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Old 03-01-2013, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by folharin View Post
hello morgan. pdk new fluorescent lamps can detect and transmission towers starting from how many meters?
economy fluorescent lamps detect 2,00m,with the PDK-2.1, and 1,00m with the PDK-2.0

sorry for the delay in answer
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Old 03-01-2013, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Hi Morgan, I wanted to ask you something as well.I am very curious of what your answer will be.
How often do you actually get the targets that PDK detects?
I believe that it should be something like 1 out 15. I am not saying that I had any experience at all whith your PDK but I also understand that this might also has to do whith places and may be even has to do whith the country you are treasure hunting.And I am not talking about climate or different soil conditions but about how often somebody finds valuable objects like gold and silver here and there but also how often he is able to recover them as well.
My self for example found out after many years of treasure hunting that even when you are able and by any means to detect something like gold or silver from a distance is very difficult to verify the target using your vlf or PI and this is happening for various reasons.Basically and most probably is because its size is not enough for the depth that it is burried to make it detectable by our detector.
I know that myself because I am practising dowsing and it was many times I got small treasures or valuable objects.It took me many years and a lot of effort to understand what it really happens.
Before that I was always thinking that I was not really getting a target whith my rods and I am telling you that this is the worst enemy for a dowser and of what he is doing. And I know very well now that this is also the basic reason of why all of the people practising the art finally give it up. Doubts!
To overcome this I had to dig very big and large holes and many times to clearly see why I am not able to verify the target(if any) whith one of my detectors.
It was most of the times I dug a very big hole for a tiny target and it was times I didn't verify my dowsed target at all.
All this was happening at a large scale at the beggining until I understood what exactly was going on.
Now I am much better of telling about the size of a target so at the same time this helped me to became more succesfull as well.Whenever I understand that a target is small and I don't get it whith my detector I just leave it and carry on whith the next one.
Always there is some gold objects here and there over here in Greece as in other countries as well and most of them dropped some time ago from some people and it is rare that some of them were hidden by hand.Accordingly to this treasure cases and things like that are finds of a lifetime and of course is logicall as well.
So, this is why I am asking you Morgan the question above.I am sure that you have some related experience about that(and by now) and your answer will probably give me a good idea of the depth that your PDK can go.Have you ever verified it in something deep?
If you didn't do it yet then you must.You must dig some targets even if your MD doesn't get them and especially if there is one that you get from a long distance.
If the percentage rate of recovering the targets is much more of what I said above then it is clearly that PDK is not suitable for big treasures because they are ussually burried deep or there is the case that PDK doesn't detect at all below some certain depth(cms) which I personally find impossible.Of course there is the case that you didn't come accross to a bigger treasure yet but my experience says that this is not the case this time.When you are in an ancient ruins place and you recover silver coins then the possibillities of something bigger burried in the area are very high and you should get it whith your LRL(if it has the abillity) sooner or later.
I believe that depth is proportional to target size as well as the distance is for an LRL like PDK.
Waiting for your valuable answer, well done for your videos Morgan

sorry for the delay to answer your questions

As maybe you know,my country is very poor if we compare to Greece ,i mean in gold/silver buried objects,and in 20 places that i go with PDK i get one single gold object,and for silver i get MAYBE in 20 places, 3 where i found silver coins or objects...this can be diferent according the amount of places and story around them,but everything can be unexpected,note that i only search privet fields not archeological and with ouners license,also if value object is found,its to share with field ouner,this is the agreement.

About the PDK-2.1 performance ,you are right,depth is proportional to target size,as well the distance...One greek ouner of PDK-2.1 found old gold necklace 15m dist. and 1m deep,he not locate with PI,he insist in digging becouse PDK PINPOINT was perfect,that is only one of many reports of people using this LRL,of course to TUNE the PDK for small objects is not for all,it need practise.

but as i said many times,the sucess of the PDK in finding GOLD,depends on the operator personal skill to FINE TUNING the LRL

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Old 03-04-2013, 08:00 PM
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A photo from inside my PDK!!!
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Old 03-04-2013, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
A photo from inside my PDK!!!
very nice Geo

good luck
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Old 03-04-2013, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
A photo from inside my PDK!!!
Here is one old PDK-2 prototype that i can share photo of inner box:

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Old 03-04-2013, 11:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post

sorry for the delay to answer your questions

As maybe you know,my country is very poor if we compare to Greece ,i mean in gold/silver buried objects,and in 20 places that i go with PDK i get one single gold object,and for silver i get MAYBE in 20 places, 3 where i found silver coins or objects...this can be diferent according the amount of places and story around them,but everything can be unexpected,note that i only search privet fields not archeological and with ouners license,also if value object is found,its to share with field ouner,this is the agreement.

About the PDK-2.1 performance ,you are right,depth is proportional to target size,as well the distance...One greek ouner of PDK-2.1 found old gold necklace 15m dist. and 1m deep,he not locate with PI,he insist in digging becouse PDK PINPOINT was perfect,that is only one of many reports of people using this LRL,of course to TUNE the PDK for small objects is not for all,it need practise.

but as i said many times,the sucess of the PDK in finding GOLD,depends on the operator personal skill to FINE TUNING the LRL
Hallo Morgan and thank you for your answer my friend.
I have to say that you must consider yourself very lucky if you get one gold object every 20 times you go out detecting.
I go out detecting many times to come up whith a few places or spots that I have a signal most probably coming from something that it is gold but ussually it is impossible to verify it using a metal detector and never mind to get it.As I said in my other post gold is not only rare out in the fields but nearly always it is small as well to be detected from our metal detectors.
Oh yes, I had my lucky shots as well but I was thinking completelly different when I was new in the hobby.
I am waiting a Greek friend of mine to send me his PDK 2.1 that you made fom him and see what happens.It will be a real tool to me if I can use it as a verification for my dowsed targets.
Then I might dig most of them even if my metal detector doesn't get them.
I am really looking forward to it.
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Old 03-04-2013, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Hallo Morgan and thank you for your answer my friend.
I have to say that you must consider yourself very lucky if you get one gold object every 20 times you go out detecting.
I go out detecting many times to come up whith a few places or spots that I have a signal most probably coming from something that it is gold but ussually it is impossible to verify it using a metal detector and never mind to get it.As I said in my other post gold is not only rare out in the fields but nearly always it is small as well to be detected from our metal detectors.
Oh yes, I had my lucky shots as well but I was thinking completelly different when I was new in the hobby.
I am waiting a Greek friend of mine to send me his PDK 2.1 that you made fom him and see what happens.It will be a real tool to me if I can use it as a verification for my dowsed targets.
Then I might dig most of them even if my metal detector doesn't get them.
I am really looking forward to it.

ok,hope you will find something valuable with PDK-2 or maybe the PDK-2.1.

here in advance the INSTRUCTIONS :

PDK-2.1 Electromagnetic Field Locator

Maybe you dont know but one silver or gold object must be buried underground and with SALT ,after that there is a period of minimum 3 years(maybe more,this depends on country,and weather conditions) that the PHENOMENON (electromagnetic field) will grow and the PDK is able to pick the TEST buried object. Recently buried objects not possible to locate,see the forum threads about the tema.

Read carefuly this instructions :


1-The TUNING knob must be all the time on the triangle mark,is the full power,it can be reduced to half only if there are interferences from ground or power lines.

2-The FINE TUNING it must be completly to the left position when you switch ON the PDK , and slowly rotate to the right(arrow direction) until start the beeps ALLWAYS in the referenced marked area,in searching mode the knob must be all the time in the reference marks,then you need to calibrate the LRL to the critical point when your finger touch the knob and emit intermitent beeps it means is ready for search,and time to time check with finger if is sensitive,if emit the beeps,sometimes need little adjustments when batteries go low.
Use ALKALINE batteries,or 9V rechargeable,never 10V batt.
The batteries can stay 2 or 3 hours,check the batt. condition by pressing the little knob,while pressing if RED LED stay open it means low batteries,change batteries.For other new model,change batteries when the FINE TUNING is runing in the RED MARKS.

