny ability to merely look at a photo and determine that the product is a Dowsing Rod controlled by the operator's mind, rendering the electronics useless. Dell
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Old 09-11-2008, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
I bow to your uncanny ability to merely look at a photo and determine that the product is a Dowsing Rod controlled by the operator's mind, rendering the electronics useless. Dell
Thank you. Maybe if you'd have completed 7th Grade, and today had an open mind to rational science, you too would be able to make the same accurate determination of what the product really is.

Yes, the video, of them testing it, left no doubt that it is a device that relies strictly on an ideomotor effect for operation. The operator was holding a chunk of Teflon or Delrin with a bent piece of wire in it (L-shaped). Need we say anything else?? I don't think so.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 09-11-2008, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
I bow to your uncanny ability to merely look at a photo and determine that the product is a Dowsing Rod controlled by the operator's mind, rendering the electronics useless. Dell
I didn't need to deduce this from a photograph. The necessary information was kindly provide by H3tec, in the video posted by Götz von Berlichingen.
That was clearly a dowsing implement in his hand.

Ready to answer the questions yet? Or is your memory still being selective?
What was the documentary you referred to that supposedly proves dowsing works?

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Old 09-11-2008, 08:46 PM
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I believe Goldfinder in the other thread listened to my advice.
Now it's your turn.

Don't waste your time (and your health) arguing with these guys.
You are right. There is no arguing with egotistical idiots
who repeat the same asinine questions over and over, and demand that you answer them again,and again, even after you have already answered their question.

What can I say? I used to post to share my field knowledge of LRL. Now I post because I am amused with the idiocy of Skeptic replies.

I agree, that trying to post any useful information on this forum is a waste of time.

Did Carl, ever take Dimasio's, $50,000 challenge with the Mineoro, he bought to prove that the Minero, doesn't work as claimed? Dell
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Old 09-11-2008, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Ready to answer the questions yet? Or is your memory still being selective?
What was the documentary you referred to that supposedly proves dowsing works?

Looks like his memory is still a problem. Why am I not surprised.

The Wallet-Miner's Creed
Why bother with the truth, when it doesn't suit the argument?
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Old 09-11-2008, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
... who repeat the same asinine questions over and over, and demand that you answer them again,and again, even after you have already answered their question.
Actually, that's just the problem. You have not answered the questions, due to your well-developed selective memory. Of course, we will repeat the same questions again and again, and will continue to do so until we finally get an answer ... or not, which is the most likely scenario.

As for the "awards" that H3tec display on their website - they apparently reached the final of the Utah Innovation Awards 2007 (sponsored by Avalanche Studios, Business Connect Magazine, and USTAR) in the Chemical, Materials Science category, but failed to receive the award. I cannot find any reference to H3tec regarding the Utah Best of State Medal, and the same applies to the other "awards". In fact, the last four all seem to be related in some way, so I'm not sure what they are.

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Old 09-11-2008, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
Let me redirect your attention to the claim that the product is built by Scientist & Engineers. Are you, or are you not, a proponent of Science & Engineering?
Should we accept that claim at face value? Besides, what defines a "scientist"? If it's an "expert in science," then I strongly doubt there are any real scientists involved with this company. But we can also water down the term until it includes a curious 3-year-old.

We seem to agree that Dowsing, is meta-physical.
Why in the world would I agree to that? Science has very thoroughly explained dowsing; it is not "beyond physics" whatsoever.

What about the recognition awards for their company? Are they fake?
I have calls out on this. It appears that several of these "awards" are set up so you nominate yourself, pay an entry fee, then see if you win. From what I can see, H3Tec has never won any of these awards.

But here's the really funny part. When I saw their web site and all those awards, I did not jump to the conclusion that H3Tec had ever won those awards. Why? Because their web site does not claim that they won those awards. The web site simply has pictures of the awards, with no further comment. So the question, Dell, is why did you assume they had won any awards, when they made no such claim?

I bow to your uncanny ability to merely look at a photo and determine that the product is a Dowsing Rod controlled by the operator's mind, rendering the electronics useless.
Yeah, most of this stuff is really really obvious.

