hello all: the tries of morgan was made near of houses, farm, of trucks, possible electrical lines cellulars, trash, crap, for me ideal be tries in open field totally plane soil free of large rocks, trees, etc, not only whit medall objetive or coins, but jar full of coins of coper or silver, for see the distance of detection on big metal buried to hig depth may be 80 cms, too objetives of iron brass lead aluminum minerals, i understand the pd is not one spacial gpr, but see the advantages or limitations of these, i see the pd one little critice inestability, due may be to alonso go out inconcluse for came to experimentation whit ambicious dchs prototipe , pd is in comparation dish detector, dchs and mineoro two box because not detect little coins, pd is major detect coins and large objetives to near distance
mineoro detect to horizont dchs to medium range, absortive of esteban evervary medium and large and away
the pd can came whit modifications major what dchs ..