Regarding diode/s in another thread (about Ranger T.).
I made a detector via microvolt amp for distance, with this input I detect a silver adorn (pidgeon) 40 or more meter, but is not at high depth. Also treasure of silver cavalry and spoons, etc., 80 m distance buried at 90 cm depth, two copper clips for batteries car, and many other objects as coins, also part of official (militar) clothe (gold threads!). When I use 4 diodes in serie the difference was notorious, this four Ge diodes (selected, small leakage) make big difference. The only problem I have here is hot temperature wich cause deviation in this system transistors array CA 3046. This was BIG discovery made myself in the end of the 80s. Common duplicator or quadruplier with capacitors DOESN'T WORK. DIRECTLY DOESN'T WORK. This work as "natural" quadriplier, but don't know why... Note that the diodes was added after due many experiments. Sensor as 3 antennas, the center switched, the extremes 2 to mass unbalanced via 560 and 680 ohms resistors. My first find was in my home, a burn 7805 IC, green by the "antiquity" at 10 meters distance. Was because the metalic dissipator is copper...
This is just first stage of the detector. R1/R3 is 2,000, this is the amplificative factor. Detect a 1 uV in input. This is part of my old paper. There are important details in input sensor, don't showing here... SORRY FOR TO POST HERE, NOT IN YOUR MOCKERY SECTION CALLED REMOTE SENSING.