Very important : when the PDK is ON,your MOBILE must be OFF to avoid interference.
If people stay in front of PDK will mask the buried metals PHENOMENON,people must be behind the PDK,when you searching or pinpointing the objects.
One more IMPORTANT thing about the PDK-2.1 ,never turn ON at home near electricity or PC computer becouse it start beeps crazy locating all this energy,it must turn ON many meters away from electrical equipment and lights,otherwise it OVERLOAD and maybe damage the PDK circuits,or even the high gain transistors burn becouse of the intensive electromagnetic fields very near the LRL .

This calibration must be done far from electrical sources(not possible to make calibration at home becouse of electrical interferences),with one hand in the handle ,(the TUNING knob must be in the TRIANGLE mark) and slowly move the FINE TUNING to the right until the LRL beeps intermitent like a sonar while touching the knob with finger. This way is very sensitive.
If this calibration result with erratic signals,reduce just a bit to the left until is stable.But it must beeps when touching the knob.
Is usefull if you searching in remote areas very far from TV VHF transmitters,where not exist RF electromagnetic waves,so the PDK must stay in top sensitivity to pick the targets.

This calibration is usefull if you are working not far from VHF TRANSMITTER. The VHF waves increase PDK power in 50% to locate the PHENOMENON(electromagnetic field around buried metal) of GOLD/SILVER buried objects.
Also this calibration is very useful when you searching in places where there is ground or transmitters interferences that make the PDK unstable,using this calibration is very stable,it will emit beeps only for gold or silver metals.
The PDK is tuned with frequency to find only noble metals .
This calibration consist in keep the FINE TUNING knob to emit only one beep when you touch the knob with finger,the capacitance make the circuit to emit ony one beep when PDK is sensitive,or many intermitent beeps(like a sonar) when is very sensitive.

Objects distances and deep :

very old coin - 8 m distance, the maximum reported deep was 60 cm

large object 20X20cm - 80 m distance,the deep can be even more than 5 m.
However ,this performance depends on countries,where this can be more distance or less,it depends on unknown factors about the PHENOMENON.
Report from Serbia said the PDK cant locate small coin,however other report from Greece said one small silver coin was found 10 m distance...


More time the object is underground,more intensive is the electromagnetic field around object,more distance will be located. ///////////////////Objects buried less than 20 years ago are not possible to be located.//////////////////////////////////
Searching in fields worked constantly by tractors is not possible to pick targets(electromagnetic field was destroyed) ,however is possible to pick the tagets below the tractors worked area,or places where the ground was not touched.
About the best weather conditions,PDK can be used with all weather conditions except when is raining days, high humidity can damage the circuits or produce interferences.
Sometimes the gold/silver emit the signal in only one direction. The field with interest to search must be worked in all directions, North,South,East,west.

You will know when PDK is locating Gold or Silver,it gives more than one beep in the same direction,and you can folow the beps until arrive to the spot,then if is dificult to PINPOINT with the LRL PDK,use the metal detector,if is very deep dig the ground and try again the metal detector,once the object is out from ground,the PDK will not emit beeps becouse the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD was destroyed when digging the ground around the object.

When using the PDK-2.1 in fields,its normal to hear some sparzed beep,becouse of other low conductive metals underground(copper ,bronze,brass etc) that create very little electromagnetic field and anomalies in the ground,but the high conductive noble metals Gold or Silver it emit much more stronger energy and are located very easy with the PDK receptor.

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Old 03-05-2013, 12:23 AM
LRLMAN LRLMAN is offline
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Default One of My PDK

Hi guys, Hi Teacher Morgan Geo and all guys, here one more time with some news in my arsenal of LRL`S

Here is one of My PDK but i can`t go out for test it, and i don know if this work fine or not.

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Old 03-05-2013, 12:29 AM
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Default PDK 1

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Old 03-05-2013, 05:55 AM
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Hi LRLman. Good work
It looks like a DCH model.
Can you give a photo from inside????

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Old 03-05-2013, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by LRLMAN View Post
Hi guys, Hi Teacher Morgan Geo and all guys, here one more time with some news in my arsenal of LRL`S

Here is one of My PDK but i can`t go out for test it, and i don know if this work fine or not.

It looks very nice,made of wood.

I wondering,why the 9V batt. on the top ?

photo is from 2005 ?
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Old 03-05-2013, 04:50 PM
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Default PDK1

Geo ok, i have photos from inside the schematic is the same that Teacher morgan expose in RS i Don`t know if there is any problem?? if no....then i will expose the image....and i have more LRL`S and images.



