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Old 04-08-2016, 04:42 PM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 482
Default The totEm works (@ ivconic & co)

If you want to discuss TOTeM (...)

If you want to discuss TOTeM or any other LRL, please go to www.longrangelocators.com


Hey, don't react so rough. I know the development history of the Totem -
it was your scientific approach to find out its value and I fully respect this.

But on the other hand it blurrs the whole detection capability completly up!

If someone wants to discover the attributes of red and blue color he also
should not mix up both and afterwards starts to make its analyziation work.

In fact analyzation means puting things apart and study their components in the first place.

And Qiaozhi, if you say that the totem has to be discussed at the LRL-forum this is
already an indirect proof that it has nothing to do with the real metal-detection technologies
we are discussing here. Otherwise you would not want to prohibit it here.

The solution is simple:
The Heathkit part is clearly working, so why not built a TOTeM without it?!

because ivconic at the moment shows that even technical experts meanwhile say that this thing works,
and this is absolutly poor!

When does the TOTeM works? When 10 factors are correct like:
- sun is shining
- radio stations nearby
- ground this or that condition
- ground without any finds nearby
- no metal close to the users body
- and and and

AND as long as all those factors are not clear and as long as the Totem gave no repeatable clear results
under scientifical test conditions this thing is just working concerning "gives random signals" or if a
metal is in reach of the Heathkit coil and circuit.

btw. personally I will shurely not discuss at the LRL-forum because most of the persons there
are completly unable seeing things as they really are, technical and provable.
Simple spoken they just claim stuff because its their wishdreams.

And of course the Totem is just like oil into their fires! Burn fire burn and dream on.

And perhaps even many from the LRL-forum, which includes the ITMD book info,
just buy this book so they can built their super duper dream LRL TOTEM detector which is
highly praised or hot discussed at the LRL forum. Very good for the book sales.

Who cares. Technically seen the TOTEM is a problematically thing because it mixes red with blue!
On a such intense level that even guys like ivconic meanwhile think that it works.
But what he thinks is completely worthless as long as he has no clearly proven LRL test results!
And I won't wait for them in such an untechnical working forum (or with such crazy people there)
as the LRL-forum, because this will take forever.
Either we find it out here on a technical proven base if it really works or not or not at all.
Because I'm also not discussing inside a freaky astrology forum about physics and astronomy!
This would be just be throwing pearls infront of the pigs who understand noting and will just believe what pleases them.


seems someone has really problems with this topic...
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