Did Carl, ever take Dimasio's, $50,000 challenge with the Mineoro, he bought to prove that the Minero, doesn't work as claimed?
Carl tried several times to contact Mineoro about this, but could never get a response. So he gave up. Kinda like that "$10,000 bet" you once proposed, then refused to discuss. I'm sure, somehow, it's all my fault.

- Carl
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Old 09-11-2008, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
... their web site does not claim that they won those awards. The web site simply has pictures of the awards, with no further comment.
On the Services page they imply that they have won these awards:
A Few Words About Us

...Award Winning Technology
...USTAR University Research
...Best of State
...Stoel Rives Innovations Award
...I.Q. Awards
...Best and Brightest in Utah
...Invented in Utah Awards

The first line makes the implication. However, the Stoel Rives Innovation Award is certainly not true. They made it to the final list in their category, but failed to win. Maybe the award was for being an "also ran".
And perhaps the I.Q. Award was for the advertising video.
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Old 09-11-2008, 11:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
Carl tried several times to contact Mineoro about this, but could never get a response. So he gave up. Kinda like that "$10,000 bet" you once proposed, then refused to discuss. I'm sure, somehow, it's all my fault.

- Carl
Oh my God... AGAIN??????????

I gave you Damasio's personal phone number several months ago at HIS own request. Did you call him?

What is YOUR excuse now?
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 09-12-2008, 01:45 AM
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"Award Winning Technology"

Yes, but this does not say their "technology" has won any awards, does it? All they need to do is use a Vishay SiP12510 white LED driver (which won an EE Times ACE award) in their design and PRESTO they have "award winning technology".

And, again, they make no claim that they actually won any of those other awards, and I'm inclined to believe that lack of claim. If I had a product that won those awards, I would specifically make that claim, along with the years & categories.

I gave you Damasio's personal phone number several months ago at HIS own request. Did you call him?
Of course not. I prefer to have things in writing, for obvious reasons. Besides, the ball's in his court. Since you seem to have a rapport with Damasio, why don't you ask him why he's refused to follow up on this? I'm sure that, somehow, it'll be my fault. It's always Carl's fault.

- Carl
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Old 09-12-2008, 02:31 AM
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I use H3 in my Aero Rod. It's also called tritium. It's heavy hydrogen. I don't know that much about it, but the proton in hydrogen is what has the high magnetic qualities. I don't even know if this is what they are talking about (the H3 in H3tec).

The thing about radioactive amplifiers is their effect is an inductive one. The typical tritium vial emits a small amount of radioactive particles up to about a quarter inch away, so there is no radioactive beam that zaps the target with energy. They do emit pairs of ions (positive and negative). Some military compasses have trituim vials, and I've seen older Rolex watches had them. The half life is ten years so if you have a thirty-year-old dowsing device with tritium it has nothing much left. Louis Turenne used a homeopathic solution of radium in his devices.
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Old 09-12-2008, 02:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
And perhaps the I.Q. Award was for the advertising video.
Even that video look like a compilation of stuff found elsewere.The format (size) is not even the same along it.
I don´t think all this deserve much attention.And i am AMAZED that someone like Dell can believe this just because it is there,on the net.I think he should have the experience of it....
or is this a spin-off of some other "company" ?
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Old 09-12-2008, 04:33 AM
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I don´t think all this deserve much attention.And i am AMAZED that someone like Dell can believe this just because it is there,on the net.I think he should have the experience of it....
No, I didn't say I believed it. I only pointed out that the proclaimed Skeptics on this forum pretend to be Scientific, then jump to conclusions without any investigation, or field trials.

Just because I am open minded to possibilities, does not mean I am not skeptical of high tech Scientific, engineering claims used for advertising that are often contradictory to the facts of my own field experience with similar products. But, I do try to be fair and unbiased when testing and evaluating any detection method that might serve the requirements of Treasure Hunters.

I adhere to the old adage, Don't believe anything you hear, or read, and only half of what you see. A good reason for me to be skeptical of those who proclaim themselves Skeptics, to excuse their egotistical behavior against users of Remote Sensing Discrimination methods.

There is nothing scientific about posting an article from the internet, or a video from youtube to prove you are Scientific. Dell
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