Originally Posted by hung
I already warned you about prejudgements. Instead of performing research to know wheter one thing is true or not, you deliberately do things in hope to support your own thoughts and opinions. This is not scientific at all.
In the case above, your circuit or whatever, is built to disclaim signal lines. So in your own 'conclusions', your circuit wil do it correctly no matter what.
Sorry, this alone would bring no credibility at all to the game, although you may think the opposite.
For once in Hung's misguided existence, he has made a valid point. It is up to the believer in signal lines to prove that they exist. It is not the role of the non-believer to prove they don't exist. However, in this case, it is highly commendable of Carl to take the initiative, as the believers such as Hung and Dell are either unable, unwilling, or incapable of providing the required evidence. With the current situation, skeptics can quite rightly say that the signal lines do
not exist, since there is no proof.
Now's your chance Hung to prove your mental superiority to the world. Build a device that conclusively proves that signal lines exist, and then post the details here for anyone to duplicate. That's what Carl is planning to do. Now it's your turn. Otherwise, put up or shutup.