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Old 07-17-2009, 10:28 AM
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Qiaozhi Qiaozhi is offline
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
No. You think. And always thought.
The RS forum knows very well.
Always twisting things eh Ozzy? It's genetic, hopeless.
Your selective memory is at work once again. At no time have I ever called Morgan a liar. My position concerning the PD is very clear and has remained unchanged throughout the RS Project. Morgan is reporting his experiences honestly, but it is the interpretation of the results that are in question. Your continued refusal to test any of these devices in a controlled double-blind test, highlights the fact that you are frightened of the results.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
This is a lie. You are as true as a 2 dollar bill.
A number of skeptics here agreed to take part in the back-engineering of Morgan's PD, and I think it is fair to say that Morgan would not currently be in a position to demonstrate a clone to Geo without our assistance. If only your "help" had been available, the PD clone would most likely now be sporting a cheap calculator hot-glued to the top of the case, together with ludicrous claims of detection at 2km. or even further.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
The members of the RS forum know very well you never believed Morgan and made fun of him when he first got results with the PD. Something you never could. To be fair, you were not the only one. Max and others did it too.
It's all there in the RS forum for everybody to see.
I see your goldfish memory is still active. You must learn to concentrate more.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Now you pose as an inocent person who wants to erase all your past actions?
What are you? An autist?
Don't be ridiculous. You change your attitude as a tactic to reach your goals.
And you think nobody noticed it?
My position concerning the PD is unchanged. It appears to be a combination of the Gold Gun and an old Heathkit design.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
You are from UK. You live very close to Morgan. Why are you afraid to join Geo in this trip uh? To feel ashamed? Fearing to reveal your ID?
Let people draw their conclusions.
It is not up to the skeptics to disprove your outrageous claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and you need to supply that evidence. You may recall, I stated earlier, that there is a silver tea tray in orbit about the Earth, and I challenged you to prove me wrong. So far I have seen nothing from you to dispute my claim.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Anyway, do you want a better debunkering than the one just mentioned toward yourself regarding your twisted and double attitude?
Still no sign of the debunkering then? Just more tactics designed to avoid answering a direct question.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Ozzy, you are a trick of the mind, in your own words...
You seem to be getting yourself confused. None of the skeptics here are using mind tricks for the purposes of long-range wallet mining.

At the end of the day, Morgan's PD is the only device we have encountered that is worthy of investigation. Any device (such as modified RTs, and the like) with ridiculous claims of 2km or more range, are just too ludicrous to be taken seriously. My expectation is that the PD would fail a controlled double-blind test, but that does not imply that I think Morgan is lying. You are the only one who is making those claims on our behalf. Human beings have a great capacity for self-deception, and I fully expect this to be the case here. Of course, there are always some who are willing to believe anything without a shred of evidence. Perhaps you already believe there's a silver tea tray up there in orbit, and don't need any proof.
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