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Old 03-23-2014, 03:32 AM
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Funfinder Funfinder is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 482
Default LRL believe versus real probability

Mainly people distinct between serious, real and proven things OR "could be", believe-stuff and probability etc.

The 1st selection are the things in life you can count and rely on, the second part is blurred, they could or could be not and consist of unsecure stuff. Might it be hope, wish-thinking, "makes me feel good" or what-ever intentions - the problem of everyone persons life is that it is floating between past and future - and the future is not fixed yet. Logically seen the future always will be a result of the factors of the past but nobody can compute the whole world up to its smallest parts to get an absolutly true result concerning "exactly this way the life of this or that person will be".

Now I wanna show you the difference between believe and probability - because it is neccassary to make this whole LRL-nonsens an end.

If you roll the dice you have a real chance to get the number 1 to 6 on top! Mathematically seen within 6 tries one try could be or results in one of those 6 numbers.
People play lottery because they "believe" (commonly spoken) they could win - in reality they only have a "real" chance about 1:100.000.000 to get the jackpot or even worst.

But if we compare chance with believe, by believing someone has no real chance at all ! All whats there is wish-thinking and the intention having or reaching the intented results. Its comparable with unrealistical hope. Their "will-structure" is based on those goals so they believe in it - beyond any realistical point of view! Per instance people believe in all kind of gods because it makes their life more important or "longer" (they believe it will never end - hahaha, how idiotic - it will end like a balloon hit by a needle!)

Treasure-Hunting is a game of chances and probability! If you search every square-cm of this world up to 50meters deep you will find metal- and other objects without end!
It is not a question of believe but of probability and how to raise it.

If you search for angels, demons and gods they even will not be proven able to lift a 0,0000001 gram or oz piece of dust for you! It is even ridiculous that after already over 50 billion people with their "undying" souls have been "created" (died on earth), the concentrated power of this illusional wish-dream is not even able to create one single prove of afterlife at all! Do they have fun to play "hide and seek" with the living world, did they become evil and cruel sadists who enjoy it if the living people does not get the slightest proof or evidence of afterlife at all from them?

Why I wanna tell you all this?

Because I wanna teach you the difference between real chance and probability versus illusional believe idiocy!

And the whole thing is absolutly important for LRLs, because:

!You must raise the real realistic find-chances or this stuff is just a stupid believe-product!

If you guys who are psychically fixed on LRLs would be open minded the first thing you do would be expend your little tests! Stop being concentrated on your test garden but visit places 20, 100 and 1000 km or miles away and test your stuff also there!

Built variable resistors and capacitors or autotuning digital compare-circuits into your stuff that is accessable easily from the outside so you can adjust your fantastic LRL systems to make it work on different places!

All this will raise the probability in finding stuff if your device has the power to find anything at all!

Do you understand the whole procedure?

I repeat: Raise the real possible chance or probability of your LRL until it will be acceptable as a proven working devide and until is no longer a thing of pure believe like a dowsingrod!

Make the chance that it works everywhere from 1:1000 to 1:2!

You are talking about different ground, weather, EM-field, radio-station and country conditions!
If this really is a true argument and if your detectors are really working at all this can be solved by make them adjustable to different situations!

Every most simple Digicam nowadays can work in bright or almost dark light conditions!

The same has to be a standard for your LRLs if they have a functional potential at all!

Not night and day functioning, of course this should be standard, too, but working in every countries!

Dear LRL-tinkerers, I am not your enemy, so please don't get or understand me wrong, I just wanna show you the important factors to get a real acceptable device!

You also don't wanna have a smart-phone or laptop that works on the moon, only!

But I demand some kind of good work and won't accept "this stuff works"-fooling around!
If the Mineoro locators per instance only really?! ?????? working at the jungle of Brazil the producers are not allowed to suggest it would works everywhere! They have to test it first!

This topic here is extremly important for you and all LRL interested persons because it shows the huge difference of "all kind of fancy beliefes" versus "probably real working stuff" !

We have already splited up this whole forum into "pure believe stuff" like dowsingrods and the pure electronical and therefore controlable working devices (sub-forum 1st and 2nd, but the 2nd is the only one with realistical potential).

So the pure electronical division (this sub-forum here) has a chance to prove its stuff ha a potential of "real functioning". Don't lose this chance with absurd wannabe circuits and no progress at all!

Look at the progress time table here:
It is a shame! We had already in 2006 persons who claimed how well their LRLs would work!

Could they improve it so it is meanwhile working everywhere in the world? NO!

Could they explain why it works at all? NO!

Could they inform us what has to be done to make it "adjustable for everywhere"? NO!

Change it ! ! ! !
I say it again:
Change it ! ! ! !

Because if you can't change it, this will be the prove for everyone outside that shows:

Those All-Electronic-LRLs are just a stupid, ridiculous and cunning believe- and fake-show!
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