Emitter ana 5 invented by me around the year 2004 (based on ring of Polish specialist in shape radiation K.Bullyszko). It radiates the indigo color of subtle radiation, and brings into the state of samadhi, even the shape drawn on paper works just like other radiesthetical devices (it can be a computer printout or a photocopy). Metal engraving also works well. The ana 5 emitter corresponds to the Ajna chakra and develops paranormal abilities. The device can be strongly enhanced by placing a transparent rock crystal (quartz crystal) in the center, on a small stand that does not go beyond the inner outline of the first ring. I would like to note that the device probably concentrates energy on the first central ring. The emitter wheel should be facing up or north. The device radiates perpendicular to its surface. It can be worn on yourself or used with a crystal.
author of construction: Gregory Podgorniak, Poland
diagram. Emitter ana 5
full size here: