this is a stupid polemic I think. You can of course get IR radiations and other kind if e.g. you heat up a piece of platinum to 1000 °C but we are talking here of "light" emission or "IR" (always light but IR frequency) emission by e.g. metal bars at room temperature, for me room temperature is around 25°C not 1000. Now if you energize the platinum bar at 1000 degrees is obvious you get a strong emission , with continuos spectrum, of e.g. IR photons. Easy to detect this. Nothing new. At 25°C the IR emission of a piece of platinum is near zero. You have to count photons. I talked about thermal noise cause thermal is the cause of the small emission of what you and Esteban are talking about here. A piece of e.g. gold at 25°C give the same amount of IR photons of one my fart. Or maybe my fart emit much more IR ! What you want detect that way ? My farts ? That's the big picture. Have absolutely no meaning talking about of light or ir emission from metals at room temperature... cause a piece of plastic or a plant can emit thousand times more ! A small number of photons is generated by thermal and then ? So what ? Wanna use a photomultiplier-tube to see or count them ? How to discriminate if an IR photon is generated by the soil itself, or a plant, or a piece of plastic, or a stone, or even some airborne particles ??? How that supposed IR photons could e.g. pass soil layers ? Have you asked yourself ? Who talks of treasure emitting light want illude naives, I repeat again. Caltech professors talk of things they can measure with costly machines and hi-technology devices, and they are right cause know physics. I agree with them and know already that... Boltzman's experiencies are really old on the topic. Nothing new. They can count even single photons emitted by my farts ! Can you !? Or Esteban ??? How ? With garage-made detectors ? C'mon... it's a stupid polemic you're doing here. You can't and Esteban also. Treasure = energy for me have no meaning. Or want really people belive that "Treasure=ENERGY"! So read my radical assertion of "no emission" (that is wrong if you want split hairs) as "too small to be detected by you". Just this. Kind regards, Max |