Originally Posted by Dedevil
I explained after much frustration that an underground stream has a charge. The fields are "scalar" meaning they have magnitude and direction. Maybe now they will start to understand how the other secret LRL's are working.
Originally postd by Qiahozi
Clearly you do not understand the difference between a scalar and a vector.
Originally postd by Dedevil
Yes actually i do understand and think you have not one bit of understanding of the theory of relativiity.
TRY going back to school with JP. BABY!
What school should we go to where we can learn that a scalars have magnitude and direction?
All the schools I know of teach that scalars don't have magnitude and direction -- even high schools.
I can't find a school which teaches that scalars have magnitude and direction, but I know where to find hungscience and BS.
Are you spreading made-up hungscience BS, or is there a school we can go that teaches how scalars have magnitude and direction?
Best Wishes,