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Old 03-05-2013, 04:56 PM
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Default PDK1

HI T. MORGAN, the batery is for the oscilllator that is inside.

and the photo is not 2005 the camera was not good calibrate; this photos was taken in the last year.

saludos morgan.

greetings t. morgan.

pd. this evening i wil put the inside photos.

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Old 03-05-2013, 07:51 PM
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Default ????????

Hi Morgan. pdk made ​​a circuit with a transmitter or receiver too.??
Regards . vali
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Old 03-05-2013, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by LRLMAN View Post
HI T. MORGAN, the batery is for the oscilllator that is inside.

and the photo is not 2005 the camera was not good calibrate; this photos was taken in the last year.

saludos morgan.

greetings t. morgan.

pd. this evening i wil put the inside photos.

yes,now i remember the schematic...
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Old 03-05-2013, 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted by vali View Post
Hi Morgan. pdk made ​​a circuit with a transmitter or receiver too.??
Regards . vali
its like a two box system.
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by LRLMAN View Post
HI T. MORGAN, the batery is for the oscilllator that is inside.

and the photo is not 2005 the camera was not good calibrate; this photos was taken in the last year.

saludos morgan.

greetings t. morgan.

pd. this evening i wil put the inside photos.

Hi LRLMan.
Do you mean the passive receiver????
Is it like modificated DCH85???

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Old 03-06-2013, 07:40 AM
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hi morgan . The box can be seen in the photo. A copper coin of radius 16 Metro. And 120 cm depth there? Good or bad? Thank you.
regards . vali
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Old 03-06-2013, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi LRLMan.
Do you mean the passive receiver????
Is it like modificated DCH85???

The PD can be upgrade with a extra 9V oscillator type DCH85,yes i try it and works fine.
I gave this option to LRLMan...
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Old 03-06-2013, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by vali View Post
hi morgan . The box can be seen in the photo. A copper coin of radius 16 Metro. And 120 cm depth there? Good or bad? Thank you.
regards . vali
If you like to locate copper coins,this your LRL is good

as to me i prefere noble metals,i made the PDK more selective...
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Old 03-06-2013, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by vali View Post
hi morgan . The box can be seen in the photo. A copper coin of radius 16 Metro. And 120 cm depth there? Good or bad? Thank you.
regards . vali
here copper coins and objects everywere,and to dig 1,20m to take a copper coin ,not for me

even if it is silver coin i complain

for gold no problem
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Old 03-06-2013, 08:03 PM
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Yea T. Geo is the passive receiver with a oscillator inside the black tube, but maybe the oscillator is not the best oscillator in frequency, because i don`t have oscilloscope por tuning the right frequency. all my LRL need calibrate on field and oscilosc and frequency meter my question is: how i can do???., there is other easy metod for calibrate???
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Old 03-07-2013, 05:57 AM
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Originally Posted by LRLMAN View Post
Yea T. Geo is the passive receiver with a oscillator inside the black tube, but maybe the oscillator is not the best oscillator in frequency, because i don`t have oscilloscope por tuning the right frequency. all my LRL need calibrate on field and oscilosc and frequency meter my question is: how i can do???., there is other easy metod for calibrate???
No need for special calibration.
When i went to Portugal i had with me one "same" lrl. Oscilator was near to 60Khz, and antenna was 125 to 130 Khz. It is more important to regulate the power of Tx signal. I good way is to use a voltage regulator instead of the single 9V battery.
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Old 03-07-2013, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by LRLMAN View Post
Yea T. Geo is the passive receiver with a oscillator inside the black tube, but maybe the oscillator is not the best oscillator in frequency, because i don`t have oscilloscope por tuning the right frequency. all my LRL need calibrate on field and oscilosc and frequency meter my question is: how i can do???., there is other easy metod for calibrate???
I think that your LRL is like this.......
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Old 03-07-2013, 02:41 PM
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Hi Morgan. I deposited the iron circuit for more than a century, it has become 2,800 cm deep. It is all metal circuit. Set the magnet is only 5.5 kHz to 100 kHz frequency signal is not injected. What do you have to adjust. Thank you. vali
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